275 films are worth seeing

The film is divided into blocks of decades. In each block, they are ranked by year of release. (Exceptions are the trilogy shot in a decade - I put them for readability near each other.)
Each line contains the following information about the film:
Name (original title), country of manufacture, the year of issue, name of the director.
1. Birth of a Nation (The Birth of a Nation), USA, 1915, directed by D. W. Griffith
2. Intolerance (Intolerance), United States, 1916, D. W. Griffith
3. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (Das Kabinett des Dr. Caligari), Germany, in 1919, Robert Wiene
1. Nosferatu, symphony of horror (Nosferatu, Eine Symphonie des Grauens), Germany, in 1922, F. W. Murnau
2. Dr. Mabuse the Gambler (Dr. Mabuse der Spieler), Germany, in 1922, Fritz Lang
3. The Last Man (Der letzte Mann), Germany, in 1924, F. W. Murnau
4. Gold Rush (The gold rush), USA, in 1925, Charles Spencer Chaplin
5. The Big Parade (The Big Parade), USA, in 1925, King Vidor
6. Metropolis (Metropolis), Germany, in 1926, Fritz Lang
7. Faust (Faust), Germany, in 1926, F. W. Murnau
8. The Passion of Joan of Arc (La passion de Jeanne d'Arc), France, 1927, Karl Theodor
9. Circus (The Circus), USA, 1927, directed by Charles Spencer Chaplin
10. Andalusian dog (Un chien andalou), France, in 1928, Luis Bunuel
1. All Quiet on the Western Front (All Quiet on the western front), 1930 Lewis Milestone
2. The Blue Angel (Der blaue Engel), Germany, in 1930, Joseph Sternberg
3. M (M), Germany, in 1931, Fritz Lang
4. The lights of the big city (City Lights), USA, in 1931, Charles Spencer Chaplin
5. Uglies (Freaks), 1932, the United States, Tod Browning
6. Frankenstein (Frankenstein), USA, in 1931, James Whale
7. Zero for conduct (Zero de conduit), France, in 1932, Jean Vigo
8. King Kong (King Kong), the United States 1933, Merian C. Cooper, Ernest B. Shedsek.
9. Atalanta (L'Atalante), France, in 1934, Jean Vigo
10. Mutiny on the Bounty (Mutiny on the Bounty), USA, 1935 Frank Lloyd
11. Thirty-nine steps (The 39 Steps), the United Kingdom, in 1935, Alfred Hitchcock
12. It Happened One Night (It happenes one night), USA, in 1934, Frank Capra
13. The Bride of Frankenstein (Bride of Frankenstein), USA, in 1935, James Whale
14. New Times (Modern times) 1936, Charles Spencer Chaplin
15. Grand Illusion (La grande illusion), France, in 1937, Jean Renoir
16. Stagecoach (Stagecoach), USA, in 1939, John Ford
17. The day begins (Le jour se leve), France, in 1939, Marcel Carne
18. Gone with the Wind (Gone with the Wind), USA, in 1939, Victor Fleming
19. The Rules of the Game (La regle du jeu), France, 1939, Jean Renoir
20. The Wizard of Oz (The wizard of Oz), USA, in 1939, Victor Fleming
21. Wuthering Heights (Wuthering heights), 1939 William Wyler
1. Grapes of Wrath (The grapes of wrats), USA, in 1940, John Ford
2. The Philadelphia Story (The Philadelphia Story), USA, in 1940, George Cukor
3. The Great Dictator (The Great Dictator), USA, in 1940, Charles Spencer Chaplin
4. The Maltese Falcon (The Maltese Falcon), USA, in 1941, John Huston
5. Citizen Kane (Citizen Kane), United States, 1941, Orson Welles
6. Yankee Doodle Dandy (Yankee doodle dandy), USA, in 1942, Michael Kertits
7. Evening Visitors (Les visiteurs du soir), France, in 1942, Marcel Carne
8. Casablanca (Casablanca), USA, in 1943, Michael Kёrtits
9. Arsenic and Old Lace (Arsenic and Old Lace), USA, in 1944, Frank Capra
10. Gaslight »(Gaslight), USA, in 1944, George Cukor
11. Rome, Open City (Roma citta aperta), Italy, in 1945, Roberto Rossellini
12. A short scramble (Brief Encounter), United Kingdom, in 1945, David Lean
13. Life is beautiful (It's a wonderful life), USA, in 1946, Frank Capra
14. Silence - gold (Le silence est d'or), France, in 1947, Rene Clair
15. Quay Orfevr (Quai des Orfevres), France, in 1947, Henri-Georges Clouzot
16. Spring in a small town (Spring In A Small Town), China, in 1948, Fei Mu
17. Orpheus (Orphee), France, in 1949, Jean Cocteau
18. Late spring (Bansyun), Japan, in 1949, Yasujiro Ozu
1. Japan Rashomon, 1950, Akira Kurosawa
2. Diary of a Country Priest (Le journal d'un cure de campagne), France, 1950, Robert Bresson
3. A Streetcar Named Desire (A streetcar named desire), United States, 1951, Elia Kazan
4. An American in Paris (An American in Paris), the United States, 1951, Vincente Minnelli
5. The Idiot (Hakuto), Japan, 1951, Akira Kurosawa
6. Noon (High Noon), United States, 1952, Fred Zinnemann
7. Live (IKIR), Japan, 1952, Akira Kurosawa
8. The moon in a fog (Ugetsu Monogatari), Japan, 1953, Kenji Mizoguchi
9. Road »(La strada), Italy, in 1954, Federico Fellini
10. Seven Samurai (Sitinin, but Samurai), Japan, 1954, Akira Kurosawa
11. Sansho the Bailiff (Sansё give), Japan, 1954, Kenji Mizoguchi
12. Word (Ordet), Denmark, 1955, Carl Theodor Dreyer
13. Rebel Without a Cause (Rebel without a Cause) USA 1955, Nicholas Ray
14. Pather Panchali (Pater Panchayat), India, 1955, Satyajit Ray
15. The Seventh Seal (Det sjunde inseglet), Sweden, 1956, Ingmar Bergman
16. Nazarene (Nazarin), Mexico, 1957, Luis Bunuel
17. Wild Strawberries (Smultronstallet), Sweden, 1957, Ingmar Bergman
18. 12 Angry Men (12 Angry Men), United States, 1957
19. Funny Face (Funny face), United States, 1957, Stanley Donen
20. The Bridge on the River Kwai (The Bridge on the River Kwai), United Kingdom - United States, 1957, David Lean
21. Ashes and Diamonds (Popiol i diament), Poland, 1958, Andrzej Wajda
22. Hiroshima, My Love (Hiroshima, mon amour), France, 1958, Alain Resnais
23. Dizziness (Vertigo), United States, 1958, Alfred Hitchcock
24. Breathless (A bout de souffle), France, 1959, Jean-Luc Godard
25. Sweet Life (La dolce vita), Italy-France, 1959, Federico Fellini
26. Adventure (L'avventura), Italy-France, 1959, Michelangelo Antonioni
27. Some Like It Hot (Some Like It Hot) (Somelike it hot), 1959
28. North by Northwest (North by Northwest), United States, 1959, Alfred Hitchcock
29. Ben-Hur (Ben-Hur), United States, 1959, William Wyler
30. 400 strokes (400 blows), France, 1959, Francois Truffaut
1. Psycho (Psycho), the United States, 1960, Alfred Hitchcock
2. Viridiana (Viridiana), Spain, 1960, Luis Bunuel
3. Rocco and His Brothers (Rocco ei suoi fratelli), Italy-France, 1960, Luchino Visconti
4. Naked Island (Hadaka-but Sim), Japan, 1961, Kaneto Shindo
5. Jules and Jim (Jules et Jim), France, 1961, Francois Truffaut
6. Last Year at Marienbad (L'annee derniere a Marienbad), France-Italy, 1961, Alain Resnais
7. Live your life (Vivre sa vie), France, 1962, Jean-Luc Godard
8. Eight and a half (Otto e mezzo), Italy-France, 1962, Federico Fellini
9. Kill a Mockingbird (To kill a mockingbird), 1962 Robert Mulligan
10. Lawrence of Arabia (Lawrence of Arabia), United States, 1962, David Lean
11. The Leopard (Il Gattopardo), Italy-France, 1963, Luchino Visconti
12. Servant (The Servant), United Kingdom, 1963, Joseph Losey
13. Silence (Tystnaden), Sweden, 1963, Ingmar Bergman
14. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (Dr. Strangelove or: how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb), United Kingdom, 1964, Stanley Kubrick
15. The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (Les Parapluies de Cherbourg), France, 1964, Jacques Demy
16. The gendarme of Saint-Tropez (Gendarme de saint-Tropez), France, 1964, Jean Giraud
17. Doctor Zhivago (Doctor Zhivago), United States, 1965, David Lean
18. Person (Persona), Sweden, 1966, Ingmar Bergman
19. Blow (Blow Up), Great Britain, Italy, 1966, Michelangelo Antonioni
20. Man and Woman (Un homme et une femme), France, 1966, Klozh Lelouch
21. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Il), Italy, 1966, Sergio Leone
22. How to Steal a Million (How to steal a million), the United States, 1966, William Wyler
23. Bonnie and Clyde (Bonnie and Clyde), United States, 1967, Arthur Penn
24. Samurai (Le samourai), France-Italy, 1967, Jean-Pierre Melville
25. 2001: A Space Odyssey (2001: A Space Odyssey) United Kingdom, 1968, Stanley Kubrick
26. Theorem (Teorema), Italy, 1968, Pier Paolo Pasolini
27. Wild Bunch (The Wild Bunch), United States, 1968, Sam Peckinpah
28. Night of the Living Dead (Night Of The Living Dead), 1968 George A Romero
29. Gotterdammerung / Damned (Gottdammerung / The Damned) Italy-Germany-Switzerland, 1968, Luchino Visconti
30. Rosemary's Baby (Rosemary's Baby), United States, 1968, Roman Polanski
31. Easy Rider (Easy Rider), USA, 1969 Dennis Hopper
32. My Night at Maud (Ma nuit chez Maud), France, 1969, Eric Rohmer
33. The little things in life (Les choses de la vie), France-Italy, 1969 Claude Sautet
1. The Conformist (Il conformista), Italy-France-Germany, 1970, Bernardo Bertolucci
2. Death in Venice (Death in Venice), Italy-France, 1971, Luchino Visconti
3. The Last Picture Show (The Last Picture Show), the United States, 1971, Peter Bogdanovich
4. A Clockwork Orange (A Clockwork Orange), United Kingdom, 1971, Stanley Kubrick
5. The Godfather (The Godfather), United States, 1971, Francis Ford Coppola
6. The Godfather II (The Godfather II), USA, in 1974, Francis Ford Coppola
7. Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie), France, Spain, Italy, 1972, Luis Bunuel
8. The Canterbury Tales (I racconti di Canterbury), Italy, 1972, Pier Paolo Pasolini
9. The Last Tango in Paris (Last Tango in Paris), Italy, France, 1972, Bernardo Bertolucci
10. Cries and Whispers (Viskningar och rop), Sweden, 1972, Ingmar Bergman
11. Going Places (Les valseuses), France, in 1973, Bertrand Blier
12. destroy the earth (Badlands), United States, 1973. Terrence Malick
13. Great grub (La grande bouffe), France-Italy, 1973, Marco Ferreri
14. Alice in the Cities (Alice in den Stadten), Germany, 1974, Wim Wenders
15. Chinatown (Chinatown), United States, 1974. Roman Polanski
16. The Night Porter (The Night Porter), Italy, in 1974, Liliana Cavani
17. Someone flew over the Cuckoo's Nest (One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest), the United States, 1975, Milos Forman
18. Picnic at Hanging Rock (Picnic at Hanging Rock), Australia, 1975, Peter Weir
19. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Monty Python and the Holy Grail), United Kingdom, 1975, Terry Jones and Terry Gilliam
20. Jaws (Jaws), United States, 1975, Steven Spielberg
21. Bullfighting love / Realm of the Senses - (Ai-no corrida / L'empire des sens), Japan, France, 1976, Nagisa Oshima
22. Ugly, Dirty and Bad (Brutti, sporchi e cattivi), Italy, 1976, Ettore Scola
23. Rocky (Rocky), United States, 1976, John J.. Evildsen
24. Taxi driver (Taxi Driver), CSHA, 1976, Martin Scorsese
25. That Obscure Object of Desire (Cet obscur objet du desir), France and Spain, 1977, Luis Bunuel
26. Annie Hall (Annie Hall), USA, Woody Allen, 1977
27. Star Wars (Star Wars), the United States, 1977, George Lucas
28. The Deer Hunter (The deer hunter), United States, 1978, Michael Cimino
29. The Tin Drum (Die Blechtrommel), Germany, France, with the participation of Poland, 1979, Volker Schlöndorff
30. Apocalypse Now (Apocalypse Now), United States, 1979, Francis Ford Coppola
31. Hair (Hair), United States, 1979, Milos Forman
32. Alien (Alien), the United States, 1979, Ridley Scott
33. Caligula (Kaligula), Italy - USA, 1979, Tinto Brass
1. The Shining (The Shining), the United Kingdom, 1980, Stanley Kubrick
2. The Elephant Man (The Elephant Man), United States, 1980, David Lynch
3. Raging Bull (Raging Bull), USA, in 1980, Martin Scorsese
4. Alexander the Great (O Megaleksandros), Greece-Italy, 1980, Theo Angelopoulos
5. Boat, (Boot, Das), Germany, 1981, Wolfgang Peterson
6. Stories of Ordinary Madness (Storie di ordinaria follia), Italy-France, 1981, Marco Ferreri
7. Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (Raiders of the lost ark)), the United States, 1981, Steven Spielberg
8. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Indiana Jones and tample of doom), United States, 1984, Steven Spielberg
9. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Indiana Jones and the last crusade), the United States, 1989, Steven Spielberg
10. ET, ET (ET, the Extra-Terrestrial), United States, 1982, Steven Spielberg
11. The Wall (Pink Floyd - The Wall) (Pink Floyd - The Wall), the United Kingdom, the United States, 1982, Alan Parker
12. Diary for My Children (Naplo gyermekeimnek), Hungary, 1982, Marta Meszaros
13. Veronika Voss (Die Sehnsucht der Veronika Voss), Germany, 1982, Rainer Werner Fassbinder
14. Tootsie (Tootsie), United States, 1982, Sydney Pollack
15. Fitzcarraldo (Fitzcarraldo), Germany, 1982, Werner Herzog
16. Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence) (Merry Christmas Mr.Lawrence), Great Britain, Japan, 1983, Nagisa Oshima
17. "Zelig» (Zelig), United States, 1983, Woody Allen
18. Once in America (Once upon a Time in America), USA, Italy, 1983, Sergio Leone
19. Aliens (Aliens), the United States, 1984, James Cameron
20. Paris, Texas (Paris, Texas), Germany, 1984, Wim Wender
21. The Terminator (Terminator), United States, 1984, James Cameron
22. Amadeus (Amadeus), 1984 US, Milos Forman
23. When Father Was Away on Business (Otac na službenom putu), Yugoslavia, 1985, Emir Kusturica
24. Decline of the American Empire (Le declin de l'empire americain), Canada, 1985, Denis Arkan
25. Ran (Ran), Japan, 1985, Akira Kurasawa
26. The Last Emperor (Last Empreror (Ultimo imperatore), Great Britain, Italy, China, 1985, Bernardo Bertolucci
27. Fly (Fly, the), United States, 1986, David Cronenberg
28. Brazil (Brazil), United Kingdom, 1985, Terry Gilliam
29. Back to the Future (Back to the Future), United States, 1985, Robert Zemeckis
30. Back to the Future II (Back to the Future II), the United States, 1989, Robert Zemeckis
31. Back to the Future III (Back to the Future III), the United States, 1989, Robert Zemeckis
32. The sky over Berlin / Wings of Desire (Himmel uber Berlin / Les ailes du desir), Germany-France, 1987, Wim Wenders
33. The Belly of an Architect (Belly of an architect), Great Britain, Italy, 1987, Peter Greenaway
34. Empire of the Sun (Empire of the Sun), the United States, 1986, Steven Spielberg
35. Platoon (Platoon), United States, 1986, Oliver Stone
36. Rain Man (Rain man), United States, 1988, Barry Levinson
37. Time of the Gypsies (Dom za Vesanje), Yugoslavia, 1989, Emir Kusturica
38. Sex, lies and video (Sex, Lies, and Videotape), United States, 1989, Steven Soderbergh
1. The Godfather Part III (The Godfather III), (the final part of the trilogy), USA, 1990, Francis Ford Coppola
2. Pretty Woman (Pretty woman), USA, 1990, Garry Marshall
3. Bullet in the Head (Bullet in the head), Gongong, 1990, John Woo
4. Goodfellas (Goodfellas), USA, 1990, Martin Scorsese
5. The Silence of the Lambs (The Silence of the Lambs), United States, 1991, Jonathan Demme
6. Night on Earth (Night on Earth), 1991 US, Jim Jarmusch
7. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (Terminator 2: Judgment Day), US 1991
8. Delicatessen (Delicatessen), France, 1991, Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Marc Caro
9. Doors (Doors), United States, 1991, Oliver Stone
10. Three Colors: Blue (Trois couleurs bleu), Poland - France - Switzerland, 1992, Krzysztof Kieslowski
11. Three Colors: White (Trois couleurs blank), Poland - France - Switzerland, 1993, Krzysztof Kieslowski
12. Three Colors: Red (Trois couleurs rouge), Poland - France - Switzerland, 1994, Krzysztof Kieslowski
13. Piano (The Piano), Australia - New Zealand - France, 1993, Jane Campion
14. Groundhog Day (Groundhog Day), the United States, 1993, Harold Ramis
15. The Schindler's List (Schindler's List), United States, 1993, Steven Spielberg
16. So far, so close (Wings of Desire 2) (In weiter Ferne, so nah!), Germany, 1993, Wim Wenders
17. Pulp Fiction (Pulp Fiction), the United States, 1994, Quentin Tarantino
18. Changkingsky Express (Chung King Express), Hong Kong, 1994, Wong Kar-wai
19. Forrest Gump (Forrest Gump), United States, 1994, Robert Zemeckis
20. Leon (Léon), France-USA, 1994, Luc Besson
21. The Shawshank Redemption (The Shawshank Redemption), the United States, 1994, Frank Darabont
22. Interview with the Vampire (Interview with the vampire: the vampire chronicles), United States, 1994, Neil Jordan
23. Dead (Dead man), United States, 1995, Jim Jarmusch
24. The City of Lost Children (Cite des enfants perdus, La), France, 1995, Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Marc Caro
25. Seven (Seven), United States, 1995, David Fincher
26. 12 Monkeys (Twelve Monkeys), United States, 1995, Terry Gilliam
27. Four Rooms (Four rooms), United States, 1995, Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez, Alexandre Rockwell, Allison Anders
28. Living in Oblivion (Living in oblivion), the United States, 1995, Tom Di chill
29. Casino (Casino), United States, 1995, Martin Scorsese
30. Basic Instinct (The Usual Suspects), the United States, 1995, Paul Verhoeven
31. Trainspotting (Trainspotting), United Kingdom, 1996, Danny Boyle
32. Breaking the Waves (Breaking the waves), Denmark, 1996, Lars von Trier
33. Fargo (Fargo), USA, 1996, Joel Coen
34. The English Patient (The English patient), USA, 1996, Anthony Minghella
35. Secrets and Lies (Secrets & Lies), United Kingdom, 1996, Michael Lee
36. Life is Beautiful (Vita e bella, La) 1997, Roberto Benigni
37. Open your eyes (Abre los ojos), Spain-France-Italy, 1997, Alejandro Amenabar
38. Knockin 'on Heaven (Knocking on heaven's door), Germany, 1997, Thomas Ian
39. Fireworks (Hana-Bi), Japan, 1997, Takeshi Kitano
40. Titanic (Titanic), United States, 1997, James Cameron
41. Run Lola Run (Lola rennt), Germany, 1998, Tom Tykwer
42. Celebrities (Celebrity), USA, 1998, Woody Allen
43. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels), United Kingdom, 1998, Guy Ritchie
44. American History X (American History X), USA, 1998, Tony Kaye
45. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Fear and loathing in Las Vegas), the United States, 1998, Terry Gilliam
46. Saving Private Ryan (Saving Private Ryan), USA, 1998, Steven Spielberg
47. All About My Mother (Todo sobre mi madre), Spain, 1999, Pedro Almodovar
48. Magnolia (Magnolia), the United States, 1999, Paul Thomas Anderson
49. The Green Mile (The Green Mile), United States, 1999, Frank Darabont
50. Fight Club (Fight Club), United States, 1999, David Fincher
51. The Girl on the Bridge (Fille sur le point, La), France, 1999, Patrice Leconte
52. The Matrix (The Matrix), United States, 1999, Larry Wachowski, Andy Wachowski
53. Being John Malkovich (Being John Malkovich), United States, 1999, Spike Jones
54. Dogma (Dogma), United States, 1999, Kevin Smith
55. Nice People (Beautiful people), the United Kingdom, 1999, Jasmin Dizdar
2000 - 2007
1. Requiem for a Dream (Requiem for a Dream), United States, 2000, Darren Aronofsky
2. Gladiator (Gladiator), United States, 2000, Ridley Scott
3. Remember (Memento), United States, 2000, Christopher Nolan
4. Dancer in the Dark (Dancer in the dark), Denmark, 2000, Lars Von Trier
5. Battle Royale (Battle royale), Japan, 2000, Kinji Fukasaku
6. Pianist (Paniste, La), France, Austria, in 2001, Michael Haneke
7. Mulholland Drive (Mulholland Dr.), France - USA, 2001, David Lynch
8. Amelie (Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, Le), France, 2001, Jean-Pierre Jeunet
9. Donnie Darko (Donnie Darko), USA, 2001, Richard Kelly
10. Black Hawk Down (Black Hawk Down), USA, 2001, Ridley Scott
11. Man's Land (No Man's Land), Bosnia and Herzegovina - Slovenia - Italy - France - UK - Belgium, 2001 Danis Tanovic
12. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring), USA - New Zealand, in 2001, Peter Jackson.
13. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The), USA - New Zealand, 2002, Peter Jackson.
14. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The) United States - New Zealand, 2003, Peter Jackson
15. Pianist (The Pianist), France, 2002, Roman Polanski
16. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon), Taiwan - United States, 2000, Ang Lee
17. Talk to Her (Hable con ella), Spain, 2002, Pedro Almodovar
18. Nazi (Fuhrer Ex), Germany - Italy, 2002, Winfried Bonengel
19. Interstate 60 (Interstate 60), US - Canada, 2002, Bob Gale
20. Mood for Love (In the mood for love), France - Hong Kong, 2000, Wong Kar-wai
21. A Beautiful Mind (Beautiful mind), USA, 2001, Ron Howard
22. The City of God (Cidade de dues), Brazil - France - USA 2002, Fernando Meirelles, Katia Lund
23. Hero (Hero), Hong Kong - China, 2002, Zhang Yimou
24. All or nothing (All or nothing), United Kingdom - France, 2002, Mike Lee
25. Chicago (Chicago), the United States, Canada, 2002, Rob Marshall