20 films worth seeing for all women

And you will not believe, but they are not necessarily about love. They are multi-faceted and unpredictable, as does the fair sex.
< Website I am already collected for you such films, but worthy of the paintings so much that fit them all in one material can not be. Therefore meets the second part of the collection of films that are worth seeing for all women. Save them - sometimes just hear the words, or drawn from the idea of the film can change lives.
My Blueberry nochi

Director Wong Kar-Vayu managed to remove the "blueberry" in his every frame of the movie. Excellent acting, unparalleled work of the operator create the effect of light of unreality, as if you sit at night, sleepy, at the bar and eat blueberry pie. And, of course, we can not but mention the music, without which the film would have lost a significant part of the charm.
Moscow to tears does not verit

This film Vladimir Menshov - a recognized cult masterpiece, almost the best film in the history of the USSR and the most beloved film of women around the former Soviet Union. The secret is simple: close all history shows is vital, without pathos and exaggeration, honestly and kindly. With plenty good share of humor and wonderful phrases, have flown apart citations.

"Stepmother" - a film about strong feelings, motherhood, devotion and circumstances, which is difficult to master, but if it fails, then the whole world is telling us thank you. Fine Thread drama tied into a ball, exposing the complex and contradictory nature of the main characters in a brilliant performance of Susan Sarandon and Julia Roberts.
Painted vual

Quiet village lost in the mountains. The cholera epidemic, mercilessly takes the lives of people. Edvart Norton and Naomi Watts, excellently played by Walter and Kitty. Their love story is somewhat different than the one described by Somerset Maugham in the novel, but it is attractive in its own way. The film is ideal "from" and "to", and every detail in it makes it clear that true love is not one that is born in a fleeting flash of passion lovers, but one that occurs in a bid partners to understand each other and themselves.
"Clock" - an ambiguous, incomprehensible swirl of deep film. Film-revelation. Film-mystery, a lot of which is hidden in the woman's soul. The director and actors do not try to please the audience and to make his statement clear. They want people who consider themselves unhappy, thinking, "Maybe happiness together?" And the people who consider themselves happy, thinking that if they are happy.
Brutal romans

Not everyone will dare to take on the adaptation of the classics, because it is very difficult to move on the screen all the sensuality, beauty and wisdom of the great work. But Eldar Ryazanov managed that have failed to do - to make a film brighter literary work. Thanks to the actors, scenery and of course, music Ostrovsky sparkle with new colors, and the Russian film industry was in its collection one of the most popular actresses - Larissa Guzeeva.
Bridget Dzhons

Enjoy the history of ordinary girl Bridget Jones, who boldly dressed up in bunny costume and with little bother about what will think about it around can be an infinite number of times. Especially wrapped in a blanket, with a large mug of cocoa and sweets.
The Mirror Has Two litsa

Incredibly good movie with great actors and an entertaining story. Great actress Barbra Streisand managed to orchestrate and play amazingly vital and positive in all respects, the story of a love that pleases the eyes and ears, and heart.
Fall in love with me if osmelishsya

This is a movie-game, laid-back, easy and very life. Atypical history, atypical behavior of the characters. I do not understand - this is their action is too violent, or feeling too strong. It does not need to look for the reasons explained, consistency, logical ending - for each they own. Better to just look and feel.
My only
A wonderful movie for the living spirit of the people. The plot is so full of color and characters of different colors that you feel really spicy flavor of life on the screen. Fortunately, the story of Ann Devereaux, who has not learned to be a good mother to his two sons, but at least it tries to, does not abound with moralizing, but just shows how everything is in life.
In bed with vragom

For some, the glass house on the lake - it's a dream, for others - a golden cage, out of which you can only start life from scratch. Just this thriller "Sleeping with the Enemy", which, thanks to an impressive game Julia Roberts and Patrick Bergin and atmospheric soundtrack looks at one go.
English patsient

"We are the true country, but not those that are inscribed on the cards." Directed by Anthony Minghella has created not just a movie, a guide, a kind of guide to life, mistakes and, of course, love. You already capture the first of his pictures: a tiny airplane flying over the vast desert. Similarly, people are flying through space and time of the event, trying to land and often suffer crash.
Gone vetrom

There are good movies, but there is simply a masterpiece, and that these include the film "Gone with the Wind." You can always revise and each time find for yourself something new in this incredible story of a strong spirit of a woman who was not like the others and cope with these blows of fate, with whom I can not cope even some men.
Fried Green pomidory

Good good-quality picture of those that leave their mark and the light in the shower. In her normal routine and intertwined with some everyday magic, which is the transience of everyday routine is not noticed, but it is worthy of admiration. So gently and softly film penetrates deep down, but does not cause an abscess to "boil" or "freeze" on terror. Watch and enjoy every moment of this atmospheric film.
This is one of the few films of the events that you observe quietly dissolved. The film masterfully intertwined personal drama and global challenges of the postwar period. Therefore, without the likes and dislikes you can move into a hero, to live his life in two hours, and films from the watch as the story through several destinies of history in the making of an era. And, yes, Kate Winslet is divine.

"Atonement" - this atmospheric story of love and hate, passion and hopelessness, the desire and the hope and betrayal relationship with talented actors who were not afraid to expose the soul. The whole movie you will be accompanied by great music, and it seems that she izvuchit from somewhere inside. After viewing do not expect open emotion. Rather, something changes in my thoughts, in his eyes, because such pictures do not pass without leaving a trace.
Cracks - small cracks in the smooth canvas of our lives. Some cracks remain with us forever, creating an intricate pattern, while others shatter our heart, soul and life. It's about these fatal cracks in question in this film, in which the creators of the show hidden from the female world, all filled with the expectation of adult life, mysteries, occasionally breaks out, and love.
White Oleander
This film can begin to look quite by accident, but I caught myself thinking that it is impossible to break away from the screen - like a poison, but beautiful white oleander movie intoxicate and captures its atmosphere. The characters are the most sharpened like a razor, but especially - a mother and daughter who seemed to walk on the edge, deadly and alluring.
All of my materi

Pedro Almodovar in this film showed us part of his vision of the world, their attitude to the woman he loves and takes off like no one else can. Every woman in this film an extraordinary - bright, colorful as a rare bird. Charms their sincerity and a certain artlessness, but in a good way. It seems it's not even a movie at all, but life itself.

It is a sensual picture, forcing thoughtful and delightfully smile. Interweaving the emotions of heroes, brightness, vividness, the importance of dialogue and the tangibility of the story - the drama of four hungry people love - create an irresistible urge to touch each character, and to admit them in love. Because each of us is perfect: in her joy, in her sorrow, in happiness and in thought.
Watch the first part of the post: 20 movies that every woman should look
And also a selection of our favorite films:
25 films that will bring Christmas mood
20 films that inspire
Images from the movie: kinopoisk
via www.kinopoisk.ru/