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Generator of ideas Alexander Tatarsky

Alexander Tatarsky born December 11, 1950 in Kiev.
Alexander's parents worked in the circus. His father, Michael S. Tatar wrote many scripts circus and was recorded in 1998 in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's most famous author for the circus on the number of officially registered clowning and reprises. His clowning and reprise clowns performed Pencil Leonid Yengibarov Konstantin Berman, Oleg Popov, Boris Vyatkin, Nikolai Shulgin, Yuri Nikulin and brothers Shearman.

Virtually all of his childhood spent in Alexander small circus. He was always in the company of gymnasts, trainers and was familiar with the clowns Yuri Popov, Nikolai Shulgin and Yuri Nikulin.

As a child, Alexander Tatarsky dreamed of becoming a circus worker, and, in particular he wanted to be a clown, but he failed.

Tatar said: "Clown required a lot of special skills. Nikulin nothing could be able to stay and a great clown. But ordinary clown was able to pretty much everything - walking on a wire, juggle ... I did not do that could, and did not want to learn. Went to the animation - but it is also a kind clowning ».

Do animation Alexander Tatarsky wanted, despite his father's work. While Michael S. Tatar worked at the Kiev studio and wrote scripts for cartoons. Sasha saw this situation and also wanted to work there. Later he came to the studio "Kievnauchfilm" and with 17 years started to learn the basics of animation production. There he participated in the creation of a plurality of strips, and later mastered almost all occupations, which were directly related to the production of cartoons from zalivschika to the director.
Alexander Tatarsky also studied at the Kiev Institute of Theatre and Film, specialty screenwriter, film critic, editor. He graduated in 1974, and while studying at the institute encouraged to take specialized courses triennial animators USSR State Committee for Cinematography.

In 1980, Alexander moved to Moscow, where he got a job as a director in the animation studio creative association "Screen". At the same time he was an auditor for two years taking classes at the Higher Courses of scriptwriters and directors of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR State Committee for Cinematography and. Settle down in Moscow it was very difficult. Born in Ukraine, he had his own culture, mentality, lifestyle and behavior rules. Therefore, to adapt to city life was not easy for him. Once in an interview, Alexander said that Moscow studio has a different level, not like the studio in Kiev. Moscow Tatar seemed uncomfortable, but in the interview he said: "In Kiev, build a career - is the same as in the sand head fight».

Later, Anatoly Prokhorov said: "Sasha could not sit in Kiev, where he was stifling in some creative sense, although colleagues who surrounded him were very subtle, wonderful people. Sasha escaped to Moscow. Sensation of expansion he has always been. Feeling that he would studio, Tatarsky was years 20 ».

The first film Alexander Tatarsky, shown on television, became the cartoon "Plasticine Crow", which immediately acquired the status of a cult film. It was one of the most famous and recognizable cartoon characters in the 1980s, has received more than 25 awards at various festivals. The history of this cartoon is quite remarkable. Your personal cartoon young director was allowed to create an exceptional basis for his help in the development of the capital's television animated screensavers for the Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980. Shortly after "Plasticine Crow" was completed, it was immediately banned by recognizing "ideologically unprincipled." Cartoon saved Ksenia Marina's directors and Eldar Ryazanov, while makes the program "Cinema" and despite censorship released "Plasticine Crow" on the air.

Second cult work of Alexander Tatarsky became saver for television program "Good night, kids' stays on the screen for about thirty years. The success of the Tatar provided his assertiveness. Sam Alexander Tatarsky talked about how to plan the creation of this famous screen saver: "The writer Eduard Uspensky wanted to make a splash," Good night, kids! ". I read his script and said he will not do it - he did not like me at all. And brazenly made his own script saver that goes on the air for 25 years. " This screensaver was included in the Guinness Book of Records for the number of outputs on the air.

Third-known work of Alexander Tatarsky was the cartoon "Last Year's Snow Was Falling", created in 1983 under the scenario Sergei Ivanov. Alexander Tatarsky said: "I wanted to shoot" Last year's snow ", and I was told that it is necessary to shoot something about pioneers, collecting scrap metal. I resisted and screamed. The scandal lasted four days. And on the fifth I came in and said, "Okay. I want to make a cartoon about Lenin. " Then they tightened: "What's that for a cartoon?" "Well, - I say - Lenin was a very cheerful person. Make a funny movie about Lenin - all obhohochutsya. " They realized that he would be on the table for a movie party cards. Asked: "Can not about Lenin?" - "I am a famous film director, I want about Lenin." Two weeks went and demanded - want about Lenin! Even then figured out that the film will be based on a story about Lenin Zoschenko. And got what he wanted - do what you want - not only about Lenin! And I did, "Last year's snow».

Cartoon soon became so famous that the audience practically dismantled it to various quotes: "Not enough, you know ... It will be small," "Oh, I really love this wealth and respect! ..". Censorship is also not cheated their attention this cartoon. Phrases such as: "Who is there, for example, in the last kings? I'll be the first! "- The author had to defend with great difficulty. Upon delivery of the animated film "Last Year's Snow Was Falling" censors almost brought to a heart attack Alexander Tatarsky its numerous nagging. They said that the director with utter contempt relates to the Russian people, because in the cartoon presented "only one Russian peasant hero, and he - an idiot." While such accusations were very serious. As a result, the film turned out patches warped, it was several times larger than the text, and the Tatar said that he was "ashamed to even listen to him." Cartoon "Last Year's Snow Was Falling" at first did not want to show on the annual report in the House of Cinema. The situation was saved Alexander Timofeevsky, carrying this cartoon to a report in the box, for what was later forced to leave the studio. The film made a lasting impression on the audience. Yuri Norshtein said the film - a brilliant, everything else can be discarded. Later cartoon had many years of success, has won many festival awards. Anatoly Prokhorov said: "In the film" Last Year's Snow Was Falling "originally did not have any text. It originated in an order - a real boss "Multtelefilma." But the result was great. And Sadalsky read man wonder exactly ... ". Igor Kovalyov supplement the story: "At first there were only a few interjections:" Ah! "And" Oh ". But when the top demanded "to explain this nonsense," the phrase hero arose so naturally ... At the heart of all the words of the Tatar. Something was invented and Ivanov, but Sasha 'said' it my way. Much in the film copied from life itself. Here we come back from the Kiev Palace of Pioneers, where he taught children. Hour of the night, cold dog, freezing rain. Shivering at the bus stop waiting for a trolley bus. Near freezing drunk. Passing car and splash it from head to toe. Uncle: "We ... still have not calculated." We laughed and forgotten, and Sasha gave replica hero ».

The next cartoon Alexander Tatarsky was the work of "The reverse side of the moon." This film in 1984 was voted the best film at the festival of festivals in London. At this festival were shown those films that have received first prizes at other festivals. Also, "The Other Side of the Moon" won first prize in Zagreb. The script for the film "The Other Side of the Moon" was not written by Alexander Tatarsky, and his friends. At first, he had a desire to make this film in Kiev, but it did not work. Everything else, by the time Eduard Nazarov made the film "There was a dog", showing the audience the project on Ukrainian folk theme. And then did Tatar Georgian film, considering that in Georgia itself has never been. The most interesting - that Georgia decided that his cartoon - this is the best Georgian film. Writer Viktor Nekrasov wrote to his friend from France, he saw two Russian films - "The Other Side of the Moon" and "Last Year's Snow Was Falling". And for the first time for him in the head crept into the idea that if Russia takes such wonderful cartoons, then it has a future. This stunning cartoon Tatar also was a huge success and a great number of awards.

An impressive number of awards won and follow-Alexander Tatarsky - "The investigation lead balls" made by him jointly with Igor Kovalyov in 1986. This cartoon appeared branded characters Alexander - detectives Brothers Pilots. In 1998, this cartoon has received the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art for a series of animated films "From the Life Pilot Brothers" and the program for children "Attic Pilot Brothers».
In 1986, Alexander Tatarsky won an international tender for the production of animation projects for the American television channel TBS. His work has had tremendous success in the United States. This was the first case of successful work of animation director of the USSR for the customer from the West. In those same years Alexander Tatarsky was invited to work as a lecturer at the Graduate School of Scriptwriters and Film Directors, where, thanks to Alexander began produced highly qualified specialists. Among them was Alex Kharitidi, subsequently "Palme d'Or" at Cannes for his thesis "Gagarin", taken under the artistic direction of Alexander Tatarsky studio "Pilot».
Subsequent work by Alexander's also had success and been honored with numerous awards, followed by Tatar began to create an independent school and its production studio. In 1988 he opened in Moscow animation studio "Pilot" - the first in Russian history independent non-state film studio. All subsequent years of his life, Alexander Tatarsky was its president and artistic director. Projects of this studio he acted as writer, producer and director. Anatoly Prokhorov said: "Alexander Tatarsky did many things right. He did not think he lived. He did not think about the studio, he did not build the studio. He lived in the studio and the studio ».

Tatar created a brand new studio. The selection criteria he served one point: he teach that person or not. In the words of Alexander himself: "It is inexplicable as love. I was amazing breeder - not mistaken almost anybody! ". And then it was time to metamorphosis in the country, which resulted in the shops it was impossible to acquire. Experienced specialists, including from the animation industry, began to disperse to different countries to feed their families. Now workers studio "Pilot" literally scattered all over the world. They work in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Australia, Israel, Spain and other countries. According to Tatar: "It was superkomanda which is no longer and will not be! Country profukali it, as many other things. " Alexander himself for leaving his students was a kind of shock, because he worked with them seven or eight years, spending on their learning a huge amount of time and effort. Many of them became not only the students, but rather close friends. Rolan Bykov to calm Tatar, once told him a remarkable phrase: "Sasha, if not in the theater there is a secret group of actors, who does not dream to break away and create his own theater, it is very bad theater, he has no future ..." .
Alexander Tatarsky of one of the first name in the US, and the main reason why he did not leave his studio, were his disciples. But America has left his collaborator and colleague Igor Kovalyov, get a job in one of the studios in Hollywood. Later he talked about Tatar: "Everyone is talking about Sasha as a generator of ideas, I've never seen anything like it. Imagine how much held creative man-hours in the same Yalta, Kiev, Koktebel, Moscow. Endless debate from morning to morning, "What if we do it here, so ..." I grab his head: "Hurrah! Where the pencil? "And he has illuminated a completely different concept. All the ideas I liked. From each could make a film ».

Projects studio "Pilot" was a huge success and went to the main Russian TV channels. They have received high awards, in particular three awards "Taffy" for four years. Tatar feature studio "Pilot" was the fact that all the films made in it, had not only domestic but also international festival awards. These include two nominations for "Oscar", "olive branch", the Grand Prix and the first awards of various prestigious festivals. The assets of the studio several awards "Nika", "Golden Ostap", "Taffy", a large number of nominations for the awards and the award "Golden Eagle". Even before the release of the screen works Tatar in the 1970s in the USSR there are many beautiful works of masters, whose films are highly regarded around the world and received high awards at international festivals. But it is most often concerned the so-called "festival" cinema, designed for a specific audience. Work Tatar knew practically every Russian viewer, and saw them over and over again. In the words of Alexander Tatarsky himself: "When George Norshtein absolutely deserved recognize the best cartoonist of all time, somewhere, say, in Japan, we must understand that it is an achievement of 120 journalists writing about animation. But this has nothing to do with our Russian animation, which really wide audience that looks "Shrek" and "Finding Nemo" has no idea ».

In 1995, Alexander Tatarsky was elected President of the Open Russian Festival of Animated Film, and in 1998 for a series of animated films "From the Life Pilot Brothers" and the program for children "Attic Pilot Brothers" Tatar was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art. Two years later, in 2000, he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
For many years, Alexander was elected secretary of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia. He became a member of the Academy "Nika" and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences "Golden Eagle". He is over 20 years engaged in teaching activities. Some of his disciples in the future become recognized masters of animation that received for their movies the best rewards. Many of his students are working in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Ufa, as well as in Kiev. Most of them are the creative team of the studio "Pilot".

One of the last works of Alexander Tatarsky was the film "Red Gate Rashomon" and "Gone with the Wind," which won many awards, in particular - a gold award festival in Zlín and gold award of the World Children's Film Festival in Chicago. Film studio "Pilot" of all time has received more than 350 awards at festivals and diplomas. This is the only domestic film studio that has achieved such success. Anatoly Prokhorov said: "This is a very important idea that for him there were no prohibitions. The most important thing was - to begin to do what he is - and then, as always, it turns out that no one else - not yet know how. As a result, Sasha, absolutely not thinking about it, began to make the post-Soviet animated film in the era of Brezhnev, Chernenko. That's why his films authorities took over the anti-Soviet and put on the shelf. With his job and start a genuine reorganization of the brain, and not breaking anything and everything in our animation. With him - a decade later - began and Russian animation industry on a national scale and world-class ... He's the head of a half-turn, went ahead without thinking about the consequences ».
In the last years of his life, Alexander Tatarsky initiated and creator of the "Mountain of Gems" - the largest cycle of cartoons that ever appeared in the domestic animation. These cartoons have also received many prestigious awards and caused a great response from the public and the press.
Project "Gem Mountain" was created by tales of peoples of Russia. There were 52 cartoon, each of which lasted for 13 minutes. The total project duration was 11 hours, which was more than 8 full-length animated films.
