22 SMS from loving mothers
Mother's Day, we have already mentioned, but that is no reason to forget about their moms. Call them often, or at least write SMS - because they always really interested in how are we doing and what is happening in our lives.
Website with love stories collected correspondences, which reflect the depth of her mother's care.
Read more SMS:
20 SMS that could write only women
20 SMS that can send only parents
25 SMS senders deadlocked
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/25-sms-otpraviteli-kotoryh-zashli-v-tupik-811810/
Website with love stories collected correspondences, which reflect the depth of her mother's care.

Read more SMS:
20 SMS that could write only women
20 SMS that can send only parents
25 SMS senders deadlocked
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/25-sms-otpraviteli-kotoryh-zashli-v-tupik-811810/