25 SMS from most of these cynics
They say the cynics - is tired of romance. Whatever it was, the art of the response identifier such people have mastered better than many others.
Website has collected 25 SMS in which triumphed cynicism and a healthy sense of humor.
Read more SMS:
20 SMS that can send only parents
25 SMS from people who find a way out of any situation
30 SMS about the joys and challenges of romantic relationships
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/30-sms-o-radostyah-i-trudnostyah-romanticheskih-otnoshenij-771360/
Website has collected 25 SMS in which triumphed cynicism and a healthy sense of humor.
Read more SMS:
20 SMS that can send only parents
25 SMS from people who find a way out of any situation
30 SMS about the joys and challenges of romantic relationships
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/30-sms-o-radostyah-i-trudnostyah-romanticheskih-otnoshenij-771360/