Flower horoscope for 2022: what kind of flower you are and what changes await you in the near future
Every woman is a flower. Someone gentle, and someone bold and prickly. Each is unique and beautiful in its own way. Even the ancient Celts said that each of us from birth is associated with a flower and carries within itself. character. I love the flower horoscope because it contains a lot of truth about us.
Today's edition. "Site" prepared flower-horoscopeIt will tell you what awaits you in 2022. Change is coming!
Flower horoscope
Take care of yourself and remember that before you start worrying about anything, you should ask yourself the question: “Is it worth it?” Then smile, give up on everything and remember the main thing. Try to be in a balanced harmonious state - this is the way to success!
Thistle (11-20 January) Thistle should avoid excessive workloads. Try to rest more and find reasons for joy. Traveling in 2022 will bring you new acquaintances and a charge of positive!
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Posted by Aleandra Rasulova (@ale_magic_gift)
Immortal (January 21-31) Take care of your family and loved ones. Try not to get into conflicts and not create them yourself. Trust those around you. Understand that everything that happens to you leads you to a bright future!
Mistletoe (1-10 February) In 2022, many mistletoe will be in the spotlight. You will shine and it will attract others. However, your publicity can cause envy. It is especially important to be wary of work colleagues.
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Posted by б Glass Jewelry б (@batikbeads_)
Beauty (February 11-20) For Beauty, 2022 is a time of activity and fruitful efforts. If you work hard, you can achieve great financial heights. However, periodically do not forget to pause and rest, otherwise you will burn out.
Mimosa (21–28/29 February) No significant changes are expected in 2022 for Mimosa. Live in comfort and tranquility, enjoy what you have!
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Publication by kбaбtбyбaб (@ka.tya3572)
Mack (March 1-10) Many representatives of this flower in 2022 will receive a proposal of the hand and heart. Family Macs will reach a new level of relationships. There may be news of pregnancy!
Lilia (March 11-20) Lily, who decides in a year to redo all the things that she considers important for herself, it is worth remembering: only those who have a good rest work well. Take time to relax and relax!
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Publication from SPB Flower Delivery (@romromstudio)
Foxglove (March 21-31) Stars predict cardinal changes in all spheres of life!
Magnolia (April 1-10) Magnolia should remember the folk wisdom: “If you go quietly, you will continue!” Keep your successes a secret and don't brag. Evil thoughts are not the best allies on the road to success, so don’t provoke others. It'll work!
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Post by Tatiana - your aromatherapist (@aromapsihologiyi_26)
Hydrangea (11–20 April) The fulfillment of your wishes will depend on you. Listen to your intuition and move forward!
Georgin (21-30 April) Take the initiative into your own hands. Don’t expect other incredible things – do it yourself. You're gonna make it!
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Publication by Alexander Alferov (@aleandraalfer0va)
Landysh (May 1-10) Horoscope of flowers by date of birth predicts Landysh time of changes and decisive actions. It is important to find a reliable partner and like-minded person!
Portulak (May 11-20) It is better to be alone, so the risk of remaining cheated will be minimal. By the end of the year, the world will change for the better!
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Publication from Red and Green. Garden and vegetable garden (@inga.bolkunova)
Chamomile (21-31 May) Chamomile should rely on itself. Other people’s advice, even from smart and respected people, is unlikely to come in handy, since their “authors” will not be able to calculate all the necessary factors.
The Bell (June 1-10) In crisis situations, you always find the right solution. Your ingenuity and cold mind should be envied. However, it is worth remembering that tenderness and weakness are also important. Do not overexert yourself, arrange days of rest and relaxation.
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Posted by Ilya Klebanov (@ilyaklebanov)
Daisy (11-21 June) The daisy will come to the fore the interests of the family. It is worth taking care of elderly relatives and young children. Pay maximum attention to your family – it is very important for them now!
Tulip (June 22 – July 1) Be careful what you spend. It is worth keeping a table of expenses and income, so as not to get into trouble.
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Posted by Milena (@mily_ginu)
The water lily (2-12 July) Remember that a long tongue is not good! Watch what you say and who you say. Health will not fail!
Violet (13-23 July) This is the best time to start traveling! 2022 will bring new acquaintances and vivid impressions that will be remembered for a long time!
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Publication by Elena Rumyantseva (@ilariya1005)
Rosehip (July 24 – August 2) Your leadership skills will help you advance in the professional field! But in personal life, there will be no special changes.
Sunflower (3-12 August) In 2022, the Sunflower should not be conceited and behave too confident. Try not to fall into extremes and emotions, a harmonious state will help to cope with many life situations!
Rose (August 13–23) Sometimes it is worth taking a risk and throwing everything on the map of life. Remember that luck loves the brave!
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Publication from Sapling/Rose/Clematis/Host (@rozy_vashej_mechty)
Dolphinium (24 August – 2 September) Strengthen immunity, be more outdoors and observe the regime of sleep and rest. Remember that health is the main human resource!
Carnation (September 3–11) 2022 is truly ideal for finding something new. You can change your life with new friends or reliable partners.
Astra (September 12–22) To get what you want, Astra will have to make a lot of effort, but it will be worth it! To calm the nerves will help meetings with relatives and friends, as well as trips to nature.
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Posted by ekaterina (@katsiaryna.tseliazhenka)
Veresque (September 23 – October 3) In relation to friends, Veresk will behave loyally and responsibly. You are always ready to share useful advice and provide financial assistance. However, this should be done carefully, so as not to do yourself and others a “bear” service!
Brave heart, rich imagination, passion for adventure and incredible artistry - this rattling cocktail could bring Camellia to trouble if she did not know how to correctly calculate her strength. But luckily, she can.
Lilac (14–23 October) In 2022, the representative of this flower should devote as much time as possible to her beloved. Changing the image, a new hairstyle or updating the wardrobe will be very useful. Yes, and a course of massage or yoga would not hurt to enroll!
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Posted by Elena Perminova (@elena.art1)
Fresia (24 October – 2 November) Be careful, there's someone around you who's trying to move you out of your seat. Set clear boundaries and do not be lazy to protect yourself and your interests.
Orchid (3-12 November) This is a great time to move up the career ladder! At the same time, you do not even have to make special efforts, everything will go by itself, organically. And that luck and luck are your frequent companions - do not forget to thank for what you already have!
Peony (13–22 November) You are a wonderful friend, loyal and honest, ready to give the last and risk yourself for friendship. Your openness and sincerity attract people around you. However, you should be more careful in communication. Your goal for 2022 is to cleanse your surroundings of toxic people who are “getting out” at your expense.
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Posted by Flowers Foamiran, Driftwood (@handmade.nt)
Gladiolus (November 23 – December 2) Thanks to perseverance and perseverance in their work, Gladiolus representatives in the floral horoscope will achieve great heights in all spheres of life. In 2022, fortune will go with you. You'll be lucky in a lot of things. I recommend buying a lottery ticket just in case!
Dandelion (3-12 December) Energetic and active Dandelions in 2022 will have to go through many difficult life situations. Don't worry or worry. You will go through all this with dignity and gain experience and wisdom. In the future, your work on yourself will pay off in full!
Lotus (13–22 December) Lotus is distinguished by unusual behavior, extraordinary thinking, which saves where everyone else falls into a dead end and gives up. Your perseverance, wisdom and endurance are the key to success. Know that in 2022 you will be able to do a lot!
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Posted by @haus_garten_natur
Edelweiss (December 23-31) Edelweiss - freedom-loving, impetuous and do not like routine. So, maybe you should not drive yourself into the box and do something unloved? Live as you please and take every opportunity to change your life for the better!
I also suggest you find out what flowers patronize each zodiac sign and attract love into their lives, so that the next bouquet you gave not only brightened the mood of the person who received it, but also attracted real happiness into his life!
My floral horoscope is Magnolia. I’m looking forward to a good year if it works! And how do you like the flower horoscope, found for yourself tips on new 2022?
Today's edition. "Site" prepared flower-horoscopeIt will tell you what awaits you in 2022. Change is coming!
Flower horoscope

Take care of yourself and remember that before you start worrying about anything, you should ask yourself the question: “Is it worth it?” Then smile, give up on everything and remember the main thing. Try to be in a balanced harmonious state - this is the way to success!
Thistle (11-20 January) Thistle should avoid excessive workloads. Try to rest more and find reasons for joy. Traveling in 2022 will bring you new acquaintances and a charge of positive!
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Posted by Aleandra Rasulova (@ale_magic_gift)
Immortal (January 21-31) Take care of your family and loved ones. Try not to get into conflicts and not create them yourself. Trust those around you. Understand that everything that happens to you leads you to a bright future!
Mistletoe (1-10 February) In 2022, many mistletoe will be in the spotlight. You will shine and it will attract others. However, your publicity can cause envy. It is especially important to be wary of work colleagues.
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Posted by б Glass Jewelry б (@batikbeads_)
Beauty (February 11-20) For Beauty, 2022 is a time of activity and fruitful efforts. If you work hard, you can achieve great financial heights. However, periodically do not forget to pause and rest, otherwise you will burn out.
Mimosa (21–28/29 February) No significant changes are expected in 2022 for Mimosa. Live in comfort and tranquility, enjoy what you have!
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Publication by kбaбtбyбaб (@ka.tya3572)
Mack (March 1-10) Many representatives of this flower in 2022 will receive a proposal of the hand and heart. Family Macs will reach a new level of relationships. There may be news of pregnancy!
Lilia (March 11-20) Lily, who decides in a year to redo all the things that she considers important for herself, it is worth remembering: only those who have a good rest work well. Take time to relax and relax!
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Publication from SPB Flower Delivery (@romromstudio)
Foxglove (March 21-31) Stars predict cardinal changes in all spheres of life!
Magnolia (April 1-10) Magnolia should remember the folk wisdom: “If you go quietly, you will continue!” Keep your successes a secret and don't brag. Evil thoughts are not the best allies on the road to success, so don’t provoke others. It'll work!
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Post by Tatiana - your aromatherapist (@aromapsihologiyi_26)
Hydrangea (11–20 April) The fulfillment of your wishes will depend on you. Listen to your intuition and move forward!
Georgin (21-30 April) Take the initiative into your own hands. Don’t expect other incredible things – do it yourself. You're gonna make it!
View this post on Instagram
Publication by Alexander Alferov (@aleandraalfer0va)
Landysh (May 1-10) Horoscope of flowers by date of birth predicts Landysh time of changes and decisive actions. It is important to find a reliable partner and like-minded person!
Portulak (May 11-20) It is better to be alone, so the risk of remaining cheated will be minimal. By the end of the year, the world will change for the better!
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Publication from Red and Green. Garden and vegetable garden (@inga.bolkunova)
Chamomile (21-31 May) Chamomile should rely on itself. Other people’s advice, even from smart and respected people, is unlikely to come in handy, since their “authors” will not be able to calculate all the necessary factors.
The Bell (June 1-10) In crisis situations, you always find the right solution. Your ingenuity and cold mind should be envied. However, it is worth remembering that tenderness and weakness are also important. Do not overexert yourself, arrange days of rest and relaxation.
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Posted by Ilya Klebanov (@ilyaklebanov)
Daisy (11-21 June) The daisy will come to the fore the interests of the family. It is worth taking care of elderly relatives and young children. Pay maximum attention to your family – it is very important for them now!
Tulip (June 22 – July 1) Be careful what you spend. It is worth keeping a table of expenses and income, so as not to get into trouble.
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Posted by Milena (@mily_ginu)
The water lily (2-12 July) Remember that a long tongue is not good! Watch what you say and who you say. Health will not fail!
Violet (13-23 July) This is the best time to start traveling! 2022 will bring new acquaintances and vivid impressions that will be remembered for a long time!
View this post on Instagram
Publication by Elena Rumyantseva (@ilariya1005)
Rosehip (July 24 – August 2) Your leadership skills will help you advance in the professional field! But in personal life, there will be no special changes.
Sunflower (3-12 August) In 2022, the Sunflower should not be conceited and behave too confident. Try not to fall into extremes and emotions, a harmonious state will help to cope with many life situations!
Rose (August 13–23) Sometimes it is worth taking a risk and throwing everything on the map of life. Remember that luck loves the brave!
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Publication from Sapling/Rose/Clematis/Host (@rozy_vashej_mechty)
Dolphinium (24 August – 2 September) Strengthen immunity, be more outdoors and observe the regime of sleep and rest. Remember that health is the main human resource!
Carnation (September 3–11) 2022 is truly ideal for finding something new. You can change your life with new friends or reliable partners.
Astra (September 12–22) To get what you want, Astra will have to make a lot of effort, but it will be worth it! To calm the nerves will help meetings with relatives and friends, as well as trips to nature.
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Posted by ekaterina (@katsiaryna.tseliazhenka)
Veresque (September 23 – October 3) In relation to friends, Veresk will behave loyally and responsibly. You are always ready to share useful advice and provide financial assistance. However, this should be done carefully, so as not to do yourself and others a “bear” service!
Brave heart, rich imagination, passion for adventure and incredible artistry - this rattling cocktail could bring Camellia to trouble if she did not know how to correctly calculate her strength. But luckily, she can.
Lilac (14–23 October) In 2022, the representative of this flower should devote as much time as possible to her beloved. Changing the image, a new hairstyle or updating the wardrobe will be very useful. Yes, and a course of massage or yoga would not hurt to enroll!
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Posted by Elena Perminova (@elena.art1)
Fresia (24 October – 2 November) Be careful, there's someone around you who's trying to move you out of your seat. Set clear boundaries and do not be lazy to protect yourself and your interests.
Orchid (3-12 November) This is a great time to move up the career ladder! At the same time, you do not even have to make special efforts, everything will go by itself, organically. And that luck and luck are your frequent companions - do not forget to thank for what you already have!
Peony (13–22 November) You are a wonderful friend, loyal and honest, ready to give the last and risk yourself for friendship. Your openness and sincerity attract people around you. However, you should be more careful in communication. Your goal for 2022 is to cleanse your surroundings of toxic people who are “getting out” at your expense.
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Posted by Flowers Foamiran, Driftwood (@handmade.nt)
Gladiolus (November 23 – December 2) Thanks to perseverance and perseverance in their work, Gladiolus representatives in the floral horoscope will achieve great heights in all spheres of life. In 2022, fortune will go with you. You'll be lucky in a lot of things. I recommend buying a lottery ticket just in case!
Dandelion (3-12 December) Energetic and active Dandelions in 2022 will have to go through many difficult life situations. Don't worry or worry. You will go through all this with dignity and gain experience and wisdom. In the future, your work on yourself will pay off in full!
Lotus (13–22 December) Lotus is distinguished by unusual behavior, extraordinary thinking, which saves where everyone else falls into a dead end and gives up. Your perseverance, wisdom and endurance are the key to success. Know that in 2022 you will be able to do a lot!
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Posted by @haus_garten_natur
Edelweiss (December 23-31) Edelweiss - freedom-loving, impetuous and do not like routine. So, maybe you should not drive yourself into the box and do something unloved? Live as you please and take every opportunity to change your life for the better!
I also suggest you find out what flowers patronize each zodiac sign and attract love into their lives, so that the next bouquet you gave not only brightened the mood of the person who received it, but also attracted real happiness into his life!
My floral horoscope is Magnolia. I’m looking forward to a good year if it works! And how do you like the flower horoscope, found for yourself tips on new 2022?
Husband pulls me to celebrate the New Year with his staff, there will be a barbecue in the cold, and I hate such gatherings.
After the feasts, I prepare a batch of cakes in soda so that the meat cutting, olives, cheese and greens do not disappear.