Why Angela Pearl advises to restrain emotions

Recently, on July 2, we have already experienced a rather complex solar eclipse, and now we are waiting for a lunar one. On July 16, 2019, there will be a lunar eclipse in 24 degrees of the sign Capricorn. Now there is a corridor of eclipses, which also affects our lives.


Ahead of us waiting for a difficult and most emotional eclipse. Its effects can be felt two weeks before and two weeks after. To be fully armed, the editorial board "Site" share recommendations with you and Astrological forecast for July 2019 from Angela Pearl.

The forecast for July from Angela Pearl Eclipse Corridor is the time between two eclipses, from July 2 to July 16. During this period, Angela Pearl recommends to be as careful as possible in all areas of life. It is best to take a breather and not make any important decisions. All important matters should be postponed until August.

Eclipse affects all areas of life. During this period, some information can be obscured, and will be revealed at the most inopportune moment. That is why you should not plan anything important for this time. This is true for all zodiac signs.

It is worth postponing starting a business, serious business trips, and getting married. After the eclipse, everything can change dramatically and the efforts will go to waste. During this period, people are more prone to emotional actions, and this can lead to a variety of consequences.

Let's not worry, it's time to get down to business. Let's find out how the lunar eclipse will affect each zodiac sign. Warnings for this day and July forecast.

  1. Aries.
    July is the month of transformation. Aries are waiting for changes in career and professional plan. Maybe you'll change jobs or get a tempting position. It is worth considering, because this proposal can completely change your life. However, it is not worth cutting from the shoulder, you need to wait with the decision. There may be times when you will be evaluated. For a successful career, this stage is very important, so you need to protect your reputation. Pay special attention to work, but be careful with new deals and partners.


  2. Taurus
    For Taurus, this eclipse will give an opportunity to rethink their lives. You will look at everything differently and finally decide what is most important to you. This will help to build a further plan for life and understand yourself. There will be something to do with international relations. Maybe you can go on a trip, sign an important international deal, or decide to move. It will be a positive development.

    Taurus is waiting for some important change in life associated with grandchildren. It could be news that you have a grandchild or something. So wait for the good news, if the age is right.


  3. Twins.
    Twins are waiting for a personal transformation. If you have long wanted to learn psychology or get the help of a specialist in this field, this is a favorable time. July is a great time to take care of yourself and understand life. You can change your outlook on life, and it can be quite emotional. Geminis are also waiting for some transactions with money. Maybe you'll close a big loan or you'll want to take it. It is best not to make any major banking transactions. However, there is an opportunity to get a large amount of money, do not miss it.


  4. Cancer
    Cancers are waiting for changes in the relationship, you will decide matters related to marriage and married life. You may have unpleasant surprises, including divorce. Lonely Cancers are waiting for a new meeting that will lead to a long-term relationship. Business is going to be good. Relations with people will develop well, you need to take advantage of this favorable atmosphere. Success depends on your sense of self and how you present yourself to people.


  5. Lev
    July will not be easy for Lviv, especially in terms of work. You will be very busy with work, which can be bad for your health. It is the eclipse that will give you an ambiguous hint. Unexpected illnesses may occur. Lions should rest and take care of themselves. Lions need to pay attention to their health: change food, move more and undergo a medical examination. If something happened during the eclipse, it is a bell that it is time to change everything.

  6. Virgo
    For Virgos, July is the time to show off your talents. It is worth doing your favorite thing and devote time to hobbies. Perhaps you will find your hobby and find a way to express your creativity. Find what you like and do it. Over time, it will bear fruit. Also, Virgo will have an important event related to children. You may get the news that you are expecting a baby. The news can be unexpected and shocking, but favorable.

    Even Virgo will explain some incomprehensible situation on the love front. Some secrets and intrigues may be revealed. The news can be shocking and very emotional. In the end, however, everything will turn out well.


  7. Libra
    You are waiting for some important changes in the family. Maybe you are waiting for an addition to the family or one of the relatives will come to stay. Libra should generally give time to the family, for example, get out on vacation. There will also be changes in real estate. Perhaps you will change your place of residence, move to another city or apartment. If there is a process related to real estate, then just in the eclipse it will be resolved.

  8. Scorpio
    Scorpios are waiting for an unexpected meeting or information that will be the beginning of change. Important news can shock and turn life upside down. It'll work out after the eclipse. You can also make an important decision to start school. If you take a class, it can change your life too. This time everything will work out and will work out in the best way.

    Scorpios need to be careful with equipment and documents. It is necessary to refrain from buying large equipment, breakdowns and theft are possible. It is also necessary to take care of documents in advance. Do not be lazy, check everything carefully, because mistakes are possible.

  9. Sagittarius
    Sagittarius are waiting for changes in financial affairs. You'll sign an important contract or get a new job offer. If you're thinking about changing jobs, it's time. All important things are better to do after the eclipse, but you will get the opportunity during this period. You may lose your job, but don’t worry. This will give you the opportunity to radically change your financial situation and life in general. Don’t be afraid of these changes, go with the flow.


  10. Capricorn
    Capricorns expect serious changes in life. Most important of all will be internal changes, you are waiting for a change of views on life, a complete rethinking. After the internal changes, you are waiting for changes in life. Something will change dramatically, be prepared for anything. This will be the beginning of a cycle of change that will last a long time. Any proceedings can take a whole year. But it may be that you are waiting for changes related to the body. Maybe just in the eclipse you decide to lose weight and eventually you can impress others with an unreal transformation.


  11. Aquarius
    Aquarius will have to let go of something and part with something old. It will be for the best, so don't regret anything. Get rid of the past and you will feel better, and life will be filled with something new and pleasant. There may be some old secrets that you have kept carefully. It’s hard to say how this will affect your life, but in any case, it will be followed by major changes. Something can end, some stage of life. It will shake you emotionally and be the beginning of something new.

  12. Fish
    Pisces can meet a new love or end a marriage that has long been without joy. Perhaps an important meeting with a person who will change your life. Not only in terms of relationships, but also in the field of self-knowledge. A change of team is also possible. Maybe you will move to another department or change your surroundings. This will be important to you, so do not miss the chance to prove yourself well.


And here's a video in which Angela Pearl details everything about a lunar eclipse.


For all signs of the zodiac time is quite difficult, but do not lose a positive attitude. You just need to take a break and not run ahead of the train. Take care of yourself, devote time to meditation and prayer. So you can find a balance and tune in to a favorable period of change.

The eclipse doesn't end. Look what we've been preparing for the last two weeks of July.

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