How to forget about ants in the country

In any store with goods for the garden and garden today you can buy many funds from pests, and from garden ants including. But what if you do not want to use chemicals in your area?

"Site" Ask readers to get rid of it. from ants on the garden plot with folk remedies. Some of them we tried personally, and some suggested familiar summer residents. We will be glad if readers share methods that help them solve this problem.

How to get rid of ants in the garden forever
  1. Zola
    This is how my grandmother struggled with ants. At dusk, when all the insects returned home, she took a shovel and two or three times dug up the entire anthill. Then he quickly moved it with the inhabitants in a bucket and carried out outside the site into the forest. And the hole was covered with stove ash. After that, until the end of the season, the ants usually didn't bother her.

  2. Boric acid and yeast
    This method helped to remove ants in my dacha. It is necessary to stir a pack of boric acid and a pack of dry yeast in the bank. Dilute a little water, add a glass of jam and water all the habitats of ants. The next day you will notice dead ants, the next day insects will become less, and after a second procedure, they will leave the site altogether.

  3. Unrefined sunflower oil
    It is necessary to fill the nests of ants with unrefined sunflower oil. Ants are sensitive to smell and do not like the smell of oil. They say that after this treatment, unwanted neighbors on the site become much smaller, but I honestly would rather use vegetable oil for salad.

  4. Manca and soda
    It is necessary to take 1 kilogram of semolina and one pack of soda. It's all good to mix and fall asleep anthill. The only condition is to do this in dry and windless weather.

  5. Yeast and sugar
    Take a bag of dry yeast and about the same amount of sugar. Stir everything well and put the anthill to sleep. According to local experts, ants die after such a procedure.

  6. Ammonia
    Neighbors in the country claim that ammonia helped them to get rid of ants. You just need to dilute a small pharmacy jar of ammonia in three liters of water and spray the places of insects, after which they leave the site.

  7. Red pepper
    They also insist on a pack of red pepper on a liter of water with the addition of 300 grams of household soap. This solution is watered with anthills, after which the ants definitely leave. Checked!

  8. salt
    Sprinkle the anthill with salt, and also scatter it along the ant paths and places of the largest concentration of insects.

  9. millet
    It’s not clear how the silk helps. get rid of ants in the gardenBut many gardeners claim that this method helped them. There is a version that ants mistaken millet cereals for ants eggs and delivered to the nest. There, grains under the action of moisture swell and clog moves. The result is the death of the uterus from hunger. In practice, millet is more likely to attract birds, which can pick up ants or destroy your crop.

  10. Iodine solution
    There is another great way to get rid of ants on the site for the whole season ahead. However, it should be warned that the processing should be carried out carefully. Only the paths can be treated, not the plants themselves. There's a chance of hurting them. But you can spray everything around. The main thing is to observe all proportions so as not to harm the lawn and plants. Proportion of 10 ml of means per 3 liters of water. Ready solution treat all the places of residence of pests. The next day there will be no trace of them.

The main dream of a summer resident is to get a good harvest that will be stored for a long time. Trying to protect their vegetation from pests, gardeners and gardeners buy many poisons. And they make a big mistake. There is an alternative - to use folk remedies, such as baking soda.

Iodine saves not only broken knees, but also plants from phytophthorosis and powdery dew, protects against root and fruit rot, nourishes seedlings and increases the yield.

Planting a small bush or flowerbed in a summer cottage or near the house, you can distract yourself from the daily routine, and after a couple of hours in the fresh air with new strength to complete what you have not been able to do for so long. Who knows, you may be sleeping in a gifted landscape designer.


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