The champion takes place on the dacha

The dacha is a country “green corner”, where urban inhabitants come to relax, gain strength, be alone with nature. But as a result, our weekend in the country turns into an endless marathon of affairs and worries that make you sacrifice a full rest.

Today's edition. "Site" will consider a typical dacha in Germany near Berlin and try to figure out in which country the approach to trips to the dacha is more correct and rational.


What to do in the country Our people are used to working in the country. This largely depends on the large size of such plots, because we usually have a large piece of land attached to a country house, which is simply a sin not to cultivate. Most of our relatives from time immemorial worked on the ground, and we still have a craving for independent living. fruit-growing.


Yes, we go to the city to rest, but on arrival we notice how much our own site needs the application of forces: we need to mow the lawn, weed the beds, repair the building. fenceReplace electrical wiring and so on. Small worries don’t always leave us time to rest as we originally planned.


Most of our compatriots use each visit to the site to build something, improve something or drive in the garden until the evening. And also participate in an unofficial competition with neighbors on the subject, whose cottage is cooler. No wonder we come back tired and exhausted.


In European countries, the situation is quite different. So, in Germany suburban plots prefer not to buy, because it is a protracted and costly process, and simply rent. Such land in a couple of acres are more like mini-beds with houses for living and tiny extensions for garden equipment.

The lease agreement imposes its obligations, so the local summer residents cannot turn their land into a solid garden and vegetable garden, and the tiny territory is more suitable for growing flowers than for fussing with a patch of strawberries.

Despite all this, there are many people who want to rent a house near a large city for a long time, especially if there is a lake or a river near the suburban areas. In the photo you can see a small cottage near Berlin, the cost of rent of which is 100 euros per month.

And although for our people such tightness in space may seem unacceptable, the Germans know how to appreciate every hundredth and go to the country only to be closer to nature, to relax both body and soul.


Europeans rarely think about how to build a summer veranda or a huge arbor. They simply do not have the need and opportunities for this, but they are happy to communicate, go to visit, swim in the nearest reservoir and cook delicious food right in the fresh air. While we boast impressive harvests from the countryside.


And what a dacha should be What do you mean?


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