The unique medicinal garden Bolotov
In the Tula region in a small garden in the farmstead of Russian agronomist Andrei Bolotov revived dozens of vegetables and edible herbs is almost forgotten in our time. Locals announced a fundraiser to help the garden. Despite the crisis, the necessary sum was collected in record time. We talked with the participants about how the collected funds will transform the main garden of the country.
Svetlana Samoilov, co-space, "Giving face", the curator of the project to raise funds for the restoration Bolotovskii garden. "At his family estate in the Tula province (now the territory of Zaoksky district of Tula region) Andrey Timofeevich Bolotov created a unique species composition of vegetable and medicinal garden, which is described in his work "do Something about the garden prorastaniya". It was in the late XVIII century.
Bolotovskii the garden — a time to harvest
When I first got here, instead of garden, about which so much was reading, saw something overgrown with weeds, through which breaks here and there of noble greenery. But this year we were able to recreate part of the garden under the plan Bolotov.
Many plants in the XVIII century was called very differently than it is now. We found and planted almost all cultures. We really helped the curator of the vegetable program LavkaLavka and consultant of the Museum Natalia Bolotova, ivancevic. She did a great job on the restoration list "proisraeli".
Now the garden is not to know! Here is Nigella is growing, but borage Borago, where grass-cap bloomed... And all this in a beautiful garden. Here in these beds we need to pay the builders did their credit. And the land is very little in the beds, in autumn it is necessary to fill up. Still required: rot of the boards that they served longer, dumping tracks, river pebbles, buy garden tools for the Museum. In General, there's a lot more".
Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov (1738 – 1833) — Russian writer, memoirist, philosopher, moralist, scientist, botanist and Forester, one of the founders of agronomy and pomology in Russia. Thanks to Bolotov in Russia began to grow potatoes and tomatoes – they do not believe we have edible.
Natalia Belova, the activist community residents Zaokskogo district, President of ANO "Center of implementation of social and environmental initiatives "Future for ALL"". "The reconstruction of the Bolotovskii garden – one of the projects that can inspire and unite people living here.
Bolotov at the time suit walks across the garden for ladies and TableRow – showed them that grow here, told amazing stories of the plants that it was possible to try.
We want Bolotovskii the garden has once again become the place of attraction, a model of the Russian garden. It is here for the first time in Russia began to cultivate tomatoes and potatoes. Therefore, create a Charitable Foundation "Local community zaokskiy – Great land."
Planting on the restored beds Bolotovskii garden in may 2016. Photo: Sergey Krylov
The guys from "Giving face" introduced us to the idea to organize a fundraiser on the online platform at the "national financing" boomstarter. Because of this, we met with the sponsor Boris Zhilin, who is called "the angel of crowdfunding". This is an amazing man who was born in Odessa, studied in Moscow school, entered the University of Syracuse (new York), has made a career on wall Street, and in 25 years has created a private investment Fund.
He now lives in Switzerland and last year he supported more than 130 Russian projects in the field of social entrepreneurship, the revival of agriculture and deserted areas. For example, the Perm "School of farmers" Vyacheslav Gorelov. Boris Zhilin became the main sponsor Bolotovskii garden – he transferred to our project, a total of 100 thousand rubles.
Another major sponsor was a wonderful woman Natalia, the wife of a French diplomat, which among other things deals with the restoration of an Orthodox center in Paris. Her our project is close and important, because she has a house in the nearby village velegozh. Actually, I think that in the current situation, when people are struggling to save, everyone who donated even 50 rubles is already a hero."
"Marsh at the time suit walks across the garden for ladies and TableRow – showed them that grow here, told amazing stories of the plants that it was possible to try. We want Bolotovskii the garden has once again become the place of attraction".
Natalia ivankevich, scientific consultant of the Museum house Bolotov. "In its current form the garden has existed since the mid 90-ies it was restored thanks to a grant of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation. Of course, since the wooden borders of the beds collapsed, and gradually everything started to fall into disrepair. This spring, we began to think urgently how to restore the beds. Fortunately, the construction company "Unipark" agreed to work on credit.
Bolotov divided the plants into several groups: dukhovity grass, shadomy grass, shadomy roots, struckout prorastaniya, cabbage prorastaniya and other. We broke the garden into appropriate sections that are marked with signs.
Now in the same bed growing at least two kinds of vegetables, and sometimes four or five. And every year we identify new crops that were grown Bolotov. In General, it emerges a range of plants that it is already clear – the garden is too small and in the near future need to expand, to make new beds. What we will do".
The farmer cooperative "MARK and the LION" Sofia Shatrova landing updated Bolotovskii garden.
The activists have no doubt that the campaign to raise funds will be successful – it is already clear that money (including private donations) collected significantly more than planned.
Why do round the gardenHow to create a herb garden in the house and in the garden
Now have to decide how best to spend it. Firstly, it is possible to partially Finance a documentary dedicated to Bolotov, the shooting of which began this summer. There is also an idea to explore the area Dvoryaninovo to find important historical and cultural objects, which will become new points of attraction and centers of development of the territory of Zaoksky district of Tula region. And how would you spend the remaining funds? published
Source: lavkagazeta.com/bolshaya-zemlya/obrazcovyy-russkiy-ogorod/
Svetlana Samoilov, co-space, "Giving face", the curator of the project to raise funds for the restoration Bolotovskii garden. "At his family estate in the Tula province (now the territory of Zaoksky district of Tula region) Andrey Timofeevich Bolotov created a unique species composition of vegetable and medicinal garden, which is described in his work "do Something about the garden prorastaniya". It was in the late XVIII century.

Bolotovskii the garden — a time to harvest
When I first got here, instead of garden, about which so much was reading, saw something overgrown with weeds, through which breaks here and there of noble greenery. But this year we were able to recreate part of the garden under the plan Bolotov.
Many plants in the XVIII century was called very differently than it is now. We found and planted almost all cultures. We really helped the curator of the vegetable program LavkaLavka and consultant of the Museum Natalia Bolotova, ivancevic. She did a great job on the restoration list "proisraeli".
Now the garden is not to know! Here is Nigella is growing, but borage Borago, where grass-cap bloomed... And all this in a beautiful garden. Here in these beds we need to pay the builders did their credit. And the land is very little in the beds, in autumn it is necessary to fill up. Still required: rot of the boards that they served longer, dumping tracks, river pebbles, buy garden tools for the Museum. In General, there's a lot more".
Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov (1738 – 1833) — Russian writer, memoirist, philosopher, moralist, scientist, botanist and Forester, one of the founders of agronomy and pomology in Russia. Thanks to Bolotov in Russia began to grow potatoes and tomatoes – they do not believe we have edible.

Natalia Belova, the activist community residents Zaokskogo district, President of ANO "Center of implementation of social and environmental initiatives "Future for ALL"". "The reconstruction of the Bolotovskii garden – one of the projects that can inspire and unite people living here.
Bolotov at the time suit walks across the garden for ladies and TableRow – showed them that grow here, told amazing stories of the plants that it was possible to try.
We want Bolotovskii the garden has once again become the place of attraction, a model of the Russian garden. It is here for the first time in Russia began to cultivate tomatoes and potatoes. Therefore, create a Charitable Foundation "Local community zaokskiy – Great land."

Planting on the restored beds Bolotovskii garden in may 2016. Photo: Sergey Krylov
The guys from "Giving face" introduced us to the idea to organize a fundraiser on the online platform at the "national financing" boomstarter. Because of this, we met with the sponsor Boris Zhilin, who is called "the angel of crowdfunding". This is an amazing man who was born in Odessa, studied in Moscow school, entered the University of Syracuse (new York), has made a career on wall Street, and in 25 years has created a private investment Fund.
He now lives in Switzerland and last year he supported more than 130 Russian projects in the field of social entrepreneurship, the revival of agriculture and deserted areas. For example, the Perm "School of farmers" Vyacheslav Gorelov. Boris Zhilin became the main sponsor Bolotovskii garden – he transferred to our project, a total of 100 thousand rubles.
Another major sponsor was a wonderful woman Natalia, the wife of a French diplomat, which among other things deals with the restoration of an Orthodox center in Paris. Her our project is close and important, because she has a house in the nearby village velegozh. Actually, I think that in the current situation, when people are struggling to save, everyone who donated even 50 rubles is already a hero."
"Marsh at the time suit walks across the garden for ladies and TableRow – showed them that grow here, told amazing stories of the plants that it was possible to try. We want Bolotovskii the garden has once again become the place of attraction".
Natalia ivankevich, scientific consultant of the Museum house Bolotov. "In its current form the garden has existed since the mid 90-ies it was restored thanks to a grant of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation. Of course, since the wooden borders of the beds collapsed, and gradually everything started to fall into disrepair. This spring, we began to think urgently how to restore the beds. Fortunately, the construction company "Unipark" agreed to work on credit.
Bolotov divided the plants into several groups: dukhovity grass, shadomy grass, shadomy roots, struckout prorastaniya, cabbage prorastaniya and other. We broke the garden into appropriate sections that are marked with signs.
Now in the same bed growing at least two kinds of vegetables, and sometimes four or five. And every year we identify new crops that were grown Bolotov. In General, it emerges a range of plants that it is already clear – the garden is too small and in the near future need to expand, to make new beds. What we will do".

The farmer cooperative "MARK and the LION" Sofia Shatrova landing updated Bolotovskii garden.
The activists have no doubt that the campaign to raise funds will be successful – it is already clear that money (including private donations) collected significantly more than planned.
Why do round the gardenHow to create a herb garden in the house and in the garden
Now have to decide how best to spend it. Firstly, it is possible to partially Finance a documentary dedicated to Bolotov, the shooting of which began this summer. There is also an idea to explore the area Dvoryaninovo to find important historical and cultural objects, which will become new points of attraction and centers of development of the territory of Zaoksky district of Tula region. And how would you spend the remaining funds? published
Source: lavkagazeta.com/bolshaya-zemlya/obrazcovyy-russkiy-ogorod/
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