Cancer treatment with vitamin C gipertonii — stunning results
Conventional medicine actively protect their monopoly on treatment. This is usually done by using the effective silencing of alternative methods or natural drugs, as well as by discrediting the scientists and doctors offering efficient alternatives.
In the case that some of the alternative healing modalities was able to create a certain resonance in the masses, that official medicine is conducting a sham investigation, which typically is proof of the ineffectiveness and sometimes toxicity of these methods.
This story occurred with the use of hyperdose of vitamin C for cancer treatment.
In this case, however, the medical establishment had a hard time, because the "intruder" was a double Nobel prize-winning American scientist Linus Pauling. To discredit this scientist is very difficult, so his work on vitamin C and cancer first began to block. The national Academy of Sciences of the United States, refused to print his work, despite the fact that during his more than 50 year history, by that time, the Academy never refused to publish works of its members.
Then he ceased to receive funding for continued research on vitamin C. This well-known American scientist suddenly found himself unable to continue his work in America. Then he joined forces with the Scottish scientist and physician-oncologist Cameron, who also researched this vitamin as anti-cancer agent.
Research began in 1971 on 100 patients with end-stage cancer. The terminal was named patients who are in official treatment have had nothing to offer and treatment was either stopped or transferred to palliative (relieving pain).Simultaneously, they carried out a statistical study, where each patient studied were selected 10 analogs (by diagnosis, sex and age) of those who have completed formal treatment and did not receive vitamin C.
The results were stunning. Patients treated with an average of 10 grams of vitamin a day, lived an average of 4 times longer than those who are in the terminal stage of vitamin C did not. Quality of life has improved in almost all 100 patients. They have improved appetite, they began to leave hospital and go home.
Patients receiving morphine, drastically reduced the dose and was able to abandon it after only 5 days of vitamin therapy. In 16% of patients had a significant increase in life span. While the average terminal group not subjected to treatment with vitamin C in 50 days, these patients lived for at least a year, and some of them were alive after 5 years (official duration of curing on the criterion of official medicine).
Dr. Cameron continued treatment vitamin C cancer and has collected more than 4000 cases. He noted that this therapy is more effective with early diagnosis and to the use of chemotherapy. Pauline and Cameron in 1976 argued in his letter to the National Academy of Sciences that the application of vitamin C in the early stages of the disease, the life expectancy of patients has increased from 5 years to 20(!) Pawling also believed that with proper use of vitamin C cancer mortality could be reduced by 75% (Passwater 1978).
Predictably, the American medical and scientific organizations did not accept the results of the research of Pauling and Cameron, and after vain attempts to blockade and discredit, resorted to the proven method and has agreed to conduct the research, which was conducted in 1979 at the Mayo Clinic.
Despite the promise to repeat the exact Protocol of Dr. Cameron and to work with Pauling, research was conducted with gross violations, and the Pauling learned about the results only from the press. The results of these studies, hyperdose of vitamin C was not effective in the treatment of cancer. Revolution in Oncology did not happen and the previous concept of a formal treatment of the "poison, cut and burn" (chemo, surgery and radiation therapy) were not changed.
However, many alternative clinics have become successful to use this method in your Arsenal. Noticed that it gives good results in conjunction with laetrile (Vit B17). Hyperdose of vitamin C are rarely the core Protocol today, but are a very important part of the comprehensive treatment of cancer.
Dr. Newbold from new York, successfully treated with certain types of cancer with vitamin C. So when skin cancer he used 15 grams of vitamin orally 5-6 times a day put vitamin C ointment directly on education. In other types of cancer he may have brought the intake to 50-60 grams (usually diarrhea dosage limits appearing 30 to 60 grams).
He also experimented with large intravenous dosages up to 50 grams and above. Dr. Newbold described one case where a woman had terminal squamous cell lung cancer, the treatment of which he brought the dosage up to 105 grams per day. This patient a year were able to return to work.
There are many variations of the use of vitamin C and its dosage in the treatment of cancer. The most commonly used method is 10-20 grams intravenously 4-5 times a week. It is recommended daily use of vitamin inside of 10-20 grams.
Dr. Greg believes that, together with hyperdose of vitamin C you need to take vitamin E together with vitamin C participates in the delivery of oxygen through the cell membrane, and then in its the cytoplasm to the cellular power stations, mitochondria. The process of increasing the oxygen content of cancer cells promotes the inclusion in it of aerobic metabolism, to disable the "cancer" of the program and return to normal functioning or apoptosis (biological death).
It is important to note that haemoglobin — the substance carries oxygen in the blood, not able to give oxygen to the cancer cells, while a molecule of vitamin C can do. It is generally considered that vitamin C is one of the few substances passing through the wall of a cancer cell, which is not able to distinguish a molecule of glucose from vitamin C.
In General, the mechanism of action of vitamin C on tumor multifaceted. One such mechanism is the strengthening of collagen in the intercellular space. Healthy collagen can stop the growth of tumors. Cancer cells secrete an enzyme called hyaluronidase, which destroys the fibres of collagen, thus allowing the tumor to grow and invade the surrounding tissues.
It is noticed that process of formation and growth of tumors occurs in those tissues where there is low vitamin C content. Dr. Matthias Rath (Rath Маtthias), to neutralize the action of hyaluronidase advises the use in the treatment combination of 4 substances:
Anti-cancer effect of vitamin C is also seen in aid the immune system in the generation and mobilization of white blood cells to fight the cancer. As we now know, the immune system is our strongest weapon against this disease, and in contrast to the destructive effect which causes her chemotherapy, vitamin C stimulates her through the described mechanism.
Vitamin C has a selective cytotoxic effect on cancer cell without affecting healthy even when hyperdose (another contrast to chemotherapy, which kills healthy cells mastrodicasa: immune cells, germ cells, hair follicles, hematopoietic cells, epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract). In 1995 in the scientific journal Medical Hypotheses cytotoxic effect of vitamin C was described in detail and it was also found that cytotoxic dose of vitamin C can be easily achieved in humans without the risk of serious complications.
Vitamin C is a powerful intracellular antioxidant that protects DNA from mutations occurring under the influence of oxidative stress. Therefore, most cancer patients have low levels of vitamin C. It is low level may be due to long and poor diet and prolonged stress. Under stress, due to constant loss of vitamin C accumulate damage and mutations in mitochondrial DNA, eventually leading to the degeneration of normal cells into cancer cells.
Cancer cells are largely functionally different from normal. In particular, they lose control over controlling the amount of antioxidants penetrate into the cell. That is why vitamin C can accumulate in large quantities and thus create a greater concentration of hydrogen peroxide, which in turn will destroy the cancer cell. This mechanism was described by Dr. mark Levine in their study, published in 2005.
In addition to the cytotoxic effect of large doses of vitamin C, in recent years began to carry out a lot of research on the topic of combining vitamin C and standard chemotherapeutic drugs. It was noticed that it increases the effectiveness of several chemotherapy drugs (doxorubicin, cisplatin, paclitaxel, irinotecan, 5 - fluorouracil) in the treatment of cancer of the breast, colon, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer and some others.
Are currently two clinical studies on patients (thus even the oncologists had to recognize the role of vitamin C in cancer treatment). Interestingly, these same studies have confirmed the cytotoxicity of vitamin C, which raises the question of whether the continued use of highly toxic drugs separately or in conjunction with hyperdose of vitamin C.
The most interesting and promising was the results of a recent study on the combination of hyperdose of vitamin C and some natural substancesthat may in the future lead to the complete natural healing protocols, even within official medicine. However, not everyone can wait and so some combination of using the vitamin C given below:
Natur. substance + Vit. With H2O2 or Combi the effect of cancer/cancer cells
When using extracts of Maitake mushrooms and mesimummu and combining with vitamin C the ball reached 90% mortality of bladder cancer cells.
Another example is Maitake extract and vitamin C — achieved 95% mortality of cells of prostate cancer, and both examples are at a relatively low concentration of vitamin C.
Extracts of black and green tea, together with vitamin C was effective in lung cancer, and extract of black tea was more effective than raising the death rate of tumor cells from 1% to 22%.
Retinoic acid (a metabolite of vitamin A) raised 3 times the antiproliferative effect of vitamin C in breast cancer (75% inhibition).
Vitamin D (calcitriol) in combination with hydrogen peroxide, which is released when the intravenous application of vitamin C increases the mortality rate of breast cancer cells by 78% compared to only hydrogen peroxide.
However, some natural combinations can inhibit the effectiveness of vitamin C. So for example it loses its cytotoxic impact on cancer cells by 95% if injected with glutathione. Therefore, the tumor reduction observed when using only vitamin C, it halted.
Today is a very interesting and active direction, in the future an even more powerful combination of vitamin C with other natural drugs will be found. Effective combination, shown above, has not yet undergone clinical trials, but nevertheless they all have extremely low toxicity, making possible their use in the treatment of both professionals and by the patients themselves.
There are already two well-known Protocol, the combination of vitamin C, used by professionals in the treatment of cancer natural alternatives:
It should be noted that most of the analyses of official health agencies and research institutions that use a common conceptual framework for understanding and treatment of cancer in which the tumor is causing the disease and therefore, its removal is seen as the main goal in cancer treatment.
Also read: Before the disease 97% of patients with cancer did this dental procedure
An alternative concept considers the tumour as a symptom of the cancer process in the body and requires a comprehensive approach to recovery, elimination of causes of illness and as part of treatment Protocol, direct influence on tumor. This implies that if you choose to use vitamin C or its combination with any natural drug, it must only be part of a medical complex that includes detoxification, immunomodulation, strict anti-cancer diet, antimicrobial therapy, oxygenation and alkalization, work with the psyche. published
Author: Boris Grinblat
Source: bezb.info/articles/85-effektivnye-antirakovye-protokoly-lechenija-giperdozy-vitamina-s.html
In the case that some of the alternative healing modalities was able to create a certain resonance in the masses, that official medicine is conducting a sham investigation, which typically is proof of the ineffectiveness and sometimes toxicity of these methods.
This story occurred with the use of hyperdose of vitamin C for cancer treatment.

In this case, however, the medical establishment had a hard time, because the "intruder" was a double Nobel prize-winning American scientist Linus Pauling. To discredit this scientist is very difficult, so his work on vitamin C and cancer first began to block. The national Academy of Sciences of the United States, refused to print his work, despite the fact that during his more than 50 year history, by that time, the Academy never refused to publish works of its members.
Then he ceased to receive funding for continued research on vitamin C. This well-known American scientist suddenly found himself unable to continue his work in America. Then he joined forces with the Scottish scientist and physician-oncologist Cameron, who also researched this vitamin as anti-cancer agent.
Research began in 1971 on 100 patients with end-stage cancer. The terminal was named patients who are in official treatment have had nothing to offer and treatment was either stopped or transferred to palliative (relieving pain).Simultaneously, they carried out a statistical study, where each patient studied were selected 10 analogs (by diagnosis, sex and age) of those who have completed formal treatment and did not receive vitamin C.
The results were stunning. Patients treated with an average of 10 grams of vitamin a day, lived an average of 4 times longer than those who are in the terminal stage of vitamin C did not. Quality of life has improved in almost all 100 patients. They have improved appetite, they began to leave hospital and go home.
Patients receiving morphine, drastically reduced the dose and was able to abandon it after only 5 days of vitamin therapy. In 16% of patients had a significant increase in life span. While the average terminal group not subjected to treatment with vitamin C in 50 days, these patients lived for at least a year, and some of them were alive after 5 years (official duration of curing on the criterion of official medicine).
Dr. Cameron continued treatment vitamin C cancer and has collected more than 4000 cases. He noted that this therapy is more effective with early diagnosis and to the use of chemotherapy. Pauline and Cameron in 1976 argued in his letter to the National Academy of Sciences that the application of vitamin C in the early stages of the disease, the life expectancy of patients has increased from 5 years to 20(!) Pawling also believed that with proper use of vitamin C cancer mortality could be reduced by 75% (Passwater 1978).

Predictably, the American medical and scientific organizations did not accept the results of the research of Pauling and Cameron, and after vain attempts to blockade and discredit, resorted to the proven method and has agreed to conduct the research, which was conducted in 1979 at the Mayo Clinic.
Despite the promise to repeat the exact Protocol of Dr. Cameron and to work with Pauling, research was conducted with gross violations, and the Pauling learned about the results only from the press. The results of these studies, hyperdose of vitamin C was not effective in the treatment of cancer. Revolution in Oncology did not happen and the previous concept of a formal treatment of the "poison, cut and burn" (chemo, surgery and radiation therapy) were not changed.
However, many alternative clinics have become successful to use this method in your Arsenal. Noticed that it gives good results in conjunction with laetrile (Vit B17). Hyperdose of vitamin C are rarely the core Protocol today, but are a very important part of the comprehensive treatment of cancer.
Dr. Newbold from new York, successfully treated with certain types of cancer with vitamin C. So when skin cancer he used 15 grams of vitamin orally 5-6 times a day put vitamin C ointment directly on education. In other types of cancer he may have brought the intake to 50-60 grams (usually diarrhea dosage limits appearing 30 to 60 grams).
He also experimented with large intravenous dosages up to 50 grams and above. Dr. Newbold described one case where a woman had terminal squamous cell lung cancer, the treatment of which he brought the dosage up to 105 grams per day. This patient a year were able to return to work.
There are many variations of the use of vitamin C and its dosage in the treatment of cancer. The most commonly used method is 10-20 grams intravenously 4-5 times a week. It is recommended daily use of vitamin inside of 10-20 grams.
Dr. Greg believes that, together with hyperdose of vitamin C you need to take vitamin E together with vitamin C participates in the delivery of oxygen through the cell membrane, and then in its the cytoplasm to the cellular power stations, mitochondria. The process of increasing the oxygen content of cancer cells promotes the inclusion in it of aerobic metabolism, to disable the "cancer" of the program and return to normal functioning or apoptosis (biological death).
It is important to note that haemoglobin — the substance carries oxygen in the blood, not able to give oxygen to the cancer cells, while a molecule of vitamin C can do. It is generally considered that vitamin C is one of the few substances passing through the wall of a cancer cell, which is not able to distinguish a molecule of glucose from vitamin C.
In General, the mechanism of action of vitamin C on tumor multifaceted. One such mechanism is the strengthening of collagen in the intercellular space. Healthy collagen can stop the growth of tumors. Cancer cells secrete an enzyme called hyaluronidase, which destroys the fibres of collagen, thus allowing the tumor to grow and invade the surrounding tissues.
It is noticed that process of formation and growth of tumors occurs in those tissues where there is low vitamin C content. Dr. Matthias Rath (Rath Маtthias), to neutralize the action of hyaluronidase advises the use in the treatment combination of 4 substances:
- vitamin C
- the ЕGCG catechins (green tea),
- the amino acid L-lysine,
- L-Proline.
Anti-cancer effect of vitamin C is also seen in aid the immune system in the generation and mobilization of white blood cells to fight the cancer. As we now know, the immune system is our strongest weapon against this disease, and in contrast to the destructive effect which causes her chemotherapy, vitamin C stimulates her through the described mechanism.

Vitamin C has a selective cytotoxic effect on cancer cell without affecting healthy even when hyperdose (another contrast to chemotherapy, which kills healthy cells mastrodicasa: immune cells, germ cells, hair follicles, hematopoietic cells, epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract). In 1995 in the scientific journal Medical Hypotheses cytotoxic effect of vitamin C was described in detail and it was also found that cytotoxic dose of vitamin C can be easily achieved in humans without the risk of serious complications.
Vitamin C is a powerful intracellular antioxidant that protects DNA from mutations occurring under the influence of oxidative stress. Therefore, most cancer patients have low levels of vitamin C. It is low level may be due to long and poor diet and prolonged stress. Under stress, due to constant loss of vitamin C accumulate damage and mutations in mitochondrial DNA, eventually leading to the degeneration of normal cells into cancer cells.
Cancer cells are largely functionally different from normal. In particular, they lose control over controlling the amount of antioxidants penetrate into the cell. That is why vitamin C can accumulate in large quantities and thus create a greater concentration of hydrogen peroxide, which in turn will destroy the cancer cell. This mechanism was described by Dr. mark Levine in their study, published in 2005.
In addition to the cytotoxic effect of large doses of vitamin C, in recent years began to carry out a lot of research on the topic of combining vitamin C and standard chemotherapeutic drugs. It was noticed that it increases the effectiveness of several chemotherapy drugs (doxorubicin, cisplatin, paclitaxel, irinotecan, 5 - fluorouracil) in the treatment of cancer of the breast, colon, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer and some others.
Are currently two clinical studies on patients (thus even the oncologists had to recognize the role of vitamin C in cancer treatment). Interestingly, these same studies have confirmed the cytotoxicity of vitamin C, which raises the question of whether the continued use of highly toxic drugs separately or in conjunction with hyperdose of vitamin C.
The most interesting and promising was the results of a recent study on the combination of hyperdose of vitamin C and some natural substancesthat may in the future lead to the complete natural healing protocols, even within official medicine. However, not everyone can wait and so some combination of using the vitamin C given below:
Natur. substance + Vit. With H2O2 or Combi the effect of cancer/cancer cells
- Maitake mushroom and beta glucan ++ prostate cancer/ PC-3
- mushroom Maitake GD fraction ++ bladder cancer/ T-24
- mesimummu mushroom PL fraction ++ bladder cancer/ T-24
- polyphenol green. tea EGCG ++ adenocarcinoma of the lung/SPC-A-1
- retinoic acid ++ breast cancer/ MCF-7
- vitamin D (with H2O2) + breast cancer/ MCF-7
- vitamin D (with H2O2) + colon cancer/ HT-29
- hyperthermia + leukemia
- hyperthermia + glioblastoma
When using extracts of Maitake mushrooms and mesimummu and combining with vitamin C the ball reached 90% mortality of bladder cancer cells.
Another example is Maitake extract and vitamin C — achieved 95% mortality of cells of prostate cancer, and both examples are at a relatively low concentration of vitamin C.
Extracts of black and green tea, together with vitamin C was effective in lung cancer, and extract of black tea was more effective than raising the death rate of tumor cells from 1% to 22%.
Retinoic acid (a metabolite of vitamin A) raised 3 times the antiproliferative effect of vitamin C in breast cancer (75% inhibition).
Vitamin D (calcitriol) in combination with hydrogen peroxide, which is released when the intravenous application of vitamin C increases the mortality rate of breast cancer cells by 78% compared to only hydrogen peroxide.
However, some natural combinations can inhibit the effectiveness of vitamin C. So for example it loses its cytotoxic impact on cancer cells by 95% if injected with glutathione. Therefore, the tumor reduction observed when using only vitamin C, it halted.
Today is a very interesting and active direction, in the future an even more powerful combination of vitamin C with other natural drugs will be found. Effective combination, shown above, has not yet undergone clinical trials, but nevertheless they all have extremely low toxicity, making possible their use in the treatment of both professionals and by the patients themselves.

There are already two well-known Protocol, the combination of vitamin C, used by professionals in the treatment of cancer natural alternatives:
- The first is laetril (vitamin B17), and vitamin C issuccessfully used in some alternative clinics.
- The second is a combination of Niacin (vitamin B3), necessary for normal functioning of the Krebs cycle and aerobic respiration, and vitamin C.
It should be noted that most of the analyses of official health agencies and research institutions that use a common conceptual framework for understanding and treatment of cancer in which the tumor is causing the disease and therefore, its removal is seen as the main goal in cancer treatment.
Also read: Before the disease 97% of patients with cancer did this dental procedure
An alternative concept considers the tumour as a symptom of the cancer process in the body and requires a comprehensive approach to recovery, elimination of causes of illness and as part of treatment Protocol, direct influence on tumor. This implies that if you choose to use vitamin C or its combination with any natural drug, it must only be part of a medical complex that includes detoxification, immunomodulation, strict anti-cancer diet, antimicrobial therapy, oxygenation and alkalization, work with the psyche. published
Author: Boris Grinblat
Source: bezb.info/articles/85-effektivnye-antirakovye-protokoly-lechenija-giperdozy-vitamina-s.html
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