Signs of an unhealthy liver: How to help yourself with natural remedies
I had all the signs of liver disease (this was impossible to be mistaken), including the main symptom: "an insuperable aversion to all kinds of labor." As I was tormented by this disease – it is impossible to describe. I suffered them from the cradle. Since then, as I went to school, illness has kept me up almost any day.
John. K. Jerome. Three men in a boat, not counting the dog. Most of us according to his own feelings knows where the human liver. Our largest iron designed for the neutralization of toxins produced in the body in the reactions of catabolism (breakdown of complex substances).
But she has to work hard, fighting the poisons coming from outside – from contaminated water, poor food, alcohol, tobacco smoke, certain medications. So it's no surprise that we nervous, cold snacks bought in the street fried cake – and overloaded on dissatisfied recalls his bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, heaviness, prickly pain in the right hypochondrium. Bad complexion, yellowed whites of the eyes and nails, pimples and red vascular "stars" on the skin – also signs of an unhealthy liver and gall bladder. Especially hard it is necessary in the off-season (fall and spring) and at sharp change of a way of life. In this respect, the holiday can be considered a serious test for the liver. She does not tolerate changes of microflora of water and air, excess sunlight, unusual dishes, especially spicy and fatty, eating disorders – how generous feast, and careless snacking on the go. Therefore, in the autumn, after the summer holidays, so frequent exacerbations of chronic liver diseases closely associated with her gall bladder and biliary tract, chronic hepatitis, chronic cholecystitis, cholangitis. Prophylactic course of phytotherapy along with a gentle diet will prevent the aggravation, and if it does come, will help to cope with it.
If the schema is not specified in the recipe, most of the phytotherapeutic fees take three to six two-week courses with a week break in between for 15-30 minutes before eating or one hour after a meal. Part of the collection is changed after every two courses, and fees, containing Valerian, gorse, juniper, wormwood, everlasting, celandine, it should take no longer than two weeks. The individual intolerance of some components of the collection, so you need to start taking each drug with a half dose in the case of ailments – indigestion, increased pain, an allergic reaction is to cancel it.
For the preparation of infusions and decoctions all vegetable raw materials are crushed. Brewed in an enamel, clay or glass container, insist under the lid. Decoction boil on very low heat or heat in a boiling water bath, then pour the boiling water to the original volume. All methods for the preparation of extracts comply with the specified in the original sources. However, if part of the collection consists of aromatic herbs that reduce activity when boiled (Anis, cap, Melissa, mint, oregano, coriander, kidney tea, rose petals, chamomile, Rue, currants, thyme, cumin, dill, fennel, sage, Horehound), and corn silk, bark, rhizomes, roots, extract from which bioactive substances can only the broth, then the best method of preparation of the aqueous extract – a long infusion in a thermos with a glass bulb. Numbers without units of measurement (g) after the name of the plant means the volume part.
Chronic cholecystitis. To strengthen protective (detoxification) in the liver. Especially recommended during the off-season Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 2:
Atherosclerosis congestive phenomena in the liver, chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 4:
Chronic hepatitis. The primary stage of liver cirrhosis
1 tbsp / 400 ml of boiling water, cook for 3 minutes, to insist 2 hours and Drink 50 ml of 5 R./D.
Chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis
Congestion in the liver. Chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis. Biliary dyskinesia
Chronic gepatoholetsistitah, calculous cholecystitis
Chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis. Biliary dyskinesia
Chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis. Choleretic fee Sasso
Chronic hepatitis, gepatoholetsistitah with dyspepsia, flatulence, gastritis
Chronic hepatitis. Cholelithiasis
Violations liver function in children Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: marjalutra.livejournal.com/28987.html
John. K. Jerome. Three men in a boat, not counting the dog. Most of us according to his own feelings knows where the human liver. Our largest iron designed for the neutralization of toxins produced in the body in the reactions of catabolism (breakdown of complex substances).

But she has to work hard, fighting the poisons coming from outside – from contaminated water, poor food, alcohol, tobacco smoke, certain medications. So it's no surprise that we nervous, cold snacks bought in the street fried cake – and overloaded on dissatisfied recalls his bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, heaviness, prickly pain in the right hypochondrium. Bad complexion, yellowed whites of the eyes and nails, pimples and red vascular "stars" on the skin – also signs of an unhealthy liver and gall bladder. Especially hard it is necessary in the off-season (fall and spring) and at sharp change of a way of life. In this respect, the holiday can be considered a serious test for the liver. She does not tolerate changes of microflora of water and air, excess sunlight, unusual dishes, especially spicy and fatty, eating disorders – how generous feast, and careless snacking on the go. Therefore, in the autumn, after the summer holidays, so frequent exacerbations of chronic liver diseases closely associated with her gall bladder and biliary tract, chronic hepatitis, chronic cholecystitis, cholangitis. Prophylactic course of phytotherapy along with a gentle diet will prevent the aggravation, and if it does come, will help to cope with it.

If the schema is not specified in the recipe, most of the phytotherapeutic fees take three to six two-week courses with a week break in between for 15-30 minutes before eating or one hour after a meal. Part of the collection is changed after every two courses, and fees, containing Valerian, gorse, juniper, wormwood, everlasting, celandine, it should take no longer than two weeks. The individual intolerance of some components of the collection, so you need to start taking each drug with a half dose in the case of ailments – indigestion, increased pain, an allergic reaction is to cancel it.
For the preparation of infusions and decoctions all vegetable raw materials are crushed. Brewed in an enamel, clay or glass container, insist under the lid. Decoction boil on very low heat or heat in a boiling water bath, then pour the boiling water to the original volume. All methods for the preparation of extracts comply with the specified in the original sources. However, if part of the collection consists of aromatic herbs that reduce activity when boiled (Anis, cap, Melissa, mint, oregano, coriander, kidney tea, rose petals, chamomile, Rue, currants, thyme, cumin, dill, fennel, sage, Horehound), and corn silk, bark, rhizomes, roots, extract from which bioactive substances can only the broth, then the best method of preparation of the aqueous extract – a long infusion in a thermos with a glass bulb. Numbers without units of measurement (g) after the name of the plant means the volume part.

Chronic cholecystitis. To strengthen protective (detoxification) in the liver. Especially recommended during the off-season Part 1:
- Calamus, rhizome 3
- Oregano grass 2
- Repanshek ordinary, grass 2
- Thyme, grass 2
- Yarrow, grass 2
- Shandra, grass 2
Part 2:
- Melissa, grass 1
- Peppermint, grass 1
- Chamomile, flowers 1
Part 3:
- Barberry root is 2
- Black alder, bark 1
- The dandelion root 2
- The ordinary chicory root 2
- Red clover blossoms 3
- Coriander, the fruit 1
- Peppermint, grass 2
- Everlasting (immortelle) sand, flowers, 4
Part 2:
- Black alder, bark 1
- Peppermint, grass 1
- The dandelion root 1
- The harrow tillage, root 1

Atherosclerosis congestive phenomena in the liver, chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis
- Birch leaves 1
- St. John's wort, grass 2
- Mullein skiptracing, colors 3
- The nettle leaves 2
- Everlasting (immortelle) sand, flowers, 2
Part 1:
- Calamus, rhizome 2
- Knotweed (knotweed), grass 3
- St. John's wort, grass 5
- The centaury, grass 2
- Peppermint, leaves 2
- Plantain leaves 5
- Cottonweed marsh, grass 5
- Caraway, the fruit 1
- Yarrow, grass 2
Part 2:
- The barberry, the fruit 1
- Birch leaves 1
- Thistle curly (cnicus Benedictine), grass 1
- St. John's wort, grass 1
- Walnuts, leaves 1 (optional)
- Yarrow, grass 1
- Cranberries, leaves 3
- Strawberry leaves 1
- Chamomile, flowers 2
- Horsetail grass 3
- The hop stems 1

Part 4:
- St. John's wort, grass 5
- Black alder, bark 4
- Peppermint, grass 6
- Chamomile, flowers 6
- Yarrow, grass 5
- Viola tricolor, grass 5
- Peppermint, grass 1
- The dandelion root 1
- Shandra, grass 1
- Birch leaves 2
- Oak, bark 2
- St. John's wort, grass 2
- Strawberry, fruit 3
- Corn, stigmas 5
- Juniper ordinary, buds 2
- Marigold flowers 2
- Taraxacum officinale, root 5
- Rose, white, petals 3
- Rose (rosehip), fruit 5
- Chamomile flowers 3
- Cottonweed marsh, grass 2
- Fennel fruit 2
- Horsetail, grass 5
- Everlasting (immortelle) sand, flowers, 6
- Blueberries, fruit 2
Chronic hepatitis. The primary stage of liver cirrhosis
- Calamus, rhizome 2
- Black alder, bark 2
- The dandelion root 3
- Full-time color field, grass 2
- The ordinary chicory root 2
1 tbsp / 400 ml of boiling water, cook for 3 minutes, to insist 2 hours and Drink 50 ml of 5 R./D.
Chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis
- Calamus, rhizome 1
- Dymjanka drug, herb 2
- Peppermint leaves 1
- Repanshek ordinary grass 1
- Creeping thyme, grass 1
- Yarrow, grass 1
- Viola tricolor, grass 1
- Shandra, grass 1
Congestion in the liver. Chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis. Biliary dyskinesia
- Hawthorn flowers 2
- European wild ginger, leaves 1
- Peppermint leaves 1
- Repanshek ordinary, grass 2
- Horsetail, grass 2
- Celandine, the herb and rhizome 3
Chronic gepatoholetsistitah, calculous cholecystitis
- Birch buds 1
- Knotweed (knotweed), grass 1
- Oregano, grass 1
- St. John's wort, grass 1
- Marigold flowers 1
- Chamomile, flowers 1
- Chicory ordinary, grass and root 1
- Everlasting (immortelle) sand, flowers 1
- Celandine, grass 1
Chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis. Biliary dyskinesia
- Barberry root 1
- Black alder, bark 1
- The dandelion root 1
- The ordinary chicory root 1
Chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis. Choleretic fee Sasso
- Peppermint, grass 2
- Wormwood, grass 2
- Yarrow, grass 2
- Fennel fruit 2
- Everlasting (immortelle) sand, flowers, 3
Chronic hepatitis, gepatoholetsistitah with dyspepsia, flatulence, gastritis
- Knotweed (knotweed), grass 20 g
- St. John's wort, grass 20 g
- The centaury, grass-20 g
- Black alder, bark 20 g
- Corn silk 20 g
- Peppermint, leaves 20 g
- Tansy, flowers 20 g
- Yarrow, flowers 20 g
- Everlasting (immortelle) sand, flowers, 20 g
Chronic hepatitis. Cholelithiasis
- Watch a three-sheeted (trifol'), the leaves 1
- Peppermint leaves 1
- The dandelion root 1
- The ordinary chicory root 1

Violations liver function in children Part 1:
- Knotweed (knotweed), grass 4
- St. John's wort, grass 4
- Black alder, bark 3
- Marigolds, flowers 4
- Chamomile, flowers 1
Part 2:
- Knotweed (knotweed), grass 6
- Everlasting (immortelle) sand, flowers 1
Part 3:
- The nettle leaves 1
- Quack grass, rhizome 2
- Rose (rosehip), fruit 2
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: marjalutra.livejournal.com/28987.html