Marine figure: Eastern recipes for longevity and health
Sea rice, Indian sea rice, sea mushroom, Indian rice, Chinese sea rice, living rice, Chinese mushroom, Japanese mushroom, are all names for the same organism (zooglea). Sea rice compared to other types of zooglea (Kombucha and Tibetan milk mushroom) is the most healing!
To prepare Indian rice You will need:
— clean water (filtered, boiled),
— glass jar,
— gauze on the neck of the banks,
— clear plastic measuring Cup coated with marks for measuring volume of liquid (in milliliters) in order to measure out the dose of the infusion of sea rice.
— sugar (optional)
— raisins, dried apricots, figs, prunes or other dried fruit (optional) in small quantities.
Shared the recipe sea of rice:In a quart jar, place 4 tablespoons of sea rice and 10-15 raisins. Instead of raisins (seedless), you can use apples, apricots, figs, prunes and other dried fruits.
Separately, prepare the sugar solution: 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar to 1 liter of filtered cold (unboiled!) water. Make sure the sugar is completely dissolved in water if the grains of sugar fall on the "grains of rice", the fungus will get sick. Pour the sugar solution of sea Fig.
Steep for two days (in summer — 24 hours). A jar of Indian sea rice is best put in the cupboard where fairly dry, temperate warmth and no direct sunlight.
After 2 days, strain the liquid through a sieve or 4 layers of cheesecloth into a clean jar, dried fruits, throw them away. Separated the rice, rinse well with potable (filtered) water at room temperature, separate from him 4 tablespoons, and season again. The remaining "grains of rice" can be placed in another Bank and the same pattern to prepare another infusion. Store the extra rice in the refrigerator up to 5 days (!). Store prepared drink in the refrigerator is recommended no more than 48 hours.
The infusion obtained in an one-liter jar, one person is enough for 2 days. If you want to prepare an infusion of sea rice for the whole family, it is better to use a glass jar. In this case, the dosage of ingredients is the following:
* 8 tbsp of Indian rice;
* 6 tablespoons of sugar;
* 2 crackers (optional) — 1 black, 1 white (to fry crackers to black, a little burnt, then the color of natoa will be brown);
* dried fruits.
If you're "feeding" the crackers, don't forget to remove them when the drink is ready strain the infusion into a container for drinking).
Medical fluid should be consumed regularly at least 3 times a day for 10-20 minutes before eating. You can drink a healing drink and optionally between meals. Changes in your condition you will feel after 3-4 weeks.
Take care of your beach body and treat it like a living creature. Prepare the drink with love and a positive attitude.
A drink made from the first introduced sea of rice, infused for 2 days, still very weak, but as a preventive measure he will cope with his role. If you intend to grow a real "doctor" that will help in treating a variety of diseases, have patience and grow your grains on.
Beach figure in cardiovascular zabolevaniyami sea of rice recommended for inclusion in the complex treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Myocardial infarction, stroke, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, tachycardia, angina — all these diseases are the indications for administration of infusion "rice".
Drink from the sea of Indian rice, flavoured with apples and prunes, 200 ml 3 times a day. He has to take it within 45 days.
As a result of the administration of infusion occurs:
— the restoration of heart tissue after myocardial infarction;
— improvement of myocardial contractility;
— within one month of receiving Indian rice eliminated the symptoms of heart failure of different origin;
— reducing the level of cholesterol in the body and improve the blood.
Marine rice in diseases of the gastrointestinal tractInfusion Indian rice quickly and effective restores the microflora of the stomach and intestines, good heals ulcers, eliminates inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Infusion Indian mushroom are indispensable in the treatment of ulcerative colitis and enterocolitis.
500 ml of infusion Indian Maritime rice take 3 times a day before meals. Depending on the severity of the disease course lasts from 1 to 4 months.
During the first month of treatment infusion, the "rice" of stomach ulcers and duodenum heal. For chronic ulcers take 2-3 months to defects of the mucous membrane scar.
Essential oils hemorrhoidsRecipe: When hemorrhoids well help microclysters of the following composition: 1 tbsp. spoon infusion of sea rice in 50 ml of boiled water. The first week of treatment – every day, the second week of treatment through the day. When such treatment is not only healing, but also observed an analgesic effect.
Beach body for weight lossWithout any exaggeration: infusion sea rice is one of the best tools for weight loss natural origin.
The fact that the infusion of sea rice contains an enzyme that is related to the fact that is produced by the human body. The enzyme (lipase) responsible for the cleavage of entering the human body fat. Lipase is present in humans from birth, is produced in the pancreas and breaks down fats in the intestine. However, over time, under the influence of various factors (poor nutrition, poor environment, etc.) there is a decrease in the production of lipase, whereby the part entering the human body fat is not broken down and deposited in the subcutaneous layers. So we begin to gain extra pounds.
After administration of infusion of marine Indian rice just described, the picture changes completely: due to its action in the body dramatically increases the amount of lipase. This enzyme is sufficient for the breakdown of not only the incoming fat, but those excess fats that "wrong" was postponed in the subcutaneous layer. As a result, the body restores its normal metabolism. We once again acquire the normal weight. In addition, reduced blood pressure, improves health, increases efficiency.
Adult to lose weight enough to drink 100 ml of infusion of sea rice 2-3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
Marine rice in diseases of the immune systemInfusion Indian mushroom has a pronounced antiviral activity: after 3 hours of ingestion in the body it causes the production of interferon which persists until 48 hours.
Sea Fig is a powerful preventive tool that can and should be used during epidemics of different kinds of viral infections.
Adults need 300 ml of infusion of sea rice 2-3 times a day for 10 minutes before eating.
Marine figure with neuropsychiatric zabolevanijami infusion sea rice for people with mental and neurological disorders is striking. Due to the stimulating action of infusion of sea rice (earlier, this effect is achieved only after receiving a large number of neuroprotective drugs) there is a positive dynamics of the heart, respectively, the normalization of the blood and strengthening the walls of blood vessels, which affects the emotional state of a person.
Infusion sea rice should drink 150 ml 3 times a day for 45 days. It is the average norm. For feeding of infusion is best to use light beskonechnoy figs, alternatively, dried apricots and sweet pear. Dried apples give a weaker effect.
To drink the infusion of more average rate for diseases of neurology and psychiatry is quite acceptable. The Indian figure applies to antidepressants, non-addictive, which distinguishes it from other drugs taken in the field of medicine. Changes become noticeable after 2-3 weeks of use, infusion sea rice.
Marine rice in diseases of the musculoskeletal systemInfusion sea rice should be prepared with the addition of dried pears, dried sour apples and dried apricots. In three-liter jar is taken 6 slices of pears, 6 slices of apples and 3 berries of dried apricots. On-liter jar of this portion should be divided into 3 parts.
Recipe 1:
The infusion of Indian rice is used in severe pain or in the period of exacerbation of the disease. The infusion should be drunk: in the morning – 300 ml on an empty stomach, at lunch – 200 ml, 300 ml evening before meals. Such a scheme, observe for 2-3 weeks. Then pain will retreat, and you can go for fewer infusion – 200 ml morning and evening before meals.
This course is designed for 10-14 days, then you need to take a break for a week. After that, the administration of infusion should be repeated: 200 ml morning and evening for 2 weeks. And again the break and another two-week course.
Recipe 2:
Take the infusion of sea rice growing from less liquid to more. It is used in case of articular diseases, if there is no acute pain.
After cleaning the body should start pit a weak infusion of rice, morning and evening 1/2 Cup before eating. 3-5 days go on a "strong" infusion marine Indian rice: 150 ml morning and evening before meals.
After 2 weeks of reception of the mushroom should be brought to 200 ml 2 times a day. If You do not have edema, kidney disease, if Your body copes with the processing liquid, take the infusion 3 times daily in 200 ml before eating.
In total the course is designed as a month. Then 2 month break. And then you can repeat the course of treatment for this scheme.
Sea rice diabetesit is believed that diabetes is incurable, that long do not live with him. But people who manage to stop the progression of the disease using the methods of alternative medicine, don't think so.
True fact: infusion sea rice is very good at helping patients with diabetes. Infusion brings relief, alertness, helps to fight with high fatigue, regulates metabolic processes in the body, that is, performs the function of an internal "checker". Moreover, it "follows" that all systems work properly, which is extremely important in such an unpredictable disease like diabetes. Sea Fig has a pronounced glucose-lowering properties; the use of infusion with a large number of plant foods improves vision in diabetic patients.
Treatment of diabetes mellitus includes several stages:
1. Cleansing of the body.
2. The course of taking the infusion of Indian rice.
3. Restorative diet.
The 1st stage. Cleansing the body
Cleaning should be carried out in stages, starting with a colon and ending with blood, adhering to the sequence below. 3 days prior to procedures, during which 3 days later is necessary to eat only vegetarian food.
1. Colon cleanse.
Full-time job and a clean colon — a key to the health of the whole organism. There are many ways of bowel cleansing. Here is one of them, developed by the American nutritionist N. Walker. You will need: 2 liters of boiled water, 2 tbsp Apple cider vinegar or 1 tsp citric acid.
The resulting mixture was used for enemas. They are best to do from 5 to 7 o'clock in the morning. In the first week of enema every day and put in the second — through the day, in the third — 2 days later, the fourth 3, the fifth week — once. Later enema should be done once a week.
2. Cleaning the liver.
The next stage of detoxification is to clean the liver. To prepare for this procedure for one week to a vegetarian diet. At the end of this week you can buy basic procedures. And the first day in the morning on an empty stomach need to do enema and all day drinking Apple juice fresh cooking in any quantity. On the second day the same, third the same, but to eat Apple juice only to 19 hours. Then go to bed, put a heating pad on the liver area and every 15 minutes to drink 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and immediately the same refined olive oil.
All you will need 200 ml of oil and 200 ml of lemon juice. A hot water bottle to keep on the liver 2-3 hours, then try to sleep.
When a bowel movement, along with discharge will be gallstones. Only happens 3-4 release. After that you need to do a cleansing enema and easy Breakfast.
The liver cleanse can be repeated every 2-4 weeks until the release of the bowel is clean. The procedure must be done once a year.
3. Clean gall bladder stones.
During the day you can't eat. Should drink only water (preferably distilled). In the evening have to do an enema with warm water, then drink a mixture of 120 ml of olive oil and juice of 2 lemons.
After that you should lie on your right side on a heating pad and lay so all night. The morning after the bowel cleansing drink 0.5 liters of carrot juice and lie down again on the warmer for 1.5-2 hours, after which an enema. After cleansing, 2-3 days should be vegetarian diet.
4. Cleaning of the kidneys.
The best cleaner of the kidneys is watermelon. But this is a seasonal berry, so it is often used a decoction of the roots of wild rose: 2 tbsp. chopped roots pour 2 cups water, boil for 15 minutes, allow the broth to cool, strain.
The broth should take 1/3 Cup 3 times a day for 1-2 weeks.
5. Cleaning of vessels.
A good tool for cleaning vessels is broth of Bay leaf, which is prepared as follows.
Lower 5 g Bay leaf 300 ml of water, boil for 5 minutes on low heat with the lid open to evaporate the essential oils, irritating the kidneys. Then the water with the leaves to put in a thermos, to insist 4 hours. The solution, strain and drink in small SIPS, distributing all amounts on 12 hours.
Once all can not drink, because you can cause bleeding. This procedure should be repeated for 3 days.
At the same time every day is necessary to do enema that the outgoing slag has not caused an allergic reaction in the body.
After 3 days, take a break for a week. Then repeat the procedure for another 3 days. The first year it is necessary to clean the vessels once every 3 months, then once a year after cleaning the intestines and liver.
6. Cleaning the blood, lymph.
To cleanse the blood and lymph use a decoction of the following: 4 tbsp. chopped needles of juniper or spruce, 3 tbsp. chopped rosehips, 2 tablespoons of onion peel. The mixture is boiled in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes, then insist the whole night in a warm place.
The next day the liquid is filtered and drink throughout the day. Drink this broth during 2-3 months.
Insulin-dependent patients, it is advisable to only do a bowel cleanse. The remaining cleaning steps should be agreed with the attending physician and only after analyses of blood and urine.
2nd stage. The administration of infusion of sea riceIn the second phase of treatment should continue to ensure that the stomach and bowels were well cleansed. Don't be afraid to take laxative teas and do an enema with chamomile). During administration of infusion may sometimes be loose stools — because of this too, don't worry.
Insulin-dependent patients before administration of infusion of sea rice should consult with your doctor: do not damage them with a faint sweet-sour drink. And even better — to check the blood sugar level through the day after receiving the infusion. It is unknown how insulin will react to the acidic environment of the infusion, therefore, it is necessary to observe all precautions. But non-insulin dependent diabetics infusion will bring only benefits.
How to take an infusion of marine Indian rice
It is recommended to take 750 ml of infusion of sea rice a day 15 minutes before meals. In the morning you should drink 250 ml; lunch and the evening dose can be increased to 300 ml of the infusion. At first it may seem like a lot. Some prefer to drink the infusion throughout the day, such as juice.
If the glass of liquid before eating too much for you, you can leave part of the present at the last reception the fourth, before going to sleep. However, elderly and suffering from edema people before going to sleep the infusion is better not to drink.
Full people, you can increase the dose to 850-900 ml per day due to the morning. Children under 14 years should be given from 300 to 600 ml a therapeutic infusion. After 14 years, the treatment can be performed by an adult recipe.
Leftover infusion can be cleaned with a Scotch, underarms, calf and ankle. In the morning you should take a contrast shower (alternating hot and cold jets, ending hot water).
The course of treatment is 2 weeks, then should take a week break and again repeat the course. You can spend no more than 3 courses. To return to the treatment in achieving good results is only recommended after six months.
During the administration of infusion of sea rice is useful to drink every day, infusion of leaves of bilberry or 3 times a day decoction of mustard seeds.
If you need treatment in the spring, very effective to combine the infusion of "rice" with fresh birch juice.
3. Restorative diet.
It is necessary to exclude from the diet sugar, syrup, cakes, biscuits, grapes and dates. Food to take small portions, better 4-5 times a day.
Recommended products containing various sweeteners (aspartame, saccharin, xylitol, sorbitol, fructose, etc.).
A desirable vegetarian diet.
The infusion of Indian rice as an external medicinal CREDITONLINE rice is often perceived as a healing drink, oblivious to the fact that its infusion can be successfully applied as an external agent.
Here are some recipes that will help you make the most of the healing properties of this wonderful fungus.
Arthritis and arthritisin these diseases it is recommended to do rubbing infusion in painful joints and limbs. Heat the mushroom is not necessary, you can use the infusion room temperature.
For more effective treatment, try 3-4 times a day to make the rubbing infusion of sea rice, while taking him inside. Infusion do not rinse for some time. If the procedure is done in the evening, leave the poultice on all night.
The course of treatment — 2 weeks. If the pain will stop sooner, the course should not be interrupted. Severe pain can be mild infusion with a cotton swab and apply it to the affected area. Good to use for this purpose, cotton towel, sakufiwa it the patient's joint.
OsteochondrosisWarm infusion to a temperature of 37 °C (at higher temperatures the useful bacteria included in the composition of Indian sea rice, die). To make a rubbing of the back or neck (collar area) at night. In the morning take a contrast shower and put on woolen underwear, woolen socks.
With sciaticato Mix the infusion of Indian Maritime rice with fresh butter in the ratio 2:1. The resulting mixture is applied to the affected area and leave overnight, covering the sore spot waxed paper and wrapped the loins in woolen product. In the morning you need to take conventional or contrast shower.
The deposition of saltsto Lubricate sore joints extract of the fungus in the morning and evening. The pain will disappear by 4-5-th day, and after 2-3 weeks, as a rule, joint tissues are restored.
The effect of the rubbing of the infusion of sea rice will increase by several times, if immediately before the procedure well to take a bath. Immediately after, while the body is steamed, ask someone from relatives or friends to give you a massage, stretch your vertebrae. Then sore spots, RUB an infusion of rice, put on something woolen and drink tea with lime or raspberries.
If you well transfer a fasting, cleansing program of the body and the bath, when the recommended treatment is rice, it is useful to bathe once a week.
Attention! For acute pain or in the case of Noah not to overheat. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: searice.narod.ru/Rezept.html

To prepare Indian rice You will need:
— clean water (filtered, boiled),
— glass jar,
— gauze on the neck of the banks,
— clear plastic measuring Cup coated with marks for measuring volume of liquid (in milliliters) in order to measure out the dose of the infusion of sea rice.
— sugar (optional)
— raisins, dried apricots, figs, prunes or other dried fruit (optional) in small quantities.
Shared the recipe sea of rice:In a quart jar, place 4 tablespoons of sea rice and 10-15 raisins. Instead of raisins (seedless), you can use apples, apricots, figs, prunes and other dried fruits.
Separately, prepare the sugar solution: 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar to 1 liter of filtered cold (unboiled!) water. Make sure the sugar is completely dissolved in water if the grains of sugar fall on the "grains of rice", the fungus will get sick. Pour the sugar solution of sea Fig.
Steep for two days (in summer — 24 hours). A jar of Indian sea rice is best put in the cupboard where fairly dry, temperate warmth and no direct sunlight.
After 2 days, strain the liquid through a sieve or 4 layers of cheesecloth into a clean jar, dried fruits, throw them away. Separated the rice, rinse well with potable (filtered) water at room temperature, separate from him 4 tablespoons, and season again. The remaining "grains of rice" can be placed in another Bank and the same pattern to prepare another infusion. Store the extra rice in the refrigerator up to 5 days (!). Store prepared drink in the refrigerator is recommended no more than 48 hours.
The infusion obtained in an one-liter jar, one person is enough for 2 days. If you want to prepare an infusion of sea rice for the whole family, it is better to use a glass jar. In this case, the dosage of ingredients is the following:
* 8 tbsp of Indian rice;
* 6 tablespoons of sugar;
* 2 crackers (optional) — 1 black, 1 white (to fry crackers to black, a little burnt, then the color of natoa will be brown);
* dried fruits.
If you're "feeding" the crackers, don't forget to remove them when the drink is ready strain the infusion into a container for drinking).
Medical fluid should be consumed regularly at least 3 times a day for 10-20 minutes before eating. You can drink a healing drink and optionally between meals. Changes in your condition you will feel after 3-4 weeks.
Take care of your beach body and treat it like a living creature. Prepare the drink with love and a positive attitude.
A drink made from the first introduced sea of rice, infused for 2 days, still very weak, but as a preventive measure he will cope with his role. If you intend to grow a real "doctor" that will help in treating a variety of diseases, have patience and grow your grains on.
Beach figure in cardiovascular zabolevaniyami sea of rice recommended for inclusion in the complex treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Myocardial infarction, stroke, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, tachycardia, angina — all these diseases are the indications for administration of infusion "rice".
Drink from the sea of Indian rice, flavoured with apples and prunes, 200 ml 3 times a day. He has to take it within 45 days.
As a result of the administration of infusion occurs:
— the restoration of heart tissue after myocardial infarction;
— improvement of myocardial contractility;
— within one month of receiving Indian rice eliminated the symptoms of heart failure of different origin;
— reducing the level of cholesterol in the body and improve the blood.
Marine rice in diseases of the gastrointestinal tractInfusion Indian rice quickly and effective restores the microflora of the stomach and intestines, good heals ulcers, eliminates inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Infusion Indian mushroom are indispensable in the treatment of ulcerative colitis and enterocolitis.
500 ml of infusion Indian Maritime rice take 3 times a day before meals. Depending on the severity of the disease course lasts from 1 to 4 months.
During the first month of treatment infusion, the "rice" of stomach ulcers and duodenum heal. For chronic ulcers take 2-3 months to defects of the mucous membrane scar.
Essential oils hemorrhoidsRecipe: When hemorrhoids well help microclysters of the following composition: 1 tbsp. spoon infusion of sea rice in 50 ml of boiled water. The first week of treatment – every day, the second week of treatment through the day. When such treatment is not only healing, but also observed an analgesic effect.
Beach body for weight lossWithout any exaggeration: infusion sea rice is one of the best tools for weight loss natural origin.
The fact that the infusion of sea rice contains an enzyme that is related to the fact that is produced by the human body. The enzyme (lipase) responsible for the cleavage of entering the human body fat. Lipase is present in humans from birth, is produced in the pancreas and breaks down fats in the intestine. However, over time, under the influence of various factors (poor nutrition, poor environment, etc.) there is a decrease in the production of lipase, whereby the part entering the human body fat is not broken down and deposited in the subcutaneous layers. So we begin to gain extra pounds.
After administration of infusion of marine Indian rice just described, the picture changes completely: due to its action in the body dramatically increases the amount of lipase. This enzyme is sufficient for the breakdown of not only the incoming fat, but those excess fats that "wrong" was postponed in the subcutaneous layer. As a result, the body restores its normal metabolism. We once again acquire the normal weight. In addition, reduced blood pressure, improves health, increases efficiency.
Adult to lose weight enough to drink 100 ml of infusion of sea rice 2-3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
Marine rice in diseases of the immune systemInfusion Indian mushroom has a pronounced antiviral activity: after 3 hours of ingestion in the body it causes the production of interferon which persists until 48 hours.
Sea Fig is a powerful preventive tool that can and should be used during epidemics of different kinds of viral infections.
Adults need 300 ml of infusion of sea rice 2-3 times a day for 10 minutes before eating.
Marine figure with neuropsychiatric zabolevanijami infusion sea rice for people with mental and neurological disorders is striking. Due to the stimulating action of infusion of sea rice (earlier, this effect is achieved only after receiving a large number of neuroprotective drugs) there is a positive dynamics of the heart, respectively, the normalization of the blood and strengthening the walls of blood vessels, which affects the emotional state of a person.
Infusion sea rice should drink 150 ml 3 times a day for 45 days. It is the average norm. For feeding of infusion is best to use light beskonechnoy figs, alternatively, dried apricots and sweet pear. Dried apples give a weaker effect.
To drink the infusion of more average rate for diseases of neurology and psychiatry is quite acceptable. The Indian figure applies to antidepressants, non-addictive, which distinguishes it from other drugs taken in the field of medicine. Changes become noticeable after 2-3 weeks of use, infusion sea rice.
Marine rice in diseases of the musculoskeletal systemInfusion sea rice should be prepared with the addition of dried pears, dried sour apples and dried apricots. In three-liter jar is taken 6 slices of pears, 6 slices of apples and 3 berries of dried apricots. On-liter jar of this portion should be divided into 3 parts.
Recipe 1:
The infusion of Indian rice is used in severe pain or in the period of exacerbation of the disease. The infusion should be drunk: in the morning – 300 ml on an empty stomach, at lunch – 200 ml, 300 ml evening before meals. Such a scheme, observe for 2-3 weeks. Then pain will retreat, and you can go for fewer infusion – 200 ml morning and evening before meals.
This course is designed for 10-14 days, then you need to take a break for a week. After that, the administration of infusion should be repeated: 200 ml morning and evening for 2 weeks. And again the break and another two-week course.
Recipe 2:
Take the infusion of sea rice growing from less liquid to more. It is used in case of articular diseases, if there is no acute pain.
After cleaning the body should start pit a weak infusion of rice, morning and evening 1/2 Cup before eating. 3-5 days go on a "strong" infusion marine Indian rice: 150 ml morning and evening before meals.
After 2 weeks of reception of the mushroom should be brought to 200 ml 2 times a day. If You do not have edema, kidney disease, if Your body copes with the processing liquid, take the infusion 3 times daily in 200 ml before eating.
In total the course is designed as a month. Then 2 month break. And then you can repeat the course of treatment for this scheme.
Sea rice diabetesit is believed that diabetes is incurable, that long do not live with him. But people who manage to stop the progression of the disease using the methods of alternative medicine, don't think so.
True fact: infusion sea rice is very good at helping patients with diabetes. Infusion brings relief, alertness, helps to fight with high fatigue, regulates metabolic processes in the body, that is, performs the function of an internal "checker". Moreover, it "follows" that all systems work properly, which is extremely important in such an unpredictable disease like diabetes. Sea Fig has a pronounced glucose-lowering properties; the use of infusion with a large number of plant foods improves vision in diabetic patients.
Treatment of diabetes mellitus includes several stages:
1. Cleansing of the body.
2. The course of taking the infusion of Indian rice.
3. Restorative diet.
The 1st stage. Cleansing the body
Cleaning should be carried out in stages, starting with a colon and ending with blood, adhering to the sequence below. 3 days prior to procedures, during which 3 days later is necessary to eat only vegetarian food.
1. Colon cleanse.
Full-time job and a clean colon — a key to the health of the whole organism. There are many ways of bowel cleansing. Here is one of them, developed by the American nutritionist N. Walker. You will need: 2 liters of boiled water, 2 tbsp Apple cider vinegar or 1 tsp citric acid.
The resulting mixture was used for enemas. They are best to do from 5 to 7 o'clock in the morning. In the first week of enema every day and put in the second — through the day, in the third — 2 days later, the fourth 3, the fifth week — once. Later enema should be done once a week.
2. Cleaning the liver.
The next stage of detoxification is to clean the liver. To prepare for this procedure for one week to a vegetarian diet. At the end of this week you can buy basic procedures. And the first day in the morning on an empty stomach need to do enema and all day drinking Apple juice fresh cooking in any quantity. On the second day the same, third the same, but to eat Apple juice only to 19 hours. Then go to bed, put a heating pad on the liver area and every 15 minutes to drink 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and immediately the same refined olive oil.
All you will need 200 ml of oil and 200 ml of lemon juice. A hot water bottle to keep on the liver 2-3 hours, then try to sleep.
When a bowel movement, along with discharge will be gallstones. Only happens 3-4 release. After that you need to do a cleansing enema and easy Breakfast.
The liver cleanse can be repeated every 2-4 weeks until the release of the bowel is clean. The procedure must be done once a year.
3. Clean gall bladder stones.
During the day you can't eat. Should drink only water (preferably distilled). In the evening have to do an enema with warm water, then drink a mixture of 120 ml of olive oil and juice of 2 lemons.
After that you should lie on your right side on a heating pad and lay so all night. The morning after the bowel cleansing drink 0.5 liters of carrot juice and lie down again on the warmer for 1.5-2 hours, after which an enema. After cleansing, 2-3 days should be vegetarian diet.
4. Cleaning of the kidneys.
The best cleaner of the kidneys is watermelon. But this is a seasonal berry, so it is often used a decoction of the roots of wild rose: 2 tbsp. chopped roots pour 2 cups water, boil for 15 minutes, allow the broth to cool, strain.
The broth should take 1/3 Cup 3 times a day for 1-2 weeks.
5. Cleaning of vessels.
A good tool for cleaning vessels is broth of Bay leaf, which is prepared as follows.
Lower 5 g Bay leaf 300 ml of water, boil for 5 minutes on low heat with the lid open to evaporate the essential oils, irritating the kidneys. Then the water with the leaves to put in a thermos, to insist 4 hours. The solution, strain and drink in small SIPS, distributing all amounts on 12 hours.
Once all can not drink, because you can cause bleeding. This procedure should be repeated for 3 days.
At the same time every day is necessary to do enema that the outgoing slag has not caused an allergic reaction in the body.
After 3 days, take a break for a week. Then repeat the procedure for another 3 days. The first year it is necessary to clean the vessels once every 3 months, then once a year after cleaning the intestines and liver.
6. Cleaning the blood, lymph.
To cleanse the blood and lymph use a decoction of the following: 4 tbsp. chopped needles of juniper or spruce, 3 tbsp. chopped rosehips, 2 tablespoons of onion peel. The mixture is boiled in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes, then insist the whole night in a warm place.
The next day the liquid is filtered and drink throughout the day. Drink this broth during 2-3 months.
Insulin-dependent patients, it is advisable to only do a bowel cleanse. The remaining cleaning steps should be agreed with the attending physician and only after analyses of blood and urine.
2nd stage. The administration of infusion of sea riceIn the second phase of treatment should continue to ensure that the stomach and bowels were well cleansed. Don't be afraid to take laxative teas and do an enema with chamomile). During administration of infusion may sometimes be loose stools — because of this too, don't worry.
Insulin-dependent patients before administration of infusion of sea rice should consult with your doctor: do not damage them with a faint sweet-sour drink. And even better — to check the blood sugar level through the day after receiving the infusion. It is unknown how insulin will react to the acidic environment of the infusion, therefore, it is necessary to observe all precautions. But non-insulin dependent diabetics infusion will bring only benefits.
How to take an infusion of marine Indian rice
It is recommended to take 750 ml of infusion of sea rice a day 15 minutes before meals. In the morning you should drink 250 ml; lunch and the evening dose can be increased to 300 ml of the infusion. At first it may seem like a lot. Some prefer to drink the infusion throughout the day, such as juice.
If the glass of liquid before eating too much for you, you can leave part of the present at the last reception the fourth, before going to sleep. However, elderly and suffering from edema people before going to sleep the infusion is better not to drink.
Full people, you can increase the dose to 850-900 ml per day due to the morning. Children under 14 years should be given from 300 to 600 ml a therapeutic infusion. After 14 years, the treatment can be performed by an adult recipe.
Leftover infusion can be cleaned with a Scotch, underarms, calf and ankle. In the morning you should take a contrast shower (alternating hot and cold jets, ending hot water).
The course of treatment is 2 weeks, then should take a week break and again repeat the course. You can spend no more than 3 courses. To return to the treatment in achieving good results is only recommended after six months.
During the administration of infusion of sea rice is useful to drink every day, infusion of leaves of bilberry or 3 times a day decoction of mustard seeds.
If you need treatment in the spring, very effective to combine the infusion of "rice" with fresh birch juice.
3. Restorative diet.
It is necessary to exclude from the diet sugar, syrup, cakes, biscuits, grapes and dates. Food to take small portions, better 4-5 times a day.
Recommended products containing various sweeteners (aspartame, saccharin, xylitol, sorbitol, fructose, etc.).
A desirable vegetarian diet.
The infusion of Indian rice as an external medicinal CREDITONLINE rice is often perceived as a healing drink, oblivious to the fact that its infusion can be successfully applied as an external agent.
Here are some recipes that will help you make the most of the healing properties of this wonderful fungus.
Arthritis and arthritisin these diseases it is recommended to do rubbing infusion in painful joints and limbs. Heat the mushroom is not necessary, you can use the infusion room temperature.
For more effective treatment, try 3-4 times a day to make the rubbing infusion of sea rice, while taking him inside. Infusion do not rinse for some time. If the procedure is done in the evening, leave the poultice on all night.
The course of treatment — 2 weeks. If the pain will stop sooner, the course should not be interrupted. Severe pain can be mild infusion with a cotton swab and apply it to the affected area. Good to use for this purpose, cotton towel, sakufiwa it the patient's joint.
OsteochondrosisWarm infusion to a temperature of 37 °C (at higher temperatures the useful bacteria included in the composition of Indian sea rice, die). To make a rubbing of the back or neck (collar area) at night. In the morning take a contrast shower and put on woolen underwear, woolen socks.
With sciaticato Mix the infusion of Indian Maritime rice with fresh butter in the ratio 2:1. The resulting mixture is applied to the affected area and leave overnight, covering the sore spot waxed paper and wrapped the loins in woolen product. In the morning you need to take conventional or contrast shower.
The deposition of saltsto Lubricate sore joints extract of the fungus in the morning and evening. The pain will disappear by 4-5-th day, and after 2-3 weeks, as a rule, joint tissues are restored.
The effect of the rubbing of the infusion of sea rice will increase by several times, if immediately before the procedure well to take a bath. Immediately after, while the body is steamed, ask someone from relatives or friends to give you a massage, stretch your vertebrae. Then sore spots, RUB an infusion of rice, put on something woolen and drink tea with lime or raspberries.
If you well transfer a fasting, cleansing program of the body and the bath, when the recommended treatment is rice, it is useful to bathe once a week.
Attention! For acute pain or in the case of Noah not to overheat. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: searice.narod.ru/Rezept.html
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