Exercises developing fine muscle fibers of the spinal column
There is a saying: “A man is as young and healthy as his spine.” Due to the fact that the electrical impulses that guide the work of organ cells come from the spinal column, the dominant role of the spine in the overall health of the body immediately becomes clear.
Statistics say that after 35 years, one in five of us becomes the owner of sciatica - one of the many syndromes of osteochondrosis. In general, diseases of the spine, namely osteochondrosis, belongs to this category, is a source of suffering, which to one degree or another falls on the share of almost every modern person.
1. Lying on your back, hands to the sides. Tighten the muscles of the neck, bend the head, simultaneously bend the socks of the feet on yourself. Hold the voltage 5-10 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times (Fig. 25).
Rice. 25.
2. Lying on the roller, hands behind your head. Bend down and fix the position by 2-3 seconds. Repeat 5-10 times (Fig. 26).
Rice. 26.
3. Sitting on his heels, holding his hands on his ankle joint. Bend slowly forward, touching the forehead of the floor. Put some of your body weight on your head. Keep the position 10-30 seconds, increasing the load (Figure 27).
Rice. 27.
4. Stand on the shoulders and back of the head. Hold this position 10-30 s. You can repeat 3-7 times, according to your health (Fig. 28).
5. Sitting on a chair, hands behind your head, bend, hold the voltage 3-5 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times (Figure 29).
Rice. 28.
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6. Stand. Put your hands behind your back and put them in the lock, stretch your hands. Change the position of the hands and perform again 5-10 times (Fig. 30).
Rice. 30.
7. “Goldfish” is one of the most effective exercises that work out the tonic fibers of the spinal column. Bend, simultaneously raise your arms and legs from the floor. Hold this position for 3-10 seconds. Repeat no more than 7 times (Figure 31).
8. Snake exercise. Making a slow, smooth breath, only at the expense of the muscles of the back rise up, the hands only support. In the final position, bend as hard as possible and hold your breath. Do not rot or tear your feet off the floor (Figure 32).
9. Standing on all fours, hands on the gymnastic wall, back straight. Bend in the lower back, hold the deflection 5-10 seconds. Repeat it several times. This exercise is much easier than the previous one (Fig. 33).
Rice. 31.
Rice. 32.
Rice. 33.
10. Onion exercise. Take yourself by the legs, as indicated in the picture, and, pulling them with your hands, take the final position. Hold the tension for a few seconds. Take a breath out (Figure 34).
Rice. 34
11. Lying on my stomach, hands along my torso. Raise your torso and arms above the floor. Hold the voltage 3-10 seconds. Repeat as you feel. As a complicated version of this exercise - to hold hands not behind, but to the sides (Fig. 35).
Rice. 35.
12. More powerful than previous exercises. Raise the body above the floor, as indicated in the figure, and hold in this position 5-10 seconds. Repeat 5-10 times (Figure 36).
Rice. 36.
13. Lying on your back, legs bent, bend in the lower back and chest, hands straight, emphasis on the shoulders and head. Hold the voltage 5-8 seconds. Repeat 5 times (Figure 37).
Rice. 37
14. More complicated than the previous one. Lying on your back, take up the ankles of bent legs and bend in the lower back and thoracic region. Hold the voltage 5-8 seconds. Repeat 5 times (Figure 38).
Rice. 38.
15. This exercise allows you to additionally work out the tonic fibers of the abdominal press. Lying on your back and bent your legs in your knees, bend in the lower back and thoracic region and stretch your leg up. Hold the voltage 5-8 seconds. Repeat 5 times (Figure 39). Same thing with the other leg.
16. This exercise allows you to give an even greater load on the tonic muscles of the trunk than the previous ones. Standing on your knees, bend back and grab your ankles. Hold the voltage 5-8 seconds. Repeat 5 times (Fig. 40).published
Rice. 39.
Rice. 40.
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: www.k2x2.info/medicina/bioyenergetika_cheloveka_puti_povyshenija_yenergeticheskogo_potenciala/p4.php
Statistics say that after 35 years, one in five of us becomes the owner of sciatica - one of the many syndromes of osteochondrosis. In general, diseases of the spine, namely osteochondrosis, belongs to this category, is a source of suffering, which to one degree or another falls on the share of almost every modern person.

1. Lying on your back, hands to the sides. Tighten the muscles of the neck, bend the head, simultaneously bend the socks of the feet on yourself. Hold the voltage 5-10 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times (Fig. 25).
Rice. 25.
2. Lying on the roller, hands behind your head. Bend down and fix the position by 2-3 seconds. Repeat 5-10 times (Fig. 26).
Rice. 26.
3. Sitting on his heels, holding his hands on his ankle joint. Bend slowly forward, touching the forehead of the floor. Put some of your body weight on your head. Keep the position 10-30 seconds, increasing the load (Figure 27).
Rice. 27.
4. Stand on the shoulders and back of the head. Hold this position 10-30 s. You can repeat 3-7 times, according to your health (Fig. 28).
5. Sitting on a chair, hands behind your head, bend, hold the voltage 3-5 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times (Figure 29).
Rice. 28.
Rice. 29 29
6. Stand. Put your hands behind your back and put them in the lock, stretch your hands. Change the position of the hands and perform again 5-10 times (Fig. 30).
Rice. 30.
7. “Goldfish” is one of the most effective exercises that work out the tonic fibers of the spinal column. Bend, simultaneously raise your arms and legs from the floor. Hold this position for 3-10 seconds. Repeat no more than 7 times (Figure 31).
8. Snake exercise. Making a slow, smooth breath, only at the expense of the muscles of the back rise up, the hands only support. In the final position, bend as hard as possible and hold your breath. Do not rot or tear your feet off the floor (Figure 32).
9. Standing on all fours, hands on the gymnastic wall, back straight. Bend in the lower back, hold the deflection 5-10 seconds. Repeat it several times. This exercise is much easier than the previous one (Fig. 33).
Rice. 31.
Rice. 32.
Rice. 33.
10. Onion exercise. Take yourself by the legs, as indicated in the picture, and, pulling them with your hands, take the final position. Hold the tension for a few seconds. Take a breath out (Figure 34).
Rice. 34
11. Lying on my stomach, hands along my torso. Raise your torso and arms above the floor. Hold the voltage 3-10 seconds. Repeat as you feel. As a complicated version of this exercise - to hold hands not behind, but to the sides (Fig. 35).
Rice. 35.
12. More powerful than previous exercises. Raise the body above the floor, as indicated in the figure, and hold in this position 5-10 seconds. Repeat 5-10 times (Figure 36).
Rice. 36.
13. Lying on your back, legs bent, bend in the lower back and chest, hands straight, emphasis on the shoulders and head. Hold the voltage 5-8 seconds. Repeat 5 times (Figure 37).
Rice. 37
14. More complicated than the previous one. Lying on your back, take up the ankles of bent legs and bend in the lower back and thoracic region. Hold the voltage 5-8 seconds. Repeat 5 times (Figure 38).
Rice. 38.
15. This exercise allows you to additionally work out the tonic fibers of the abdominal press. Lying on your back and bent your legs in your knees, bend in the lower back and thoracic region and stretch your leg up. Hold the voltage 5-8 seconds. Repeat 5 times (Figure 39). Same thing with the other leg.
16. This exercise allows you to give an even greater load on the tonic muscles of the trunk than the previous ones. Standing on your knees, bend back and grab your ankles. Hold the voltage 5-8 seconds. Repeat 5 times (Fig. 40).published
Rice. 39.
Rice. 40.
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: www.k2x2.info/medicina/bioyenergetika_cheloveka_puti_povyshenija_yenergeticheskogo_potenciala/p4.php