Exercises to correct kyphoscoliosis of the thoracic spine
kyphoscoliosis is a combined curvature of the spinal column, in which simultaneously there is an increase in thoracic kyphosis and displacement of the vertebrae around its axis and to the side. Treatment of such a serious pathology should be comprehensive.
Depending on the stage of the disease, it can be conservative and include corseting, physical therapy, massage, physiotherapy.
With kyphoscoliosis, exercises occupy the main place in the treatment scheme. Running forms of curvature often require surgical correction.
What types of exercise are shown?To correct kyphoscoliosis of the thoracic spine, exercises are used to strengthen the muscle groups of the back, the abdominal press, allowing to stabilize the spinal column, contributing to the improvement of the respiratory volume of the lungs.
The following techniques may be used:
1.Physical therapy (LFK).
2.Exercise in the water.
3.Fixed body positions to correct curvature.
4.Some sports, such as swimming.
5.Breathing gymnastics.
Which technique is most suitable for the patient will help determine the doctor vertebrologist or traumatologist. Often a combination of several types of physical activity is used.
With pathological curvatures of the thoracic spine, some simple movements can be very effective.
The Mountain Pose ExerciseTo perform it, you need to become straight, the feet together, while the toes are located next to each other, and the heels should be slightly spread to the sides. Hands stretched along the body, palms turned to the thighs. Stretching with the whole body and head up, while you should draw in the stomach, and the chest slightly bend forward.
For beginners or physically unprepared people, the option of performing the exercise when parts of the body touch the wall may be suitable.
At the same time, the hands are raised upwards with the palms directed forward, similarly, you need to try to reach the entire body and head up. This position should be fixed for 30-40 seconds, breathing should be smooth and calm, the look should be fixed at one point.
"Triangle Pose"It is necessary to become even, stretch the legs at a distance of 80-90 cm. The back should be straightened, the stomach drawn, the lower back should not have a strong deflection. Turn the left foot outside, and spread the hands to the sides. We make a smooth tilt to the left, it is necessary to bend as much as the body allows, while the hands should retain their original position.
The left hand slides along the thigh, then along the lower leg, if possible, you should reach the foot. The right hand gradually rises up, and the head is turned towards it. Hold the position as long as possible, for about 20-30 seconds. Then we repeat the exercise from the other side.
"Dog Pose Downwards"It is very important in this exercise to correctly take the starting position. Original position standing on all fours. The main emphasis falls on the hands, especially on the index finger, hands are flat, shoulders are just below the ears. The legs are bent at the knees and slightly extended, the fingers of the feet are fixed to the floor. The shoulder blades on the back are slightly reduced, the stomach is drawn in.
Smoothly raise the pelvis up, while the hands remain stretched forward, the palms are fixed on the floor. It is necessary to straighten the legs, and lower the feet completely on the floor. Head down. Set the position for 20-30 seconds.
"Cobra pose."This exercise is performed lying on the floor. You need to lie on your stomach, legs are flat and slightly tense, the toes of the feet also need to be stretched out. Hands bend at the elbows and place near the body, the palms should be under the shoulder joints. The forehead and chin are pressed to the floor.
We take a breath, begin to slowly raise the upper shoulder girdle and trunk, while the main work should be done by the back muscles. This position should be delayed for 5-10 seconds. Then exhale and descend to the starting position. A more complicated option of the exercise is to turn the head to the left with a raised shoulder girdle, while you should try to look at the left foot, then perform the same movement to the right.
Before you start practicing these exercises, the patient must consult with his doctor. Since such exercises contribute not only to strengthening the muscles, but also to stretching the ligamentous apparatus of the spine, some people with kyphoscoliosis may be contraindicated.
In addition, they should be performed under the guidance of an experienced instructor, since each exercise has its own subtleties and features, accompanied by a certain rhythm of breathing. If back pain occurs during training, you should review the complex or abandon complex movements.
Other types of exerciseClassic methods of physical therapy for the correction of kyphoscoliosis have also been developed.The complex of exercise therapy for kyphoscoliosis includes exercises on the back, abdomen, position on all fours and in the embryonic posture. Such starting positions contribute to maximum unloading of the spinal column, strengthen the weakened muscles of the back.
A good effect is also given by the three-dimensional technique of the German physiotherapist Katarina Schrot. It is based on lying breathing exercises aimed at eliminating asymmetric weakness of the chest muscles. The treatment complex is strictly individual for each patient, depending on the type of kyphoscoliosis and its degree. published
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Source: ohondroze.ru/razlichnye-vidy-uprazhnenij-pri-kifoskolioze.html
Depending on the stage of the disease, it can be conservative and include corseting, physical therapy, massage, physiotherapy.
With kyphoscoliosis, exercises occupy the main place in the treatment scheme. Running forms of curvature often require surgical correction.

What types of exercise are shown?To correct kyphoscoliosis of the thoracic spine, exercises are used to strengthen the muscle groups of the back, the abdominal press, allowing to stabilize the spinal column, contributing to the improvement of the respiratory volume of the lungs.
The following techniques may be used:
1.Physical therapy (LFK).
2.Exercise in the water.
3.Fixed body positions to correct curvature.
4.Some sports, such as swimming.
5.Breathing gymnastics.
Which technique is most suitable for the patient will help determine the doctor vertebrologist or traumatologist. Often a combination of several types of physical activity is used.
With pathological curvatures of the thoracic spine, some simple movements can be very effective.
The Mountain Pose ExerciseTo perform it, you need to become straight, the feet together, while the toes are located next to each other, and the heels should be slightly spread to the sides. Hands stretched along the body, palms turned to the thighs. Stretching with the whole body and head up, while you should draw in the stomach, and the chest slightly bend forward.
For beginners or physically unprepared people, the option of performing the exercise when parts of the body touch the wall may be suitable.
At the same time, the hands are raised upwards with the palms directed forward, similarly, you need to try to reach the entire body and head up. This position should be fixed for 30-40 seconds, breathing should be smooth and calm, the look should be fixed at one point.

"Triangle Pose"It is necessary to become even, stretch the legs at a distance of 80-90 cm. The back should be straightened, the stomach drawn, the lower back should not have a strong deflection. Turn the left foot outside, and spread the hands to the sides. We make a smooth tilt to the left, it is necessary to bend as much as the body allows, while the hands should retain their original position.
The left hand slides along the thigh, then along the lower leg, if possible, you should reach the foot. The right hand gradually rises up, and the head is turned towards it. Hold the position as long as possible, for about 20-30 seconds. Then we repeat the exercise from the other side.
"Dog Pose Downwards"It is very important in this exercise to correctly take the starting position. Original position standing on all fours. The main emphasis falls on the hands, especially on the index finger, hands are flat, shoulders are just below the ears. The legs are bent at the knees and slightly extended, the fingers of the feet are fixed to the floor. The shoulder blades on the back are slightly reduced, the stomach is drawn in.
Smoothly raise the pelvis up, while the hands remain stretched forward, the palms are fixed on the floor. It is necessary to straighten the legs, and lower the feet completely on the floor. Head down. Set the position for 20-30 seconds.

"Cobra pose."This exercise is performed lying on the floor. You need to lie on your stomach, legs are flat and slightly tense, the toes of the feet also need to be stretched out. Hands bend at the elbows and place near the body, the palms should be under the shoulder joints. The forehead and chin are pressed to the floor.
We take a breath, begin to slowly raise the upper shoulder girdle and trunk, while the main work should be done by the back muscles. This position should be delayed for 5-10 seconds. Then exhale and descend to the starting position. A more complicated option of the exercise is to turn the head to the left with a raised shoulder girdle, while you should try to look at the left foot, then perform the same movement to the right.

Before you start practicing these exercises, the patient must consult with his doctor. Since such exercises contribute not only to strengthening the muscles, but also to stretching the ligamentous apparatus of the spine, some people with kyphoscoliosis may be contraindicated.
In addition, they should be performed under the guidance of an experienced instructor, since each exercise has its own subtleties and features, accompanied by a certain rhythm of breathing. If back pain occurs during training, you should review the complex or abandon complex movements.
Other types of exerciseClassic methods of physical therapy for the correction of kyphoscoliosis have also been developed.The complex of exercise therapy for kyphoscoliosis includes exercises on the back, abdomen, position on all fours and in the embryonic posture. Such starting positions contribute to maximum unloading of the spinal column, strengthen the weakened muscles of the back.
A good effect is also given by the three-dimensional technique of the German physiotherapist Katarina Schrot. It is based on lying breathing exercises aimed at eliminating asymmetric weakness of the chest muscles. The treatment complex is strictly individual for each patient, depending on the type of kyphoscoliosis and its degree. published
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: ohondroze.ru/razlichnye-vidy-uprazhnenij-pri-kifoskolioze.html