The exercise "Mirror": fast relief of pain in the spine
Simple, fast and effective method of self-help for pain in the neck, thoracic and lumbar spine, ribs, abdominal organs, headaches. The principle underlying the execution – finding the most comfortable, pain-free provisions, including a combination of bending, flexion-extension, crunches.
The human body is designed so that in the event of damage committed to self-correction. Occupying a comfortable position, we translate the joints and organs from a state of pathological stress in a state of rest, equilibrium.
Staying in this position for some time – create opportunities for the normalization of blood circulation, open joints, relax muscles and fascia.
The exercise is performed in the following way. Consider the example of treatment of the neck.
Stage 1 – Diagnosis.
a) Slow run smoothly bending, then straightening. Stay in each position for a few seconds. Define what position is more comfortable, reduces or stops the pain. The memorized position. We return to the middle neutral position.
b) Slow-running tilt to the sides — left, right. Defined comfortable position. Remember. Return to the neutral.
C) Slow-running head turns left, right. Defined comfortable position. Remember. Return to the neutral.
Having defined the three most comfortable position, you can begin the treatment.
Stage 2 – Treatment.
Consistently slow to translate his neck in a comfortable position of flexion-extension, and then, from this position, the position of the tilt to the side, and then performed a turn of the head, twisting. Stay in position for 30 seconds.
Gradually return to the middle position, successively removing the neck from the pan, tilt, and flexion-extension. Make 4 deep, relaxing breaths. It can be noted that at this stage the pain and discomfort is often reduced by 30-40%. It is an indicator of correct exercise.
Range of motion of the neck also increases, but to actively test it is not necessary — it can disrupt the therapeutic effect. Repeat the exercise, pausing in the comfort position for 60 seconds. Return to the neutral. Operated by 4 breaths. 3rd time repeat the exercise with a delay of 90 seconds. Return. 4 inhalation and exhalation.
So completes a full cycle of exercises "mirror".
Additional recommendations.
When performing exercises, don't strive to make it in a large amplitude or with great force. It is important to keep a sense of comfort, painlessness. Performing a movement monitor the resistance of the tissues of the spine – bumping into obvious obstruction (barrier) to stop and go back a little bit ago.
As a rule, the combination of 3 most comfortable provisions – mirror corresponds to a combination of the 3 most painful provisions. Hence the name of the exercise – "a Mirror". So if the original neck hurt to bend, to incline to the right and turn right, the medical position-the mirror is in a small extension, tilting to the left and turn left.
If none of the provisions is not completely relieves the pain, try to find of the two options less painful and to execute it.
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Three components of exercise, the most important is the turning, twisting. If you cannot find three comfortable positions, try to identify at least two, one of which – the rotation of the neck, twisting.
Exercise can be performed for the rapid removal of acute symptoms, and treatment of chronic conditions. If the background of the exercises the pain diminishes but is not completely in 5-10 minutes, may repeat exercises. So running up to 3-4 times.
For chronic conditions per day you can perform 3 sets or do the exercises every hour. If continuation of exercise ceases to bring a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to conduct a new diagnostic test – may need other areas for correction.
When performing the "mirror" for a certain part of the body, may cause discomfort in other areas. For example, a comfortable position for the neck causes discomfort in the region of the shoulder joint or the thoracic spine.
In this case, without bringing the neck of the therapeutic situation, to test movement in 3 directions for the disturbing parts of the body to find a comfortable combination and also perform the "mirror" for her. This combination of exercises for different areas gives maximum therapeutic effect.
Therapeutic exercises for other areas of the spine and major joints are performed according to the same principles.
An important condition is the concentration of movement on a selected area of impact. For verhneuralskogo spine this is accomplished by the forward tilt flexion or extension of the shoulders – you need a little "slouch" to focus on the disturbing plot. Srednesrochnoi Department is involved in the movements of flexion-extension with preservation of a direct provision of the lower back. The lower back is involved in flexion-extension with fixed hip joints.
Treatment of abdominal organs is performed in the following way:
Placing a hand on the abdomen in the projection selected on troubling areas, perpetrated by a smooth pressing, achieving a clear sense at hand the muscles of the abdominal wall and the underlying bodies. The pressure should be sufficient to close contact, but not increasing pain. If the pain increases even when pressing lightly, begin the exercises without pressure, with effects only on the skin and subcutaneous fascia.
Stage 1 – Diagnosis.
Consistently running a lighter pressure the arm up-down, left-right twisting of the hourly and counterclockwise. Simultaneously with the pressing, the direction of the muscles, peritoneum, fascia, organs in these provisions. Stay in each position for a few seconds. Looking for the three most comfortable position. Having determined, proceed to the treatment.
Stage 2 – Treatment.
Combine consistently the three most comfortable position tissue while moving the hand up-down, left-right twisting. Delayed for 30 seconds. Slowly bring tissues to its original position. Operated by 4 breaths. Repeat with a delay of 60 and then 90 seconds.
After the exercise "mirror" for the internal organs – increases their blood circulation, metabolism, relaxes spasm capsules, decreases pain syndrome. In this way it is possible to treat cholecystitis, pancreatitis, intestinal colic, indigestion, discomfort in the heart, rhinitis, sinusitis (increasing the drainage of the maxillary sinuses), nasal bleeding, otitis media (ear infections) and other diseases.
The resulting balance of Central and vegetative nervous system, improving venous return to the heart, relaxing the tension of the pericardium, increasing the blood flow to the coronary system, the exercise "mirror" effectively and pathological conditions of the cardiovascular system.
In 2005-2006, research Department non-drug therapies and clinical physiology FDPAP Moscow medical Academy. I. M. Sechenov confirmed the effectiveness of the twisting movements and postures of twitterapi ("mirror") in the treatment of hypertension and cardialgia — pains in the heart area.
Of course, if the pain is very strong, sudden, combined with fear, profuse cold sweat – therapy nitroglycerin. If this is not a critical condition it is possible to completely drug-free treatment exercise, "the mirror". This treatment is safe, is not accompanied by side effects. Exercise in patients receiving drugs are also beneficial and allows you to gradually reduce the dosage of medication.
In the treatment of cardiovascular system is the combination of a comfortable treatment position for the neck and chest. For this first step by performing the smooth bending of the neck back and forth, left and right, and turns left and right, is a comfortable position in three directions for the neck, checked for a delay of 1 minute.
The second stage searches for a comfortable position for chest and thoracic spine. The control delay for 1 minute.
In the absence of unpleasant subjective sensations combined exercise is performed with a delay of 10-15 minutes. Within 15-30 minutes from the start of treatment systolic blood pressure drop of about 20 mm of mercury. art., diastolic blood pressure reduced by 10 mm of mercury. article To 60 minute treatment, the blood pressure decreases to normal values, there is a good feeling.
If found the position of the body physically hard to hold to facilitate it is possible to use the prop on the pillow and other items. During exercise it is important to keep relaxed, breathe slowly, internally disconnected from the pressing problems and concerns.
Discovered that the most effective twisting movements, leading to relief of clinical symptoms are: rotation of the head and thorax to the left, where the deviation in the left-posterior direction (57.3% of cases) and rotation of the head and thorax to the right when tilted in the front-lower direction (21.7% of cases). Left-back option run as effective in the treatment of chronic heart failure, ischemic heart disease, postinfarction rehabilitation.
When tired eyes to relax eye muscles and to the normalization of intraocular pressure, you obvalivanie bony parts of the orbit with an open hand, further testing of the displacements of the skin and underlying tissues in the upper and the lower, the right-left direction and twisting clockwise and counterclockwise. There are 3 comfortable positions. Is a delay for 30-60-90 seconds.
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For headache, except for the exercise "mirror" for the neck, it is possible to facilitate the therapeutic twisting of the scalp. To do this, gently captured by the scalp — recorded Palmar skin on the scalp, at the level of the parietal bones. The test is performed anterior-posterior, left-right and twisting movements. Is three comfortable position, mirror, diagonal, reflecting three of the most painful, uncomfortable positions. In a comfortable combination of 3 positions hand lingers on 30-60-90 seconds.
The exercise "Mirror" the same can be done in Sujok correspondence systems of hands and feet. This first stage is a comfortable position in 3 directions (flexion-extension, lateral bending, twisting) for the selected body part. The second stage was found movement is transferred to the matching system, fixing sequentially on 30-60-90 seconds.
In between are 4 slow, relaxing and balancing the nervous system of the inhalation and exhalation. This treatment is used as an extra, and when unable long hold the body in a therapeutic position, expressed physical weakness, the preservation of relative discomfort, even in a medical situation.published
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P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.osteodoc.ru/twist.htm
The human body is designed so that in the event of damage committed to self-correction. Occupying a comfortable position, we translate the joints and organs from a state of pathological stress in a state of rest, equilibrium.
Staying in this position for some time – create opportunities for the normalization of blood circulation, open joints, relax muscles and fascia.

The exercise is performed in the following way. Consider the example of treatment of the neck.
Stage 1 – Diagnosis.
a) Slow run smoothly bending, then straightening. Stay in each position for a few seconds. Define what position is more comfortable, reduces or stops the pain. The memorized position. We return to the middle neutral position.
b) Slow-running tilt to the sides — left, right. Defined comfortable position. Remember. Return to the neutral.
C) Slow-running head turns left, right. Defined comfortable position. Remember. Return to the neutral.
Having defined the three most comfortable position, you can begin the treatment.
Stage 2 – Treatment.
Consistently slow to translate his neck in a comfortable position of flexion-extension, and then, from this position, the position of the tilt to the side, and then performed a turn of the head, twisting. Stay in position for 30 seconds.
Gradually return to the middle position, successively removing the neck from the pan, tilt, and flexion-extension. Make 4 deep, relaxing breaths. It can be noted that at this stage the pain and discomfort is often reduced by 30-40%. It is an indicator of correct exercise.
Range of motion of the neck also increases, but to actively test it is not necessary — it can disrupt the therapeutic effect. Repeat the exercise, pausing in the comfort position for 60 seconds. Return to the neutral. Operated by 4 breaths. 3rd time repeat the exercise with a delay of 90 seconds. Return. 4 inhalation and exhalation.
So completes a full cycle of exercises "mirror".
Additional recommendations.
When performing exercises, don't strive to make it in a large amplitude or with great force. It is important to keep a sense of comfort, painlessness. Performing a movement monitor the resistance of the tissues of the spine – bumping into obvious obstruction (barrier) to stop and go back a little bit ago.
As a rule, the combination of 3 most comfortable provisions – mirror corresponds to a combination of the 3 most painful provisions. Hence the name of the exercise – "a Mirror". So if the original neck hurt to bend, to incline to the right and turn right, the medical position-the mirror is in a small extension, tilting to the left and turn left.
If none of the provisions is not completely relieves the pain, try to find of the two options less painful and to execute it.
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves, as the feeling of high vibrations — an important factor for improvement .
Three components of exercise, the most important is the turning, twisting. If you cannot find three comfortable positions, try to identify at least two, one of which – the rotation of the neck, twisting.
Exercise can be performed for the rapid removal of acute symptoms, and treatment of chronic conditions. If the background of the exercises the pain diminishes but is not completely in 5-10 minutes, may repeat exercises. So running up to 3-4 times.
For chronic conditions per day you can perform 3 sets or do the exercises every hour. If continuation of exercise ceases to bring a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to conduct a new diagnostic test – may need other areas for correction.
When performing the "mirror" for a certain part of the body, may cause discomfort in other areas. For example, a comfortable position for the neck causes discomfort in the region of the shoulder joint or the thoracic spine.
In this case, without bringing the neck of the therapeutic situation, to test movement in 3 directions for the disturbing parts of the body to find a comfortable combination and also perform the "mirror" for her. This combination of exercises for different areas gives maximum therapeutic effect.
Therapeutic exercises for other areas of the spine and major joints are performed according to the same principles.
An important condition is the concentration of movement on a selected area of impact. For verhneuralskogo spine this is accomplished by the forward tilt flexion or extension of the shoulders – you need a little "slouch" to focus on the disturbing plot. Srednesrochnoi Department is involved in the movements of flexion-extension with preservation of a direct provision of the lower back. The lower back is involved in flexion-extension with fixed hip joints.
Treatment of abdominal organs is performed in the following way:
Placing a hand on the abdomen in the projection selected on troubling areas, perpetrated by a smooth pressing, achieving a clear sense at hand the muscles of the abdominal wall and the underlying bodies. The pressure should be sufficient to close contact, but not increasing pain. If the pain increases even when pressing lightly, begin the exercises without pressure, with effects only on the skin and subcutaneous fascia.
Stage 1 – Diagnosis.
Consistently running a lighter pressure the arm up-down, left-right twisting of the hourly and counterclockwise. Simultaneously with the pressing, the direction of the muscles, peritoneum, fascia, organs in these provisions. Stay in each position for a few seconds. Looking for the three most comfortable position. Having determined, proceed to the treatment.
Stage 2 – Treatment.
Combine consistently the three most comfortable position tissue while moving the hand up-down, left-right twisting. Delayed for 30 seconds. Slowly bring tissues to its original position. Operated by 4 breaths. Repeat with a delay of 60 and then 90 seconds.
After the exercise "mirror" for the internal organs – increases their blood circulation, metabolism, relaxes spasm capsules, decreases pain syndrome. In this way it is possible to treat cholecystitis, pancreatitis, intestinal colic, indigestion, discomfort in the heart, rhinitis, sinusitis (increasing the drainage of the maxillary sinuses), nasal bleeding, otitis media (ear infections) and other diseases.
The resulting balance of Central and vegetative nervous system, improving venous return to the heart, relaxing the tension of the pericardium, increasing the blood flow to the coronary system, the exercise "mirror" effectively and pathological conditions of the cardiovascular system.
In 2005-2006, research Department non-drug therapies and clinical physiology FDPAP Moscow medical Academy. I. M. Sechenov confirmed the effectiveness of the twisting movements and postures of twitterapi ("mirror") in the treatment of hypertension and cardialgia — pains in the heart area.
Of course, if the pain is very strong, sudden, combined with fear, profuse cold sweat – therapy nitroglycerin. If this is not a critical condition it is possible to completely drug-free treatment exercise, "the mirror". This treatment is safe, is not accompanied by side effects. Exercise in patients receiving drugs are also beneficial and allows you to gradually reduce the dosage of medication.
In the treatment of cardiovascular system is the combination of a comfortable treatment position for the neck and chest. For this first step by performing the smooth bending of the neck back and forth, left and right, and turns left and right, is a comfortable position in three directions for the neck, checked for a delay of 1 minute.
The second stage searches for a comfortable position for chest and thoracic spine. The control delay for 1 minute.
In the absence of unpleasant subjective sensations combined exercise is performed with a delay of 10-15 minutes. Within 15-30 minutes from the start of treatment systolic blood pressure drop of about 20 mm of mercury. art., diastolic blood pressure reduced by 10 mm of mercury. article To 60 minute treatment, the blood pressure decreases to normal values, there is a good feeling.
If found the position of the body physically hard to hold to facilitate it is possible to use the prop on the pillow and other items. During exercise it is important to keep relaxed, breathe slowly, internally disconnected from the pressing problems and concerns.
Discovered that the most effective twisting movements, leading to relief of clinical symptoms are: rotation of the head and thorax to the left, where the deviation in the left-posterior direction (57.3% of cases) and rotation of the head and thorax to the right when tilted in the front-lower direction (21.7% of cases). Left-back option run as effective in the treatment of chronic heart failure, ischemic heart disease, postinfarction rehabilitation.
When tired eyes to relax eye muscles and to the normalization of intraocular pressure, you obvalivanie bony parts of the orbit with an open hand, further testing of the displacements of the skin and underlying tissues in the upper and the lower, the right-left direction and twisting clockwise and counterclockwise. There are 3 comfortable positions. Is a delay for 30-60-90 seconds.
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves, as the feeling of high vibrations — an important factor for improvement .
For headache, except for the exercise "mirror" for the neck, it is possible to facilitate the therapeutic twisting of the scalp. To do this, gently captured by the scalp — recorded Palmar skin on the scalp, at the level of the parietal bones. The test is performed anterior-posterior, left-right and twisting movements. Is three comfortable position, mirror, diagonal, reflecting three of the most painful, uncomfortable positions. In a comfortable combination of 3 positions hand lingers on 30-60-90 seconds.
The exercise "Mirror" the same can be done in Sujok correspondence systems of hands and feet. This first stage is a comfortable position in 3 directions (flexion-extension, lateral bending, twisting) for the selected body part. The second stage was found movement is transferred to the matching system, fixing sequentially on 30-60-90 seconds.
In between are 4 slow, relaxing and balancing the nervous system of the inhalation and exhalation. This treatment is used as an extra, and when unable long hold the body in a therapeutic position, expressed physical weakness, the preservation of relative discomfort, even in a medical situation.published
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P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.osteodoc.ru/twist.htm