Qigong — 12 is a simple and effective health and exercise
Forty six million five hundred thirty five thousand eight hundred thirty
Health qigong exercises represent complex from the book "Qigong-acupressure therapy" series ("the Traditional practice of China").
These exercises are very useful not only for specialists in qigong, but also can be used by ordinary people, who want to improve their health and prevent the onset of diseases. The exercises are simple, easy to learn and give fast results. To promote health or treat chronic diseases involved can perform the whole complex of exercises, and parts thereof depending on their physical condition and existing diseases.
List of exercises:
Shaolin pillarBasic installation instructions: This exercise develops you have the ability to stand straight like a pillar or pile. Squat, lowering hips almost parallel to the ground and widely spaced. Throughout the exercise the feet are parallel to each other at a distance of three feet from one another. Bend your knees to such an extent that the thigh was almost parallel to the ground. Toes turned slightly inward and as it captures the earth. The center of gravity precisely placed above the middle of the distance between the feet. Then deploy the knees slightly outward, fingers pointing forward. The crotch must be rounded and is preloaded, neck straight, shoulders are down, elbows are bent and in front of chest, hands turned palms to the ground, thumbs at the same aside from the index. The rest of the fingers are slightly separated from each other, middle fingers are against each other. Hands raised to shoulder level, eyes forward on the middle fingers. Before the end of exercise for some time put your hands on dantian and then of course lower them to the sides of the torso.(Fig. 2-1).
Exercise can be divided into several parts, with pauses between them. Each part may not be less than 3-5 minutes, and the duration of the entire exercise shall be not less than 30 minutes. The second step of the exercise, being in the same position, you need some time to take the hands back and move forward, coordinating the hand movements with the breath. When the hands are moving back is breath, when they are pushing forward — exhale. At the same time qi in dantian mentally shuffled, moved up and then goes down. The second step of the exercise can be performed for 3 minutes (Fig. 2-2).
Health effects: Exercise "Shaolin pole" is a combination of internal (mental) and external (physical) movements designed to improve strength of the legs, developing good posture, steady gait, improving flexibility and mobility of the torso, strengthening the back, toning the kidneys and enriching the dantian-qi.
Indications for use: the Exercise is very useful for the treatment of neurasthenia, insomnia, pain in the lower back and legs, diseases of the joints of the feet.
The big man crouches and risesBasic instructions: Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart, weight distributed on both feet equally. The first move is to sit down at the same time clenching his hands into fists and bending your elbows (Fig. 2-3, 4), and then to rise. Dantian-qi is concentrated in his fists and feet, attention focused first on the palms, and then along with the movement moves qi through the dantian and legs to the feet. The breathing should be smooth, soft and coordinated with the movements of the body. Repeat exercise 9 to 18 times.
Health effects: This exercise strengthens muscles, bones and lower back, tones the kidneys, increases strength and endurance of the body.
Indications: Arthritis, kidney disease, emission, impotence, digestive disorders and emphysema.
Pat dantianBasic instructions: Exercise in patting the dantian is a modification of exercise Pat of the combat system of Xingyi (Form and idea) — an important section of martial arts, cultivated since ancient times. Strike a pose "Shaolin pole", then raise your hands above your head with palms facing down, and the next movement, move hand from chest down to their prior crossing cantanem. At the same time visualize how the Yang-qi, we gather from Heaven and Yin qi come from the Earth, move around the body in the middle dantian (located on the 1, 5 CUN (a universal unit used in acupuncture) below the navel), where they are mixed and congenerous (Fig. 2-5).
This exercise can also be performed in another way: the arms are raised horizontally through the sides of the torso, palms while facing upward and fingers slightly separated. Then, using the right and left hand alternately to perform a patting motion on the stomach (Fig. 2-6), and finally by placing right hand over left on the belly and relax for a while to concentrate the mind on dantian. Beginners can perform the exercise while breathing in naturally and coordinate breathing with the movements of the exercises; the wizard can perform the abdominal type of breathing. To repeat the movements 9-18 times.
Health effects: Yang-qi of Heaven and Yin qi of the Earth, to help bring order to the Yin and Yang of the body and to maintain a balance between them. This exercise contributes to the enrichment of dantian-qi, improves the functions of spleen and stomach, strengthens the loins and tonifies the kidneys.
Indications: Poor appetite, indigestion, incontinence of urine and stool, enuresis, emission, impotence and paralysis of the muscles of the abdomen.
Strengthening the loins and tonifying the kidneyBasic instructions: Take the attitude of "Shaolin pole" and, moving his hand from the stomach to the armpits, they describe a circle. Using the palms of both hands qi is collected and routed to the lower back. Then, touching and pressing on the kidneys with both hands in the back of qi enter dantian (the gate of life — the centre point of minmini — C. H.). The movement of qi is regulated by the concentration of the consciousness. Repeat 9 to 18 times. The breathing should be natural (Fig. 2-7).
The same qigong exercise can also be performed in another way. After the adoption of the position of "Shaolin pole" straighten your back and lean against a wall or tree. Using pulling and swinging hands forward and backward, the expansion of the chest, and the soft tapping back against the wall causing the shock sensations in the spine and promotes circulation of qi and blood along the Du Meridian and around the spinal region. Repeat 9 to 18 times (Fig. 2-8).
Health effects: this exercise qigong promotes the circulation of qi and blood in the back and along the Du Meridian, and strengthen the muscles of the back and loins, toniziruyut kidneys. If you do it for a long time, shoulders, back and waist will become stronger, more muscular and stronger.
Indications: back Pain and lumbago, nerve paralysis, for the General improvement of the health status, physical hardening and strengthening the body.
Hit the cinnabar palmBasic instructions: This name is associated with redness of the palms as a result of concentration in them qi; cinnabar (jusa) — plant red, is used in Chinese medicine. Adopting the attitude of "Shaolin pole", raise your arms forward to shoulder level (the distance between them remains equal to the shoulder width), palms pointing forward, thumbs towards each other (Fig. 2-9).
Qi moves from the lower dantian, upper dantian through the internal point laogun (PC 8), located in the center of the palms. The palm of your hand with concentrated qi slowly they are pushed forward until, until hands are completely straightened, or overcome (repel) some obstacle. First, for example, you can use a paper barrier, then wood, then stone plate and, finally, the iron (Fig. 2-10). To increase the pushing force, the motion of your palms facing forward it is necessary to produce the exhalation, and in their diverting ago — breath. The attention should be concentrated on the palms. Both hands can be moved forwards and backwards simultaneously or alternately, following the movement of 9-18 times.
Health effects: This qigong exercise will help to strengthen the power of the hands, palms and fingers, to improve the mobility of the hands.
Indications for use: the exercise can be used to treat disorders of the joints of the hands, and due to the fact that in the process of its implementation, the internal qi is concentrated in the fingers and then released in the form of external qi, it can be used in qigong acupressure therapy.
Tai Chi ballBasic instructions: Take the pose of "Shaolin pole" holding in each hand a round ball of sand, weighing about 3, 5 kg. to First move hands in a circle near the trunk to the left and to the right and then to raise them up and lower down at least 100 times (Fig. 2-11).
The next movement to rotate the ball in his hands at least a hundred times (Fig. 2-12). You can repeat the exercise from 9 to 18 times in one session.
Health effects: this exercise, at first glance, not very intense and not consuming large amounts of energy, at the same time can lead to very significant enrichment of the internal energy and increase the strength of the hands, palms and fingers.
Indications for use: the Exercise is useful in diseases such as inflammation of the joints of shoulder, cervical spondylosis. As a result of performing exercises over a long enough period, the student may develop the ability to arbitrarily manipulate the qi by moving it in the palm of your hand and fingers and then using it to treat patients with qigong acupressure.
Immortal Erlan bear mountain TaishanBasic instructions: Take the pose of "Shaolin pole" and for dantian-qi in both hands and palm. Producing palms pushing motion, pulling with arms to the side. Concentrated consciousness thus moves along the medial side of the hand to the points laogun (PC 8) in the center of the palms. Then shake hands up and down, and deploy the palm of your hand, taking a pose of maintaining, as if you're trying to carry on the shoulders of mount Taishan (Fig. 2-13). To repeat the movements 9-18 times.
Health effects: Exercise allows you to increase the strength of the hands and wrists, increases the number of dantian-qi and internal force, improve the physical condition of the student and his health.
Indications: the Exercise may help to prevent and cure cervical spondylosis, constrictive capsulitis, pain in lower back and legs. When it runs also enrich the body's qi is required to conduct qigong acupressure therapy.
Push-UPS on the claws of the dragonBasic instructions: Lie on the floor, leaning on your palms and toes, so that the chest, stomach and thighs are off the floor. Then straighten the back, as shown in the drawings (Fig. 2-14, 2-15, 2-16). Strong enough and trained people can rely on the five fingers (or even three or two fingers) to keep the body above the floor. You can repeat the exercise from 9 to 18 times, depending on the physical fitness and age of the students.
Health effects: This exercise will help to increase the strength of fingers of hands and legs, strengthen muscles and bones, promotes the enrichment of the inner energy.
Indications for use: the Exercise can be used for the prevention and treatment of pain in the neck, shoulders, lower back and legs, improve the physical data involved, the replenishment of qi energy for use in qigong acupressure therapy.
Push hands with internal forceBasic instructions: Standing in front of a wall or tree, take the posture of an Archer (one foot behind the other). Straighten your back and put your hands naturally divorced and slightly bent like the claws of the fingers (Fig. 2-17).
At the same time move dantian qi to the arms and hands: combine and concentrate the mind, qi and strength on pushing walls. The force applied by the palms of your hands should be steady, but soft. Then lower your center of gravity down and naturally move your palms back and forth (Fig. 2-18). The rhythm of breathing and the order of concentration of the consciousness should be coordinated with the rate of movement of the hand; the student must stand steadily and avoid falls if the body moves back and forth.
Health effects: Exercise improves hand strength and fingers, to improve the physical data involved and its state of health.
Indications: This exercise may be useful in restoring damaged joints, and to nourish qi to its use in qigong acupressure therapy.
Boy praying to BuddhaBasic instructions: Take the attitude of "Shaolin pole". Hands freely down the sides of the trunk and then gradually lift them through the hand to the chest, joining hands together; points laogun (PC 8) of both hands should touch each other; the ends of the fingers are at shoulder level (point danjon (RN 17)); elbows slightly bent, forming a chest with a small circle, such as the praying boy (Fig. 2-19).
Concentrate the mind on the points laogun and then move it down into the lower dantian. The breathing should be smooth and natural. After performing the posture for 5-10 minutes, the right hand is pushed to the right side of the torso, and the left palm is placed before the abdomen, then the position of the hands is reversed. To repeat the movements 9-18 times (Fig. 2-20, 2-21).
Health effects: Exercise has a sedative effect, regulating and maintaining normal brain function. It also facilitates the generation of internal energy qi.
Indications for use: the Exercise can be used for the prevention and treatment of insomnia, neurasthenia, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the joints of the knees.
The final poseAfter you complete 10 of these exercises, concentrating on moving the arms, raise them through the sides to shoulder level, and then expand the palm of your hand and submerge them by pressing down, mentally pushing out the turbid qi from the body.
The body should be relaxed, the breath is smooth and soft (Fig. 2-22). Repeat 6-8 times.
Comments and guidance on the exercises:Student can do any of the 10 described videopregnancy depending on your physical condition and ailments. To do the exercise better in the morning, after emptying the stomach and bladder, or one hour after Breakfast. Beginner exercises should be performed gently and slowly; their duration and intensity should increase gradually, step by step. Otherwise, possible damage to muscles and joints. These exercises of qigong must be performed in the morning in a clean and quiet place; this should provide sufficient inflow of fresh air. Breathing fresh air is very essential to recharge the body with vital energy qi. Deep sleep and appropriate diet can amplify the performance impact of these qigong exercises. Before you can treat other specialist qigong acupressure should thoroughly master the necessary minimum of relevant medical knowledge and skills to perform specific manipulations of qigong acupressure therapy and also have sufficient practical experience. In self-medication, the patient should apply qigong acupressure very carefully and slowly, the intensity and duration of stimulation should be increased gradually.
Source: naturalworld.ru/praktika_ozdorovitelnyie-uprazhneniya.htm
Health qigong exercises represent complex from the book "Qigong-acupressure therapy" series ("the Traditional practice of China").
These exercises are very useful not only for specialists in qigong, but also can be used by ordinary people, who want to improve their health and prevent the onset of diseases. The exercises are simple, easy to learn and give fast results. To promote health or treat chronic diseases involved can perform the whole complex of exercises, and parts thereof depending on their physical condition and existing diseases.
List of exercises:
- Preparation exercise qigong
- Shaolin post
- The big man crouches and rises
- Pat dantian
- Strengthening the loins and tonifying the kidney
- Hit the cinnabar palm
- The Taiji Ball
- Immortal Erlan bear mountain Taishan
- Push-UPS on the claws of the dragon
- Push hands with internal force
- Boy praying to Buddha
- The final pose
Shaolin pillarBasic installation instructions: This exercise develops you have the ability to stand straight like a pillar or pile. Squat, lowering hips almost parallel to the ground and widely spaced. Throughout the exercise the feet are parallel to each other at a distance of three feet from one another. Bend your knees to such an extent that the thigh was almost parallel to the ground. Toes turned slightly inward and as it captures the earth. The center of gravity precisely placed above the middle of the distance between the feet. Then deploy the knees slightly outward, fingers pointing forward. The crotch must be rounded and is preloaded, neck straight, shoulders are down, elbows are bent and in front of chest, hands turned palms to the ground, thumbs at the same aside from the index. The rest of the fingers are slightly separated from each other, middle fingers are against each other. Hands raised to shoulder level, eyes forward on the middle fingers. Before the end of exercise for some time put your hands on dantian and then of course lower them to the sides of the torso.(Fig. 2-1).

Exercise can be divided into several parts, with pauses between them. Each part may not be less than 3-5 minutes, and the duration of the entire exercise shall be not less than 30 minutes. The second step of the exercise, being in the same position, you need some time to take the hands back and move forward, coordinating the hand movements with the breath. When the hands are moving back is breath, when they are pushing forward — exhale. At the same time qi in dantian mentally shuffled, moved up and then goes down. The second step of the exercise can be performed for 3 minutes (Fig. 2-2).

Health effects: Exercise "Shaolin pole" is a combination of internal (mental) and external (physical) movements designed to improve strength of the legs, developing good posture, steady gait, improving flexibility and mobility of the torso, strengthening the back, toning the kidneys and enriching the dantian-qi.
Indications for use: the Exercise is very useful for the treatment of neurasthenia, insomnia, pain in the lower back and legs, diseases of the joints of the feet.
The big man crouches and risesBasic instructions: Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart, weight distributed on both feet equally. The first move is to sit down at the same time clenching his hands into fists and bending your elbows (Fig. 2-3, 4), and then to rise. Dantian-qi is concentrated in his fists and feet, attention focused first on the palms, and then along with the movement moves qi through the dantian and legs to the feet. The breathing should be smooth, soft and coordinated with the movements of the body. Repeat exercise 9 to 18 times.

Health effects: This exercise strengthens muscles, bones and lower back, tones the kidneys, increases strength and endurance of the body.
Indications: Arthritis, kidney disease, emission, impotence, digestive disorders and emphysema.
Pat dantianBasic instructions: Exercise in patting the dantian is a modification of exercise Pat of the combat system of Xingyi (Form and idea) — an important section of martial arts, cultivated since ancient times. Strike a pose "Shaolin pole", then raise your hands above your head with palms facing down, and the next movement, move hand from chest down to their prior crossing cantanem. At the same time visualize how the Yang-qi, we gather from Heaven and Yin qi come from the Earth, move around the body in the middle dantian (located on the 1, 5 CUN (a universal unit used in acupuncture) below the navel), where they are mixed and congenerous (Fig. 2-5).

This exercise can also be performed in another way: the arms are raised horizontally through the sides of the torso, palms while facing upward and fingers slightly separated. Then, using the right and left hand alternately to perform a patting motion on the stomach (Fig. 2-6), and finally by placing right hand over left on the belly and relax for a while to concentrate the mind on dantian. Beginners can perform the exercise while breathing in naturally and coordinate breathing with the movements of the exercises; the wizard can perform the abdominal type of breathing. To repeat the movements 9-18 times.
Health effects: Yang-qi of Heaven and Yin qi of the Earth, to help bring order to the Yin and Yang of the body and to maintain a balance between them. This exercise contributes to the enrichment of dantian-qi, improves the functions of spleen and stomach, strengthens the loins and tonifies the kidneys.
Indications: Poor appetite, indigestion, incontinence of urine and stool, enuresis, emission, impotence and paralysis of the muscles of the abdomen.
Strengthening the loins and tonifying the kidneyBasic instructions: Take the attitude of "Shaolin pole" and, moving his hand from the stomach to the armpits, they describe a circle. Using the palms of both hands qi is collected and routed to the lower back. Then, touching and pressing on the kidneys with both hands in the back of qi enter dantian (the gate of life — the centre point of minmini — C. H.). The movement of qi is regulated by the concentration of the consciousness. Repeat 9 to 18 times. The breathing should be natural (Fig. 2-7).

The same qigong exercise can also be performed in another way. After the adoption of the position of "Shaolin pole" straighten your back and lean against a wall or tree. Using pulling and swinging hands forward and backward, the expansion of the chest, and the soft tapping back against the wall causing the shock sensations in the spine and promotes circulation of qi and blood along the Du Meridian and around the spinal region. Repeat 9 to 18 times (Fig. 2-8).
Health effects: this exercise qigong promotes the circulation of qi and blood in the back and along the Du Meridian, and strengthen the muscles of the back and loins, toniziruyut kidneys. If you do it for a long time, shoulders, back and waist will become stronger, more muscular and stronger.
Indications: back Pain and lumbago, nerve paralysis, for the General improvement of the health status, physical hardening and strengthening the body.
Hit the cinnabar palmBasic instructions: This name is associated with redness of the palms as a result of concentration in them qi; cinnabar (jusa) — plant red, is used in Chinese medicine. Adopting the attitude of "Shaolin pole", raise your arms forward to shoulder level (the distance between them remains equal to the shoulder width), palms pointing forward, thumbs towards each other (Fig. 2-9).

Qi moves from the lower dantian, upper dantian through the internal point laogun (PC 8), located in the center of the palms. The palm of your hand with concentrated qi slowly they are pushed forward until, until hands are completely straightened, or overcome (repel) some obstacle. First, for example, you can use a paper barrier, then wood, then stone plate and, finally, the iron (Fig. 2-10). To increase the pushing force, the motion of your palms facing forward it is necessary to produce the exhalation, and in their diverting ago — breath. The attention should be concentrated on the palms. Both hands can be moved forwards and backwards simultaneously or alternately, following the movement of 9-18 times.
Health effects: This qigong exercise will help to strengthen the power of the hands, palms and fingers, to improve the mobility of the hands.
Indications for use: the exercise can be used to treat disorders of the joints of the hands, and due to the fact that in the process of its implementation, the internal qi is concentrated in the fingers and then released in the form of external qi, it can be used in qigong acupressure therapy.
Tai Chi ballBasic instructions: Take the pose of "Shaolin pole" holding in each hand a round ball of sand, weighing about 3, 5 kg. to First move hands in a circle near the trunk to the left and to the right and then to raise them up and lower down at least 100 times (Fig. 2-11).

The next movement to rotate the ball in his hands at least a hundred times (Fig. 2-12). You can repeat the exercise from 9 to 18 times in one session.
Health effects: this exercise, at first glance, not very intense and not consuming large amounts of energy, at the same time can lead to very significant enrichment of the internal energy and increase the strength of the hands, palms and fingers.
Indications for use: the Exercise is useful in diseases such as inflammation of the joints of shoulder, cervical spondylosis. As a result of performing exercises over a long enough period, the student may develop the ability to arbitrarily manipulate the qi by moving it in the palm of your hand and fingers and then using it to treat patients with qigong acupressure.
Immortal Erlan bear mountain TaishanBasic instructions: Take the pose of "Shaolin pole" and for dantian-qi in both hands and palm. Producing palms pushing motion, pulling with arms to the side. Concentrated consciousness thus moves along the medial side of the hand to the points laogun (PC 8) in the center of the palms. Then shake hands up and down, and deploy the palm of your hand, taking a pose of maintaining, as if you're trying to carry on the shoulders of mount Taishan (Fig. 2-13). To repeat the movements 9-18 times.

Health effects: Exercise allows you to increase the strength of the hands and wrists, increases the number of dantian-qi and internal force, improve the physical condition of the student and his health.
Indications: the Exercise may help to prevent and cure cervical spondylosis, constrictive capsulitis, pain in lower back and legs. When it runs also enrich the body's qi is required to conduct qigong acupressure therapy.
Push-UPS on the claws of the dragonBasic instructions: Lie on the floor, leaning on your palms and toes, so that the chest, stomach and thighs are off the floor. Then straighten the back, as shown in the drawings (Fig. 2-14, 2-15, 2-16). Strong enough and trained people can rely on the five fingers (or even three or two fingers) to keep the body above the floor. You can repeat the exercise from 9 to 18 times, depending on the physical fitness and age of the students.

Health effects: This exercise will help to increase the strength of fingers of hands and legs, strengthen muscles and bones, promotes the enrichment of the inner energy.
Indications for use: the Exercise can be used for the prevention and treatment of pain in the neck, shoulders, lower back and legs, improve the physical data involved, the replenishment of qi energy for use in qigong acupressure therapy.
Push hands with internal forceBasic instructions: Standing in front of a wall or tree, take the posture of an Archer (one foot behind the other). Straighten your back and put your hands naturally divorced and slightly bent like the claws of the fingers (Fig. 2-17).

At the same time move dantian qi to the arms and hands: combine and concentrate the mind, qi and strength on pushing walls. The force applied by the palms of your hands should be steady, but soft. Then lower your center of gravity down and naturally move your palms back and forth (Fig. 2-18). The rhythm of breathing and the order of concentration of the consciousness should be coordinated with the rate of movement of the hand; the student must stand steadily and avoid falls if the body moves back and forth.
Health effects: Exercise improves hand strength and fingers, to improve the physical data involved and its state of health.
Indications: This exercise may be useful in restoring damaged joints, and to nourish qi to its use in qigong acupressure therapy.
Boy praying to BuddhaBasic instructions: Take the attitude of "Shaolin pole". Hands freely down the sides of the trunk and then gradually lift them through the hand to the chest, joining hands together; points laogun (PC 8) of both hands should touch each other; the ends of the fingers are at shoulder level (point danjon (RN 17)); elbows slightly bent, forming a chest with a small circle, such as the praying boy (Fig. 2-19).

Concentrate the mind on the points laogun and then move it down into the lower dantian. The breathing should be smooth and natural. After performing the posture for 5-10 minutes, the right hand is pushed to the right side of the torso, and the left palm is placed before the abdomen, then the position of the hands is reversed. To repeat the movements 9-18 times (Fig. 2-20, 2-21).
Health effects: Exercise has a sedative effect, regulating and maintaining normal brain function. It also facilitates the generation of internal energy qi.
Indications for use: the Exercise can be used for the prevention and treatment of insomnia, neurasthenia, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the joints of the knees.
The final poseAfter you complete 10 of these exercises, concentrating on moving the arms, raise them through the sides to shoulder level, and then expand the palm of your hand and submerge them by pressing down, mentally pushing out the turbid qi from the body.
The body should be relaxed, the breath is smooth and soft (Fig. 2-22). Repeat 6-8 times.

Comments and guidance on the exercises:Student can do any of the 10 described videopregnancy depending on your physical condition and ailments. To do the exercise better in the morning, after emptying the stomach and bladder, or one hour after Breakfast. Beginner exercises should be performed gently and slowly; their duration and intensity should increase gradually, step by step. Otherwise, possible damage to muscles and joints. These exercises of qigong must be performed in the morning in a clean and quiet place; this should provide sufficient inflow of fresh air. Breathing fresh air is very essential to recharge the body with vital energy qi. Deep sleep and appropriate diet can amplify the performance impact of these qigong exercises. Before you can treat other specialist qigong acupressure should thoroughly master the necessary minimum of relevant medical knowledge and skills to perform specific manipulations of qigong acupressure therapy and also have sufficient practical experience. In self-medication, the patient should apply qigong acupressure very carefully and slowly, the intensity and duration of stimulation should be increased gradually.
Source: naturalworld.ru/praktika_ozdorovitelnyie-uprazhneniya.htm