Qigong — the art of self-regulation comes from China

This art of self-regulation came to us from China. The qi Gong for weight loss and General health improvement has not lost relevance even today.
HELPFUL INFORMATION Qigong is a traditional Chinese system of self-improvement. It is built on the combination of breathing, movement and altered state of consciousness. The main element of these teachings is such a thing as Qi – the life energy that underlies our existence. Learning how to control it, you can perfectly adjust your body to achieve complete mental and physical health. In addition, qigong promotes spiritual awakening. People who practice this system, become calmer, more responsive and kinder. Classes exempt from the so-called inner clips, harmonize the body, rid of diseases and pathological conditions, contribute to a smooth decrease in weight (due to the change of the body, and not as a result of exhausting physical exertion).
COMPLEX QIGONG LANA Lana ANATOLE Anatole is a resident of Boston for many years devoted to the study of Qigong. Today, her lessons are available in video format, which is very convenient – you can study the complex without leaving the apartment. Why do people get better? Lana explains this is insufficient intake of the same cosmic energy of Qi. Experiencing a deficit, we feel weakness, irritability, fatigue. Trying to fix this state, we are subconsciously looking for an alternative and find it in food. Well, the overeating, as we know, immediately displayed on the weight – we will get better. Obesity negatively affects the functioning of internal systems that arise and multiply in the internal "clips", compounded (the weight continues to increase).
How to deal with the problem? Lana explains to his followers that in our body there are 3 "home". One of them is located below the navel and is filled with the energy of the Earth (the connection with the Earth ensures that the coccyx is our tail atrophy). The second "home" in the middle of the body and powered by stomach. Third, Ochag is located in the chest area and receives nourishment from the air. All the "hot spots" — a single system. To normalize the weight, you need to configure each of them. To do this, Lana developed a special set of exercises during its execution will have to carefully follow the breath and thoughts and the technique of execution of movements.
QIGONG: an EXAMPLE of a BREATHING EXERCISE Qigong can be used for weight loss. All you need is careful study of we offer information. For starters, we offer you to master one exercise. It will help you control your appetite, reducing craving for food.
Sitting on a hard surface (chair, bench), legs apart at shoulder width, feet press to the floor (thighs parallel to the floor). On the bent knuckle in the left hand, put the palm of his right hand. Place the elbows on the knees, lower the body forward, lean your forehead on your hands. For better concentration, close your eyes. Psychologically relax, think about pleasant. Inhale, and then exhale through your mouth, making the abdomen soft. Again inhale, inflating the belly like a frog, but not rounding it completely. Stop the breath for a few seconds, then short inhale and start to release the air from the lungs. Exhale through mouth, do it slowly and smoothly, expelling from the body "pollution". After completing the breathing exercise, eye some time the place closed. Then raise your head, RUB each other the palm of your hand, inhale, stretch.
REVIEWS Qigong for weight loss – an effective system of training, allows to normalize weight without any negative effects and health benefits. According to the reviews, the lessons at first are difficult – requires time to master exercise technique.
Source: updiet.info/