AWESOME exercises for WEIGHT loss does not require dieting!
Treat the cause, not the consequence — the basic principle of Oriental medicine.
Consider the exercise:
– Drawing Of The Moon
– Breeding water
– The circular flow of Qi
Visual appeal is not confined to skin condition.
Therefore, let us shape a slim figure.
Approach qigong to get rid of excess weight is different from the West. According to masters of qigong, energetic exercises like aerobics and Jogging are undesirable due to excessive loads and high energy losses. Termination of lessons in these sports affects health and reduces efficiency.
According to the philosophy of qigong, the removal of proteins and carbohydrates forced combustion energy does not fit into the concept of a healthy lifestyle.
Diet as a means of weight loss even worse !
In this case, You not only deprive yourself of pleasure, but also limit access you need for work and entertainment energy, weakening the vital body systems, which leads to unpredictable consequences.
The notion that restriction of food reduces body weight, is not tenable.
In fact, some overweight people eat very little and still remain full; some thin people eat a lot but remain thin.
The problem lies in the disruption of the hormonal system.
Obese people do not have enough hormones for the processing of food consumed in clean energy; the body thin people fully and completely uses the energy content of food.
In the first case, the mass of a body excessively increases, and the second remains at the same (insufficient) level. In terms of Chinese medicine we can talk about the disharmony of Yin and Yang.
With the restoration of harmony, your body produces many hormones as necessary.
Body weight and energy balance out and the meal will be handled by nature itself. The feeling of hunger will appear only as needed, signaling that it was time to fill the energy costs and the loss of body weight.
If you eat too much, not out of necessity but for pleasure, the body will produce more hormones to banish excess, and chemical reactions in the body will cause a decreased appetite.
The body is a truly unique mechanism of an Autonomous system which is operated without errors under the condition that qi, which is the source of adequate information flows harmoniously.
Qigong provides and enhances this flow. So doing, you can eat anything you want without limits, while maintaining a slender figure.
Peggy was enormously big belly, and her figure looks similar (I don't mean to be rude) a barrel. The woman could not even dream of proportional body — too great was her passion for cake and chocolate. After six months of daily qigong practice her body was found an attractive shape, without losing weight. All this time she continued to enjoy cakes and chocolate, without compromising health. Doing qigong, she reconstructed her body, moving excess weight from the abdomen to the chest and hips.
Before looking at the exercises that have helped Peggy, it makes sense to talk about the concept that Chinese medicine identifies as "branch and root".
This expression can be translated as "a consequence (manifestation), and cause".
As already mentioned, Chinese medicine treats the patient, not the disease.
According to another fundamental principle should be to "treat the root (cause) and not just the branch (symptoms) of the disease."
From this point of view it seems inappropriate to treat diabetes and ulcers with the help of insulin in the first case, and surgical intervention in the second.
This approach would mean the elimination of the consequences of disease, not its causes.
Qigong therapy detoxifies the meridians (restoring job feedback systems) and harmonizes the Yin-Yang (restoring hormonal balance).
As a result, the body regains its ability to produce the right amount of hormones, which neutralize excess sugar and digestive juices. In this case eliminated the very cause of the disease.
It should be mentioned that it is sometimes necessary to first eliminate the consequence, for example for acute pain or life threatening.
There are cases when pre-treatment of pronounced symptoms further helps to remove the cause.
For example, if the ulcer suffers greatly, the qigong therapist will first stop the pain by pressing on the corresponding energy points. However, he understands that pain did not bring recovery and should remove the cause.
Similarly, enhanced nutrition or diet, designed respectively to increase and decrease in body weight, eliminate the external manifestation and not the cause.
A similar pattern is observed when the person burns off the excess weight via physical exercise.
Thus, qigong addresses the cause of illness, harmonizing the process of production of hormones.
Fat girl becomes beautiful
In the case of Peggy at first I paid attention to the solution of problems related to appearance, as it could accelerate the elimination of the causes.
Peggy worked on the following program.
The Pulling Of The Moon
Lie on bed or floor, hands extend along the body. Raise both legs to 60 cm or so, but not higher than 50 cm from the floor. Pull socks.
Keeping the legs together and without bending the knees, describe a small circle in the air toes of the feet. The initial direction of rotation – clockwise or counterclockwise – doesn't matter.
The movement must be very slow – not less than half a minute to one revolution.
If you can, make several turns in the same direction.
If not, slowly lower the legs and relax for a few seconds. Then repeat in the opposite direction.
Again a reminder – the movement must be very slow.
Get some rest and repeat the whole procedure – the same number of rotations clockwise and counterclockwise.
The exercise is called Pull of the moon." Like many other qigong exercises, technique is embarrassingly simple. The secret is that you should do each regularly and consistently morning and evening.
It is recommended in the morning before getting out of bed, and in the evening before bedtime.
In connection with the exercise does not need any restrictions. You can have sex before or after exercise – it will not hurt.
Over time, increase the number of spins.
By the time when you can do ten circles in each direction, you will have to change the wardrobe!
In the morning, making the Pull of the moon, get up and do "Lifting the Sky".
In the evening you can change the sequence and after exercise immediately go to sleep.
Perform these exercises at least three months or for as long as your waist will not gain acceptable shape. Then you can add the following two exercises.
Breeding water
Stand straight with feet together.
Hands in front of you at shoulder level.
Thumbs down, palms point forward.
Fingers nearly touch each other, as shown in the figure.
Without bending arms at the elbows and keeping the palms at right angles to the wrists, arms in hand, all the while keeping your palms at shoulder level.
At the same time, gently and deeply inhale through the nose, filling the air chest. During inhalation lift the chest as high as you can.
Imagine how positive cosmic energy feeds and strengthens your chest. Pause for one or two seconds.
Then slowly exhale through your mouth.
Repeat the exercise about ten times.
Gradually increase the number of turns to twenty. Complete the exercise with your hands down through the sides down at the same point the palm to the ground, put your hands down and simultaneously exhale through the mouth.
The circular flow of Qi
Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart, arms down along the hips.
Rotate the hips as if you were turning a hula Hoop.
Making thirty times in any direction, do the same in the opposite direction.
After rotation, close your eyes; stand still and think about the flow of Chi around your waist.
Start driving, obeying the direction of the flow, and enjoy the spontaneous circulation of qi.
With tenderness think about how qi redistributes your flesh, creating a perfect body.
Ten minutes later, or when you enjoy to the full, mentally stop the movement. At the end of the exercise, do facial massage.
If you have a good figure and you want to maintain or improve, perform all four exercises:
"Sky lift", the "Pulling of the moon", "Breeding water" and "the Circular flow of Qi".
If you have large fat deposits in the waist area, adjust only the Sky Lift and pull of the moon for three months and only then move on to two other exercises. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: qiclub.ru/qigong-skinny-wong-kiew-kit.html
Consider the exercise:
– Drawing Of The Moon
– Breeding water
– The circular flow of Qi
Visual appeal is not confined to skin condition.
Therefore, let us shape a slim figure.
Approach qigong to get rid of excess weight is different from the West. According to masters of qigong, energetic exercises like aerobics and Jogging are undesirable due to excessive loads and high energy losses. Termination of lessons in these sports affects health and reduces efficiency.
According to the philosophy of qigong, the removal of proteins and carbohydrates forced combustion energy does not fit into the concept of a healthy lifestyle.
Diet as a means of weight loss even worse !
In this case, You not only deprive yourself of pleasure, but also limit access you need for work and entertainment energy, weakening the vital body systems, which leads to unpredictable consequences.
The notion that restriction of food reduces body weight, is not tenable.
In fact, some overweight people eat very little and still remain full; some thin people eat a lot but remain thin.
The problem lies in the disruption of the hormonal system.
Obese people do not have enough hormones for the processing of food consumed in clean energy; the body thin people fully and completely uses the energy content of food.
In the first case, the mass of a body excessively increases, and the second remains at the same (insufficient) level. In terms of Chinese medicine we can talk about the disharmony of Yin and Yang.
With the restoration of harmony, your body produces many hormones as necessary.
Body weight and energy balance out and the meal will be handled by nature itself. The feeling of hunger will appear only as needed, signaling that it was time to fill the energy costs and the loss of body weight.
If you eat too much, not out of necessity but for pleasure, the body will produce more hormones to banish excess, and chemical reactions in the body will cause a decreased appetite.
The body is a truly unique mechanism of an Autonomous system which is operated without errors under the condition that qi, which is the source of adequate information flows harmoniously.
Qigong provides and enhances this flow. So doing, you can eat anything you want without limits, while maintaining a slender figure.
Peggy was enormously big belly, and her figure looks similar (I don't mean to be rude) a barrel. The woman could not even dream of proportional body — too great was her passion for cake and chocolate. After six months of daily qigong practice her body was found an attractive shape, without losing weight. All this time she continued to enjoy cakes and chocolate, without compromising health. Doing qigong, she reconstructed her body, moving excess weight from the abdomen to the chest and hips.
Before looking at the exercises that have helped Peggy, it makes sense to talk about the concept that Chinese medicine identifies as "branch and root".
This expression can be translated as "a consequence (manifestation), and cause".
As already mentioned, Chinese medicine treats the patient, not the disease.
According to another fundamental principle should be to "treat the root (cause) and not just the branch (symptoms) of the disease."
From this point of view it seems inappropriate to treat diabetes and ulcers with the help of insulin in the first case, and surgical intervention in the second.
This approach would mean the elimination of the consequences of disease, not its causes.
Qigong therapy detoxifies the meridians (restoring job feedback systems) and harmonizes the Yin-Yang (restoring hormonal balance).
As a result, the body regains its ability to produce the right amount of hormones, which neutralize excess sugar and digestive juices. In this case eliminated the very cause of the disease.
It should be mentioned that it is sometimes necessary to first eliminate the consequence, for example for acute pain or life threatening.
There are cases when pre-treatment of pronounced symptoms further helps to remove the cause.
For example, if the ulcer suffers greatly, the qigong therapist will first stop the pain by pressing on the corresponding energy points. However, he understands that pain did not bring recovery and should remove the cause.
Similarly, enhanced nutrition or diet, designed respectively to increase and decrease in body weight, eliminate the external manifestation and not the cause.
A similar pattern is observed when the person burns off the excess weight via physical exercise.
Thus, qigong addresses the cause of illness, harmonizing the process of production of hormones.
Fat girl becomes beautiful
In the case of Peggy at first I paid attention to the solution of problems related to appearance, as it could accelerate the elimination of the causes.
Peggy worked on the following program.
The Pulling Of The Moon
Lie on bed or floor, hands extend along the body. Raise both legs to 60 cm or so, but not higher than 50 cm from the floor. Pull socks.

Keeping the legs together and without bending the knees, describe a small circle in the air toes of the feet. The initial direction of rotation – clockwise or counterclockwise – doesn't matter.
The movement must be very slow – not less than half a minute to one revolution.
If you can, make several turns in the same direction.
If not, slowly lower the legs and relax for a few seconds. Then repeat in the opposite direction.
Again a reminder – the movement must be very slow.
Get some rest and repeat the whole procedure – the same number of rotations clockwise and counterclockwise.
The exercise is called Pull of the moon." Like many other qigong exercises, technique is embarrassingly simple. The secret is that you should do each regularly and consistently morning and evening.
It is recommended in the morning before getting out of bed, and in the evening before bedtime.
In connection with the exercise does not need any restrictions. You can have sex before or after exercise – it will not hurt.
Over time, increase the number of spins.
By the time when you can do ten circles in each direction, you will have to change the wardrobe!
In the morning, making the Pull of the moon, get up and do "Lifting the Sky".
In the evening you can change the sequence and after exercise immediately go to sleep.
Perform these exercises at least three months or for as long as your waist will not gain acceptable shape. Then you can add the following two exercises.
Breeding water

Stand straight with feet together.
Hands in front of you at shoulder level.
Thumbs down, palms point forward.
Fingers nearly touch each other, as shown in the figure.
Without bending arms at the elbows and keeping the palms at right angles to the wrists, arms in hand, all the while keeping your palms at shoulder level.
At the same time, gently and deeply inhale through the nose, filling the air chest. During inhalation lift the chest as high as you can.
Imagine how positive cosmic energy feeds and strengthens your chest. Pause for one or two seconds.
Then slowly exhale through your mouth.
Repeat the exercise about ten times.
Gradually increase the number of turns to twenty. Complete the exercise with your hands down through the sides down at the same point the palm to the ground, put your hands down and simultaneously exhale through the mouth.
The circular flow of Qi

Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart, arms down along the hips.
Rotate the hips as if you were turning a hula Hoop.
Making thirty times in any direction, do the same in the opposite direction.
After rotation, close your eyes; stand still and think about the flow of Chi around your waist.
Start driving, obeying the direction of the flow, and enjoy the spontaneous circulation of qi.
With tenderness think about how qi redistributes your flesh, creating a perfect body.
Ten minutes later, or when you enjoy to the full, mentally stop the movement. At the end of the exercise, do facial massage.
If you have a good figure and you want to maintain or improve, perform all four exercises:
"Sky lift", the "Pulling of the moon", "Breeding water" and "the Circular flow of Qi".
If you have large fat deposits in the waist area, adjust only the Sky Lift and pull of the moon for three months and only then move on to two other exercises. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: qiclub.ru/qigong-skinny-wong-kiew-kit.html