Gymnastics face: only 5 minutes a day and minus 10!
The program of exercises to strengthen the person - it's a simple system, which begins with the general warm-up exercises for stress relief. Then comes a series of specific exercises for each subject area, and in the conclusion of the exercise, give new strength and energy to the muscles of the face.
Some exercises you can learn at once, and the results do not come immediately. But the facial muscles respond very well to exercise, so if you are constantly busy you are sure to feel their favor: your views will become more healthy, young and energetic, improves complexion
. Gymnastics can benefit a person of any age. Get regular, and your face will be fresh and fit.
Facial massage Wrinkle
Warm up.
Warm-up is carried out in order to relax the upper body, especially the neck and shoulders. It stimulates blood circulation and prepares us for the fulfillment of the other exercises. Thanks to the warm-up exercises for the face will bring you more benefits.
Start your workout with your shoulders relaxed.
• Put your hands on your shoulders and elbows describe circles clockwise. Gradually increase the diameter of the circles.
• Return the head to its original position, and then gently tilt it to the left. Again, move the head to the center and repeat to the other side. Continue so long until you can tilt your head at an angle of 45 °.
• Pull your shoulders to your ears and then relax them. It is invigorating movement should be repeated 10 times.
Relaxed face.
One of the surest ways to grow old before time - ignore the voltage that builds up day by day in the facial muscles. Tension causes clogging and contamination of the muscle fibers of this there are new wrinkles and tissue surrounding the muscles become flaccid and lifeless.
Relaxing face, enjoying the rush of vitality and energy, and all the rest will come naturally.
• Wrinkle face as much as possible, and then relax it. Repeat 10 times.
• Place your hands on either side of the head, just above the ears, and using all the fingers except the thumb, massage the temporal muscle.
• Point the sight in front of him. Lower jaw as low as possible, slowly inhale and exhale. Smile as much as possible. Hold this position longer.
Relax and repeat 10 times.
This exercise relieves tension in the deeper parts of the face.
Use your fingertips to palpate his face, look, where there are still areas of tension that must be removed. At the end carefully cover your face with both hands.
The forehead and eyes
The appearance of wrinkles on the forehead - is hardly a reason for joy. The following techniques will help you get rid of them and improve circulation and overall appearance of the face.
• Firmly press the tips of his fingers to the scalp and massage into the skin in small circles, relieving tension, if necessary. The tension in this part of the head - one of the main reasons for the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead
. • Place the index finger along the symmetrical middle of the forehead. Slowly "drank" brow up and down, slowly moving his fingers and pushing them to the edge of the forehead. Repeat 10 times.
• Cover the top of his head with his hand and look down. Feel the strong tension which will help to reduce wrinkles and strengthen muscles. Relax and repeat 10 times.
• Place the index fingers above the eyebrows and reduce the frontal muscle, without removing the fingers and without weakening the pressure. Relax and repeat 10 times.
Eyes - mirror of the soul and the most important thing in the face. Fatigue and stress can very quickly do their dirty work. The thin and delicate skin around the eye area is often the first to suffer from aging.
Our eyes are working all day and then at night, when we dream, so for them need regular care.
With these exercises, you will be able to maintain the tone of the eye and surrounding tissues and avoid these eloquent first take time - descended eyelids and crow's feet
. • Initial position: the face is relaxed, you look straight ahead. Look up, look at giving maximum point at you. Return to starting position. Move the view as much as possible down. Return to the starting position (10 times)
• The starting position in the previous exercise. Glanced first left and then right. (10 times)
• Firmly zazhmurte. Hold this for 5 seconds and relax. (10 times)
Exercises against lowering brows
Time is inexorable. Sooner or later in everyone's life there comes a time when they begin to fall eyebrows and eyelids to droop. Sagging skin in this part of the face is particularly troublesome because it is the eyes play a major role in the appearance. To prevent this, you need to regularly perform the exercises for eyebrows and upper eyelids.
• Using your fingertips, pat a few times on the brow in the direction back and forth to release tension.
• Raise the eyebrows as high as possible. Open your eyes as widely as possible, and then slowly lower the eyebrows, look down and then relax. Repeat 5 times.
• Put your fingers in the shape of the letter "V", and place them on both sides of each eyebrow. Now try to mow both eyes at the same time preventing the fingers of their movement. It helps strengthen the muscles in the area.
Fighting crow's feet
• Grab the skin on both sides of the eyebrows and ride it between his fingers. This removes much of the stress that causes the appearance of crow's feet.
• Place two fingers on both sides of the wrinkles from which you want to get rid of. Soon, the area between the fingers warmed and softened.
• Using two fingers, remove stagnation, which was formed for the earlobes. Stagnation of tissue in this area can cause the formation of bags under the eyes.
• By the same method as before, soften the area under the eye. Here the skin is very delicate, so do the exercise carefully.
• the index finger, pinch the inside corners of both eyes. It's a powerful point for acupressure massage which relieves stress and is very good for "bags" under the eyes.
• Push the index and middle fingers to the outer edge of one eyebrow. Pull your fingers in the direction of the hair, look at the tip of your nose and close your eyes. Relax and repeat 10 times. This exercise strengthens the circular muscle of the eye and helps to cope with lids.
• Just close both eyes and put his hands on them. You will find that the darkness and the warmth of the hands give a very unusual and pleasant feeling. Give your eyes a rest.
Rosy cheeks - health symptoms. However, the attraction of the earth over the years begins to emerge stronger, and our cheeks gradually lose their roundness and sag.
The following exercises are designed to stimulate and strengthen the muscles that support the cheeks. Regular their implementation will help you fight the force of gravity, and your cheeks will become stronger and younger.
• Slightly slightly open mouth, then slowly lift one corner of the mouth in the likeness of the curve of a smile. Hold the muscles in this position for a few seconds, then relax and repeat the same with the other corner of his mouth. Repeat 5 times on each side.
• Pinch your fingers between the upper lip and pull it down a little bit. Now try to repeat the previous exercise, slowly lifting has both corners of his mouth. Do not let the fingers of the lip and feel how tense the muscles of the cheeks.
• Try to blink one eye, in fact, without closing it. You should feel the muscles of the cheeks are lifted.
Roth - one of the most active parts of the human body. It has eleven muscles that help us to pronounce sounds and words to express their thoughts. If you want your lips preserved mobility and appearance for many years, try to encourage and strengthen them with the help of these exercises.
• Loud say the "AAA" sounds "EEE", "WWW", "Company", clearly making out their lips.
• Slightly open the mouth half retract the lips inward. Tighten and hold the position for a few seconds, then relax and repeat it 5 times.
• Stretch your mouth as if you are saying, "And-and-and." Hold the position a few seconds, slowly relax the muscles and repeat 5 times.
• Draw the luxury kiss and send it in the mirror. Repeat 5 times or more.
Exercises against lowering the corners of the mouth
Over the years, the muscle around the edges of the mouth, which are responsible for a smile, lose tone, and the corners of the mouth are beginning to fall, as if you frown or dissatisfied with something. Problem Solving - regular exercise for these muscles
. • A little mouth open, pull the left corner of his mouth as far as possible to the side. Then repeat it with the right side. (5 times)
• Close the lips and wide smile of one half of the mouth. Repeat on the other side, then do it a few more times.
• Repeat the previous paragraph, but this time the upper lip should climb higher, as if to reach for the eyes. Then poulybatsya in both directions simultaneously.
• Pointing fingers put on the corners of the mouth and try to smile. Use your fingers to create tension. Then relax. Repeat 20 times.
Neck and chin
Most often, people are beginning to disturb the age change of appearance at a time when it begins to lose its shape chin. By taking certain steps, you can help your chin does not lose its shape.
• Place your fingers on the sides of the lower jaw, and thumbs grasp it from below, at ear level. Slowly submerge the thumbs into the fabric, feel as she relaxes, then loosen the pressure, move a finger from side to side and repeat.
• Biting lips upper and lower lips, close and open the mouth, straining the muscles of the chin and neck.
• Slowly inhale. Then, 3 seconds tighten your neck muscles. Relax and repeat 10 times.
• Slightly tilt the head back and his mouth slightly open. Keeping the head in this position, closes and opens his mouth.
Exercises against double chin
If the muscles under the chin start to droop under the influence of Earth's gravity, formed a double chin, which hardly colors of its owner. If you regularly perform these exercises, you can cope with the extra folds and chins, strengthen the muscles and make the skin smoother and tighter.
• Open your mouth and raise the voltage lower lip over the upper lip. Then close and open your mouth as if you want something to swallow. Be sure to move your jaw well, so that the muscles really strengthened. Repeat 5 times.
• This is a classic exercise to strengthen the weakened muscles. Dorsum of the hand gently pat herself under the chin. Repeat with the other hand. Increase speed.
The exercises, toning the neck muscles
There are happy people who manage to live life without a wrinkle on her face. Their age gives only a neck. The skin in this area is very thin, and its natural elasticity gradually disappears.
With age, the skin on the neck becomes dry, covered with a grid of tiny wrinkles. It can appear and large wrinkles, which gradually turn into deep wrinkles.
If you want to maintain the smoothness of the neck or back her former beauty, take the time to perform these exercises.
• Tighten your neck muscles and pull your neck slowly, and then return to its original position, like a turtle. Repeat 5 times.
• Keeping the muscle under tension, turn your head from side to side 5 times. This is a great exercise for strengthening the muscles of the neck, which does not allow them to hang down.
• Hold a hand to his forehead and place your head into it. Crush his forehead on his hand to resist. Repeat, placing his hand on the back of the neck and trying to take your head back.
Exercises for all persons
Exercises to raise the tone
• Use your fingertips to gently pat the entire face. Start with the chin and move up and then down. Continue up until you feel a slight tingling.
• Continue the previous exercise, but on the scalp. Feeling just gorgeous, moreover, it will help you unleash the hidden reserves of energy.
Exercises to eliminate pale skin
Skin type changes dramatically with age. Under the influence of age, a busy lifestyle and bad habits come a change in the circulation, we get haggard look as if very little happens in the air.
Facial muscles, like any other, require sufficient blood access. In this way, they not only receive oxygen and nutrients, but also freed of toxins, and thus remain energetic and healthy.
With these simple exercises you can save energy muscles of the face and back cheeks blush.
• Pat the face with fingertips. Be sure to do this a few times, not forgetting about any one site. Gently pinch the cheeks and the area around them.
• Go to auricles and how to massage them.
• Gently pat the face with his hands, pulling the skin up a little bit.
Exercises to eliminate sagging skin
If you practice regularly, you will see your muscles gradually strengthened, become firmer and clearer.
• Tilt your head back, stuck out his chin and gently close the upper lip of the bottom.
• Slowly open your mouth upwards and outwards into a smile. Repeat 5 times.
• Take myself for the upper lip, and gradually lift the cheek muscles in the eye direction.
• At the end of fingertips gently pat face upwards.
Exercise, eliminating facial wrinkles
There is probably not a single person who would be happy to wrinkles. In fact, the wrinkles - it is a natural result of life itself. It is a physical diary of everything that you have experienced in my life. This is a sign of who we really are.
However, if you still prefer not to see them in the mirror, try to do the following exercises. During their performance of wait under the fingers tissues begin to soften and warm up. This means that relaxes wrinkle-causing blockage or spasm.
Over time, if you are constantly watching and wrinkles become less deep and visible, and the skin - smoother
. • Use two fingers to press the point between the eyebrows. It helps to relieve deep tension face.
• Put on the forehead for two fingers of both hands at a distance from each other. Now start them gradually to bring together. The space between them should be warmer and softer.
• The same can work for the area above the upper lip. Slowly relax the muscles of the mouth should be.
• Keep the same in the chin area. Apply the method in the greatest possible number of locations.
Some exercises you can learn at once, and the results do not come immediately. But the facial muscles respond very well to exercise, so if you are constantly busy you are sure to feel their favor: your views will become more healthy, young and energetic, improves complexion
. Gymnastics can benefit a person of any age. Get regular, and your face will be fresh and fit.

Facial massage Wrinkle
Warm up.
Warm-up is carried out in order to relax the upper body, especially the neck and shoulders. It stimulates blood circulation and prepares us for the fulfillment of the other exercises. Thanks to the warm-up exercises for the face will bring you more benefits.
Start your workout with your shoulders relaxed.
• Put your hands on your shoulders and elbows describe circles clockwise. Gradually increase the diameter of the circles.
• Return the head to its original position, and then gently tilt it to the left. Again, move the head to the center and repeat to the other side. Continue so long until you can tilt your head at an angle of 45 °.
• Pull your shoulders to your ears and then relax them. It is invigorating movement should be repeated 10 times.
Relaxed face.
One of the surest ways to grow old before time - ignore the voltage that builds up day by day in the facial muscles. Tension causes clogging and contamination of the muscle fibers of this there are new wrinkles and tissue surrounding the muscles become flaccid and lifeless.
Relaxing face, enjoying the rush of vitality and energy, and all the rest will come naturally.
• Wrinkle face as much as possible, and then relax it. Repeat 10 times.
• Place your hands on either side of the head, just above the ears, and using all the fingers except the thumb, massage the temporal muscle.
• Point the sight in front of him. Lower jaw as low as possible, slowly inhale and exhale. Smile as much as possible. Hold this position longer.
Relax and repeat 10 times.
This exercise relieves tension in the deeper parts of the face.
Use your fingertips to palpate his face, look, where there are still areas of tension that must be removed. At the end carefully cover your face with both hands.
The forehead and eyes
The appearance of wrinkles on the forehead - is hardly a reason for joy. The following techniques will help you get rid of them and improve circulation and overall appearance of the face.
• Firmly press the tips of his fingers to the scalp and massage into the skin in small circles, relieving tension, if necessary. The tension in this part of the head - one of the main reasons for the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead
. • Place the index finger along the symmetrical middle of the forehead. Slowly "drank" brow up and down, slowly moving his fingers and pushing them to the edge of the forehead. Repeat 10 times.
• Cover the top of his head with his hand and look down. Feel the strong tension which will help to reduce wrinkles and strengthen muscles. Relax and repeat 10 times.
• Place the index fingers above the eyebrows and reduce the frontal muscle, without removing the fingers and without weakening the pressure. Relax and repeat 10 times.
Eyes - mirror of the soul and the most important thing in the face. Fatigue and stress can very quickly do their dirty work. The thin and delicate skin around the eye area is often the first to suffer from aging.
Our eyes are working all day and then at night, when we dream, so for them need regular care.
With these exercises, you will be able to maintain the tone of the eye and surrounding tissues and avoid these eloquent first take time - descended eyelids and crow's feet
. • Initial position: the face is relaxed, you look straight ahead. Look up, look at giving maximum point at you. Return to starting position. Move the view as much as possible down. Return to the starting position (10 times)
• The starting position in the previous exercise. Glanced first left and then right. (10 times)
• Firmly zazhmurte. Hold this for 5 seconds and relax. (10 times)
Exercises against lowering brows
Time is inexorable. Sooner or later in everyone's life there comes a time when they begin to fall eyebrows and eyelids to droop. Sagging skin in this part of the face is particularly troublesome because it is the eyes play a major role in the appearance. To prevent this, you need to regularly perform the exercises for eyebrows and upper eyelids.
• Using your fingertips, pat a few times on the brow in the direction back and forth to release tension.
• Raise the eyebrows as high as possible. Open your eyes as widely as possible, and then slowly lower the eyebrows, look down and then relax. Repeat 5 times.
• Put your fingers in the shape of the letter "V", and place them on both sides of each eyebrow. Now try to mow both eyes at the same time preventing the fingers of their movement. It helps strengthen the muscles in the area.
Fighting crow's feet
• Grab the skin on both sides of the eyebrows and ride it between his fingers. This removes much of the stress that causes the appearance of crow's feet.
• Place two fingers on both sides of the wrinkles from which you want to get rid of. Soon, the area between the fingers warmed and softened.
• Using two fingers, remove stagnation, which was formed for the earlobes. Stagnation of tissue in this area can cause the formation of bags under the eyes.
• By the same method as before, soften the area under the eye. Here the skin is very delicate, so do the exercise carefully.
• the index finger, pinch the inside corners of both eyes. It's a powerful point for acupressure massage which relieves stress and is very good for "bags" under the eyes.
• Push the index and middle fingers to the outer edge of one eyebrow. Pull your fingers in the direction of the hair, look at the tip of your nose and close your eyes. Relax and repeat 10 times. This exercise strengthens the circular muscle of the eye and helps to cope with lids.
• Just close both eyes and put his hands on them. You will find that the darkness and the warmth of the hands give a very unusual and pleasant feeling. Give your eyes a rest.
Rosy cheeks - health symptoms. However, the attraction of the earth over the years begins to emerge stronger, and our cheeks gradually lose their roundness and sag.
The following exercises are designed to stimulate and strengthen the muscles that support the cheeks. Regular their implementation will help you fight the force of gravity, and your cheeks will become stronger and younger.
• Slightly slightly open mouth, then slowly lift one corner of the mouth in the likeness of the curve of a smile. Hold the muscles in this position for a few seconds, then relax and repeat the same with the other corner of his mouth. Repeat 5 times on each side.
• Pinch your fingers between the upper lip and pull it down a little bit. Now try to repeat the previous exercise, slowly lifting has both corners of his mouth. Do not let the fingers of the lip and feel how tense the muscles of the cheeks.
• Try to blink one eye, in fact, without closing it. You should feel the muscles of the cheeks are lifted.
Roth - one of the most active parts of the human body. It has eleven muscles that help us to pronounce sounds and words to express their thoughts. If you want your lips preserved mobility and appearance for many years, try to encourage and strengthen them with the help of these exercises.
• Loud say the "AAA" sounds "EEE", "WWW", "Company", clearly making out their lips.
• Slightly open the mouth half retract the lips inward. Tighten and hold the position for a few seconds, then relax and repeat it 5 times.
• Stretch your mouth as if you are saying, "And-and-and." Hold the position a few seconds, slowly relax the muscles and repeat 5 times.
• Draw the luxury kiss and send it in the mirror. Repeat 5 times or more.
Exercises against lowering the corners of the mouth
Over the years, the muscle around the edges of the mouth, which are responsible for a smile, lose tone, and the corners of the mouth are beginning to fall, as if you frown or dissatisfied with something. Problem Solving - regular exercise for these muscles
. • A little mouth open, pull the left corner of his mouth as far as possible to the side. Then repeat it with the right side. (5 times)
• Close the lips and wide smile of one half of the mouth. Repeat on the other side, then do it a few more times.
• Repeat the previous paragraph, but this time the upper lip should climb higher, as if to reach for the eyes. Then poulybatsya in both directions simultaneously.
• Pointing fingers put on the corners of the mouth and try to smile. Use your fingers to create tension. Then relax. Repeat 20 times.
Neck and chin
Most often, people are beginning to disturb the age change of appearance at a time when it begins to lose its shape chin. By taking certain steps, you can help your chin does not lose its shape.
• Place your fingers on the sides of the lower jaw, and thumbs grasp it from below, at ear level. Slowly submerge the thumbs into the fabric, feel as she relaxes, then loosen the pressure, move a finger from side to side and repeat.
• Biting lips upper and lower lips, close and open the mouth, straining the muscles of the chin and neck.
• Slowly inhale. Then, 3 seconds tighten your neck muscles. Relax and repeat 10 times.
• Slightly tilt the head back and his mouth slightly open. Keeping the head in this position, closes and opens his mouth.
Exercises against double chin
If the muscles under the chin start to droop under the influence of Earth's gravity, formed a double chin, which hardly colors of its owner. If you regularly perform these exercises, you can cope with the extra folds and chins, strengthen the muscles and make the skin smoother and tighter.
• Open your mouth and raise the voltage lower lip over the upper lip. Then close and open your mouth as if you want something to swallow. Be sure to move your jaw well, so that the muscles really strengthened. Repeat 5 times.
• This is a classic exercise to strengthen the weakened muscles. Dorsum of the hand gently pat herself under the chin. Repeat with the other hand. Increase speed.
The exercises, toning the neck muscles
There are happy people who manage to live life without a wrinkle on her face. Their age gives only a neck. The skin in this area is very thin, and its natural elasticity gradually disappears.
With age, the skin on the neck becomes dry, covered with a grid of tiny wrinkles. It can appear and large wrinkles, which gradually turn into deep wrinkles.
If you want to maintain the smoothness of the neck or back her former beauty, take the time to perform these exercises.
• Tighten your neck muscles and pull your neck slowly, and then return to its original position, like a turtle. Repeat 5 times.
• Keeping the muscle under tension, turn your head from side to side 5 times. This is a great exercise for strengthening the muscles of the neck, which does not allow them to hang down.
• Hold a hand to his forehead and place your head into it. Crush his forehead on his hand to resist. Repeat, placing his hand on the back of the neck and trying to take your head back.
Exercises for all persons
Exercises to raise the tone
• Use your fingertips to gently pat the entire face. Start with the chin and move up and then down. Continue up until you feel a slight tingling.
• Continue the previous exercise, but on the scalp. Feeling just gorgeous, moreover, it will help you unleash the hidden reserves of energy.
Exercises to eliminate pale skin
Skin type changes dramatically with age. Under the influence of age, a busy lifestyle and bad habits come a change in the circulation, we get haggard look as if very little happens in the air.
Facial muscles, like any other, require sufficient blood access. In this way, they not only receive oxygen and nutrients, but also freed of toxins, and thus remain energetic and healthy.
With these simple exercises you can save energy muscles of the face and back cheeks blush.
• Pat the face with fingertips. Be sure to do this a few times, not forgetting about any one site. Gently pinch the cheeks and the area around them.
• Go to auricles and how to massage them.
• Gently pat the face with his hands, pulling the skin up a little bit.
Exercises to eliminate sagging skin
If you practice regularly, you will see your muscles gradually strengthened, become firmer and clearer.
• Tilt your head back, stuck out his chin and gently close the upper lip of the bottom.
• Slowly open your mouth upwards and outwards into a smile. Repeat 5 times.
• Take myself for the upper lip, and gradually lift the cheek muscles in the eye direction.
• At the end of fingertips gently pat face upwards.
Exercise, eliminating facial wrinkles
There is probably not a single person who would be happy to wrinkles. In fact, the wrinkles - it is a natural result of life itself. It is a physical diary of everything that you have experienced in my life. This is a sign of who we really are.
However, if you still prefer not to see them in the mirror, try to do the following exercises. During their performance of wait under the fingers tissues begin to soften and warm up. This means that relaxes wrinkle-causing blockage or spasm.
Over time, if you are constantly watching and wrinkles become less deep and visible, and the skin - smoother
. • Use two fingers to press the point between the eyebrows. It helps to relieve deep tension face.
• Put on the forehead for two fingers of both hands at a distance from each other. Now start them gradually to bring together. The space between them should be warmer and softer.
• The same can work for the area above the upper lip. Slowly relax the muscles of the mouth should be.
• Keep the same in the chin area. Apply the method in the greatest possible number of locations.
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