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Half face

In wildlife, as well as in the material world in general, there is no completely symmetric or completely asymmetric objects. This principle of the structure of matter affects all its components: space, energy, physics, chemistry, biology, cells, atoms, electrons, quantum. In any object there is always the unity of symmetry and asymmetry.

There are over twenty-five theories of the origin of the asymmetry - from the influence kariolisova motion of the Earth, to the influence of temporary factors or occupational habits.

The fact that the asymmetry in the outer structure of the face and body of the person was known to the ancient painters and sculptors of the ancient world and use them to spice up the spirituality and their works.

Proponents of the asymmetry considered that it animates the face, gives him great charm, expressiveness, originality and beauty.

Asymmetry of the face of the statue of Venus de Milo, created by the ancient Greek sculptor, expressed displacement of the nose to the right of the midline, in a higher position left ear and left eye socket and a smaller distance from the midline of the left eye socket than the right. Meanwhile, supporters of the asymmetry symmetry criticized forms of this universally recognized standard of female beauty, believing that a person Venus would have been much nicer if it were symmetrical.

Evidence of the presence of the normal asymmetry of the human face is a method of creating an image of the same face of the two left and two right halves. This creates two additional portraits with absolute symmetry, but significantly different from the original and should be considered paradoxical

Numerous measurements of parameters of the faces of men and women have shown that the right half of it in comparison to the left, has a more pronounced lateral dimensions, which gives the face a more rough, manly traits of the male sex. The left half of the face is more pronounced longitudinal dimensions, without serious side-shape, which gives it a soft, smooth lines and femininity. This fact explains the predominant desire of females pose for the artists left side of his face, and the males - Right.

Wrong to assume symmetry faces a prerequisite for its beauty. To assess the facial beauty is important combination of features and small asymmetry inherent in people of all nationalities and does not detract from the merits of the portrait. With good reason we can say that no one person with absolute symmetry of right and left halves.

Thus, it is an accepted fact facial asymmetry, expressed unequal right and left halves, one of which is typically wider and higher and another - even lower. The reason for this asymmetry, in most cases, is the unevenness of the elements of the bone of the skull, and her face is due to increase in specificity of facial expressions (physiological asymmetry). Its manifestations are natural character, if one half of the higher, it is more narrow. In this case, the eyebrow is higher than the other, the wider part of the face, eye gap larger. Nasolabial folds on this side of the face is more pronounced, more straightforward. The right half of the face is usually larger than the left, appears sharper, he expresses masculinity. The left half of the overall softer reflects traits of femininity. Habitual facial asymmetric smile curved toward the wide half. When uneven displacement of the eyebrows, active and above raises an eyebrow at the narrow side of the face.

The inherent mimic human facial asymmetry due to the difference of innervation and is particularly facial expressions. Functional facial asymmetry depends on the functional asymmetry of the brain, and is expressed in a right-handed expressiveness active left-sided facial muscle (at half smile stretched, usually, the left half of the oral slit, while wink - operates the left eye). However, criminologists found that in a one-sided smile mainly involved the wider half of the face, as usual lifting one eyebrow is carried out on a narrow side of the face. Chewing food (for healthy teeth) performed functional-dominant side. In the speech act of the right half of the mouth is more active in 86% of right-handers and 67% left-handers.

Among the asymmetries person other than organic, and have considered two types of practical importance. The first - the ability to unequal halves of the face reflect the emotional state. In this matter, there is no consensus. Some researchers believe that most people have the right half of the face on the left superior and more expressive than the left, similar to the whole face. Others (and most of them) recognize the more emotional the left half of the face, and pictures drawn only from the left half recognized by all professional experts, more emotional, more energetic, active. Right-photos rated as weaker, soft, positive.

The left half of the face left-handers in the smile looks more fun than right - a relatively sad in repose. In right-handers more sad and happy faces recognized in the photographs, composed of the right half.

When understanding of issues requiring verbal comprehension and reflection, or mathematical, logical operations, the eyes of most people are sent to the right. When the visual-spatial and musical problems and perception of music, rhythmic sounds of nature - to the left. Emotional appeals to the subjects more likely to cause drive on the left eye, and positive emotions - right; fear - to the left. People with preferred right-eye movements, often specialize in the exact sciences, and less use of adjectives in their responses. Lateral eye movements do not occur, if the question is simple for the person or is ready.

For a number of biological, ethnic, historical, geographical and social factors of each person's face is different individual expressiveness. Of the billions of people living in the world, can not find the exact same person. Even persistent racial and national entities acquire certain parameters variation combination of features. Under the influence of mental processes occur mimic reaction distinguish different dynamic.

Until now, debated the question of the dominant direction of the asymmetry of the face. The lack of unity on the question of what part of the face are most and which the least asymmetry. However, inequality is proved right and left half of the face in the reflection of emotional states.

Researchers shared morphologically face into three zones, each of which is attributed to one of the three characteristics. The forehead and the expression of the eyes can reflect intelligence; middle of the face (nose and lips with rich facial expressions) demonstrates the emotional state, and the lower third of the face (chin) expresses the will, energy and activity. It is believed that the right half of his face reflects the mind, and the left is an expression of emotion. There are better developed facial muscles and more expressive facial movements of the right half of his face right-handed, left - left-handed. In forensics there is the concept of biological dissymmetry face. Right type has a higher and a narrow right-hand side of the face and a wider and lower left. Left type is characterized by an inverse relationship.

Different values ​​(aesthetic, functional, psychological and physiognomic) and the perception of right and left halves of the face explains the predominant desire of females pose for artists and photographers left side of his face, and the males - Right. This fact has been verified by us for 820 portraits (320 women and 500 men), the most famous painters of the early twentieth century. In 65% of cases of female faces presented the left side, and only 35% - the right; men, respectively - 55% right, and left - 45%. As a vivid illustration can lead portraits of "Mona Lisa" and "Madonna Litta" Leonardo da Vinci; "Flora" and "Self-Portrait with Saskia» Rembrandt; "Portrait of a young woman" and "Equestrian Portrait of Charles V» Titian; "The head of grace" and "Birth of Venus" by Botticelli; "The Sistine Madonna" by Raphael; "Portrait of a woman with blond hair» Rubens; "Portrait of an Unknown Woman" Archaeology; "Spinner" and "The Lacemaker" Tropinin "; "Portrait of Pope Innnokentiya X" Velasquez; "Portrait of Alexander Pushkin" Kiprensky; "Girl with Peaches" Serov

The ancient sages called the man's face "the most entertaining surface on Earth." And attempts at structural features of the face and its expression trace connection with character, and, consequently, the fate of old as the world.

One of the first physiognomic systems appeared in ancient China in the III century BC and developed followers still. The Chinese divided the face into three zones, each of which has a special significance at a certain age. For example, • the first zone - from the hair to the eyebrows - reflects the intellectual capacity and living conditions in childhood; • The second - from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose - is associated with the mobility of spirit, force of personality, ability to control themselves, it is particularly important from 35 to 50 years. It is in this age of strong-willed, self-controlled people appear nasolabial folds. • The lower part of the face determines the ability of a person to the affection and the probability of success in life, it is best to read this zone in the elderly.

Moreover, there is already formed mimic handwriting, for each individual person. It presents and our immediate response, and the whole gamut of typical prevailing emotional reactions, day after day imprinted on his face.

Source: www.sosp.ru