Find out what is your program of aging: prevention and care
Identify your type of facial aging it is well Known that aging man begins exactly from the moment that ceases to grow. That is an average of – years 20 – 22. Of course, in the first few years are no obvious symptoms may not occur, but then... How to recognize which type of aging?
Total inspection
Look at your grandparents, parents and other older relatives. Most likely, your program of aging will be more like a program of a relative on whom you are apparently more like that. Let's say you copy mother. Mom is still quite fresh smooth face, thick hair, slim figure, but the neck and hands are covered with wrinkles and veins, which show your real age. Chances are that you will begin to age from the neck and arms – so that these areas of the body need to provide perfect care and hydration.
Specialists, gerontologists distinguish many types of aging, however, all can be collected in three groups:
1. Face – hands – feet – neck – neckline – torso – buttocks – legs
2. Buttocks – lower back – torso – face, neck
3. Brush – elbows – shoulders – neck – face – feet – torso
Simply put, the first program of aging (she is, according to various estimates, is between 38% and 41% of women of Caucasian race) age at first "appears" on the face, in the second decay starts with the "soft places" (10 – 15% of Europeans), and in the third program, the aging traitors are hand – from shoulder to fingertips.
All about aging: types, prevention, care
With regard to age-related changes on the body, the only way to postpone them is a high motor activity. Of course, in conjunction with basic skin care – moisture and UV protection. The movement provides the most important thing – normal blood flow to all tissues, and supports them in a "young" tone. But with the aging of the face is much more complex...
Entrapped: age-related changes dry skin
Remember how in school we were jealous of Podkolzin beauties with porcelain skin without a single extended time, without the nasty Shine and without a single pimple? Most likely, they were the owners of dry skin, and the only thing that could have happened to them years before 23 – just a little peeling (from the cold or bad cream).
But then without special care with dry skin begins to occur following – at first it is covered with a thin, barely visible grid, which becomes more pronounced after the application of Foundation and powder. Then wrinkles are formed: first, the traditional "crow's feet" around the eyes, then the nasolabial folds, longitudinal wrinkles above the upper lip and the cross on his forehead. Alas, if "miss" the start of age-related changes, further any procedures to return to face a younger appearance will not succeed.
What to do?
If you're under 20, start to use the creams: day moisturizer, night – nutritious. Your goal is to provide the deep skin layers constant moisture supply. Don't forget that "frost and sun" is not only "a wonderful day", but your most important enemies. If you for nearly 30 years (28 — 33) and several groups of the wrinkles already formed, you should think about a course of injections of hyaluronic acid – a more robust "reservoir" of moisture in the skin not yet invented.
Face hurts: the effect of gravity the Second type of aging is called "gravitational" because it has a direct relationship to the force of gravity. In other words, some persons visual age, because "SAG". Often this is due to problems in the kidneys and liver, when the person from time to time it swells under the eyes, near the cheeks and in the lower part of the cheeks. This leads to the formation of congested fluid parcels that pull the skin down in the form of "bags". The characteristic signs of facial aging in this type are pasty, the severity of nasolabial folds and drooping corners of the mouth. Another characteristic: the younger man just looks in the middle of the day, but the morning and evening, the face looks quite "dented".
What to do?
First, try to fix the root problem: to cure internal organs due to the disease are experiencing swelling. To abandon bad habits: for example, from excessive salt intake, beer, just tea or coffee (especially at night). Try to drink from time to time diuretic herbal teas. To sleep not less than 7 and not more than 9 hours a day, and preferably in a cool room (hot air in the bedroom can cause swelling). Among the cosmetic procedures should pay attention to the mask with seaweed and a classic facial massage, and mechanical lymphatic drainage.
From baby to Granny: aging baby faces the Most insidious age-related changes await the owners of the so-called baby-faces – "baby faces": plump cuties with baby-face features. Such persons long time did not seem "older" because age dramatically and suddenly. This is due to the fact that chubby individuals have a fairly large (anatomically justified) margin of subcutaneous fat, which hold to pull up the state of the skin at some point becomes not a force. Collagen frame, providing the tension of the tissues of the face, sagging under the weight of the fat, and the "baby" cheeks droop first, then the brow and upper eyelids, and soon appears, and a second chin. The impression of "aged" appears after the "baby" deformed shape of the face.
What to do?
First, strictly follow the weight fluctuations of almost 70% of the cases, a dramatic aging of this type of person happens to be after fast weight loss. Secondly, to monitor the facial expressions and be ready to botulinum toxin injections. And, as in the previous case, to fear of swelling. If you do not miss time, up to 27 years will significantly help to strengthen the tissues of the face treatments based on ultrasound.
The face of "canadian hockey": mimicry of aging Moving face with large features age on his own script. The fact that they have well-developed muscular frame is, on the one hand, it's good. But on the other – working muscles, "dragging" the skin much faster it is stretched, which leads to a rapid formation of muscles. First steep folds is the "chewing area" (remember the cartoon about Homer Simpson? Then this area is not difficult to imagine). Then the creases on his forehead. Well, then everything else.
What to do?
For persons of this type the main concern is the loss of muscle tone – that is "Botox" is, as the doctors say, the drug of choice. The second point is the stock recovery of collagen: this can be achieved by receiving cosmeceutical on the basis of Pro-vitamin A and enzyme preparations that improve cellular metabolism. Among salon procedures should choose the course of electrophoresis with soft muscle relaxants (drugs that help the muscles to relax).
Irina Komarova, endocrinologist:the First signs of aging can inform us not only about what we have inherited from parents, but also about the problems in the internal organs and systems. For example, earthy hue of the face and the brownish circles under the eyes can indicate liver problems, swollen veins on the hands – on problems with the kidneys, and transverse folds on the neck of malfunctions of the thyroid gland. However, all of the above can be simply age-related change, but a clarification can only be a routine medical examination. Overall, after 35 years, when age changes begin to manifest in varying degrees, almost all, to extend the youth help only such simple things as a very moderate diet, abstinence from Smoking and proper sleep. Nothing else for many hundreds of years medicine has not come up. P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: ergashaka.ru/stati/profilaktika-stareniya/879-chelovek-stareet-s-litsa
Total inspection
Look at your grandparents, parents and other older relatives. Most likely, your program of aging will be more like a program of a relative on whom you are apparently more like that. Let's say you copy mother. Mom is still quite fresh smooth face, thick hair, slim figure, but the neck and hands are covered with wrinkles and veins, which show your real age. Chances are that you will begin to age from the neck and arms – so that these areas of the body need to provide perfect care and hydration.

Specialists, gerontologists distinguish many types of aging, however, all can be collected in three groups:
1. Face – hands – feet – neck – neckline – torso – buttocks – legs
2. Buttocks – lower back – torso – face, neck
3. Brush – elbows – shoulders – neck – face – feet – torso
Simply put, the first program of aging (she is, according to various estimates, is between 38% and 41% of women of Caucasian race) age at first "appears" on the face, in the second decay starts with the "soft places" (10 – 15% of Europeans), and in the third program, the aging traitors are hand – from shoulder to fingertips.
All about aging: types, prevention, care
With regard to age-related changes on the body, the only way to postpone them is a high motor activity. Of course, in conjunction with basic skin care – moisture and UV protection. The movement provides the most important thing – normal blood flow to all tissues, and supports them in a "young" tone. But with the aging of the face is much more complex...
Entrapped: age-related changes dry skin
Remember how in school we were jealous of Podkolzin beauties with porcelain skin without a single extended time, without the nasty Shine and without a single pimple? Most likely, they were the owners of dry skin, and the only thing that could have happened to them years before 23 – just a little peeling (from the cold or bad cream).
But then without special care with dry skin begins to occur following – at first it is covered with a thin, barely visible grid, which becomes more pronounced after the application of Foundation and powder. Then wrinkles are formed: first, the traditional "crow's feet" around the eyes, then the nasolabial folds, longitudinal wrinkles above the upper lip and the cross on his forehead. Alas, if "miss" the start of age-related changes, further any procedures to return to face a younger appearance will not succeed.
What to do?
If you're under 20, start to use the creams: day moisturizer, night – nutritious. Your goal is to provide the deep skin layers constant moisture supply. Don't forget that "frost and sun" is not only "a wonderful day", but your most important enemies. If you for nearly 30 years (28 — 33) and several groups of the wrinkles already formed, you should think about a course of injections of hyaluronic acid – a more robust "reservoir" of moisture in the skin not yet invented.
Face hurts: the effect of gravity the Second type of aging is called "gravitational" because it has a direct relationship to the force of gravity. In other words, some persons visual age, because "SAG". Often this is due to problems in the kidneys and liver, when the person from time to time it swells under the eyes, near the cheeks and in the lower part of the cheeks. This leads to the formation of congested fluid parcels that pull the skin down in the form of "bags". The characteristic signs of facial aging in this type are pasty, the severity of nasolabial folds and drooping corners of the mouth. Another characteristic: the younger man just looks in the middle of the day, but the morning and evening, the face looks quite "dented".
What to do?
First, try to fix the root problem: to cure internal organs due to the disease are experiencing swelling. To abandon bad habits: for example, from excessive salt intake, beer, just tea or coffee (especially at night). Try to drink from time to time diuretic herbal teas. To sleep not less than 7 and not more than 9 hours a day, and preferably in a cool room (hot air in the bedroom can cause swelling). Among the cosmetic procedures should pay attention to the mask with seaweed and a classic facial massage, and mechanical lymphatic drainage.
From baby to Granny: aging baby faces the Most insidious age-related changes await the owners of the so-called baby-faces – "baby faces": plump cuties with baby-face features. Such persons long time did not seem "older" because age dramatically and suddenly. This is due to the fact that chubby individuals have a fairly large (anatomically justified) margin of subcutaneous fat, which hold to pull up the state of the skin at some point becomes not a force. Collagen frame, providing the tension of the tissues of the face, sagging under the weight of the fat, and the "baby" cheeks droop first, then the brow and upper eyelids, and soon appears, and a second chin. The impression of "aged" appears after the "baby" deformed shape of the face.
What to do?
First, strictly follow the weight fluctuations of almost 70% of the cases, a dramatic aging of this type of person happens to be after fast weight loss. Secondly, to monitor the facial expressions and be ready to botulinum toxin injections. And, as in the previous case, to fear of swelling. If you do not miss time, up to 27 years will significantly help to strengthen the tissues of the face treatments based on ultrasound.
The face of "canadian hockey": mimicry of aging Moving face with large features age on his own script. The fact that they have well-developed muscular frame is, on the one hand, it's good. But on the other – working muscles, "dragging" the skin much faster it is stretched, which leads to a rapid formation of muscles. First steep folds is the "chewing area" (remember the cartoon about Homer Simpson? Then this area is not difficult to imagine). Then the creases on his forehead. Well, then everything else.
What to do?
For persons of this type the main concern is the loss of muscle tone – that is "Botox" is, as the doctors say, the drug of choice. The second point is the stock recovery of collagen: this can be achieved by receiving cosmeceutical on the basis of Pro-vitamin A and enzyme preparations that improve cellular metabolism. Among salon procedures should choose the course of electrophoresis with soft muscle relaxants (drugs that help the muscles to relax).
Irina Komarova, endocrinologist:the First signs of aging can inform us not only about what we have inherited from parents, but also about the problems in the internal organs and systems. For example, earthy hue of the face and the brownish circles under the eyes can indicate liver problems, swollen veins on the hands – on problems with the kidneys, and transverse folds on the neck of malfunctions of the thyroid gland. However, all of the above can be simply age-related change, but a clarification can only be a routine medical examination. Overall, after 35 years, when age changes begin to manifest in varying degrees, almost all, to extend the youth help only such simple things as a very moderate diet, abstinence from Smoking and proper sleep. Nothing else for many hundreds of years medicine has not come up. P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: ergashaka.ru/stati/profilaktika-stareniya/879-chelovek-stareet-s-litsa