Medications to stop the aging of the body! If they are prescribed by a doctor, first of all...
The elixir of immortality has been sought for thousands of years by shamans, priests and alchemists. Of course, it would be good to drink live water or eat rejuvenated apples, take some pills and stay young forever.
Unfortunately, the elixir of youth has not yet been invented, but there are already medicines to combat aging, and the day is not far off when doctors will prescribe them to us.
Many people can not even imagine, but now there are about 200 names of geroprotectors that can potentially prolong human life.
In the introductions to these drugs, you will not read that they can be prescribed to slow aging. How do you explain that? Medicines are registered for the treatment of specific diseases, and old age is not yet officially considered a disease.
Plus, due to the considerable life expectancy of a person, tests for its extension can be very long. Therefore, these properties of drugs, as a rule, have been tested only on laboratory animals and information about them can not yet be used as a recommendation for self-medication.
Aging, medically speaking, is not a disease. There is no universally accepted biomarker by which to tell whether this process is slowing down or not.
Therefore, the purpose of research is to find drugs that can slow the development of age-related diseases: cardiovascular, neurological, oncological and so on.
Metformin Obtained from French lilac, or goat rue (galega medicinal, or goat medicinal), metforminIn addition to the treatment of type 2 diabetes, it is used to treat non-alcoholic fatty liver dystrophy and is currently being tested as a means to prevent various types of cancer.
According to some scientists, metformin causes approximately the same changes in the body as calorie restriction: increases insulin sensitivity, reduces cholesterol, improves physical condition.
American scientists analyzed the health status and life expectancy of 70 thousand patients with diabetes who took metformin. The risk of developing cancer was 35-40% lower compared to those who did not take this drug, and they lived 15% longer.
Aging of the cardiovascular system begins with atherosclerosis of the vessels. High blood pressure can then develop, which overloads the heart and causes it to wear out faster.
Metformin has been proven to delay the aging of the heart and blood vessels, slows the development of such senile diseases as chronic heart failure, atherosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, aortic aneurysm, peripheral artery damage, vascular calcification.
Metformin is already recognized by the American Drug Administration (an analogue of our Pharmaceutical Committee) as a geroprotectant. And in the US, it is already prescribed as a medicine that postpones aging.
Sildenafil received world fame due to side effects. The drug is manufactured by Pfizer under the brand name Viagra and was developed as a cure for coronary heart disease, but the results of clinical studies conducted in 1992, disappointed the developers of the drug.
However, its side effect, which was reported by many study participants, namely: a pronounced effect on blood flow in the pelvic organs, prompted the idea of using this drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
Later, other properties of sildenafil were discovered - to reduce pressure in the pulmonary artery, expand blood vessels and restore their elasticity.
These properties prevent a number of age-related changes that cause diseases that lead in the list of causes of death - heart attack, stroke, senile dementia, vascular atherosclerosis.
Rapamycin Rapamycin, discovered by a Brazilian researcher as a metabolic product of the bacterium Streptomyces hygroscopicus from a soil sample from Easter Island, is mainly used as an immunosuppressant to prevent organ and tissue rejection.
It is used as an antifungal antibiotic and after organ transplant, so that they do not reject. In the experiment, he extended the lifespan of yeast, nematodes, fruit flies and old mice by 26%.
In mice, this effect was confirmed in eight different independent studies. Rapamycin blocks a certain protein and thereby causes the same changes in the body as with a significant decrease in calorie intake. This diet really contributes to the prolongation of life.
However, the drug has side effects, including: increased insulin resistance, which can cause diabetes. The drug metformin may also be a solution to this problem and has already shown efficacy in some patients with diabetes.
If the researchers’ findings are confirmed by larger trials, a combination of metformin and rapamycin will be used to treat aging and age-related diseases.
Skulachev drops Academician Skulachev, who is engaged in the study of the aging process, proposed a tool called "Skulachev dropsA powerful antioxidant that prevents negative effects on the body of free radicals.
Today, Vizimitin eye drops are actively offered on sale, and the release of the drug for old age is still postponed, since all the necessary tests and studies have not been carried out. In 2016, it was reported that the medicine for old age is already in pharmacies, but so far there is no data on its production and sale.
Melatonin was discovered in 1958. This hormone is produced in our body at night, in the dark, and is a regulator of sleep and biorhythms. In the 70s of the last century, scientists found that melatonin, administered as a drug to rats and mice, prolongs their lives.
As a means of preventing aging, melatonin is already prescribed in the United States. In Russia, it, as well as metformin, is already used in the treatment of cancer. And the use of melatonin as a heroprotectant that postpones aging is a matter of the near future.
In addition to taking special drugs, gerontologists strongly advise to pay attention to simple and effective means.
Here is a list of the most useful products for maintaining health and slowing the aging of cells.
The fight against ageing should be carried out daily. No magic pill for old age will not help if you do not monitor your health and do not try to maintain all organs and systems in working condition.
Before purchasing any anti-aging products, do not forget to consult a doctor.
Learn about science-based ways to prolong youth and increase life expectancy, how to look 30 years 30 years after you turn 30.
This is a hormone that keeps you young. Learn how to improve melatonin production. Share this important information with your friends, perhaps you will inspire them to change their daily routine and diet.

Unfortunately, the elixir of youth has not yet been invented, but there are already medicines to combat aging, and the day is not far off when doctors will prescribe them to us.
Many people can not even imagine, but now there are about 200 names of geroprotectors that can potentially prolong human life.

In the introductions to these drugs, you will not read that they can be prescribed to slow aging. How do you explain that? Medicines are registered for the treatment of specific diseases, and old age is not yet officially considered a disease.

Plus, due to the considerable life expectancy of a person, tests for its extension can be very long. Therefore, these properties of drugs, as a rule, have been tested only on laboratory animals and information about them can not yet be used as a recommendation for self-medication.
Aging, medically speaking, is not a disease. There is no universally accepted biomarker by which to tell whether this process is slowing down or not.

Therefore, the purpose of research is to find drugs that can slow the development of age-related diseases: cardiovascular, neurological, oncological and so on.
Metformin Obtained from French lilac, or goat rue (galega medicinal, or goat medicinal), metforminIn addition to the treatment of type 2 diabetes, it is used to treat non-alcoholic fatty liver dystrophy and is currently being tested as a means to prevent various types of cancer.

According to some scientists, metformin causes approximately the same changes in the body as calorie restriction: increases insulin sensitivity, reduces cholesterol, improves physical condition.
American scientists analyzed the health status and life expectancy of 70 thousand patients with diabetes who took metformin. The risk of developing cancer was 35-40% lower compared to those who did not take this drug, and they lived 15% longer.
Aging of the cardiovascular system begins with atherosclerosis of the vessels. High blood pressure can then develop, which overloads the heart and causes it to wear out faster.

Metformin has been proven to delay the aging of the heart and blood vessels, slows the development of such senile diseases as chronic heart failure, atherosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, aortic aneurysm, peripheral artery damage, vascular calcification.
Metformin is already recognized by the American Drug Administration (an analogue of our Pharmaceutical Committee) as a geroprotectant. And in the US, it is already prescribed as a medicine that postpones aging.
Sildenafil received world fame due to side effects. The drug is manufactured by Pfizer under the brand name Viagra and was developed as a cure for coronary heart disease, but the results of clinical studies conducted in 1992, disappointed the developers of the drug.

However, its side effect, which was reported by many study participants, namely: a pronounced effect on blood flow in the pelvic organs, prompted the idea of using this drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
Later, other properties of sildenafil were discovered - to reduce pressure in the pulmonary artery, expand blood vessels and restore their elasticity.
These properties prevent a number of age-related changes that cause diseases that lead in the list of causes of death - heart attack, stroke, senile dementia, vascular atherosclerosis.
Rapamycin Rapamycin, discovered by a Brazilian researcher as a metabolic product of the bacterium Streptomyces hygroscopicus from a soil sample from Easter Island, is mainly used as an immunosuppressant to prevent organ and tissue rejection.

It is used as an antifungal antibiotic and after organ transplant, so that they do not reject. In the experiment, he extended the lifespan of yeast, nematodes, fruit flies and old mice by 26%.
In mice, this effect was confirmed in eight different independent studies. Rapamycin blocks a certain protein and thereby causes the same changes in the body as with a significant decrease in calorie intake. This diet really contributes to the prolongation of life.
However, the drug has side effects, including: increased insulin resistance, which can cause diabetes. The drug metformin may also be a solution to this problem and has already shown efficacy in some patients with diabetes.
If the researchers’ findings are confirmed by larger trials, a combination of metformin and rapamycin will be used to treat aging and age-related diseases.
Skulachev drops Academician Skulachev, who is engaged in the study of the aging process, proposed a tool called "Skulachev dropsA powerful antioxidant that prevents negative effects on the body of free radicals.

Today, Vizimitin eye drops are actively offered on sale, and the release of the drug for old age is still postponed, since all the necessary tests and studies have not been carried out. In 2016, it was reported that the medicine for old age is already in pharmacies, but so far there is no data on its production and sale.
Melatonin was discovered in 1958. This hormone is produced in our body at night, in the dark, and is a regulator of sleep and biorhythms. In the 70s of the last century, scientists found that melatonin, administered as a drug to rats and mice, prolongs their lives.

As a means of preventing aging, melatonin is already prescribed in the United States. In Russia, it, as well as metformin, is already used in the treatment of cancer. And the use of melatonin as a heroprotectant that postpones aging is a matter of the near future.
In addition to taking special drugs, gerontologists strongly advise to pay attention to simple and effective means.
- Magnesium
Reduces the incidence of age-related diseases (cardiovascular, metabolic and others), slows down aging at the cellular level.
DepositPhotos - glucosamine sulfate
Increases the maximum lifespan of mice by 7%. - Vitamin K
Reduces mortality from all causes by 46%, and has a general health effect on the body.
DepositPhotos - Vitamin D
Reduces the mortality of experimental mice by 7%. - Vitamin B5
Extends the life of mice by 18%.
DepositPhotos - Nicotinamide riboside (aka NMN drug)
Increases the lifespan of mice by 15%.
Here is a list of the most useful products for maintaining health and slowing the aging of cells.
- Nuts
All types of nuts are a source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, supplying the body with a lot of necessary substances. - Berries
Natural antioxidants that promote the elimination of toxins and free radicals.
DepositPhotos - Green vegetables
Reduce the level of lipoproteins in the blood, contribute to the recovery of the cardiovascular system. - Fatty fish
essential fatty acids. - Low fat meat
Supplier of protein - building material for cells.
The fight against ageing should be carried out daily. No magic pill for old age will not help if you do not monitor your health and do not try to maintain all organs and systems in working condition.
Before purchasing any anti-aging products, do not forget to consult a doctor.
Learn about science-based ways to prolong youth and increase life expectancy, how to look 30 years 30 years after you turn 30.
This is a hormone that keeps you young. Learn how to improve melatonin production. Share this important information with your friends, perhaps you will inspire them to change their daily routine and diet.