Types of ageing of women

Slavic women They are considered the most beautiful in the world, but only in their youth. Perhaps you have noticed that in all the collections of “Beautiful Women over 45” usually fall European, American and Korean. For some reason, many of our women in adulthood have a second chin, shaved and other not the most beautiful signs of aging, which change them beyond recognition. We’re not talking about everyone, but that’s how aging happens in many Slavic women.


It turns out that predicting the course of aging is quite simple. It depends on the morphotype of the woman. Usually there are 5 types of face, which will tell you the editorial board. "Site".

Types of ageing
  1. morphotype
    This type of face is most common among Western European women. They have moderate subcutaneous fat, so over the years their face is covered with small wrinkles, but sagging skin, wings and the second chin is not observed. In such women at a younger age, the skin is thin, sensitive and often dry. First there are wrinkles in the corners of the mouth and on the forehead. Early wrinkles are also traced. In adulthood, skin pigmentation is also observed. To prevent a strong wrinkled mesh, women of this morphotype need to drink plenty of water and use very nutritious creams. And also protect the skin from the wind, sun and frost.


  2. Tired morphotype
    Owners of this type of face are incredibly lucky, because their aging is not accompanied by radical changes in appearance. This course of age-related changes is characteristic of slim women with an oval shape of the face. Usually in the morning the face looks fresh, and in the evening age changes become noticeable and the woman seems to look tired. In the youth of these women, the skin is normal or prone to a little dryness and moderate subcutaneous fat. Over the years, barely noticeable nasolabial folds and puppet wrinkles appear. The corners of the mouth and eyes are slightly lowered, which gives the appearance a sadness. The tone of the muscles of the face decreases, and pigmentation is weak or absent at all. Therefore, you should always get enough sleep and use antioxidant-rich cosmetics. It is also worth doing self-massage and facebuilding.


  3. Deformation-edematous morphotype
    This morphotype is also called Slavic. It is also found in Indian and Arab women. As a rule, it manifests itself in obese women. Excess adipose tissue and fluid cause the skin to sag under the influence of gravity. In youth, the skin is rough and porous. Often there are swelling due to stagnation of lymph. Over the years, fine wrinkles and pigmentation do not appear. The skin is prone to inflammation and couperosis. But the skin and muscles of the face completely lose tone, which leads to the formation of a second chin, wings, folds on the neck, hernias and bags under the eyes, overhanging the upper eyelids.

    Women need to watch their posture and try to keep their heads straight. You need to monitor your weight and try to eat more products with a good diuretic effect. It is also worth doing gymnastics for the face and doing lymphatic drainage massages.


  4. Muscle type
    The muscular morphotype is mainly characterized by clearly expressed cheekbones, a violation of pigmentation, folding of the eyelids, pronounced nasolabial folds, puppet wrinkles. Often traced in Asians, less often in Europeans. They have little subcutaneous fat, well-developed facial muscles and facial oval persists until old age. Possible vertical wrinkles on the forehead. To preserve the youth of the skin longer, you need to use good moisturizers based on hyaluronic acid. And also massage.


  5. Combined type
    On the basis of a tired morphotype, a deformational or fine-wrinkled type of aging can develop. This can occur due to illness or weight gain or, conversely, sudden weight loss. It also happens that women have a tired type, but there is sagging of the chin due to the constantly lowered head. For example, due to professional activities.


Among our women, the most common is Slavic. ageing - 55%. Tired is in second place and accounts for 25% of women. Small-faced - 10% and muscular as much. Therefore, you need to eliminate the problems of your skin, and daily eat foods that contribute to the production of collagen and remove excess water from the body. It is swelling that most often causes ugly aging.

Tell us in the comments what morphotype you belong to. Share a useful article with your friends on social networks!

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