Anna tsipris: old Age on the threshold, restart your brain
Nine million four hundred seventy six thousand nine hundred eighty three
Old age on the threshold, restart your brain
There's this funny anecdote: What is success and when a person can consider himself happy?
4 years: if you do not use diapers.
at the age of 12: if you have friends,
in 20 years: if you have sex,
35 years: if you make a lot of money,
60 years: if you have sex,
in 70 years: if you have friends,
in 80 years: if you do not use diapers.
A very positive Outlook on age, isn't it? "Who, when, why, and what drove us in the idea that, say, young living, and older – live? They also live – the life that can and want to. And this life can be both active and interesting" — said Andrey Maksimov writer, screenwriter, broadcaster and loved by all the transfer of "Duty to the country".
Age period.
". To old age to fulfill his purpose and to cope with its task, wrote author Hermann Hesse, — should be consonant with old age and with everything she brings, it is necessary to say Yes to her. Without this "Yes" without a willingness to surrender that which requires us to nature, we lose the value and meaning of their days and deceiving life»
By acting today, the criteria of the world Health Organization, age from 75 to 89 years shitaetsa old age. It is preceded by old age – from 60 to 74 years. Over 89 years is already longevity ( by the way, the ancient Greeks age age was considered as time from 43 to 63 years, in Ancient Rome – from 60 years)
Excerpt from an interview titled "the Secrets of youth in German". Professor Richard CLUTE, founder of the German society "Health and prevention"( Baden-Baden) on the question: "is it possible to deal with aging?"said: "the aging process is influenced by hereditary physical and mental characteristics and surrounding social and natural environment. To change this, as we want to, we can't. But to develop the right tactics behavior, aging — in our forces. And the earlier you start to follow it, the greater the result. The European experience shows that the commitment to rational way of life has produced amazing results.
Today's 75-year-old people from developed countries in their capabilities approach the capabilities of their 65-year-old compatriots of 20 years ago. That is, for two decades the old age retreated for a decade. In my opinion, not bad." Scientists are convinced that aging is much more dependent on lifestyle. Slowly become old, those who are physically and mentally active, who lives in stable social conditions, observes moderation in eating and drinking.
Age "How well you look!»
Many older people quite rightly believe that old age begins when the person himself feel old. I live around a lot of women over the age of 70 years. Some say I'm not that old, I do not want; why to do something — young years did not return; I do not want to live, the old age –old age; I'm ugly became, quite in the old lady turned; etc.
Other reason that have something to do with myself, don't want to become a woman; I'm interested in everything, I like everything new, despite their age; think of – age, I'm not a hundred years old; rejoice in all that surrounds me, I want to go and a lot to learn and so the third is my motto: I feel young, despite age. "FÜELE ICH MICH JUNG"- say German women. If easier, you need to accept the fact that women in addition to youth and maturity, there is another age: “How well you look!”.
Men keep quiet, not concentrating special attention on his bald head, gray hair, wrinkles, second chin, belly, preventing to zip up jackets and other clothing. However, as one man To answering the question when he felt the approach of old age, he shared his secret. One day, ( he was already over 60), being at a party, he met a very nice woman, and both felt that each other liked. She gave him your address and hope to meet. In the morning , glanced at the address and determining that it is necessary to go with two changes, he suddenly realized that he did not want to go anywhere and to complicate your life.
"It was then that I realized that old, and this was the beginning of a new phase in my life called "old age setting in". Some men, even family, coming close to old age, looking for adventure, what is called "a gray beard, a demon in a rib". They begin Dating and enter into a close relationship with young women, believing that they, thereby, delay its aging. In life, most often, after some time, such stress leads to premature heart attacks, strokes and frustration. And it all brings the old age.
Men and women of advanced age who have mastered computer knowledge and actively searching for all sorts of tips regarding the preservation of health, prevention of old-age, Alzheimer's prevention, nutrition, etc., etc., in General, you name it. Some subscribe to professional newsletters: "How to prevent aging", "How to lose weight", "Paleodiet", "Fitness for the face", "How to love yourself", and many others. other. Friends, acquaintances, and sometimes unfamiliar people ( accidentally received a particular email address) send each other all sorts of tips and recommendations via e-mail , exchange views.
During the meeting, they discuss, especially when you read the exact opposite message that, for example, Australian scientists suggest one thing, American or Israeli is quite another ( for example raised cholesterol: whether it has meaning or not; the eggs together with the tomatoes, or not; whether developing cancer cells from eating fried or not, etc.). Discussions are around the questions about drinking: how many people should drink of fluid per day: one liter, two or even three? And suddenly...kaboom and receives information from.... further scientists have studied 8,000 people: you need to drink moderately, and it may even come drinking collapse, etc.
Recently many sites have been published "recommendations of the cardiologist", which was carried on lively discussions. Many consider them the most reasonable, especially for the elderly people to drink possible 1 litre of water per day, that is, each has its own rate of drinking – so you need to stick to it. Cite these tips, which I think is perfectly acceptable: "it is Very important to choose the correct time to drink water: 2 glasses of water after waking up — helps to activate internal organs; 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal — helps digestion; 1 glass of water before taking a bath — helps lower blood pressure 1 glass of water before going to bed — avoids stroke or heart attack."
What recommendations can you give to people who are over 60 years?
Today, these recommendations should be published so that it is impossible even to list, but especially to observe. They actively do apply in different social networks. It would be good to choose what is most suitable for you. Because the elderly has its own purpose, which gives meaning to their existence, makes possible participation in life in the environment where they were in old age. Not to lose interest in life – that becomes crucial in the elderly
As he wrote to the psychologist Emerson, "man is what he spent the whole day thinking". Just the thought of creating us healthy or sick, fortunate or unfortunate, winners or losers. So it would be nice to refuse such, for example, habits: think about the bad.; to complain; to set yourself up for failure; to communicate with people who kill your self-esteem; to think about what others will say; spending all my free time within four walls; constantly in a hurry; to compare themselves with others; to dwell on the past.; to buy and store unnecessary things to shift responsibility to others and to envy. As you know envy is a feeling, one of the seven deadly sins ( the Bible) that corrodes people from the inside and deprives him of tranquility.
My 17 year old granddaughter, I was once asked, "Grandma, how do you feel about your age? You have me, not very old, but still, tell me about their feelings in old age." I'm a little confused, and even unable to answer her. Granddaughter also embarrassed, thinking that she did something hurt, but I told her that does not feel old, so I will ponder this question and write her a letter.
Reboot your brain on the perception of these councils.
Rejoice in each day when you Wake up in your bed, walk on their feet in their apartment and not in a nursing home. Do not grumble, do not whine on different occasions. Respect your past, remember but not dwell on it.
Live in the present, adhering to the motto: "Life here and now." Only today we can solve some issues. Yesterday has passed and tomorrow may not even come. Always remember the saying "the Desire – there are thousands of opportunities, unwillingness – thousand reasons". Set yourself manageable tasks and try in process of forces and opportunities to do things, scheduled it for today.
Enjoy socializing with your grandchildren, give them good advice , but not "get involved" in their upbringing, especially here in another country. Allow Your children to themselves to educate their offspring.
Do not force children your perception of the problem " but before we do so ...".Engage to the extent possible their own problems themselves, without burdening their children and grandchildren.
Not the wrath of God: cherish the health You have. And yet, love yourself and do everything in order. that you are truly loved and appreciated. Do not burden loved ones with my problems.published
Author: Anna Tsipris
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.web-globus.de/articles/starost_na_poroge_perezagruzim_mozg
Old age on the threshold, restart your brain
There's this funny anecdote: What is success and when a person can consider himself happy?
4 years: if you do not use diapers.
at the age of 12: if you have friends,
in 20 years: if you have sex,
35 years: if you make a lot of money,
60 years: if you have sex,
in 70 years: if you have friends,
in 80 years: if you do not use diapers.
A very positive Outlook on age, isn't it? "Who, when, why, and what drove us in the idea that, say, young living, and older – live? They also live – the life that can and want to. And this life can be both active and interesting" — said Andrey Maksimov writer, screenwriter, broadcaster and loved by all the transfer of "Duty to the country".
Age period.
". To old age to fulfill his purpose and to cope with its task, wrote author Hermann Hesse, — should be consonant with old age and with everything she brings, it is necessary to say Yes to her. Without this "Yes" without a willingness to surrender that which requires us to nature, we lose the value and meaning of their days and deceiving life»
By acting today, the criteria of the world Health Organization, age from 75 to 89 years shitaetsa old age. It is preceded by old age – from 60 to 74 years. Over 89 years is already longevity ( by the way, the ancient Greeks age age was considered as time from 43 to 63 years, in Ancient Rome – from 60 years)
Excerpt from an interview titled "the Secrets of youth in German". Professor Richard CLUTE, founder of the German society "Health and prevention"( Baden-Baden) on the question: "is it possible to deal with aging?"said: "the aging process is influenced by hereditary physical and mental characteristics and surrounding social and natural environment. To change this, as we want to, we can't. But to develop the right tactics behavior, aging — in our forces. And the earlier you start to follow it, the greater the result. The European experience shows that the commitment to rational way of life has produced amazing results.
Today's 75-year-old people from developed countries in their capabilities approach the capabilities of their 65-year-old compatriots of 20 years ago. That is, for two decades the old age retreated for a decade. In my opinion, not bad." Scientists are convinced that aging is much more dependent on lifestyle. Slowly become old, those who are physically and mentally active, who lives in stable social conditions, observes moderation in eating and drinking.
Age "How well you look!»
Many older people quite rightly believe that old age begins when the person himself feel old. I live around a lot of women over the age of 70 years. Some say I'm not that old, I do not want; why to do something — young years did not return; I do not want to live, the old age –old age; I'm ugly became, quite in the old lady turned; etc.
Other reason that have something to do with myself, don't want to become a woman; I'm interested in everything, I like everything new, despite their age; think of – age, I'm not a hundred years old; rejoice in all that surrounds me, I want to go and a lot to learn and so the third is my motto: I feel young, despite age. "FÜELE ICH MICH JUNG"- say German women. If easier, you need to accept the fact that women in addition to youth and maturity, there is another age: “How well you look!”.
Men keep quiet, not concentrating special attention on his bald head, gray hair, wrinkles, second chin, belly, preventing to zip up jackets and other clothing. However, as one man To answering the question when he felt the approach of old age, he shared his secret. One day, ( he was already over 60), being at a party, he met a very nice woman, and both felt that each other liked. She gave him your address and hope to meet. In the morning , glanced at the address and determining that it is necessary to go with two changes, he suddenly realized that he did not want to go anywhere and to complicate your life.
"It was then that I realized that old, and this was the beginning of a new phase in my life called "old age setting in". Some men, even family, coming close to old age, looking for adventure, what is called "a gray beard, a demon in a rib". They begin Dating and enter into a close relationship with young women, believing that they, thereby, delay its aging. In life, most often, after some time, such stress leads to premature heart attacks, strokes and frustration. And it all brings the old age.
Men and women of advanced age who have mastered computer knowledge and actively searching for all sorts of tips regarding the preservation of health, prevention of old-age, Alzheimer's prevention, nutrition, etc., etc., in General, you name it. Some subscribe to professional newsletters: "How to prevent aging", "How to lose weight", "Paleodiet", "Fitness for the face", "How to love yourself", and many others. other. Friends, acquaintances, and sometimes unfamiliar people ( accidentally received a particular email address) send each other all sorts of tips and recommendations via e-mail , exchange views.
During the meeting, they discuss, especially when you read the exact opposite message that, for example, Australian scientists suggest one thing, American or Israeli is quite another ( for example raised cholesterol: whether it has meaning or not; the eggs together with the tomatoes, or not; whether developing cancer cells from eating fried or not, etc.). Discussions are around the questions about drinking: how many people should drink of fluid per day: one liter, two or even three? And suddenly...kaboom and receives information from.... further scientists have studied 8,000 people: you need to drink moderately, and it may even come drinking collapse, etc.
Recently many sites have been published "recommendations of the cardiologist", which was carried on lively discussions. Many consider them the most reasonable, especially for the elderly people to drink possible 1 litre of water per day, that is, each has its own rate of drinking – so you need to stick to it. Cite these tips, which I think is perfectly acceptable: "it is Very important to choose the correct time to drink water: 2 glasses of water after waking up — helps to activate internal organs; 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal — helps digestion; 1 glass of water before taking a bath — helps lower blood pressure 1 glass of water before going to bed — avoids stroke or heart attack."
What recommendations can you give to people who are over 60 years?
Today, these recommendations should be published so that it is impossible even to list, but especially to observe. They actively do apply in different social networks. It would be good to choose what is most suitable for you. Because the elderly has its own purpose, which gives meaning to their existence, makes possible participation in life in the environment where they were in old age. Not to lose interest in life – that becomes crucial in the elderly
As he wrote to the psychologist Emerson, "man is what he spent the whole day thinking". Just the thought of creating us healthy or sick, fortunate or unfortunate, winners or losers. So it would be nice to refuse such, for example, habits: think about the bad.; to complain; to set yourself up for failure; to communicate with people who kill your self-esteem; to think about what others will say; spending all my free time within four walls; constantly in a hurry; to compare themselves with others; to dwell on the past.; to buy and store unnecessary things to shift responsibility to others and to envy. As you know envy is a feeling, one of the seven deadly sins ( the Bible) that corrodes people from the inside and deprives him of tranquility.
My 17 year old granddaughter, I was once asked, "Grandma, how do you feel about your age? You have me, not very old, but still, tell me about their feelings in old age." I'm a little confused, and even unable to answer her. Granddaughter also embarrassed, thinking that she did something hurt, but I told her that does not feel old, so I will ponder this question and write her a letter.
Reboot your brain on the perception of these councils.
Rejoice in each day when you Wake up in your bed, walk on their feet in their apartment and not in a nursing home. Do not grumble, do not whine on different occasions. Respect your past, remember but not dwell on it.
Live in the present, adhering to the motto: "Life here and now." Only today we can solve some issues. Yesterday has passed and tomorrow may not even come. Always remember the saying "the Desire – there are thousands of opportunities, unwillingness – thousand reasons". Set yourself manageable tasks and try in process of forces and opportunities to do things, scheduled it for today.
Enjoy socializing with your grandchildren, give them good advice , but not "get involved" in their upbringing, especially here in another country. Allow Your children to themselves to educate their offspring.
Do not force children your perception of the problem " but before we do so ...".Engage to the extent possible their own problems themselves, without burdening their children and grandchildren.
Not the wrath of God: cherish the health You have. And yet, love yourself and do everything in order. that you are truly loved and appreciated. Do not burden loved ones with my problems.published
Author: Anna Tsipris
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.web-globus.de/articles/starost_na_poroge_perezagruzim_mozg