Anna cypris: All colors of envy
Eleven million eight hundred forty nine thousand two hundred sixty nine
Jealousy is emotional–a negative term, it is harmful for the body, determines the lowered tone of the mood is depressing and eats away at a person. Psychologists propose to classify the envy of colours and shades.
The most unpleasant and vicious form of envy. Remember Pushkin: "...black full of envy, throwing a mirror under the bench, summoned chernavka the...".
You go down the street, so cute, elated, everything you see in pink light. Meet a friend who gently asks: "how are you today? How long have you been a doctor? You look awful."and all day for you faded. Try as little as possible to communicate with such people
The phenomenon of mass — and class, and national. This division of people into "they" and "we". Their psychology: "why do they have, and we do not ?""all take away and divide equally". Perhaps this phenomenon is called red with envy, because it results in rivers of blood, wars and revolution.
Sucking and barren envy. Remember the expression: "She's already green with envy". In General, sadness about themselves, about what not to: the elderly envy the young, sullen — merry, dark -a strange cheerfulness
Pale lilac
Inherent, mainly the teenagers. Girls are jealous of Actresses, models, balls, beautiful dresses, the boys the courage and biceps Swarzeneger. Very harmless jealousy, but only if it is not saved forty years before
More common in the sports world and the business world. It pushes people to hard work, achieving success in competitions and, ultimately, on records.( in sports.) In business, envy interspersed with normal competition, which leads to expansion of goods and services. Well, it is a healthy envy
This color occurs on the cheeks of people who are jealous of how furnished your home is, how you dressed, what wear jewelry, what car do you drive and so forth, when their eyes ignite for the welfare of others. Want to protect yourself from this envy — do not expose for show the object of envy and you will be calmer. For some of our compatriots, this envy is very characteristic. "Because in this beauty in the house, you can burst with envy", "C. this library is terribly jealous", " D. Buy such a car, all the envy," etc.
Pure, natural envy to mastery, skill, talent. Other women say: "white envy envy you that your son is already working, and my still not settled". It's a good jealousy or bad, everyone has its own understanding.
Unfortunately, immigration makes people envious. Fat people envy skinny, married or unmarried, and single, married or married. Aging, the elderly envy the young, sick, healthy, working – dreaming about calm, looking for a job envy those who do work have.
Some types of envy are understandable and not reprehensible –on the contrary, make the spirit of competition in the struggle for achieving the noble goal of being the engines of progress. Many women with envy, "sawing" their husbands: "But L. it already is." "C. have been in Europe and in America." "Because machine better than us." "Children of D. dressed in all expensive, and we buy different cheap stuff". "The son of Vladimir enrolled at the University, and our can not really learn Hebrew", etc.. What if envy is knocking at the heart of your friends? Better to slowly take your relationship with them, you still will not heal from this envy.
Do not even think let envy and say, "How I envy you your success and well-being of your mind and character." If you do not want to hurt and premature aging, it would be good just to remind yourself: "the Envy that gnaws at me, affects me, need to get rid of it ". As far as this issue is at all relevant, saying duplicate declarations, which is full of Russian-language press of any country where our compatriots live: "Off-line envy", "Remove karmic envy," "Eliminate the feeling of envy", "Remove the evil eye of envy ". And if there are such proposals, it is likely that there is a demand for them.
In addition to envy there is another reason that breaks the friendship. Folk wisdom says: "friend in need". Obviously, it happened something with us, friends will come to the rescue. To help to endure other unpleasant moments — simply and naturally and you can amuse vanity of their own generosity and magnanimity. But how to be happy, success, achieve greater material prosperity?_ It would seem that there should act a different saying: "Joy for two — a double joy." However, the reality is not so, especially in immigration.
Many of us have long been convinced that true friends ...in joy. Sincerely enjoy the success and well-being of another — much more difficult. With such a man, particularly their own insecurity and failures. On an equal footing does not work. Perhaps the most tragic moment in a friendship when it is challenged "not by fire and water, and the Golden calf".
Relationship poisoned by jealousy and anger, not just stop, they develop into a real feud. As you know, the worst enemies are former friends. They should know our weaknesses and deliberately target! The famous Soviet poet Mikhail Svetlov once said "Friendship is the phenomenon hour". God grant that each of us had such friends to whom you would knock on the house with any disaster and share the greatest joy.
Anna Tsipris
Source: /users/1077
Jealousy is emotional–a negative term, it is harmful for the body, determines the lowered tone of the mood is depressing and eats away at a person. Psychologists propose to classify the envy of colours and shades.
The most unpleasant and vicious form of envy. Remember Pushkin: "...black full of envy, throwing a mirror under the bench, summoned chernavka the...".
You go down the street, so cute, elated, everything you see in pink light. Meet a friend who gently asks: "how are you today? How long have you been a doctor? You look awful."and all day for you faded. Try as little as possible to communicate with such people
The phenomenon of mass — and class, and national. This division of people into "they" and "we". Their psychology: "why do they have, and we do not ?""all take away and divide equally". Perhaps this phenomenon is called red with envy, because it results in rivers of blood, wars and revolution.
Sucking and barren envy. Remember the expression: "She's already green with envy". In General, sadness about themselves, about what not to: the elderly envy the young, sullen — merry, dark -a strange cheerfulness
Pale lilac
Inherent, mainly the teenagers. Girls are jealous of Actresses, models, balls, beautiful dresses, the boys the courage and biceps Swarzeneger. Very harmless jealousy, but only if it is not saved forty years before
More common in the sports world and the business world. It pushes people to hard work, achieving success in competitions and, ultimately, on records.( in sports.) In business, envy interspersed with normal competition, which leads to expansion of goods and services. Well, it is a healthy envy
This color occurs on the cheeks of people who are jealous of how furnished your home is, how you dressed, what wear jewelry, what car do you drive and so forth, when their eyes ignite for the welfare of others. Want to protect yourself from this envy — do not expose for show the object of envy and you will be calmer. For some of our compatriots, this envy is very characteristic. "Because in this beauty in the house, you can burst with envy", "C. this library is terribly jealous", " D. Buy such a car, all the envy," etc.
Pure, natural envy to mastery, skill, talent. Other women say: "white envy envy you that your son is already working, and my still not settled". It's a good jealousy or bad, everyone has its own understanding.
Unfortunately, immigration makes people envious. Fat people envy skinny, married or unmarried, and single, married or married. Aging, the elderly envy the young, sick, healthy, working – dreaming about calm, looking for a job envy those who do work have.
Some types of envy are understandable and not reprehensible –on the contrary, make the spirit of competition in the struggle for achieving the noble goal of being the engines of progress. Many women with envy, "sawing" their husbands: "But L. it already is." "C. have been in Europe and in America." "Because machine better than us." "Children of D. dressed in all expensive, and we buy different cheap stuff". "The son of Vladimir enrolled at the University, and our can not really learn Hebrew", etc.. What if envy is knocking at the heart of your friends? Better to slowly take your relationship with them, you still will not heal from this envy.
Do not even think let envy and say, "How I envy you your success and well-being of your mind and character." If you do not want to hurt and premature aging, it would be good just to remind yourself: "the Envy that gnaws at me, affects me, need to get rid of it ". As far as this issue is at all relevant, saying duplicate declarations, which is full of Russian-language press of any country where our compatriots live: "Off-line envy", "Remove karmic envy," "Eliminate the feeling of envy", "Remove the evil eye of envy ". And if there are such proposals, it is likely that there is a demand for them.
In addition to envy there is another reason that breaks the friendship. Folk wisdom says: "friend in need". Obviously, it happened something with us, friends will come to the rescue. To help to endure other unpleasant moments — simply and naturally and you can amuse vanity of their own generosity and magnanimity. But how to be happy, success, achieve greater material prosperity?_ It would seem that there should act a different saying: "Joy for two — a double joy." However, the reality is not so, especially in immigration.
Many of us have long been convinced that true friends ...in joy. Sincerely enjoy the success and well-being of another — much more difficult. With such a man, particularly their own insecurity and failures. On an equal footing does not work. Perhaps the most tragic moment in a friendship when it is challenged "not by fire and water, and the Golden calf".
Relationship poisoned by jealousy and anger, not just stop, they develop into a real feud. As you know, the worst enemies are former friends. They should know our weaknesses and deliberately target! The famous Soviet poet Mikhail Svetlov once said "Friendship is the phenomenon hour". God grant that each of us had such friends to whom you would knock on the house with any disaster and share the greatest joy.
Anna Tsipris
Source: /users/1077