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Envy — sorrow of the soul and the welfare of the middle

Envy is a projection of the human mind, which leads him to the idea that another better, more beautiful, tastier, etc., it's a concern of mind about what the other person some good, things better than you. Envy belongs to absolutely every person, i.e. it is a function that during the life somehow changes, and the task of every person is to find ways and methods to make the anxiety of mind, to merge and to learn how to balance.

I really like the definition of envy in Christianity: "Envy is sorrow of the soul and the welfare of the neighbor." Jealousy is characteristic of almost all the people, another thing is that during the life of many away from this and people with enlightened consciousness the function to lose, they have no envy. The feeling of envy arises when the person does not have a certain self-sufficiency in, and then he looks at the world, and he has a desire to own something best in this world. It's a function of EGO. EGO is always worried about the fact that he was missing something. He needed more-more. Therefore envy is, of course, is a certain part of all people. It is a natural function. When you learn to manage your mind, your consciousness, you are not conducted on emotions and learn to manage them, it gradually lost this function, is reduced and then goes away as unnecessary, because when you have self-sufficiency, then you have everything.

All people envy is the norm. This quality is inherent in all people. But envy, like everything in our life has two sides to the coin: there is a positive emphasis, and there is a negative emphasis. Negative characteristics of envy is the envy associated with pain. Why is this happening? Scientists who have studied the impact of envy on man, found that the human brain contains areas responsible for the envy and gloating. It turned out that the people that caused your envy, activated in your brain anterior cingulate – a region or area of the brain that plays a key role in the processing of pain, ie, the jealousy and the pain was physiological twins. It turns out that people are envious, even if he isn't aware of it feels, jealous of real pain and suffering. This violence against ourselves, violence against your soul. Envy is a form of emotional pain. Thus, we can conclude that envy increases the pain, increases the suffering. We know and see people who have increased the feeling of envy, are in constant irritation and anxiety, and of course they suffer from it, starting your own emotional background in the negative state. Envy is inherent in all people is not a disease. Another thing is that some forms of pathological envy – the ones that lead to mental changes, paranoia, Intrusive thoughts, ideas. Thus, jealousy can be a trigger of mental illness.

The basis of envy includes the positive and negative aspects. The positive aspect of this is that envy increases the level of ambition of the person. If a person likes something there is someone, and he's not, then there is a desire to possess, what motivates him to achieve goals. According to genetic theory, jealousy is a complex of instincts. Like laziness, it add – in instinct of self-preservation, contributing to the evolution of species. Another positive aspect of envy. Envy is the engine of progress. We know the story of Lamborghini and Ferrari. When Lamborghini was the envy of the Ferrari that he created such an amazing car, and this was the motive for him, engine work, new quest solutions, etc. And he was able to realize his dream. Therefore envy can be the starting point of destructive and negative actions – not creative, but destructive ( for the envy can start a war, because of the jealousy can go any destruction, inappropriate behavior) and positive when the envy stimulates and motivates to action and activity. You can see the mechanism of this process, as the activity is activated and included objectives for increasing efficiency. There is a hormone — oxytocin, which involves the activation of sexuality, activates the hormonal system that enhances the attractiveness and sex appeal, and thereby activates the function of jealousy, because at the physiological level of human activity increases, and in this regard, ambitious plank also increases, and the person activated the activity to achieve some results, biggest, best. Leadership and ambition are not the effect of jealousy is either a person or not. Envy can be a motivation in order to develop the ability to achieve something better, better than the other. And be not the first (because if you're first, there's always the second that you can outrun), and become the best, the only one on earth in their sphere of activity. If You managed to extinguish in himself the poison of envy and jealousy (jealousy is a result of envy, or one of the varieties), then You can get rid of the pain and suffering, and to preserve its resources, spiritual strength and physical health to self-realization, their intentions, their plans and purposes.

Envy is the black underside of the purple cloak of pride. To tame jealousy to associate pride, to realize their desires and love. Love the way teaches us to love Jesus Christ is the master of love – giving, self-sacrificing and self-denial. Because when we love giving, love in action, then we are protected by the most love. The more you give, the more remains. It is the law of love and he is always, without exception.

Infatuation and love are two different things. True love is giving and it includes very different functions. True love is unconditional: the more you give, the more remains. She lives by different mechanisms and rules. And love is a desire to possess the object of love and then it activates envy. Envy is dissatisfaction of mind, because you do not possess what others possess. The basis of envy is comparative characteristics: someone so, and at me differently. Social basis of envy: envy – the condition that occurs as a result of comparison. This is driven dissatisfaction. The color of envy, charity, hate, depends on a bunch of inferiority complexes. Envy is the reverse side of pride and feelings of superiority, they have common roots.

Patients of people with autism, down's syndrome blunt form of consciousness and mind does not compare. And these people live quite calm and balanced, precisely because they are satisfied with things as they are. The enlightened man – a form of consciousness without comparative mechanisms, but only in other ways, this came, not through physiological changes, and through the work on your own consciousness. Envy feature comparative. And if the person samosovershenstvovaniya and includes some self-sufficiency, inner peace, then be jealous no need, because he has within himself the harmony and peace, he was happy in every respect. And if he doesn't like something and are not satisfied with something, then he achieves this by improving yourself and achieving it.

Who often envies men or women? Emotional women are 8 times more active emotional men, that is why the form of jealousy, women are more pronounced, more outwardly manifested and could be large aspects included. Because of the variety who wants to own a woman, much bigger, taller, brighter, more interesting. Women and men are jealous in different ways. Jealousy women are very expressive, emotional. And men can be jealous but keep it to yourself, accordingly increasing a certain bar, structuring goals and objectives to achieve results. Envy men most often productive, i.e. productive from the point of view of achieving the result. Envy women's often destructive, because the woman is jealous of the emotional sphere, not the mind, and this leads to negativity and the destruction of either the object of envy, or destroy your psyche. Sphere of life women are very much linked with the way eyes perceive this world and because a woman more jealous of some external forms: the fact that it is more peculiar that it is more like that the more it includes, ie some bright things and often it is things from the material world. Men, because they have a mind for logical, structural, often envy the success of other men or some kind of innovation, of genius, i.e. that is associated with the mind, with actions, with implementation and with men some features.

Why people are jealous of successful rich people? Most people arranged so that they only see the other side of the coin and the picture that is on the surface. They do not see what is behind the success of the person. But there is a tremendous work and a huge time spent to be successful. Great desire and determination of these people is the people do not want to see. But they see all what he created and gave that person a success: villas, yachts, planes, diamonds, furs, etc. the Whole external environment. Surprisingly, many people who have reached a certain success in his life and certain of his destiny, it all becomes not so important, while everyone around is important. And then wakes up an instinctual feeling of envy, people want to live, but somehow, nothing to do. It is definitely skewed in the world. It does not happen.

There is an opinion: "If jealous of you means you live right, then you are in the right direction to go". Often people have a negative attitude to almost any known, noticeable personality, thus they justify their inability to take place in this life. The person who took place has everything – he had the intelligence, strength, determination, energy to do that. It is easier to decry and thus hide their inability to do something, something here on Earth to write, to develop your personality as a professional.

There is envy, there is envy. Black envy for the first time was designated by the philosopher Kant. When a person is jealous and gloating – so envy is a destructive aspect as for a person who is jealous or who are jealous. White envy is when we rejoice over the people, but also want to have been so. It is also envy, but we do not carry through this jealousy no negative meaning.

There is excessive jealousy, which leads to the destruction of the first of the human psyche, then physics, i.e., its physiological state and social. The more a person improves himself and his consciousness in this world, the more reduced the scale of envy. By improving yourself you can achieve any results. I really like the phrase M. V. lyubarov: "You do not owe anybody, You don't owe anyone anything, but You can take all by yourself". And when you're focused on yourself, on improving themselves and their own self-sufficiency, envy drops to zero, because you don't spend it no resources, no emotion, no life, and spend it all on the achievement of the objectives in your own life.

How is envy? It all starts with an innocent compare. Why we compare ourselves to others? Everything happens for lack of self-sufficiency, adequate and correct perception of themselves, of this world and in this world. This, in turn, is born from dislike, from a lack of love. In the childhood was the analogue of constructive, sober, sensible love. The perception of the world and ourselves begins in childhood: the love of self, neighbor, world.

To learn how to be jealous of the good, to grow in his love. First, to grow love for yourself, and then grow love in yourself. Then You will have the desire to achieve, to get something, but You will rejoice that others are also doing well, and the reverse of the medal-envy (jealousy and Schadenfreude) goes by the wayside. The envy remains, but remains white envy. Ie: I rejoice that you have, but I also want. You reach it not through destruction, but through its own movement, which allows You to have. This is the only ways that you can consciously switch into creative things and use envy as a mechanism for the achievement of own results in your own life.

Love formed in childhood, when a child sees: how does the local environment, how to behave mom and dad as mom and dad behave with other people (in the store, etc.). The child absorbs the soul of all these pictures. It absorbs or aggressive and pathological aspect of interaction with the world, or the opposite – loving and harmonious. So the jealousy begins in childhood. Very often it is provoked by their own parents. They begin to compare their child with other children (what are you wearing, what toys). Parents impose child comparisons, and then the child appears for the first time envy. Children have no function of love, she learned later, because the children feed on love, they themselves give nothing, their love is not yet formed. They only take. And what we get from the children – it is our pleasure associated with perception. And what values they have absorbed – depends on the conditions in which they live and from the originally-stored data.

Envy destroys the envious, and who are jealous. Therefore, deliberate management of this condition helps to persist, i.e. to go from destruction to another object. An extreme form of envy cause wars lead to revolutions and the destructive action is on a global scale. In household, small scale, envy can cause murder, to cause bad thoughts, that person is driven to commit a crime.

The only way to get rid of envy – awareness of their thoughts, their lives and striving for improvement. If awareness is not, who would You have not been taught, not treated, etc., to get rid of jealousy You can't. The understanding and realization that You are jealous – it's already 50% helps You to get out of this state, i.e. not to lie to myself, and honestly admit that you are jealous.

Develop in your life. This will help not to break down, to form a healthy relationship with oneself and the world. The best way to get rid of all the destructive influences is to work, to be implemented. to improve in what You are the best. To set goals, achieve and re-set goals. In an interview with a business consultant V. M. by Lubarova I asked the question: "is There a common recipe for success?" And the answer was: "If you want to live long – work". This is the recipe for success and the recipe of life. If you find where you best and move in that direction, your life will not be a single working day, and destructive jealousy will be dissolved as unnecessary.published

Author: Irina Nesuchyne

P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©


Source: loveunity.ru/stati-ekspertov/irina-nesivkina/47-zavist.html