Three magical feelings
There are three magical feelings: disappointment, sadness and powerlessness. If in grief it is not customary to feel the attacks of life, then in life it is not customary to feel these three feelings.
Disappointment is a necessary stepping stone to wisdom.
Disappointed, we accept the world soberly as it is, without idealizations, without rose-colored glasses. Very clean condition.
Whether we can love the world as such is a matter of our own spiritual maturity. Most people are disappointed and disliked. And in vain, because love heals, first of all, the soul of the lover.
Photo: myspace.com
But there is nothing surprising in this: to be disappointed and not to fall into depreciation is the work of the spirit, quite difficult when we do not let the spirit fall into low passions, but hold it like a deep note on a long exhalation, not letting it slip. The vocalists will understand.
Sadness is the raw material for love and wisdom. Purified sadness is love. When it is said that the soul must work day and night, it is also about accepting sorrow as the gold ore from which love is smelted. Sadness is related to breathing and crying. When we are frustrated by the loss of our illusions, weeping is a natural response, like a cleansing stream that frees us from the rubble of the old. But if crying is forbidden, we stop breathing by squeezing many different small muscles in the chest (heartache), throat (clump in the throat), around the eyes (headache), and so on.
As we grow older, when we were taught not to cry as children, the first thing we encounter in sadness is these cramps, and we decide that sadness is painful. But it really hurts not to be sad. If you breathe deeply and let the tears flow, everything relaxes and the pain goes away.
Impotence (not to be confused with apathy) is a state where forces are not mobilized for any action because no action is needed. If you are disappointed in the old, and the new has not yet lined up, then there is no subject matter. There is only what is: the destruction of the old and the absence of the new, a creative void. From this creative void, if you do not try to escape from it, the new grows itself, folding up from tiny puzzles. But if it is forbidden to be powerless, we artificially mobilize our resources, and... we cannot create anything by them other than a new version of the old. Being powerless is not difficult because “nothing can be changed and that is terrible.” Being powerless is difficult, as it is difficult not to succumb to the temptation of artificially mobilizing and tweaking old designs, or tearing your ass at the British flag, trying to invent something awesome new. Again, a new version of the old one.
In order not to feel frustrated, sad, and powerless, many devalue themselves or the environment when faced with failure, as the position of “I’m on top” or “I’m on the bottom” explains the failure and, as it were, makes it stable in a rigid picture of the world. However, depreciation does not renew, but closes a person in the can I wrote about earlier.
Powerlessness, disappointment and sadness Soft, elusive, unstable, variable states, fluid and uncontrollable. And if there is a lot of fear in a person, it is difficult for him to withstand their flow, so he tries to chain them by depreciation into a rigid construction, thus stopping the renewal of himself, the flow of creative energy.
All states are cyclical: charm, increase in excitement, realization of energy, encounter with difficulties, recognition, disappointment, sadness, powerlessness, creative emptiness. Each cycle brings new experiences, develops truly valuable relationships, or destroys those that have exhausted their potential. published
Author: Nina Rubstein
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Source: rubstein.livejournal.com/1036742.html
Disappointment is a necessary stepping stone to wisdom.
Disappointed, we accept the world soberly as it is, without idealizations, without rose-colored glasses. Very clean condition.
Whether we can love the world as such is a matter of our own spiritual maturity. Most people are disappointed and disliked. And in vain, because love heals, first of all, the soul of the lover.

Photo: myspace.com
But there is nothing surprising in this: to be disappointed and not to fall into depreciation is the work of the spirit, quite difficult when we do not let the spirit fall into low passions, but hold it like a deep note on a long exhalation, not letting it slip. The vocalists will understand.
Sadness is the raw material for love and wisdom. Purified sadness is love. When it is said that the soul must work day and night, it is also about accepting sorrow as the gold ore from which love is smelted. Sadness is related to breathing and crying. When we are frustrated by the loss of our illusions, weeping is a natural response, like a cleansing stream that frees us from the rubble of the old. But if crying is forbidden, we stop breathing by squeezing many different small muscles in the chest (heartache), throat (clump in the throat), around the eyes (headache), and so on.
As we grow older, when we were taught not to cry as children, the first thing we encounter in sadness is these cramps, and we decide that sadness is painful. But it really hurts not to be sad. If you breathe deeply and let the tears flow, everything relaxes and the pain goes away.
Impotence (not to be confused with apathy) is a state where forces are not mobilized for any action because no action is needed. If you are disappointed in the old, and the new has not yet lined up, then there is no subject matter. There is only what is: the destruction of the old and the absence of the new, a creative void. From this creative void, if you do not try to escape from it, the new grows itself, folding up from tiny puzzles. But if it is forbidden to be powerless, we artificially mobilize our resources, and... we cannot create anything by them other than a new version of the old. Being powerless is not difficult because “nothing can be changed and that is terrible.” Being powerless is difficult, as it is difficult not to succumb to the temptation of artificially mobilizing and tweaking old designs, or tearing your ass at the British flag, trying to invent something awesome new. Again, a new version of the old one.
In order not to feel frustrated, sad, and powerless, many devalue themselves or the environment when faced with failure, as the position of “I’m on top” or “I’m on the bottom” explains the failure and, as it were, makes it stable in a rigid picture of the world. However, depreciation does not renew, but closes a person in the can I wrote about earlier.
Powerlessness, disappointment and sadness Soft, elusive, unstable, variable states, fluid and uncontrollable. And if there is a lot of fear in a person, it is difficult for him to withstand their flow, so he tries to chain them by depreciation into a rigid construction, thus stopping the renewal of himself, the flow of creative energy.
All states are cyclical: charm, increase in excitement, realization of energy, encounter with difficulties, recognition, disappointment, sadness, powerlessness, creative emptiness. Each cycle brings new experiences, develops truly valuable relationships, or destroys those that have exhausted their potential. published
Author: Nina Rubstein
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Join us on Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: rubstein.livejournal.com/1036742.html