Envy is not a woman's business.
Who hasn't felt jealous?
We all know this unpleasant feeling. Today you will learn the truth about jealousy.
I guarantee that after reading this article, you will begin to feel differently about the successes of other people, and the feeling of envy will visit you less often, and then completely forget the way to you.
What is envy? Why does she show up? Why doesn't she leave no matter what you tell her? Why is this feeling eating away from the inside? How do you get rid of jealousy?
So, What is envy and why does it appear?
First, it is a very unpleasant feeling that arises when you see the success and luck of other people. There are people who say they are not jealous. That's not true. You know why? Envy is primarily about comparing yourself to others. She has and I don't, she's loved and I'm not, she's got a nice dress, and I'm not. It is from this comparison that our mood deteriorates, and we begin to feel disgusting.
What we can envy:
It’s like, ‘You’re my friend and we should be equal to you.’ If you even have a new mobile phone, you step forward, leaving me behind.” We feel like a winner and we feel like a loser. And, as a rule, jealous of something and nothing. I have been researching this topic for a long time, and many people note that logic makes everyone understand that there is nothing to envy, but there is a feeling, and it causes unpleasant emotions.
Why does jealousy eat away from the inside?
Everyone knows that jealousy is a sin. Sin, translated from Greek, means “mistake” and “wrong act”. And above all, towards yourself. Envy comes to us and hurts us, we suffer and get angry, even though the person we envy may not even know.
In general, envy creates aggression within us aimed at another person. Subconsciously, we would like to destroy another person or the object that caused the envy.
How to get rid of the feeling of envy?
1) The first thing that begins the road to recovery is to accept the fact that I am sick. Until a person acknowledges his illness, he will not begin treatment. I have to admit to myself, I'm jealous. I feel that way. And here it is very important to understand that there is no white or black envy. White envy is a myth, and a cheap excuse! Even if you feel white envy, you are jealous.
2) Some glossy publications often give such a Advice from getting rid of envy: discredit what you envy. For example, she is successful in her career, but not successful in her personal life. Often on forums, women discuss stars, of course, there is a feeling of envy – they are beautiful, successful, they shine and sparkle, and then the method of discrediting and comes to work. “And you saw her without makeup, fear of God, my mom looks better at 60.” This method may give some comfort, but envy as it was and remained. Stop participating in discussions and see paragraph 1 of this article.
(3) Another method I used quite often before. Imagine: we meet our friend, see her for a few minutes happy, compare ourselves and their long “unhappy” life, become depressed, and feel envy. But we don’t see the whole life of our friend, we don’t see everything that made her happy at this moment. Everyone has difficulties and problems. No easy lives. Well, I asked myself this question: If you're jealous and compare your life to someone else's, are you willing to take her whole life? Not just this piece of happiness and this moment of joy or purchase, but her whole life? I always said no.
(4)Envy always causes a sense of rivalry and competition. And those words are purely masculine. This is why jealousy is so bad for women. Envy and femininity are incompatible. Men compete in everything, even for women. And we women should not be involved in this game, I will still be more successful, more beautiful, richer, etc. It is better to remember everything that you usually envy, usually always the same. Let envy be your friend in this case, let it tell you what you lack, what you need to move towards. This is the area you need to work on, this is the area you need to develop. Not to prove something to anyone, but to grow as a person.
(5) Today I am convinced that envy is a childish feeling, not an adult one. The child’s life is dependent on his parents, on their welfare, on their development, the child can not fix anything in his life himself. He can only be jealous of his friends. He has, but I don't. Now, attention! You're a grown woman! If you envy a friend that she has a beautiful figure and beautiful dresses, then you are a child at this moment. Start doing something and change your life. Today it is in your hands, not in the hands of your parents.
(6) We are envious only because it seems to us that if a person bought a car, he became happy; if a friend married, she became happy. We want to be happy, too.Remember, the best cure for envy is feeling happy here and now.. I wrote an article about happiness. There's all the secrets! Read it again and write comments. Declare here and now your desire to be happy. It's very important.
7) Be sure to start using a very simple and effective gratitude technique. I also wrote a whole article about it. But I feel from your letters that you are not using this. It is much easier to complain about life than to start thanking for what is already in your life. I have been writing this thank you notebook since September 16, 2012.
The feeling of envy is an infinite feeling. There will always be a person who will have more intelligence, talent, happiness, money, etc. And if you do not solve the problem with envy, then you will have to constantly live in comparison with others. It takes a lot of energy. Put that energy on yourself!
Some people worry that they are jealous. I would recommend not thinking about it at all. Think about yourself and how you feel. There is a parable on this subject:
An old martial artist decided never to fight again. But one day he was called to fight by a brazen young warrior. However, the old master just sat, and did not react to the impudent. Then the warrior began to insult him to provoke the master, but this did not help.
The students of the master were surprised by the actions of his teacher, many began to condemn him:
- Don't you care about your honor?
Then the old master said:
- When a gift is given to you and you do not accept it, then who does the gift belong to?
- Of course to the one who gives it!
The same goes for envy, anger and hatred. If we do not accept them, they remain with the giver.
Author: Tatiana Dzutseva P.S. And remember, just by changing our consumption, we change the world together! © Join us on Facebook , VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Picture: womancosmo.ru/nature-woman/zavist-ne-zhenskoe-delo.html
We all know this unpleasant feeling. Today you will learn the truth about jealousy.
I guarantee that after reading this article, you will begin to feel differently about the successes of other people, and the feeling of envy will visit you less often, and then completely forget the way to you.
What is envy? Why does she show up? Why doesn't she leave no matter what you tell her? Why is this feeling eating away from the inside? How do you get rid of jealousy?

So, What is envy and why does it appear?
First, it is a very unpleasant feeling that arises when you see the success and luck of other people. There are people who say they are not jealous. That's not true. You know why? Envy is primarily about comparing yourself to others. She has and I don't, she's loved and I'm not, she's got a nice dress, and I'm not. It is from this comparison that our mood deteriorates, and we begin to feel disgusting.
What we can envy:
- Men, men's attention;
- prosperity, material benefits, career success;
- beauty, breast size, length of legs, thinness and slimness;
- talent, intelligence, energy, etc.
It’s like, ‘You’re my friend and we should be equal to you.’ If you even have a new mobile phone, you step forward, leaving me behind.” We feel like a winner and we feel like a loser. And, as a rule, jealous of something and nothing. I have been researching this topic for a long time, and many people note that logic makes everyone understand that there is nothing to envy, but there is a feeling, and it causes unpleasant emotions.
Why does jealousy eat away from the inside?
Everyone knows that jealousy is a sin. Sin, translated from Greek, means “mistake” and “wrong act”. And above all, towards yourself. Envy comes to us and hurts us, we suffer and get angry, even though the person we envy may not even know.
In general, envy creates aggression within us aimed at another person. Subconsciously, we would like to destroy another person or the object that caused the envy.
How to get rid of the feeling of envy?
1) The first thing that begins the road to recovery is to accept the fact that I am sick. Until a person acknowledges his illness, he will not begin treatment. I have to admit to myself, I'm jealous. I feel that way. And here it is very important to understand that there is no white or black envy. White envy is a myth, and a cheap excuse! Even if you feel white envy, you are jealous.
2) Some glossy publications often give such a Advice from getting rid of envy: discredit what you envy. For example, she is successful in her career, but not successful in her personal life. Often on forums, women discuss stars, of course, there is a feeling of envy – they are beautiful, successful, they shine and sparkle, and then the method of discrediting and comes to work. “And you saw her without makeup, fear of God, my mom looks better at 60.” This method may give some comfort, but envy as it was and remained. Stop participating in discussions and see paragraph 1 of this article.
(3) Another method I used quite often before. Imagine: we meet our friend, see her for a few minutes happy, compare ourselves and their long “unhappy” life, become depressed, and feel envy. But we don’t see the whole life of our friend, we don’t see everything that made her happy at this moment. Everyone has difficulties and problems. No easy lives. Well, I asked myself this question: If you're jealous and compare your life to someone else's, are you willing to take her whole life? Not just this piece of happiness and this moment of joy or purchase, but her whole life? I always said no.
(4)Envy always causes a sense of rivalry and competition. And those words are purely masculine. This is why jealousy is so bad for women. Envy and femininity are incompatible. Men compete in everything, even for women. And we women should not be involved in this game, I will still be more successful, more beautiful, richer, etc. It is better to remember everything that you usually envy, usually always the same. Let envy be your friend in this case, let it tell you what you lack, what you need to move towards. This is the area you need to work on, this is the area you need to develop. Not to prove something to anyone, but to grow as a person.
(5) Today I am convinced that envy is a childish feeling, not an adult one. The child’s life is dependent on his parents, on their welfare, on their development, the child can not fix anything in his life himself. He can only be jealous of his friends. He has, but I don't. Now, attention! You're a grown woman! If you envy a friend that she has a beautiful figure and beautiful dresses, then you are a child at this moment. Start doing something and change your life. Today it is in your hands, not in the hands of your parents.
(6) We are envious only because it seems to us that if a person bought a car, he became happy; if a friend married, she became happy. We want to be happy, too.Remember, the best cure for envy is feeling happy here and now.. I wrote an article about happiness. There's all the secrets! Read it again and write comments. Declare here and now your desire to be happy. It's very important.
7) Be sure to start using a very simple and effective gratitude technique. I also wrote a whole article about it. But I feel from your letters that you are not using this. It is much easier to complain about life than to start thanking for what is already in your life. I have been writing this thank you notebook since September 16, 2012.
The feeling of envy is an infinite feeling. There will always be a person who will have more intelligence, talent, happiness, money, etc. And if you do not solve the problem with envy, then you will have to constantly live in comparison with others. It takes a lot of energy. Put that energy on yourself!
Some people worry that they are jealous. I would recommend not thinking about it at all. Think about yourself and how you feel. There is a parable on this subject:
An old martial artist decided never to fight again. But one day he was called to fight by a brazen young warrior. However, the old master just sat, and did not react to the impudent. Then the warrior began to insult him to provoke the master, but this did not help.
The students of the master were surprised by the actions of his teacher, many began to condemn him:
- Don't you care about your honor?
Then the old master said:
- When a gift is given to you and you do not accept it, then who does the gift belong to?
- Of course to the one who gives it!
The same goes for envy, anger and hatred. If we do not accept them, they remain with the giver.
Author: Tatiana Dzutseva P.S. And remember, just by changing our consumption, we change the world together! © Join us on Facebook , VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Picture: womancosmo.ru/nature-woman/zavist-ne-zhenskoe-delo.html