MESSAGE Mother of the World about the divine feminine

I greet dear Earthlings, whose spirit is set to the Supreme Light. My Multidimensional SELF many worlds is spread over you PervoLyubvi Cover, protecting your consciousness from interfering deterrent. The sacrament of communion with me passes at heart, the key to which you gave the Creator Himself. Open your heart, out of which poured the divine light on all the space in your land. The beginning of the Hierarchy of Light Rejoices beginning that shone within each of you. You remembered your divine origin, the river flowed Knowledge from all sides, the ocean of love poured out from your heart, causing heart and others to join you and become one. Divine Feminine rears its head all over the planet. Let it is scattered around the globe lights, but soon breaks out of these Flame of Victory, Victory Spirit over Matter, harmony and order of the Victory, Victory PervoLyubvi and True Divine knowledge in the consciousness of humanity. And reign on Earth The idea of the World Fellowship of the Spirit in the equality of all people before God! Creator will help ignite this twinkle light, enhancing their thousandfold, he fill you in on what you dreamed of the Millennium.

Creator gives you the opportunity to equalize the balance of power and energy, which has so far been in imbalance and disequilibrium.
Divine Feminine - it is present in every woman in this world. Mother Goddess lives in each of you, dear women. What could be brighter and cleaner this vocation - be a woman-Bereginya, mothers, bearer of love, tenderness, warmth, Inspiration, Grace and Joy? Even your planet and is wearing women's name. You give life to every child who comes to the planet, within you is born this miracle of miracles. It is your Creator has entrusted this honorable mission. He gave you a tool in the hands of the Spirit, who makes you different from men - the possibility of having children and procreation. Is not that the joy of life, is not that anxious feeling of belonging to the whole, the great doers beginning to start? Woman-Mother, Woman, The Miracle Worker, a woman who in himself, in his belly provided an opportunity to arise a different life, a new image of yourself. A woman who is with great joy received from God New Life, a new soul, new sprout. She planted it in himself, fed, raised and released into the light. She did not leave him, he fed her milk and maternal love, warmed his warmth and caring. Protects the life, watch over her children, entrusted to it by God the Creator and chose this woman to become a mother with a capital letter, this Bereginya send her children. The Creator has entrusted it to be Bereginya and his family, which he gave to a happy life. The Creator, who never left the woman alone, and prayer a conversation with her soul prompted whom and when to choose a husband, the best of the best for her men. It is He who guides you in life, but not every one of you "hear" his soft voice.
But the time has come new life, when the feminine woman's intuition and initially giving women freedom is starting to become a priority in your spiritual life. And the commandment - All are equal before God raises you, dear women, to a higher level of your development and existence. Woman - Love The woman's mother, woman-Keeper comes to the forefront of living spaces. Lift your head up, our dear precious Women, take your true worthy place in the world. As you laid end to start life on Earth. This Creator has entrusted to you and entrusted this great work. It is in you laid Universal Wisdom and Universal Love and Knowledge. You are on a par with men need to build for yourself, your family and children a new life. And you have the same rights as men to this life. Take care of her, make her happy and joyful, take care of each other, as the apple of an eye. May the Divine PervoLyubov touches the heart of each of you. Be united in the Spirit equally with men, because your Creator also has a feminine and masculine creative principle of equal dimensions. Be worthy of your true and only for all parents - Progenitor of your lives. Men - a trim these two great principles, let the energy of the mother-father's love, mercy, compassion, tenderness, Compassion and peace. Trim a male and female, become like God the Father-Mother, what you are and were created originally.
Divine Feminine must be balanced with the divine masculine, otherwise there will be a continuation of life on your planet. So it must be and will be. All the spiritual worlds live in harmony and balance in outer space. The time has come and the balance of these energies on your beautiful planet. Life goes on, it is modified as changes your world. Creator graciously held out his hand to you, nudging you to move to a new stage in the spirit world. It remains quite a bit of time before this point, but without the harmony of these two principles - male and female, the transition to the Divine Peace will be impossible to implement. Each of you carries out its mission and plays a role in the world. You should be aware of their great responsibility for the fulfillment of this mission, not only on this planet, but in eternity.
Since you were in the Mother of the World Harmony and Love
Letter Academic Valentina Mironova:
Good afternoon, dear Tatyana A.!
I heartily congratulate you with the beginning of a long-awaited women's time - the restoration era women, in all senses. And returning to the deep roots of each of us. You know that the nature of any of the Creator - female. And it would be truer to say "Father-Mother" instead of "Father." And still - or rather, "The Power of the Ancient" to people's consciousness easier to perceive new information. Because the ancient experiment immersion in dense matter is over and it's time to restore the age-old balance of male and female. All of the Hierarchy of Light is now working on it. First, be allowed a certain bias in favor of the feminine, then to restore everything in a new way.
For it concerns everyone - both men and women. Everyone must learn to be true, taking his innermost nature. This is VERY important!
We always knew it. Now is the time to act.