Jealousy: men and women
So many of us. We are millions and even billions. Someone barely making ends meet, and someone who indulges in a different yacht for every day of the week. We are very different, grown in different conditions and go on your way. We are human beings. And we tend to compare themselves with their peers.
If someone is more successful – we are jealous. But when someone is worse than us – we sympathize. Compassion and empathy are noble sentiments. But, at the same time and selfish: finding someone in a less comfortable position, we are lenient to this man and subconsciously compare ourselves to him. And we elevate themselves on a pedestal of success and well-being compared to those who have less smoothly in life. And if some bastard managed to achieve more in life, the first feeling that poisonous stings bites into our mind is envy. Further poisoned the mind thoughts of "Why not me? Why is it not given to me, because I'm so handsome!".
Envy – for a man as normal and customary as to brush my teeth, because often we do not even notice that feel it. And, even though she is a destructive emotion, jealousy often opens our eyes to our own shortcomings. Therefore, it is possible to pay for the benefit. If you want, of course. You'll enjoy this beautiful girl from Instagram and go to comb or poprisedat, then also upload a photo of your priests. And you'll enjoy this smart girl from work and also begin to vpahivat to full pumping their professional skills and subsequent increase. Because, as it turns out envy is unpleasant. This is a negative experience because we envy when we compare ourselves with others and these comparisons are not the most comforting for us. And to realize that someone is better than you – always unpleasant.
There are still women envy and men. Men's envy is more athletic, competitive nature. They immediately wakes up the competitive spirit and the desire to show their capabilities. Of course, when the Plumber p becomes jealous of bill gates and trying to prove that he, too, yawp, everything leads only to sing. But at least he tried.
Women's envy will be bordering on hatred, be it a Prada handbag from a friend that you don't accumulate two years or article about mother of three children who manages, prepares deflope with croutons, teaches children Chinese, and smiling at photos of his perfect teeth in a perfect face with the perfect styling, while you sit Rasputina and buy your way out from a child's tablet chips, you hate these women, who apparently made a deal with the devil, because all is well does not happen, you know.
I'm not saying that men are so jealous and women differently. There are men who hate someone else's success purely feminine: intrigues and discussing behind your back. There are women for whom envy is just an excuse to be better. No matter what gender you are, jealous you will be on the basis of their human qualities.
How to learn to accept someone else's success?
Author: Olga Chile
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: fireinspire.com.ua/u-soseda-trava-zelenee-kak-perezhit-chuzhoj-uspex/

If someone is more successful – we are jealous. But when someone is worse than us – we sympathize. Compassion and empathy are noble sentiments. But, at the same time and selfish: finding someone in a less comfortable position, we are lenient to this man and subconsciously compare ourselves to him. And we elevate themselves on a pedestal of success and well-being compared to those who have less smoothly in life. And if some bastard managed to achieve more in life, the first feeling that poisonous stings bites into our mind is envy. Further poisoned the mind thoughts of "Why not me? Why is it not given to me, because I'm so handsome!".
Envy – for a man as normal and customary as to brush my teeth, because often we do not even notice that feel it. And, even though she is a destructive emotion, jealousy often opens our eyes to our own shortcomings. Therefore, it is possible to pay for the benefit. If you want, of course. You'll enjoy this beautiful girl from Instagram and go to comb or poprisedat, then also upload a photo of your priests. And you'll enjoy this smart girl from work and also begin to vpahivat to full pumping their professional skills and subsequent increase. Because, as it turns out envy is unpleasant. This is a negative experience because we envy when we compare ourselves with others and these comparisons are not the most comforting for us. And to realize that someone is better than you – always unpleasant.
There are still women envy and men. Men's envy is more athletic, competitive nature. They immediately wakes up the competitive spirit and the desire to show their capabilities. Of course, when the Plumber p becomes jealous of bill gates and trying to prove that he, too, yawp, everything leads only to sing. But at least he tried.
Women's envy will be bordering on hatred, be it a Prada handbag from a friend that you don't accumulate two years or article about mother of three children who manages, prepares deflope with croutons, teaches children Chinese, and smiling at photos of his perfect teeth in a perfect face with the perfect styling, while you sit Rasputina and buy your way out from a child's tablet chips, you hate these women, who apparently made a deal with the devil, because all is well does not happen, you know.
I'm not saying that men are so jealous and women differently. There are men who hate someone else's success purely feminine: intrigues and discussing behind your back. There are women for whom envy is just an excuse to be better. No matter what gender you are, jealous you will be on the basis of their human qualities.
How to learn to accept someone else's success?
- As usual, the first step in solving the problem is acknowledging its existence. Envy – feeling destructive and often leads away from, not closer to it. Upavas hatred and envy, we are lost in these feelings, becoming, in the end, their victims.
- Accept yourself, your life and your surroundings. Trying to constantly someone to catch up and overtake, you lose your identity. But there are people who need you, and not the likeness of somebody whom you have chosen for yourself as a reference.
- Do not try to achieve exactly the same as the object of envy. What makes one person happy can become an intolerable burden for another. Define your desires and goals, and let the whole world wait.
- Rejoice that you have. We often unfairly offsetting of dignity, trying to jump someone else.
- It is very important to understand that if someone has achieved something and is enjoying the fruits of his activities – he really worked to get it. You can, of course, selfish to assume that you're smart, and beautiful, and the most talented, but the fate of the villain put you in sales, and nothing to do. But then you will live its whole life thinking that the grass is greener, instead of doing your lawn.
- Should lower the bar. No need to envy rock stars or mega-successful businessmen. Once they are in place, perhaps, after all, is these guys have something that pushed them to the level of popularity and success. And don't forget about the example with the plumber Petrovich. Compare yourself with yourself! Who were you before, what it has achieved in recent years, many of the goals could implement. You and only you – your most important competitor you want to constantly compete.
Author: Olga Chile
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: fireinspire.com.ua/u-soseda-trava-zelenee-kak-perezhit-chuzhoj-uspex/