50 facts about Chile
Russian woman who lived in Chile, wrote 50 facts about this Latin American country.
1. The Chileans are very loved-and always when meeting and parting kiss each other on the cheek, sometimes several times. Even if the conversation lasted 2 minutes. They will kiss you, regardless of your gender, age and social status.
2. There are many options of where the name of the country of Chile. Even the Chileans can not choose a conventional version. One theory is that the name came from the language of living in the country Aymara and means "place where the land ends" (which makes sense). On the other - in the Quechua language - "cold" or "cool". But certainly not because of its shape - chili - as many people think.
3. In Chile, there is nothing wrong to sit on the ground / floor anywhere.
4. Also, it is normal to enter the house without taking off shoes, even if outside the storm, storm, and hurricane and shoes wet and dirty.
5. Chileans - great patriots. Their main holiday - the Day of the Motherland (Fiestas Patrias), which is celebrated on September 18 and extends generally in the week. On this day, to drink young grape wine (chicha) from bovine horns, there are traditional pies - empanadas, go to the stadiums "admire" the rodeo and dance the national dance - KUEK.
6. September 18 - the only day of the year, the authorities officially allowed to drink in public places, which is why it is better not to appear.
7. On this day linked to another interesting fact. According to the official law of September 18, all buildings should be the national flag. No flag - pay a fine. Enterprising Chilean flags hang from windows, hanging in the car, and sometimes even decorated with the national colors of pets (and so had to watch).
8. The population is very religious, 70% of Catholics. Therefore, religious festivals, even more than the secular. And they all rest.
9. At the weekend Chilean city extinct: many shops closed, until the kiosks with newspapers and cigarettes.
10. In the area of Chile is 24 times smaller than the Russian. And the population of the country is approximately equal to the population of Moscow and the region.
11. My favorite food is young and not so Chileans - "Komplétos» (Completos) - a kind of hot dogs incredible size, which in addition to traditional bread and sausages include diced tomatoes, avocado sauce and mayonnaise. Optionally, add the mustard. His local dish are very proud, and God forbid you say that this is the usual hot dog - oh no, this complete set.
12. In general, avocados (which the Chilean dialect called not aguacate, in other Latin American countries, and palta) - a special guest in their daily diet. On the table is almost always a small clay cup grated avocado suspiciously green and smear it on everything, everything. To avocados do not lose their color or darkened, it adds a drop of milk (but it is the secret of Chilean housewives).
13. In Chile, as in all of Latin America, there is a cult of meat and incredible football.
14. I must say, most of the population is overweight. This is especially noticeable in people with low incomes. Kompletos, fries, and meat in huge amounts of healthy food certainly can not be called. And it's all washed down with Coca-Cola usually or sprite.
15. Chileans consider themselves the "Land of Poets" and is very offended when their favorite Pablo Neruda, Gabriela Mistral, Nicanor Parra and so on. D. Abroad is not really even know. But it is mainly the older generation.
16. By the way, the Chilean poet and Nobel Prize in Literature Gabriela Mistral even depicted on the banknote 5000 pesos. That's how they honor their poets.
17. The younger generation hardly read. And no wonder: the book in Chile are very, very expensive (for softcover booklet can apply more than 500 wooden).
18. "Land of Poets" in the school do not teach literature. Instead it - the subject of "Language and Communication". More mandatory in high school subjects such as religion, philosophy, art (music or drawing on request). Paintings and sing them, I must say, up to the outlet.
19. Chilean schools 12 classes, and can be any number of times to stay in the second year. So sometimes school graduate in 19-20 years.
20. The maximum score - 7 and their analogues in our math exam has banal problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions (this despite the fact that our graduates have to puff on trigonometry, and so on. D.)
21. Education in Chile was a poor and at the same time the most expensive in Latin America. Budget admission to universities is not that constantly provokes the student revolts. For example, this summer, the students proved their right to study free of charge with banners in the streets, what forced the government pretty worried.
22. A variety of rallies and protests - a common occurrence. Today, students are on strike tomorrow - workers, and the day after - Mapuche Indians block the city center with the requirement of independence (200 years so they require, and all useless).
23. Mapuche (or Araucana) - the only nation in Latin America that has not been conquered by the Incas nor nor Spanish.
24. Their language - Mapudungun - does not have a written language. However, now the markets with souvenirs you can find improvised "dictionary" and phrase from the language of the Indians in Spanish or English, but they are unlikely to someone buys.
25 Araucaria - the main tree and a symbol of the south of Chile. Seeds Araucaria - pinones - fry and eat, they taste similar to chestnuts. And more of them are doing all kinds of ornaments.
26. Chileans, mostly quite poor command of foreign languages. Translator of English at them - a rare and highly paid profession. "Why learn languages - they say - if all the countries around speak Spanish, while the US is far?»
27. The families have traditionally been large. Have 5-6 children in the family - the norm, but the only child - a great rarity. Plus it for themselves Chileans - you can travel around the country without spending money on hotels - everywhere there are relatives who can stay.
28. The majority of Chileans live in houses rather than apartments. The houses do not have central heating, and the main subject of the winter, around which the family gathers, is the fireplace.
29. To have a maid and / or babysitter in Chile - the lot, not only the rich, but the people it is the middle class, and sometimes below average. Large house needed cleaning, but for the five children to look after. Most often housekeepers go to work or Peruvian Indian / bolivianki - local gasterbaytery.
30. Chile - the only country in Latin America where there are no poisonous snakes.
31. But there are live penguins. Yes, in the south of Chile, you can see penguins and sea lions.
32. Chile claims to most of the Antarctic and even considers her his region. The population of the province of Chilean Antarctica in winter is 80 people.
33. Paradoxically, in this small country except the ice of Antarctica there are also the most arid desert in the world - the Atacama.
34. Sometimes Atacama blooms in the literal sense of the word - after the rare desert rains covered with flowers, and attracts many tourists.
35. However, in the normal dry season resembles a lunar landscape of the Atacama - it is the world's largest observatory (Las Campanas) and tested rovers and Mars rovers.
36. Chile is generally considered paranormal activity area and one of the ten "most visited by aliens" and other unidentified objects countries.
37. Robinson Crusoe Island really does exist - it is part of the archipelago of Juan Fernandez, and belongs to Chile. It is the story of the Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk, who lived alone on the island for 4 years and 4 months, had based his novel "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe.
38. Another well-known Chilean island - Easter Island - is considered the most isolated inhabited place on Earth. There is only one airport and a harbor for ships.
39. The main income of Rapa Nui people - inhabitants of Easter Island - is tourism. However, prices for flights, hotels and excursions, frankly, somewhat insane. But if you get the chance - go, you will not regret.
40. The unique Chilean delicacy - palm honey. The taste - nothing special, but the locals are very proud of them. It is made from the juice of Chilean palm trees.
41. More in Chile amazingly delicious ice cream (I do not know what it is connected). Its advantage - a huge number of different flavors and huge portions. A common sight in the summer - Chileans sitting flocks on lawns and consuming ice cream.
42. Films in theaters they are in their original language with Spanish subtitles. Exception - children's cartoons.
43. They do not have any stray cats, but a lot of vagrant dogs.
44. Many Chileans still believe that Russian communism. They are not aware of the stereotypes about "the bear, pacing the streets", but the permafrost, and vodka - recognizable features of our motherland with you in their eyes.
45. More Chileans are very fond of so-called "Russian circus". A couple of years ago, came the Mexican company with two-three gymnasts, immigrants from the former Soviet Union was so struck by the local that trend under the "Russian Circus" on tour with absolutely nothing to do with the Russian people and the circus. Sadly, all being.
46. Chile has its own "Gopnik» - Flaite. But, in my opinion, they are dangerous and anti-social than ours - so that in the evening alone better not to go (despite the fact that Chile - one of the safest countries in South America).
47. The national alcoholic drink of Chileans - grape brandy Pisco. Although its origin is quite doubtful and attributed to Peru, Chileans revered him for his national. And it's one more stumbling block between the two countries.
48. Chileans love Chinese food, but the Japanese, on the contrary, very popular among them enjoys.
49. Land periodically shakes. Great Chilean earthquake of 1960 was the strongest ever recorded, and what happened in February 2010 reduced the time Earth days to microseconds and shifted Earth's axis, which is also not weak.
50. Not all Chileans - typical dark-skinned Latinos. In the south, again, you can find the descendants of Germans, British, and so on. D. - Blue-eyed blond Chileans. However, the farther to the north, to the border with Peru and Bolivia, the smaller the chance to see them.
1. The Chileans are very loved-and always when meeting and parting kiss each other on the cheek, sometimes several times. Even if the conversation lasted 2 minutes. They will kiss you, regardless of your gender, age and social status.
2. There are many options of where the name of the country of Chile. Even the Chileans can not choose a conventional version. One theory is that the name came from the language of living in the country Aymara and means "place where the land ends" (which makes sense). On the other - in the Quechua language - "cold" or "cool". But certainly not because of its shape - chili - as many people think.
3. In Chile, there is nothing wrong to sit on the ground / floor anywhere.
4. Also, it is normal to enter the house without taking off shoes, even if outside the storm, storm, and hurricane and shoes wet and dirty.

5. Chileans - great patriots. Their main holiday - the Day of the Motherland (Fiestas Patrias), which is celebrated on September 18 and extends generally in the week. On this day, to drink young grape wine (chicha) from bovine horns, there are traditional pies - empanadas, go to the stadiums "admire" the rodeo and dance the national dance - KUEK.
6. September 18 - the only day of the year, the authorities officially allowed to drink in public places, which is why it is better not to appear.
7. On this day linked to another interesting fact. According to the official law of September 18, all buildings should be the national flag. No flag - pay a fine. Enterprising Chilean flags hang from windows, hanging in the car, and sometimes even decorated with the national colors of pets (and so had to watch).
8. The population is very religious, 70% of Catholics. Therefore, religious festivals, even more than the secular. And they all rest.
9. At the weekend Chilean city extinct: many shops closed, until the kiosks with newspapers and cigarettes.
10. In the area of Chile is 24 times smaller than the Russian. And the population of the country is approximately equal to the population of Moscow and the region.
11. My favorite food is young and not so Chileans - "Komplétos» (Completos) - a kind of hot dogs incredible size, which in addition to traditional bread and sausages include diced tomatoes, avocado sauce and mayonnaise. Optionally, add the mustard. His local dish are very proud, and God forbid you say that this is the usual hot dog - oh no, this complete set.
12. In general, avocados (which the Chilean dialect called not aguacate, in other Latin American countries, and palta) - a special guest in their daily diet. On the table is almost always a small clay cup grated avocado suspiciously green and smear it on everything, everything. To avocados do not lose their color or darkened, it adds a drop of milk (but it is the secret of Chilean housewives).
13. In Chile, as in all of Latin America, there is a cult of meat and incredible football.
14. I must say, most of the population is overweight. This is especially noticeable in people with low incomes. Kompletos, fries, and meat in huge amounts of healthy food certainly can not be called. And it's all washed down with Coca-Cola usually or sprite.
15. Chileans consider themselves the "Land of Poets" and is very offended when their favorite Pablo Neruda, Gabriela Mistral, Nicanor Parra and so on. D. Abroad is not really even know. But it is mainly the older generation.
16. By the way, the Chilean poet and Nobel Prize in Literature Gabriela Mistral even depicted on the banknote 5000 pesos. That's how they honor their poets.
17. The younger generation hardly read. And no wonder: the book in Chile are very, very expensive (for softcover booklet can apply more than 500 wooden).
18. "Land of Poets" in the school do not teach literature. Instead it - the subject of "Language and Communication". More mandatory in high school subjects such as religion, philosophy, art (music or drawing on request). Paintings and sing them, I must say, up to the outlet.
19. Chilean schools 12 classes, and can be any number of times to stay in the second year. So sometimes school graduate in 19-20 years.
20. The maximum score - 7 and their analogues in our math exam has banal problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions (this despite the fact that our graduates have to puff on trigonometry, and so on. D.)
21. Education in Chile was a poor and at the same time the most expensive in Latin America. Budget admission to universities is not that constantly provokes the student revolts. For example, this summer, the students proved their right to study free of charge with banners in the streets, what forced the government pretty worried.
22. A variety of rallies and protests - a common occurrence. Today, students are on strike tomorrow - workers, and the day after - Mapuche Indians block the city center with the requirement of independence (200 years so they require, and all useless).
23. Mapuche (or Araucana) - the only nation in Latin America that has not been conquered by the Incas nor nor Spanish.
24. Their language - Mapudungun - does not have a written language. However, now the markets with souvenirs you can find improvised "dictionary" and phrase from the language of the Indians in Spanish or English, but they are unlikely to someone buys.
25 Araucaria - the main tree and a symbol of the south of Chile. Seeds Araucaria - pinones - fry and eat, they taste similar to chestnuts. And more of them are doing all kinds of ornaments.
26. Chileans, mostly quite poor command of foreign languages. Translator of English at them - a rare and highly paid profession. "Why learn languages - they say - if all the countries around speak Spanish, while the US is far?»
27. The families have traditionally been large. Have 5-6 children in the family - the norm, but the only child - a great rarity. Plus it for themselves Chileans - you can travel around the country without spending money on hotels - everywhere there are relatives who can stay.
28. The majority of Chileans live in houses rather than apartments. The houses do not have central heating, and the main subject of the winter, around which the family gathers, is the fireplace.
29. To have a maid and / or babysitter in Chile - the lot, not only the rich, but the people it is the middle class, and sometimes below average. Large house needed cleaning, but for the five children to look after. Most often housekeepers go to work or Peruvian Indian / bolivianki - local gasterbaytery.
30. Chile - the only country in Latin America where there are no poisonous snakes.
31. But there are live penguins. Yes, in the south of Chile, you can see penguins and sea lions.
32. Chile claims to most of the Antarctic and even considers her his region. The population of the province of Chilean Antarctica in winter is 80 people.
33. Paradoxically, in this small country except the ice of Antarctica there are also the most arid desert in the world - the Atacama.
34. Sometimes Atacama blooms in the literal sense of the word - after the rare desert rains covered with flowers, and attracts many tourists.
35. However, in the normal dry season resembles a lunar landscape of the Atacama - it is the world's largest observatory (Las Campanas) and tested rovers and Mars rovers.
36. Chile is generally considered paranormal activity area and one of the ten "most visited by aliens" and other unidentified objects countries.
37. Robinson Crusoe Island really does exist - it is part of the archipelago of Juan Fernandez, and belongs to Chile. It is the story of the Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk, who lived alone on the island for 4 years and 4 months, had based his novel "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe.
38. Another well-known Chilean island - Easter Island - is considered the most isolated inhabited place on Earth. There is only one airport and a harbor for ships.
39. The main income of Rapa Nui people - inhabitants of Easter Island - is tourism. However, prices for flights, hotels and excursions, frankly, somewhat insane. But if you get the chance - go, you will not regret.
40. The unique Chilean delicacy - palm honey. The taste - nothing special, but the locals are very proud of them. It is made from the juice of Chilean palm trees.
41. More in Chile amazingly delicious ice cream (I do not know what it is connected). Its advantage - a huge number of different flavors and huge portions. A common sight in the summer - Chileans sitting flocks on lawns and consuming ice cream.
42. Films in theaters they are in their original language with Spanish subtitles. Exception - children's cartoons.
43. They do not have any stray cats, but a lot of vagrant dogs.
44. Many Chileans still believe that Russian communism. They are not aware of the stereotypes about "the bear, pacing the streets", but the permafrost, and vodka - recognizable features of our motherland with you in their eyes.
45. More Chileans are very fond of so-called "Russian circus". A couple of years ago, came the Mexican company with two-three gymnasts, immigrants from the former Soviet Union was so struck by the local that trend under the "Russian Circus" on tour with absolutely nothing to do with the Russian people and the circus. Sadly, all being.
46. Chile has its own "Gopnik» - Flaite. But, in my opinion, they are dangerous and anti-social than ours - so that in the evening alone better not to go (despite the fact that Chile - one of the safest countries in South America).
47. The national alcoholic drink of Chileans - grape brandy Pisco. Although its origin is quite doubtful and attributed to Peru, Chileans revered him for his national. And it's one more stumbling block between the two countries.
48. Chileans love Chinese food, but the Japanese, on the contrary, very popular among them enjoys.
49. Land periodically shakes. Great Chilean earthquake of 1960 was the strongest ever recorded, and what happened in February 2010 reduced the time Earth days to microseconds and shifted Earth's axis, which is also not weak.
50. Not all Chileans - typical dark-skinned Latinos. In the south, again, you can find the descendants of Germans, British, and so on. D. - Blue-eyed blond Chileans. However, the farther to the north, to the border with Peru and Bolivia, the smaller the chance to see them.