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Photos from the Caribbean life

Alexander writes: I'm just a hard worker, who has been 5 years shakes, like a galley slave in heavy field of telecommunications services, but dreams of living by the sea with leggy, hot and tanned Conchita ...

When a lot of work and good pay, no time to rest, but all that is good, fortunately, will sooner or later come to an end and new opportunities. Opportunities to drop everything and go to the Caribbean. The main goal - is the realization of an old dream and a wish:

1.Pozhit sea

2.Sezdit Cuba

3.Izuchit Spanish

4.Novye emotions and impressions

5.Mir see and be seen

As I ventured to this:

Gains on my work began to decline significantly, the authorities changed, working conditions are complicated, colleagues dismissed ... A good start, is not it?

On the street - gray St. Petersburg prodigal, and ahead of the harsh Russian winter, when frozen snot nose and eyelashes are covered with frost. Therefore, having some savings, no visa necessary, up to 3 months, and contacts have done their job.

I bought tickets to the island of Margarita in the Caribbean ...

The financial side of the issue (I will write the price in rubles or in dollars, as the price of the local currency is constantly changing):

* Flights to Margarita purchased through intermediaries in Venezuela in view of the transfer fee cost me 30,000 rubles (but now I know how to fly much cheaper)

* Flights to Cuba with margaritas (and vice versa) - about 6300 rubles * Accommodations. room in the tenements through middlemen cost me $ 300 a month, that is, $ 600 for 2 months. (the real price was about 180 - 200 dollars)

* Food: on the food, I did not save. calculation was about 10 dollars a day, that is, about $ 600 for 2 months.

* Entertainment, language, sports, restaurants, sightseeing and transport was allocated about $ 1,500 for 2 months (a sho vie wanted? Ruso economic turisto !!!)

* And a certain amount of money has been postponed for a trip to Cuba ...

Gathering and preparation:

I was getting ready for a trip with special care, even took a tent. nevertheless the first time in the Caribbean. suddenly, and I'm not prepared ...

He has designed a steep insurance for $ 100 (for the entire period) za'tar activated carbon, and other components levomitsitin hiking kits.

Bought rubber products (just in case).

Also, belt wallets for concealed carry of money,

Waterproof Case for Yablofona, snorkel, mask, inflatable mattress, mosquito net (which need to hang over the bed), sunscreen with a high degree of protection, mosquito repellent. even the camp took a water filter.


I flew for the first time!

At first it was scary !!! Very scary!!! Thoughts different into my head ... Well, I think, is now hard ride begins ... Became mentally to think that all things I have completed in this world and have time I get a plastic bag, in which case ... Oh, why do I fit into this adventure (swept in my head fragments of random thoughts) ... Oh, do not want to become a hot piece of aluminum pie stuffed with meat ... Well, at least not on their ... Aeroflot flights atheists does not happen at all :) Pray !!!

Plus stebutsya they seem to be on the passengers in full:

They show how to put the rescue Gillette, which, on the plane ... But dofiga parachutes Bl @% #, no !!! Swim - many able, but the fly ???

Finally, the plane started to go ... going and going, going and going ... probably about 10 minutes, went ...

well, when you finally fly up ???

And lo and behold !!! So slowly and gently off the ground, I felt in the children's amusement park airplanes (for children up to 3 years old) is the beginning ... I obviously liked it:) ... Then he brought food and took away the leftovers, service !!! A sho vie hotseli? Luftwaffe ... oh, that is, Lufthansa, however !!!


The way I put beautiful red leather shoes, but what the designer idiot decided to plant the sole of shoving a metal plate, and I, of course, on each frame fun ringing ... well, if I was fingering hot Venezuelan muchacho ... I would in such a case iron melting would put ... but men searched :( What is this? Almost every frame !!! Two transplant !!! Let's better the good ...

First impressions (diary entries from the Caribbean):

Flight of course long and difficult, two changes, but I have met, I lived, prompted, told ... You can not imagine how everything is great !!! In the morning the birds are singing, the garden is very beautiful, with coconut palm trees, a gazebo with a small swimming pool, flowers, fruits, fresh air, everything grows and thrives ...

Everything polite, sociable, positive, smile at you, Buenas Dias say ...

Before I had to fly out of Frankfurt as me met two young students from Maturin ... you pozakomilis !!! we spoke a mixture of Spanish and English ... They !!! free!!! study in Norway. They all, education is free in the school and in high school, even abroad !!! No drug abuse, smoking and drinking in schools there !!! Racism and religious crap too! Children are very fond of the teachers there (in a good way) ...

... About muchacho ... go easy on contact! In the same plane I helped throw an interesting lady luggage ... so she told me all the way smiled and said something in Spanish ... at the end of the flight a little bit to talk to her ...

Local specialties ...

Medicine free (within reason). There will not be asked to find out what documents and you are coming from ... and will help. and give free medicines.

The products are cheaper than us, especially fruit ... plus everything they have banned GMO !!! quality products. There are shops for very poor people. Food there is the same, only smaller range. Everything you need. The quality and shelf life are the same as in conventional stores !!! Chavez has done !!!

Regarding the rest, I will study in detail. Also, I want to understand the customs of the local muchacho ... heard they tighten this thing does not like ...

But here it has its own characteristics: Many muchacho a HUGE BUFFER !!! (.) (.) Silicone injection operations in Venezuela are not expensive, so some hunters to beauty pumped it myself even (_Y_)! that's it! And what, for free and chlorine-cheese!

!!! But they seem to think that the figure is now possible not to follow, and there just to eat "fast food" after six ... And you believe me?, Some muchacho - VOOOOOT SUCH folds !!!


Machines in Venezuela - a special theme ... a paradise for antique dealers ... Those who are poorer ride such rarities that it is difficult to believe that they could ever go ... But the cops here do not, therefore, meet the car without numbers, without headlights, no windshield, without finishing, then fine ... there is speculation that some rights and some do not! And they are riding on these pimped as if they live very tired :)

But there are other cars ... well, expensive ... and there's a lot ... a lot of jeeps and a good car. This is mainly wealthy people from the mainland come to Margarita relax ...

But Jeep Pajero (in Spanish, "Pajero"), then no one goes ... Anyway, in the Spanish-speaking countries you will not find a machine with such a name. Not solid like that to drive a car, whose name translates as "Onanist" or "Carrier straw» :)

The weather on the island is excellent, the sea is warm, there are beaches with waves, and there are quiet coves, there is rain at night, food and taxis cheap, very cheap fuel, education and medicine in general ... free socialism, though!

I was very surprised when the taxi driver Ruta courts (local bus) took me for the ride of about 10 rubles !!! Is communism came, I thought ... ???)

The next day I set up the Wi-fi and I was able to contact the family who is not a joke for me worried, watching zombie-box). Although, nothing to worry about ... it's not a Caracas ... everything is quiet. On the beach there is a branch of the National Guard with motorcycles.

On blue velosipedikah travels tourist police (police about these nontraditional I'll explain later). On the beach sun loungers left a package with things from the sea and began to watch him ... Nobody him never came up and did not even ask, but people were walking past ...

Once I was a little aklimatizirovalsya, I went for groceries. Stock up on full, I spent about 1,400 rubles (in Peter all of these products would have cost me 3,000 rubles and more !!! For example, 800gramm delicious cheese I have managed in our 85 rubles, pineapple cost about 25 rubles a bottle of good Venezuelan rum "Añejo Diplomatique "0, 7l, cost me about 120 of our wood).

Margarita Island - Zone Duty Free, so the prices there are cheaper than on the mainland of Venezuela. Solid Chung Chang !!!

Cops (mestnye.turisticheskie. Velosipedikah on blue) Fuck, I mean to the market to buy their own shorts. go, this all in light trousers and a white shirt, and then meet me in the blue Caribbean trash bikes (as a dream). Show senёr pasaportu and some sedulu (local identity) ... I told them, like I Ruso tourists friendship between peoples passport at home and in general, I do not know anything. Ask for a copy of the passport. I'm looking for some back street organ that type of pasaporta en Casa ... After these words Mentos asked me to show the contents of his pockets and a mini backpack ... Well, I think it was ... if decent people stop here, then what do indecent ??? then somewhere called ... then asked where I live and my name, I said, and showed pictures from the camera, where I live, because the exact address I do not ... just like in the song of the "Leningrad» ...

Just in Venezuela house without rooms. they have a name. And if the title is repeated - it is a problem the postman! They then looked at my notebook (which were phrases in Spanish, such as want to buy a hat and shorts and do me some discount) ... then told that all is well and I can go ... The most interesting thing that I was nomalno dressed ... in pants etc ... Here I stopped in St. Petersburg over the past 30 years, only 3 times ... and then, when went with a big bag, and when he went to the garden. And then we stopped decent lord :( Yes, and inspection of things with explanations - not very positive thing ... To be honest, I did not understand what they undermine me (perhaps taken for Colombian.) But photocopy of your passport since I became carry!

Local muchacho.

I am going along the road past the bus stop, and here I was starting to really viciously barking dogs from the nearest 2 Posada ... Shawky, of course, small, but the muzzle outrageously evil. I stopped ... I stand. Expectant ... Next was a young Venezuelan with the child ... will take it as a heavy stone, but how to run these dogs ... so they ran away shrieking nafig !!! It seems that with a temperament and a knight on Skok will stop and go into a burning house :)

No local muchacho ...

According to my observations, the most beautiful girls - is visiting the mainland.

while local muchacho was not very impressed (photo spread did not) ...

But I liked the Lisette ...

Home is my :)

On Margarita Island I lived in the tenements (private mini-hotel with apartments)

The apartments are modest but spacious ...

has a bed and a sofa

and even has a garden with a tweet (in the morning) birds

Yes, those same birds who love to foul bumpers mini pool

Prices Prices on Margarita pleasant surprise ...

In the central tourist locations and Porlamar are certainly higher, but for us it is still not expensive, for example (prices are in rubles):

Strawberry fruit juice (fresh) and watermelon juice (fresh), undiluted - about 110P (55 +55)

Going to the movies (in the center) to the film 3D - 200 rubles for two, ie, $ 100 per person !!!

Hiking in the Sushi restaurant (center) for two - about 500 rubles (we just obkushalis).

and sushi ...

Ride a small train at the largest shopping center - 40 rubles per person

Hiking in the evening amusement park (skate all you want) - 300 rubles per person.

Gasoline here almost free !!! about a dollar for a full tank !!! THIS PPV !!!

Taxi by and large city about 80 rubles (an expensive option) taxi home late at night from downtown - about 300 rubles !!! Expensive, but once you can ...

Men's Haircut at the hairdresser - 120 rubles (if at the center, it is spoken by about 200 - 250 rubles)

Cafe in the center of the capital of La Asunción (the central square): Coffee - 20 rubles, Tiramisu - 60 rubles !!!

Prices for clothes very cheap, even on brand ... women's clothing, too, is quite inexpensive, all sorts of glamorous shoes are almost 400 of our rubles ... At these prices it is better not to look, and then with such prices on women's clothes and to change sex near ( joke), but upload the silicone is not a problem here ... !!! Of course, its women to drive here definitely not worth it, and it will have a whole day to run after them in shopping malls and carry heaviest bags of shopping ... the more fun :( And now, imagine how you will push through the purchase of all of these on the plane:) < br />
Not to be unfounded and clearly responsible for your market, I prefer to affirm the words of the invoice, ie checks :)

Funny pictures and features of the Spanish language ...

For those who are in Spanish only knows Buenas Dias, is a very unusual find something like this, for example:

Children drink Huesitos! (My son, do you want juice? And, here, Huesitos you !!!)

or inscription in the museum «Huesos de Ballena» ...

or a road sign & quot; Curva Peligrosa & quot ;.

In fact - it is quite good words, but that's not all.

Perdido, Proibido and Bitch - it's a very cultural words (recently translated as sugar)

And the first two words mean something quite different from what can first think ... !!! If you are a programmer, and you're not quite satisfied with the internet, it is not necessary to speak aloud what you are missing ping! This word is very indecent, especially in Cuba. Although, if you enjoy a nice programmer and you alone - then you can. you immediately formed a queue from the owners ... Ever pings :)


The morning of 5 January, I went on a fishing trip around the uninhabited islands of Los Frailes.

The load was scheduled snorkeling (snorkeling). and we are fellow travelers (cheerful tourists from Rostov-on-Don) and with local fishermen go fishing ...

Between the islands waves reach a half meters (in my opinion) and we jumped at high speed on the waves on a fishing boat with two powerful motors. Salty spray in the face and a fresh breeze. I have a few minutes felt corsair, swam in full sail from the Spanish fleet ...

Feeling great. The way to capture a waterproof jacket, so as not to get wet on this adventure. But most importantly, it does not forget to put a life jacket under the ass ... Yes, precisely in order to save his ass literally !!! When jumping over the waves, sitting on a wooden bar, ... after all, a fishing boat, and a priest need something to put a ...

Swim to the island quickly. Snorkelling. A nice and shallow.

Beautiful coral, fish ...

I like it.

Then he sailed on a fishing trip. Fishermen pecked punctually, he one line and two hooks pull out of 2 fishes !!! The guys also pecked, but one by one and not once ... and I was once again convinced that I am not a fisherman !!!

But, more importantly, because not a prize, the main part ... we ate to satiety prepared beforehand in case "failure", succulent Pargo, which is our captain and we also cooked on the coals, with fish caught on a fishing trip ...

Plus, vegetables and drinks for all tastes. In general, everything was thought out in advance, and provided, and we had a great time! I even forgot to put sunscreen and legs slightly burned. but that's another story ...

Martin. Owner Posada (small hotel - apartment) for 8 numbers.

Funny man, 60 years old, as the real German beer and loves German sausages, likes to joke, do not miss the opportunity to tell a compliment to a lovely lady ...

He speaks several languages, interesting, honest, friendly and punctual.

Sometimes it is throwing a party at the small pool in a nice and friendly company.

BBQ, Cuba Libre, merry music ...

Easy conversation, casual chat, and even dance :)

On the territory of Posada reigns clean and tidy. And who will litter - will be shot on the spot !!!

Silly gringo or Curva Peligros :)

One day the owner of Posada ... Martin knocked on my door and very lively (in Spanish), has become somewhere to call ...

This is Vanessa, Martin said. ♥ ♥ Komsomolskaya athlete., Came from the mainland to seek work in the field of education ...

And that, says Sasha, Ruso Caballero, he and table tennis play with you and your company will be.

Men's intuition hinted to me that there is nothing to lose time, modest girl, beautiful, I'm free ...

must act !!!

moreover, Caribbean Girl (rumored to witnesses) with this business for a long time not to delay ...

My actions have been lightning.