Once the British traveler Rosie Swail-Pope went for a run, and returned home after 5 years
What's the real deal? journey? Some would say it's a month-long trip abroad. Some people only need a week to rest. There are also people who are away from home for years.
75-year-old British traveler Rosie Swail-Pope once went for a run. She returned home 5 years later, running around the world on her two. What inspired the woman on such a large-scale trip, read in today's article.
Rosie Swail-Pope is a long-time traveler. While still very young, she quit her first job and left to conquer the world. Although she had neither money nor luggage, she was not afraid to leave her native country in search of adventure. Thanks to hitchhiking, she managed to visit Delhi, Nepal and Russia.
Rosie then married and lived in London for a while. However, very soon, together with her husband and daughter, she went on her first trip around the world. To do this, the couple purchased a 9-meter catamaran, which began its journey from the Strait of Gibraltar.
Mrs. Swail-Pope's intentions were taken by the media. As a result, the Daily Mail and the Dutch news channel partly sponsored the trip. Moreover, they provided the camera family to shoot small stories about their adventures for the channel.
Then Rosie and her loved ones covered more than 48 thousand kilometers, after 2 years they reached Australia. They were the first people in history to swim around Cape Horn in a catamaran.
During this time, Mrs. Swail-Pope managed to write 2 books about the adventures of her family. Although the woman carefully prepared for the swim, as many as 3 times their catamaran was on the verge of the crash. Despite all the difficulties, the travelers managed to return home.
After 10 years, Rosie went on another trip. This time she was alone, and her faithful companion was a small 5-meter boat. She wanted to cross the Atlantic and become the 4th woman in history to do so. She also wanted to earn money and give it to charity.
After 70 days, the woman reached the end point, breaking the previous record. And all this happened without any serious equipment. Rosie was guided by the stars and used a wristwatch.
However, Rosie’s adventures did not end there. She wanted to go back to Cape Horn, but this time through Chile. On the trip, the woman went on horseback, and returned home after 14 months instead of the planned 4.
Mrs. Swail-Pope faced various challenges along the way. For example, once she got into a sandstorm, and also fell from a horse, having broken ribs. Rosie survived both starvation and inclement weather before reaching her final destination. She also wrote a whole book about this trip.
Rosie spent most of her life traveling. Despite thousands of miles, the traveler always wanted something more. The road became her loyal friend, thanks to which she felt alive.
That's why Mrs. Swail-Pope decided to take her two around the world. There was no beloved husband, without whom she could not imagine her existence. To heal her wounds, Rosie started her 5-year run.
She packed her belongings and food supplies into a small cart that she ran around the world. She had few savings and even fewer sponsors, but managed to raise a decent sum of money (£25,000) for orphans from Russia. In addition, the woman wanted to draw the attention of the public to the disease that takes human lives.
Rosie started the race on her birthday when she turned 57. And finished 5 years later, having covered 32 thousand kilometers. For this journey Mrs. Swail-Pope prepared with all seriousness. For example, she learned as many as 6 languages to communicate with people from other countries.
During a race in Siberia, Rosie once met a stranger with an axe in her hands, wild dogs, wolves and bears. On Lake Baikal, a woman was hit by a bus and had to stay in the hospital for 5 days. In Alaska, she fell into icy water and froze her legs.
In Iceland, a traveler fell on the ice, breaking a pair of ribs and getting a crack in her thigh. She found out about it when the house was just over 51 km away. The brave Rosie persuaded the doctor to give her crutches, on which she reached her native monastery.
On arrival, Mrs. Swail-Pope wrote a book about her trip around the world. She called it “A Little Run Around the World.” Rosie is happy, because thanks to this race, she loved life again: “The trials make me happier.” At my age, you can't expect the world to come to you. You have to meet him yourself.”
Rosie Swail-Pope's journey is amazing. It is not every day that you meet a person who will burn his hobbies and even help others. We hope this story inspires you to your own accomplishments!
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75-year-old British traveler Rosie Swail-Pope once went for a run. She returned home 5 years later, running around the world on her two. What inspired the woman on such a large-scale trip, read in today's article.
Rosie Swail-Pope is a long-time traveler. While still very young, she quit her first job and left to conquer the world. Although she had neither money nor luggage, she was not afraid to leave her native country in search of adventure. Thanks to hitchhiking, she managed to visit Delhi, Nepal and Russia.
Rosie then married and lived in London for a while. However, very soon, together with her husband and daughter, she went on her first trip around the world. To do this, the couple purchased a 9-meter catamaran, which began its journey from the Strait of Gibraltar.
Mrs. Swail-Pope's intentions were taken by the media. As a result, the Daily Mail and the Dutch news channel partly sponsored the trip. Moreover, they provided the camera family to shoot small stories about their adventures for the channel.
Then Rosie and her loved ones covered more than 48 thousand kilometers, after 2 years they reached Australia. They were the first people in history to swim around Cape Horn in a catamaran.
During this time, Mrs. Swail-Pope managed to write 2 books about the adventures of her family. Although the woman carefully prepared for the swim, as many as 3 times their catamaran was on the verge of the crash. Despite all the difficulties, the travelers managed to return home.
After 10 years, Rosie went on another trip. This time she was alone, and her faithful companion was a small 5-meter boat. She wanted to cross the Atlantic and become the 4th woman in history to do so. She also wanted to earn money and give it to charity.
After 70 days, the woman reached the end point, breaking the previous record. And all this happened without any serious equipment. Rosie was guided by the stars and used a wristwatch.
However, Rosie’s adventures did not end there. She wanted to go back to Cape Horn, but this time through Chile. On the trip, the woman went on horseback, and returned home after 14 months instead of the planned 4.
Mrs. Swail-Pope faced various challenges along the way. For example, once she got into a sandstorm, and also fell from a horse, having broken ribs. Rosie survived both starvation and inclement weather before reaching her final destination. She also wrote a whole book about this trip.
Rosie spent most of her life traveling. Despite thousands of miles, the traveler always wanted something more. The road became her loyal friend, thanks to which she felt alive.
That's why Mrs. Swail-Pope decided to take her two around the world. There was no beloved husband, without whom she could not imagine her existence. To heal her wounds, Rosie started her 5-year run.
She packed her belongings and food supplies into a small cart that she ran around the world. She had few savings and even fewer sponsors, but managed to raise a decent sum of money (£25,000) for orphans from Russia. In addition, the woman wanted to draw the attention of the public to the disease that takes human lives.
Rosie started the race on her birthday when she turned 57. And finished 5 years later, having covered 32 thousand kilometers. For this journey Mrs. Swail-Pope prepared with all seriousness. For example, she learned as many as 6 languages to communicate with people from other countries.
During a race in Siberia, Rosie once met a stranger with an axe in her hands, wild dogs, wolves and bears. On Lake Baikal, a woman was hit by a bus and had to stay in the hospital for 5 days. In Alaska, she fell into icy water and froze her legs.
In Iceland, a traveler fell on the ice, breaking a pair of ribs and getting a crack in her thigh. She found out about it when the house was just over 51 km away. The brave Rosie persuaded the doctor to give her crutches, on which she reached her native monastery.
On arrival, Mrs. Swail-Pope wrote a book about her trip around the world. She called it “A Little Run Around the World.” Rosie is happy, because thanks to this race, she loved life again: “The trials make me happier.” At my age, you can't expect the world to come to you. You have to meet him yourself.”
Rosie Swail-Pope's journey is amazing. It is not every day that you meet a person who will burn his hobbies and even help others. We hope this story inspires you to your own accomplishments!
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