The history of abandoned dogs Shrek
This poor dog, nicknamed "Shrek" could barely stand up because of the severe pain when he was found in agricultural areas. Strongly hardened coat gave him to walk normally, and all the while pulling down. Locals nicknamed Shrek dog because of the close resemblance to the hero of the movie. Fortunately, the story of this poor girl ended happy ending.
That such a creature was found in the woods. His hair matted and turned it into a real monsters.
Shrek was given sleeping pills and vets set to work.
They sostrigla 1, 6 kg of wool!
This skin, in which anything can find, weight Shrek and strongly pressed on his foot.
And underneath all this ugliness hiding here so handsome.
Shrek sostrigla wool, healed all wounds and removed the growth on the eye.
Little by little, Shrek began to get used to the company of people and other animals.
And after a while Shrek found a new home ...
and loving owners.
Good luck to you, Shrek! You deserve happiness!
Source: aquariumistika.mirtesen.ru

That such a creature was found in the woods. His hair matted and turned it into a real monsters.

Shrek was given sleeping pills and vets set to work.

They sostrigla 1, 6 kg of wool!

This skin, in which anything can find, weight Shrek and strongly pressed on his foot.

And underneath all this ugliness hiding here so handsome.

Shrek sostrigla wool, healed all wounds and removed the growth on the eye.

Little by little, Shrek began to get used to the company of people and other animals.

And after a while Shrek found a new home ...

and loving owners.

Good luck to you, Shrek! You deserve happiness!

Source: aquariumistika.mirtesen.ru