Home fitness guide for beginners

Training at home doesn't suit everyone, but sometimes it is the only way. For example, for young mothers who can not leave the house kids to go to the gym. We'll show you how to begin to train yourself with maximum efficiency.
Of course, ideally it would be good to have your own little home gym: treadmill, bench press, barbell and dumbbells and the way. But this is often unrealistic, not only because so little of the cost of all this equipment, but because most of us live in apartments, which is not only so much space, but not good enough soundproofing, so as not to frighten the sounds of their classes with the weights of all the neighbors. The good news is that effective lessons all this is not necessary: it is enough weight of his own body and a pair of three very simple fitness accessories. But the main thing is — much more important is attitude, consistency and adherence to the plan.
5 steps to start a at home1. Make a plan. Planning is a mandatory first step to the beginning of any training cycle, but for practicing at home it becomes particularly critical. In developing the plan, try to consider all the factors that can affect your workouts. For example, how they will be coordinated with the regime of your household, especially small children. Try to schedule classes so that your little one was sleeping or was under the care of someone else.
2. Check your equipment. If you are anything at all, then it does not matter, but it would be good to have at least the required minimum: Koubek yoga, jump rope, a few dumbbells and/or a bag of sand and the like are available and useful equipment.
3. Find a place. Decide where will take place your workout: whether only at home or perhaps at a nearby Playground? Consider this in your plan.
4. Decide what you will do. If you want to improve some parts of the body, pick up training facilities specifically designed for them. Also, think about what proportion you want to combine weights and cardio workout.
5. Engage! Prepare your list of workouts for the next month. Download to your smartphone and/or tablet app with a ready-made set of exercises. Buy a disk with the training programme. Make sure that on the day of your scheduled workouts you have at least 30 minutes to fully concentrate on thisactivity. Use this time as efficiently as possible!
Exercises requiring no equipment are just some of the exercises for all the muscle groups that can be performed solely with the own weight:

Jumping rope
Jumping claps above head
Jumps from squat
Running in a rest position (Mountain Climbers)
On top of the body
Push-UPS with a narrow formulation of the hands
Walking in the strap (Walking Planks)
Circles hands
Side plank
Push-UPS from bars or benches
Core muscles
Twisting "bike" (Bicycle Crunches)
Russian twist
Lifts torso
Reverse crunches
Leg lift from prone position
Twisting to the side (Oblique V-Ups)
Scissors (Scissor Lifts)
Side plank
Reverse plank
On the bottom of the body
Squats wall
Jumping from his knees to hands and with hands on knees (Donkey Kicks)
Kicking in the pose table (Fire Hydrants)
The gluteal bridge
Jumping with raising the legs
Squats sumo
Plie squats
Regular squats
The tossing of knees (High Knees)
Abduction of the legs
Walking lunges

Examples of exercises Here are a few ready-made units that you can use right now:
Slender legs in 14 days
Day 1: 10 tosses knees + 15 upgrades on socks + 20 plie squats
Day 2: 10 tosses knees + 20 UPS socks + 25 plie squats
Day 3: 20 tosses knees + 25 liftings on socks + 30 plie squats
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: 25 tosses knees + 30 liftings on socks + 35 plie squats
Day 6: 30, flipping the knees + 35 on socks UPS + 40 squats plie
Day 7: 35 tosses knees + 40 liftings on socks + 45 squats plie
Day 8: Rest
Day 9: 40, flipping the knees + 45 liftings on socks + 50 plie squats
Day 10: 45 tosses knees + 50 climbs on socks + 55 squats plie
Day 11: 50 tosses knees + 55 liftings on socks + 60 plie squats
Day 12: Rest
Day 13: 55, flipping his knees + 60 liftings on socks + 65 plié squats
Day 14: 60 tosses knees + 65 liftings on socks + 70 plie squats
Flat stomach in 14 days
Day 1: plank 20 seconds + 10 twists "the book" (V-Ups) + 15 etapov
Day 2: plank 25 seconds + 15 sit-UPS "the book" (V-Ups) + 20 etapov
Day 3: plank for 30 seconds + 20 sit-UPS "the book" (V-Ups) + 25 etapov
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: 35 second plank 25 sit-UPS "the book" (V-Ups) + 30 etapov
Day 6: plank 40 seconds + 30 twists "the book" (V-Ups) + 35 etapov
Day 7: plank 45 seconds + 35 sit-UPS "the book" (V-Ups) + 40 etapov
Day 8: Rest
Day 9: plank 50 seconds + 40 twists "the book" (V-Ups) + 45 etapov
Day 10: plank 55 seconds + 45 sit-UPS "the book" (V-Ups) + 50 etapov
Day 11: plank for 60 seconds + 50 sit-UPS "the book" (V-Ups) + 55 etapov
Day 12: Rest
Day 13: plank 65 seconds + 55 crunch "book" (V-Ups) + 60 etapov
Day 14: plank 70 seconds + 60 crunches "book" (V-Ups) + 65 etapov

Toned arms in 14 days
Day 1: 10 push UPS + 15 dips (from bench) + plank 20 seconds
Day 2: 15 push UPS + 20 dips (on bench) + plank 25 seconds
Day 3: 20 push UPS + 25 dips (from bench) + 30 seconds plank
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: 25 push-UPS + 30 dips (from bench) + strap 35 seconds
Day 6: 30 push-UPS + 35 dips (from bench) + plank 40 seconds
Day 7: 35 push-UPS + 40 dips (from bench) + plank 45 seconds
Day 8: Rest
Day 9: 40 push-UPS + 45 dips (from bench) + plank 50 seconds
Day 10: 45 push-UPS + 50 dips (from bench) + strap 55 seconds
Day 11: 50 + 55 dips (from bench) + plank 60 seconds
Day 12: Rest
Day 13: 55 push-UPS + 60 dips (from bench) + plank 65 seconds
Day 14: 60 pushups + 65 dips (from bench) + plank 70 seconds
Firm butt 14 days
Day 1: 20 squats + 5 lunges + 10 burpees
Day 2: 25 squats + 10 lunges + 15 burpee
Day 3: 30 sit-UPS + 15 lunges + burpee 20
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: 35 squats + 20 lunges + 25 burpees
Day 6: 40 squats + 25 lunges + 30 burpees
Day 7: 45 squats + 30 lunges + 35 burpees
Day 8: Rest
Day 9: 50 sit-UPS + 35 attacks + 40 burpees
Day 10: 55 squats 40 lunges + burpee 45
Day 11: 60 squats + 45 attacks + 50 burpee
Day 12: Rest
Day 13: 65 sit-UPS 50 lunges + burpee 55
Day 14: 70 squats + lunges 55 + 60 burpee
Source: fitfixed.com
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