Why lazy people live longer active

is believed that the active sports and physical activity - the key to longevity and health. A former professor of medicine Peter Axt and his daughter, a doctor and a science journalist Michaela Axt-Gadermann in his sensational book "The Lazy live longer" on the basis of recent research refutes this firmly established opinion.
Of course, a healthy lifestyle will not harm anyone, but perhaps even in this question is to know the measure. Website publishes an excerpt from the book, offering to get acquainted with unbanal of the authors.
The first marathon paid zhiznyuVy think that the obligation to subject your body daily exercise to maintain long youth? You hope that the daily jogging save from a heart attack? Numerous modern studies dispute this view.
Since the Greek runner Pheidippides in 490 BC. e. He made his way to 42, 1 km run from Marathon to Athens and died immediately at the market square, tense debate about the justification of excessive loads of sports. Older research has given rise to fitness movement: in 1978, an American physician Pfaffenberger established on the basis of a survey of 17 thousand graduates of Harvard, that the risk of heart disease is greatly reduced if a week to burn about 2,000 calories with the help of physical activity.
From this moment, millions of people toil on the treadmill, squash courts and fitness studios to spend treasured 2000 kcal. Unfortunately, quoting the results of this study did not mention that Harvard students burn calories rather than working out how much climbing stairs, vygulivaya dogs, homework and other daily activities
Excuses whether the efforts spent on fitness? You probably have heard and read that regular sport protects against disease, rejuvenates and prolongs life. So twice a week you go to a fitness club, when in fact more likely to have worked in the garden. In addition, once a week you make a run, although much pleasure it will not deliver.
What do you think how much you could extend your life, if doing sports is constantly to 20 years? You might wonder: Lifetime sports activity add to your life 2 (!) Years. live longer than 2 years, of course, it is beautiful and well worth the effort. However, the American Heart Jacoby estimates that the time spent on the treadmill in the fitness studio, or on the tennis court to get this gain is at least the same 2 years! This is the gain in life years.
If sport brings you joy, time, of course, does not go to waste. But if you care about and you suffer, to make health and longevity, you should think again, whether justified the effort.
Couch Potato save energiyuEsli adhere to the theory of life energy, active exercise only wasting precious energy reserves. The fact that professional athletes rarely live up to 80 years in good health, full legal capacity and efficiency should make ponder all obsessed with passion for sport. At the same time we are seeing numerous examples of average old people who have never played sports or even hated him.
The most well-known opponent of the sport, of course, was the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. He owns a famous saying: "There is no sport." All his life he followed this rule and lived to 91 years.
Queen Mother (mother of British Queen Elizabeth II), certainly never in my life worked grueling sport. At the same time in 2000 it celebrated its 100th anniversary.
Sport as a factor riskaSport obviously can not guarantee health and long life. About 25 years ago, a sports journalist James Fix has infected all of America running a fever, releasing a best-selling book "All about the race." The book quickly became a bestseller in Germany. James Fix was considered at that time the supreme god of fitness.
Millions of Europeans have followed his advice and tried to maintain the health and performance with the help of jogging. Author of the book showed a perfect example - at the age of 50 years he ran a week of the order of 100 km. James Fix died at age 52 from heart failure after a race in the women's 4 miles (about 6, 5 km).
Jack Kelly, brother of actress Grace Kelly, who won the bronze medal at the Olympic rowing competitions, shared his fate. He also died of a heart attack.
Emil Zatopek, a well-known champion of athletics and multiple winner of Olympic competition on the run for long distances, which sports press awarded the nickname "Czech locomotive" for the style of racing, died at the age of 78 due to heart attack.
All these athletes were in our eyes is extremely vigorous and hardy. Despite their apparent health and sports, in many cases they did not reach the middle and life expectancy. Horrific that daily exercise is obviously not brought them any benefits.
Makes you think, and the fact that the named professional athletes have died from the disease, from which they had to protect the sport. It is running, it is generally recommended to protect against heart attack and heart attack.
Sports: everything is decided by the number of "All - poison everything - medication; Both determine the dose "- claimed more Paracelsus. This is true for sports training. In modern literature, sport again and again referred to as a protection against cancer.
However, this view is probably valid only for moderate physical activity. Intensive athletic exercises in this respect do not carry any health effect. They may even increase the risk of cancer. In a study conducted on the example of 84 thousand graduates of Harvard Polednak proved that more sports people more likely to die from all sorts of tumors than non-sports.
Pfaffenberger conducted research on 50 thousand graduates of Harvard, who exercise more or less than 5 hours per week. The results showed that active athletes are significantly more likely to have suffered prostate cancer.
It makes you think, and the frequency of cancer in a relatively young athlete in the competition where endurance is crucial, which tells Cooper. A close friend of Cooper died of cancer at age 60. Throughout his life, he ran 524 marathons and was the world record for the number of completed marathon races.
Of course, these examples can not provide conclusive evidence that the sport causes cancer. Nevertheless, they show the dubious benefits of intensive training great sport and convince us that the to protect their health should not engage in sports, where the bet is placed on endurance.
Minimum movement for optimum zdorovyaDlya maintain the health of all bodies, to strengthen the body's defenses and the best physical and mental shape requires a certain, properly dosed physical activity. This program has nothing to do with power and fitness is very far from extreme sports.
According to numerous studies, certain dose motor activity protects against diseases of the cardiovascular system and is good for health. This athletic exercises are not necessary. Enough of the actions that we perform every day, that is, we walk the dog, go shopping, go up the stairs or mow the lawn.
However, if you have a sedentary job, and this activity is also not enough for the balance is regularly sports minimum. Our "Sport" program serves to maintain the health of organs and muscles. And yet it is designed to help relax and not be another factor of stress in life.
Fitness minimum health and dolgoletiyaProgramma includes:
half an hour of brisk walking 3-4 times a week; Peripatetic meditation - program, which combines movement and relaxation (as an alternative to walking); stretching muscles for 10-15 minutes, we recommend to carry out 3 times a week.
via lenta.ru/articles/2015/09/26/lazy/