What fitness bikini?..
I have long thought whether to write this post. Yet now in my environment these fitness-bikini is. But a recent acquaintance with Eugene Matvienko, who told about his experience of the competition, I decided that something to write (a separate post about my Wife to be sure! She is clever and delights me: your rod, commitment, courage, adequacy and fairness).
This post I'm not trying to say that competitive fitness is evil. In any case. But what is the side effects, still want to talk to you.
The more popular fitness becomes, the more people who strive to make a profit. The more the Internet we see suhenko subtenancy of pitoresc. They have consistently raised the press exposed wreaths, beautiful round ass, dry body and low fat. They are quickly gaining tens of thousands of followers and voila! Instagram monetized:) the Main thing is not to slow down the pace in the publication of the naked pop.
Yes, it's all beautiful and can call in the good sense of salivation. But who has a view about what price is most often accomplished?
Thoroughbred ectomorphs in nature, little, very little. Ectomorph is a person who can eat anything and not acquire fat. Just face it: they were lucky. I, for example, a lifetime struggle with excess weight. And you know what I like – a lot. Very much. Yes that there — the majority.
Often there are mixed types. And they are prone to accumulation of fat. Women particularly. So constituted our nature. Yes, we can lose weight, can lose weight, but to polyscript fat from all the bins is not something that is practically impossible safe methods, it can cause serious problems.
Girls fitness competition never admit that they have a few months, and even years, no periods.
Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) is a very serious breach in the body, which will inevitably bring an imbalance of hormones, disruption of the reproductive system, thyroid and much more. Among bikinisex even a joke: "you Have to prepare for a competition is not lost period? Bad dried!".
Someone manages to restore the hormonal system and cycle for a couple of months, and someone treated over the years. Some athletes who do not miss a single season, constantly live without any signs of the girl.
By the way, many of the speakers are mothers? I honestly tried a few dozen athletes – stars of integrame. Found those who spoke-spoke, and then hop and kids. Admit that rare examples are still there. But this is the exception rather than the rule.
Willpower: iron and unwavering
Few of them are recognized as sitting on the floor in the kitchen, they're crying, swallowing cakes and other sweets. Swallowing, because I can't stop – their mind has failed. But hormones continue to repeat: I want a sweet. And the brain says: I want a cool body. And girls naturally tears from conflict within ourselves. Because having an awesome body – narcotic pleasure. The inability to withstand disruption – deceit razbalansirovat hormones.
They all tell us stories about how eat strictly chicken Breasts and a handful of buckwheat. But on such a diet will live a long time. Will not receive from him the necessary vitamins and trace elements second. Necessarily you will break is third. Girls with whom I spoke, as one admitted into the rigid and rather regular breakdowns. You to understand that failure is not sweet to swallow. To eat pounds of sweets, washing them down with the bitter tears of dissatisfaction and the inability to resist this pull.
Much nicer not to put yourself strict prohibitions. To let everything, but in reasonable limits. And preferably to main meals, when insulin and without that rise.
Swelling after drying
And as they swell after a competition, you know? Plus three, six, ten pounds for a couple of days after the floodlights turn off, and diet will be back (and often burst) carbohydrates. They go to great swelling, it still hurts down to the skin because it is terribly stretched.
Drying before the competition is not just low carbs. It is still the rejection of water during the day before going on stage. And receiving diuretics. This alarm system draining fluid from the body, of course, will bear fruit.
When I was learning fitness courses saw with my own eyes girls the next day after the competition. To be honest, some just don't know. Swelling, such as if their entire night chewing wasps.
Pharmacological effect on hormones
And Pharma? Have you ever seen fitnessista that openly says: Yes, I dry all year round, with abs, because in the course of a Pharma? No, they will mislead us with their instagram, and 100-gram portions of chicken. It is a lie! If the girl trains hard and always sits on a radical calorie deficit, she will lose weight until you kill up their hormonal system. And then the game will start on other rules... When the pounds appear from air. But there's nothing you can do. And further cuts calorie might lead anywhere. Even in the light.
Depending on the category in which the athlete is selected course of pharmacology. This can be anything ranging from the relatively easy "Clenbuterol" until the hormonal drugs which the girls coarse voice, grow hair where I shouldn't increase in size of sex organs... and muscles, of course, grow, grow, what is really there:)
But few recognized. All straight girls. All kuroguwai:)
Natural or unnatural breast (human:) )
Smart smart enough to admit that Yes, it was the case, inserted the implants, inserted at a certain scheme.
The majority yells: all your all natural! Why it is almost impossible to dry the body, retaining ample bosom? Because this part of the female body consists of fatty tissue and glands. The ratio of these tissues may be different. Those who have cancer more, suffer from losses in volumes less. And Vice versa. But for the most part reduce fat in the body to a minimum leads to the fact that the chest turns into a sack of glands. But the scene is from – disparity. And low scores from the judges. Therefore, almost all titled bikinili as one with silicone. I'm not saying that artificial Breasts – this universal evil. I am for the truth...
And then what?
... and fitness for health, vitality, vigor and adequate beauty. But I am against fitness, which is just decimated by HLS, and in fact cripples the body and psyche.
I know that I began to see the endless flow of false information from the fitness bikini? They also repost to help different athletes to transfer money for treatment. I think the hour is short, when yesterday's stars fitness scene will begin to crumble. But it is inevitable. Alas:( Month without carbs for one protein? Hard drying? Farma? Exercise ad nauseam? Medicines? What are the kidneys and other organs will survive here?
And joints? And the knees? And spines? They do not squat with adequate weight. More, more more!
I what is all this? Beautiful picture too, need to consider adequately. I unsubscribed to instagram from anyone who leads me by the nose. Who says that trains a lot, eats 1000 kcal and it dry the body and the cycle in place. Unsubscribed from those who filled in the priests and the silicone was pulling my leg exercises at the press, which will undoubtedly lead to a juicy buttocks.
But left those who lead the ordinary life of a normal person. Who does in this world something more than the hall and the choice of swimsuit for the next competition. People who are not so perfect in appearance, but they look perfectly and they pose a tremendous energy attracting and cozy. People depending on the day of the cycle "fills". People who sometimes take breaks in training, because they have work, family or other circumstances. People who are not fixated on the thickness of fat on the stomach. But understand the difference between this thickness and do not allow themselves to leave the shores.
Believe me, the distinction between the mind and the addiction here is very, very thin. This I say to you – the person who this face felt and was almost lured to something. But just woke up and realized. Happiness in movement and in self-development. In health. In the energetic body. But not in a rocking chair for Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
I greatly expanded its own installation. And I'm glad. I lived in different an introduction: and understanding that I did not, and with the understanding that today is impossible, tomorrow and burn all the blue flame, and with full care lead. But I was looking for the middle ground where I will eventually be okay. Not that it looks like good, but in the soul hell. And is really good. Harmonious. When you understand everything, agree with everything at the level of chromosomes, when you're every day in joy. When you train for health, not numbers on the scale or inch tape. When sport for you — it is hygiene, and not an endless race.
Here's a fitness health I love. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: kurbatishka.livejournal.com/268799.html
This post I'm not trying to say that competitive fitness is evil. In any case. But what is the side effects, still want to talk to you.
The more popular fitness becomes, the more people who strive to make a profit. The more the Internet we see suhenko subtenancy of pitoresc. They have consistently raised the press exposed wreaths, beautiful round ass, dry body and low fat. They are quickly gaining tens of thousands of followers and voila! Instagram monetized:) the Main thing is not to slow down the pace in the publication of the naked pop.
Yes, it's all beautiful and can call in the good sense of salivation. But who has a view about what price is most often accomplished?
Thoroughbred ectomorphs in nature, little, very little. Ectomorph is a person who can eat anything and not acquire fat. Just face it: they were lucky. I, for example, a lifetime struggle with excess weight. And you know what I like – a lot. Very much. Yes that there — the majority.
Often there are mixed types. And they are prone to accumulation of fat. Women particularly. So constituted our nature. Yes, we can lose weight, can lose weight, but to polyscript fat from all the bins is not something that is practically impossible safe methods, it can cause serious problems.
Girls fitness competition never admit that they have a few months, and even years, no periods.
Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) is a very serious breach in the body, which will inevitably bring an imbalance of hormones, disruption of the reproductive system, thyroid and much more. Among bikinisex even a joke: "you Have to prepare for a competition is not lost period? Bad dried!".
Someone manages to restore the hormonal system and cycle for a couple of months, and someone treated over the years. Some athletes who do not miss a single season, constantly live without any signs of the girl.
By the way, many of the speakers are mothers? I honestly tried a few dozen athletes – stars of integrame. Found those who spoke-spoke, and then hop and kids. Admit that rare examples are still there. But this is the exception rather than the rule.
Willpower: iron and unwavering
Few of them are recognized as sitting on the floor in the kitchen, they're crying, swallowing cakes and other sweets. Swallowing, because I can't stop – their mind has failed. But hormones continue to repeat: I want a sweet. And the brain says: I want a cool body. And girls naturally tears from conflict within ourselves. Because having an awesome body – narcotic pleasure. The inability to withstand disruption – deceit razbalansirovat hormones.
They all tell us stories about how eat strictly chicken Breasts and a handful of buckwheat. But on such a diet will live a long time. Will not receive from him the necessary vitamins and trace elements second. Necessarily you will break is third. Girls with whom I spoke, as one admitted into the rigid and rather regular breakdowns. You to understand that failure is not sweet to swallow. To eat pounds of sweets, washing them down with the bitter tears of dissatisfaction and the inability to resist this pull.
Much nicer not to put yourself strict prohibitions. To let everything, but in reasonable limits. And preferably to main meals, when insulin and without that rise.
Swelling after drying
And as they swell after a competition, you know? Plus three, six, ten pounds for a couple of days after the floodlights turn off, and diet will be back (and often burst) carbohydrates. They go to great swelling, it still hurts down to the skin because it is terribly stretched.
Drying before the competition is not just low carbs. It is still the rejection of water during the day before going on stage. And receiving diuretics. This alarm system draining fluid from the body, of course, will bear fruit.
When I was learning fitness courses saw with my own eyes girls the next day after the competition. To be honest, some just don't know. Swelling, such as if their entire night chewing wasps.
Pharmacological effect on hormones
And Pharma? Have you ever seen fitnessista that openly says: Yes, I dry all year round, with abs, because in the course of a Pharma? No, they will mislead us with their instagram, and 100-gram portions of chicken. It is a lie! If the girl trains hard and always sits on a radical calorie deficit, she will lose weight until you kill up their hormonal system. And then the game will start on other rules... When the pounds appear from air. But there's nothing you can do. And further cuts calorie might lead anywhere. Even in the light.
Depending on the category in which the athlete is selected course of pharmacology. This can be anything ranging from the relatively easy "Clenbuterol" until the hormonal drugs which the girls coarse voice, grow hair where I shouldn't increase in size of sex organs... and muscles, of course, grow, grow, what is really there:)
But few recognized. All straight girls. All kuroguwai:)
Natural or unnatural breast (human:) )
Smart smart enough to admit that Yes, it was the case, inserted the implants, inserted at a certain scheme.
The majority yells: all your all natural! Why it is almost impossible to dry the body, retaining ample bosom? Because this part of the female body consists of fatty tissue and glands. The ratio of these tissues may be different. Those who have cancer more, suffer from losses in volumes less. And Vice versa. But for the most part reduce fat in the body to a minimum leads to the fact that the chest turns into a sack of glands. But the scene is from – disparity. And low scores from the judges. Therefore, almost all titled bikinili as one with silicone. I'm not saying that artificial Breasts – this universal evil. I am for the truth...
And then what?
... and fitness for health, vitality, vigor and adequate beauty. But I am against fitness, which is just decimated by HLS, and in fact cripples the body and psyche.
I know that I began to see the endless flow of false information from the fitness bikini? They also repost to help different athletes to transfer money for treatment. I think the hour is short, when yesterday's stars fitness scene will begin to crumble. But it is inevitable. Alas:( Month without carbs for one protein? Hard drying? Farma? Exercise ad nauseam? Medicines? What are the kidneys and other organs will survive here?
And joints? And the knees? And spines? They do not squat with adequate weight. More, more more!
I what is all this? Beautiful picture too, need to consider adequately. I unsubscribed to instagram from anyone who leads me by the nose. Who says that trains a lot, eats 1000 kcal and it dry the body and the cycle in place. Unsubscribed from those who filled in the priests and the silicone was pulling my leg exercises at the press, which will undoubtedly lead to a juicy buttocks.
But left those who lead the ordinary life of a normal person. Who does in this world something more than the hall and the choice of swimsuit for the next competition. People who are not so perfect in appearance, but they look perfectly and they pose a tremendous energy attracting and cozy. People depending on the day of the cycle "fills". People who sometimes take breaks in training, because they have work, family or other circumstances. People who are not fixated on the thickness of fat on the stomach. But understand the difference between this thickness and do not allow themselves to leave the shores.
Believe me, the distinction between the mind and the addiction here is very, very thin. This I say to you – the person who this face felt and was almost lured to something. But just woke up and realized. Happiness in movement and in self-development. In health. In the energetic body. But not in a rocking chair for Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
I greatly expanded its own installation. And I'm glad. I lived in different an introduction: and understanding that I did not, and with the understanding that today is impossible, tomorrow and burn all the blue flame, and with full care lead. But I was looking for the middle ground where I will eventually be okay. Not that it looks like good, but in the soul hell. And is really good. Harmonious. When you understand everything, agree with everything at the level of chromosomes, when you're every day in joy. When you train for health, not numbers on the scale or inch tape. When sport for you — it is hygiene, and not an endless race.
Here's a fitness health I love. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: kurbatishka.livejournal.com/268799.html