Fitness for women 45 years
While the woman feels like a woman, she wants to be beautiful, slim, healthy, charming, attractive. Any woman until she feels loved and cherished, as if deprived of age – and she was always 19 years old! But still we have to admit that organisms of a young girl and a Mature woman differ greatly. This means that methods of maintaining beauty for women of different ages should be different. Not only different creams, different clothing, different hairstyles, even fitness. Because not only the skin but also the internal processes of Mature women and young girls vary considerably. Especially visible the aging process after the age of 45. Therefore, we pay more attention to this critical age.
What happens to women of Mature age? After 45 years in women there is a tendency to excess weight – more than at any other time. And the point here is not that the children are grown, and you can relax – women after 45 years radically changed the hormonal balance. Female hormones become less and the men more. Hence the solidity and heaviness. Fitness and sports, as we know is a great remedy for depression and sadness. And the woman in such a delicate age, these psychological ailments manifest themselves quite often. Compare his body with the body of other women is usually not in your favor, cute kids grew up and no longer need hot loving their mother, and the husband often chooses to chat with a TV romantic evenings. Skin fade, the gutter body, in the mirror in the morning all the more noticeable wrinkles – thoughts sad. But, I must say, when you sweat all over your body in the gym, you have no time for sadness! In addition, active fitness not only distract from the sad thoughts – they really slow the aging process. Blood circulation is improved, muscles are tightened, and there you look out the wrinkles, got tummy, lifted Breasts. Beauty! The choice of "your" program meanwhile, remember that your body is already somewhat worn. Even if you have always led a healthy lifestyle, for so many years of stress at work and at home, for as much time breathing the dirty air of the cities, after years of eating different kinds of your body has appeared not too healthy fat. And may you not suffer from high cholesterol, have no excess fat, let you feel the symptoms and pain alas, your body is not something that in 20 years! So remember that chasing girls who get a great result – it is useless. However, this does not mean that you are worse. You just don't like them. In 45 years of life, you may have already acquired some chronic diseases and ailments. This means that the choice of fitness you should be approached very meticulously. Criteria of "like – dislike" is not enough. Be sure to consult with your doctor and trainer before you start training: if a selection is made inadvertently, instead of beauty you will receive a pain! Fitness after 45 Special sport ladies "Golden" age does not exist in nature. But there are sports and fitness, which it is permitted the attendance not only for young persons with good health and well-being. The ideal types of workouts from this point of view, swimming, yoga, bodyflex, Pilates, some strength exercises, and in addition, Cycling and Jogging. If the very concept of "sport" and "fitness" you cringe, you can just dance!
Your workout so, whatever fitness you choose, for you, there are some General rules. They do not need to complicate your life, and to make lessons more effective. Initially distribute the load. For women of Mature age, she is approximately as follows: per week 3-5 activities with aerobic exercise for about half an hour each, 2-3 sessions a power load, with the same duration. Remember that there are no magical exercises that will help a Mature woman to turn into a young maiden. Therefore it is not necessary after each session to stand on the scales and measure the depth of wrinkles. It would be good to accurately represent why you chose this occupation. Decide what you want to achieve: flexibility of joints, beauty and smartness of the muscles, improve well-being? If you notice that classes bring results, do not forget from time to time to increase the load – the previous rules you will not give anything new. Not to grasp at everything at once. For a start, indicate which sites you think are the most problematic. On the advice of a business every day to work on one task: Monday work on your circulation, and Wednesday will be devoted to strengthening the back muscles, on Friday, work on flexibility of the ligaments. But to drive themselves daily intensive trainings, after which you can't crawl out of bed, not worth it. This is not fitness for women, and a mockery! Remember that once you start training do not need. Even in dance classes before the lesson, hold a light workout – not to mention strength exercises. Doing even the most easy and enjoyable types of fitness, don't forget to take a break. After each approach to strength training, rest for 1-2 minutes. So your body is not used to aerobic training, change them every two months, changing the exercises, changing the number of repetitions. Remember that your victory will come through the regularity and persistence. Nothing is impossible and everything starts small. Never mind that now your body looks and feels not the best way for a real woman nothing is impossible! With joy and love to engage in fitness every day, in every spare hour! In this case, believe me, even the young men will appreciate your beauty, and put you in some of the most beautiful women in the world! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: feeling-good.ru/articles/body/fitness/fitnes_dlya_zhenshchin_45_let/

What happens to women of Mature age? After 45 years in women there is a tendency to excess weight – more than at any other time. And the point here is not that the children are grown, and you can relax – women after 45 years radically changed the hormonal balance. Female hormones become less and the men more. Hence the solidity and heaviness. Fitness and sports, as we know is a great remedy for depression and sadness. And the woman in such a delicate age, these psychological ailments manifest themselves quite often. Compare his body with the body of other women is usually not in your favor, cute kids grew up and no longer need hot loving their mother, and the husband often chooses to chat with a TV romantic evenings. Skin fade, the gutter body, in the mirror in the morning all the more noticeable wrinkles – thoughts sad. But, I must say, when you sweat all over your body in the gym, you have no time for sadness! In addition, active fitness not only distract from the sad thoughts – they really slow the aging process. Blood circulation is improved, muscles are tightened, and there you look out the wrinkles, got tummy, lifted Breasts. Beauty! The choice of "your" program meanwhile, remember that your body is already somewhat worn. Even if you have always led a healthy lifestyle, for so many years of stress at work and at home, for as much time breathing the dirty air of the cities, after years of eating different kinds of your body has appeared not too healthy fat. And may you not suffer from high cholesterol, have no excess fat, let you feel the symptoms and pain alas, your body is not something that in 20 years! So remember that chasing girls who get a great result – it is useless. However, this does not mean that you are worse. You just don't like them. In 45 years of life, you may have already acquired some chronic diseases and ailments. This means that the choice of fitness you should be approached very meticulously. Criteria of "like – dislike" is not enough. Be sure to consult with your doctor and trainer before you start training: if a selection is made inadvertently, instead of beauty you will receive a pain! Fitness after 45 Special sport ladies "Golden" age does not exist in nature. But there are sports and fitness, which it is permitted the attendance not only for young persons with good health and well-being. The ideal types of workouts from this point of view, swimming, yoga, bodyflex, Pilates, some strength exercises, and in addition, Cycling and Jogging. If the very concept of "sport" and "fitness" you cringe, you can just dance!
- If a healthy lifestyle is in your blood and you are constantly engaged in fitness, you just clever! Meanwhile, you have to remember that even with a constant load you are younger. Unfortunately, the older you get, the more you weaken. So after 45 years, even the athletes, it would be good to reduce load, although the duration of the classes can remain the same.
- If you have decided to do fitness, to freshen up, at first it is better to attend the lessons, to observe, to talk with the coach. The coach will tell you exactly what muscles, joints, internal organs represent the main load. Well remember all this, and then go back to your GP – what he has to say on this matter. Of course, you can visit a doctor and here in the fitness club. But remember – he is the person concerned.
- If you only start to exercise after years of laziness, best to start with bodily practices low impact with yoga for beginners, elementary classes, Pilates or other aerobic exercise. If you are basically happy with your body, then you can suffice as a core workout.
- If you would like, in addition, slightly tighten flabby muscles and tummy, you also need a power load. Even if you are a woman, weak and gentle, do not settle for the minimum load for a long time. It develops endurance, but the muscles so you do not tighten. After 45 years not afraid to engage in moderate strength – on the contrary, it will be even useful. Only need to deal with is not in the common room and not uncontrollably, but only under the supervision of a coach.
- If power loading is not for you, but back and legs are a little sore, you can advise exercises on the ball. Fit-ball is very interesting! The unstable surface makes lessons not only fun, but also very efficient – using a large solid ball you will strengthen the muscles of the back, hips, chest, arms and abs.
- If you are shy to go to the gym, buy good running shoes or a Bicycle. Short and long run perfectly rejuvenate is known since the time of Hippocrates. Know how to ride a bike – ride all summer. Do not have to allocate a special time because you can go to the store, to market, to visit a neighbor at the cottage.
Your workout so, whatever fitness you choose, for you, there are some General rules. They do not need to complicate your life, and to make lessons more effective. Initially distribute the load. For women of Mature age, she is approximately as follows: per week 3-5 activities with aerobic exercise for about half an hour each, 2-3 sessions a power load, with the same duration. Remember that there are no magical exercises that will help a Mature woman to turn into a young maiden. Therefore it is not necessary after each session to stand on the scales and measure the depth of wrinkles. It would be good to accurately represent why you chose this occupation. Decide what you want to achieve: flexibility of joints, beauty and smartness of the muscles, improve well-being? If you notice that classes bring results, do not forget from time to time to increase the load – the previous rules you will not give anything new. Not to grasp at everything at once. For a start, indicate which sites you think are the most problematic. On the advice of a business every day to work on one task: Monday work on your circulation, and Wednesday will be devoted to strengthening the back muscles, on Friday, work on flexibility of the ligaments. But to drive themselves daily intensive trainings, after which you can't crawl out of bed, not worth it. This is not fitness for women, and a mockery! Remember that once you start training do not need. Even in dance classes before the lesson, hold a light workout – not to mention strength exercises. Doing even the most easy and enjoyable types of fitness, don't forget to take a break. After each approach to strength training, rest for 1-2 minutes. So your body is not used to aerobic training, change them every two months, changing the exercises, changing the number of repetitions. Remember that your victory will come through the regularity and persistence. Nothing is impossible and everything starts small. Never mind that now your body looks and feels not the best way for a real woman nothing is impossible! With joy and love to engage in fitness every day, in every spare hour! In this case, believe me, even the young men will appreciate your beauty, and put you in some of the most beautiful women in the world! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: feeling-good.ru/articles/body/fitness/fitnes_dlya_zhenshchin_45_let/