New year — new fitness

Alternative running
I think that in this area is nothing new to invent anymore? Like, like running man a few thousand years ago, and runs? And that's not so!
One of the cross-country trends of the season — a return to the same run, which was done by our very distant ancestors, namely running barefoot. In the West he is known as the most useful and closer to nature. If there is no desire/possibility/not allow weather to run Sov SEM barefoot, it can be done in special shoes — like gloves for feet "shoes" with five fingers.

But that's not all! At present gaining popularity of another non-standard variety of running — running backwards, which supposedly helps to vary your routine to improve coordination, to spend more energy and burn more calories. Finally, such a run if less harmful to joints and could be the salvation for those who due to pain they can not run as usual. Indeed, if in the ordinary run, we start with the toe and land on the heel, while running backwards, quite the opposite — we start with the heel and landing on the toe.
Understandable and relatively large energy consumption runs backwards: making the unusual movement, we spend about 30% more energy than in normal running. This is not a guess, a conclusion confirmed by the study of the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa.
Important precaution: to run backwards recommended, of course, only on the treadmill, and not on the streets or in the woods. And again, you begin to see running need slowly and carefully to avoid embarrassing falls and injuries.
Climbing a rope Is not yet a separate species fitness, as part of training in crossfit or functional training. However, the ropes begin to appear in gyms more often — however, as a coach and training for crossfit. Perhaps the first thing you think on seeing the fitness center of the rope hanging down from the ceiling, it's "wow, just like in high school"! But, actually, this is not just fun, as it was for most of us in school lessons of physical education. No, climbing a rope is a very effective exercise that not only involve almost every muscle in the body, but also develops coordination and balance. Also the rope — a great workout for the muscles-stabilizers, that is, those who do not participate in the usual motions, and therefore to develop them is particularly difficult. It is recommended that both men and women.
Sleek Technique Fitness ballet or Sleek Technique is a program based on dance of the ballet movements, designed by the British professional ballerinas Flik Swann and Victoria Marr.

If you think that Sleek Technique is something like already common in many clubs program, body ballet, it is not of this and owls that. Between the two activities is quite a significant difference. Body ballet — is more stretching, and not dance; practice focused on stretching and not on learning the dance steps. And fitness ballet is cardio training, turning in the dance, the opportunity to really touch the ballet, regardless of physical training and of the number of years.
Of course, Sleek Technique is a program primarily for women wanting to strike the suppleness and grace, improve posture, and finally, efficiently burn calories to the rhythm of the dance.
Zoophytes ZUU or zoophytes is a new program that includes exercises that simulate the movement of animals. Based on seven basic primal movements: push, pull, tilt, twist, squat, kick and jump.
In fact, zoophytes is a combination of intensive interval training (when the strength exercises are interspersed with exercises aimed at recovery) and cardio training, during which intense energy and burn calories. It is assumed that, due to the increased intensity of the program, do are enough trained people. Just half an hour of TETRANITRATE you can burn as many as 600 calories.
Fitness on trapezes In fact, the fitness for the trapeze first began to promote in 2008 Reebok trainers together with trainers from Cirque Du Soleil. But the mass of the equipment for these sessions began to appear in clubs just now.
The special harness that run exercises, designed for weight up to 150 kg Training is a complete strength training with elements of circus acrobatics, which develops including flexibility and balance.
Fitness on trapezes — a great way to strengthen your muscles and give them the necessary relief, to improve coordination and just love the sport.
Source: fitfixed.com