9 phrases that can not talk to customers on the phone

1. "I do not know»
Alternative: "Let me clarify this matter" ("You can wait a little while I will update information»).
2. "I can not promise you anything»
Alternative: "I will do everything possible to resolve your issue».
3. "I do not understand»
Alternative: "Please be more specific" ("Let me clarify, whether I understand you»).
4. "You got me wrong»
Alternative: "Let me explain again" ("I wanted to say that ...»).
5. "You must»
Alternative: "So I decided as quickly as possible your question, you can with your hand ..." ("Great would be if you ...»).
6. "You are wrong»
Alternative: "Yes, I agree with you, there is an opinion, at the same time ...»
7. "One a moment" ("Do not hang up, stay on the line»)
Alternative: "I just need a minute to .... You can wait on the line or should I call you back? »
8. "This is the last item in stock»
Alternative: "This product is actively selling out, and the next delivery will not soon».
9. "How did you find us?»
Alternative: "Let me clarify, how did you find us?»
And now - for those who want to continue ...
4 common mistakes made by call-managers
Using a conversation with the client diminutive words. For example: zayavochka, bell, pokupochka, dogovorchik etc.
Excessive obsession. No need to try to extract as much information from the client, while completely ignoring his "desire information».
The absence of pauses of conversation "on the machine."
Dry memorized text should "issue" is dosed, with emphasis, pauses and holding another client may feel unnecessary.
Abuse in a conversation with the client "words-doubt." For example: perhaps, perhaps more likely, maybe, I'm not sure, etc.