Increases if the mat productivity in the office?

Strong expression strengthen the corporate spirit of the company, relieve stress and improve ultimately productivity. writes the influential German magazine Spiegel, the conclusion made by Yehuda Baruch, a professor of management at the University of Norwich (East of England) and a graduate of the University of Steward Jenkins.
According to the study, the chief of prohibiting use profanities, chops off "key link" between employees, which has a negative impact on motivation and performance.
Thus, intolerance to battle executives should reconsider its position. British study called "The use of profanity in the workplace and tolerant management culture: when anti-social becomes social and rude - the norm", it requires a completely different openness to what researchers call the "ideas, puzzling».
"Employees of companies regularly use profanity, and not necessarily in a negative or insulting manner," - said Baruch.
It was found that the vast majority of workers and employees uses foul language at work as a way of emotional release.
Experts believe that it is - a remarkable phenomenon, which should be encouraged managers. Mate allows you to relieve stress, overcome fatigue and efficiently find a solution to the crisis or conflict situation. In addition, the use of obscene terms also puts the company's employees on the same level, which significantly strengthens the solidarity of the team and, as a consequence, labor productivity, writes RussianNY.
It is important to know at the same time when it is appropriate to let off steam: Baruch and Jenkins strongly recommend the use of strong language to communicate with the boss or clients. In all other situations, they will help to strengthen solidarity among employees and express feelings.
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