10 ways to increase their awareness.
1. True increases awareness, reduces its lies.
Whenever you accept the truth, promote the truth, tell the truth - you raise their awareness
. 2. Courage increases awareness, reduces its cowardice.
Courage always requires a conscious effort. For the manifestation of cowardice do not need anything - except to close eyes and hide in a corner. In making decisions, think about the courage required if the decision. If not, maybe you're just hiding from the problem, lowering your awareness.
3. Compassion increases awareness, reduces its cruelty.
The manifestation of compassion can only take place in a state of awareness. The manifestation of cruelty only in the unconsciousness can occur - is unlikely you will want to be deliberately cruel
. 4. The desire to increase the awareness, apathy lowers it.
It can be a long time to think about what is good or not your desires, how good you have set goals, but the fact that the well-defined desire to raise awareness. If desires are vague, there is no focus - awareness is reduced. The clear desire to generate action. Indefinite desires lead to apathy. A large number of desires without the certainty that you carried out at the moment, decreases awareness. Therefore it is necessary to define their goals and to choose one that you carried out at the moment - it will increase your awareness
. 5. Attention increases awareness, reduces distraction it.
Warning - the key to consciousness. The attention to themselves, their thoughts and emotions, to others, to their mood, to words, to what is happening. All this - raises awareness. In a state of deep awareness to the limit you focused. Encouraging manifestation of attention around you, each time becoming more and more conscious person.
6. Knowledge increases awareness, reduces its ignorance.
Always try to ensure, to learn more, search for knowledge not only about themselves but also within ourselves - it raises awareness. When you close your eyes to the knowledge you downgrade awareness.
7. Common sense increases awareness, reduces its inconsistency. Consciousness can be increased, even when you do not use your mind, for example, during meditation, when you do not think about anything. However, when you use intelligence when you are judicious, you are no longer doing good to increase their awareness than when you are inconsistent in their arguments.
8. Conscious people raise awareness, reduce its irresponsible people. Talking to people who live consciously and constantly improve their awareness, and helps you to raise awareness. People living less consciously, will drag you to their level. You can choose the people with whom you live, work and communicate. Seize this opportunity.
9. Health and energy to raise awareness of the disease and reduce its passivity. Laziness, inactivity lowers your consciousness and eventually lead to disease. Fill the every action of energy - and that will raise your awareness
. 10. The intention to raise awareness increases it. The intention of lowering it lowers awareness. This is the power of intention - if you're really going to want to improve their awareness, life itself will tell you how to do it. Consciousness can be increased infinitely.