I lost my soul mate
Hello YaPovtsam. No it is not pink snot, and in general is not about love. In this thread I will tell you how I lost twice. From 180 pounds to 90. Please do not break. How to finish - please. And it all started with that one morning I went to the mirror and saw that there staring at me for it.
Needless to say that 90% of my attempts to drive up to the girls ended in Fail? Martini then was my best friend in this matter, and the choice was terrible, to increase the chances. And of course, had a lot of nonsense to bear. And it gave me the hardest, because I introvert and communicate with people on the "empty" theme niochem difficult for me.
"Admiring" a little view, I realized that so fucking live. And resolutely told myself that tomorrow I'm on a diet. After that, a little more stood at the mirror and went there. Although the beginning of this story is not even with this, and with the fact that as a child I suffered pneumonia twice in the legs, she gave a complication. And I got to the hospital when he was with one foot in the other world. I will not go into details, because it is a very long story. But in general support for the life of me pricked harmony, which I Rusper by leaps and bounds. But I'm not in any way saying that they say we are not, and life is and that I am not on the wine. My fault was it 100%. For postoperative rehabilitation and weight loss I have registered dietitians and diet and regular exercise. But I did not comply. And when a little more grown up, and began to drink beer among the same govnarey whom I was then. Rock, black leather jackets and booze. Lots of booze. Four liters of booze usasyval constantly. And it all together with a snack is about two and a half size recommended daily caloric (DGC). And with it, and began to appear health problems. Constantly high blood pressure, hypertension, shortness of breath, sweating, and other "charms" of obesity. And so began the story. The next day I started my way to losing weight. Went to his goal I have for a long time along the way, "filling cones". Many of them could have been avoided learn some math first part, but I did not. What I regret. Comrades decided to lose weight, remember first learn math portion, then your path to weight loss will be much shorter. My first mistake was that I almost stopped eating. I ate only once a day, gradually. Never do. It is better to have more, but less. But then I did not know. Therefore, the first couple of weeks I constantly suffered hunger. Then used and one meal is firmly in my schedule. And, lo and behold, I began to lose weight. But it was not enough. And after the next promise, but is no longer just a girl that I wanted to blow, and one in which I fell in love like a fool, I decided to speed up the process of losing weight and still work out. While I consider myself a very strong person, because in fights I beat even the local CCM Bench Press, and I really was strong enough, but the power that was not because of muscle strength, and stupidly because of the weight. So that the force can and has been, but there was no fitness. So I started with a light and even funny workouts. Ran for two minutes a day, found in a closet that's still three-kilogram dumbbells of my great-grandfather did 10 reps on the biceps.
All my training took a day-by force for fifteen minutes at a fast pace. After that I just fell in exhaustion. But even these workouts have accelerated the process of losing weight. Therefore, looking at gradually decreasing numbers, I continued to work regularly. And over time, I felt doing these, I now seem elementary exercise gets easier and easier. Soon I began to do push-ups on the table, do 25 sit-ups, found two desyatilitrovye cans and fill them with water began to use as projectiles.
I ran for 10 minutes before each workout. But still the training was simple. First warm-up, and then I did two sets of push-ups cycle from the table, the variable weight bench cans standing, sit-ups and slopes reaching for the hands to the floor. From the outside it all certainly seemed absurd and ridiculous, but I did not pay attention to it, and continued to work hard, and scales regularly rewarded me for that, untwisted less and less. After a while, I and this was not enough, because I easily perform this exercise. After that I decided to buy himself a 24-pound dumbbell. It was my first serious piece of exercise equipment. And it was she who encouraged me to do math part. Still only vplane techniques for working with this kettlebell. I began to go to sports resources and learn the proper technique work. There-I began to stumble on different articles about nutrition. These resources have become for me a real mine of information. I realized what I was doing before all wrong, and that if I got acquainted with the math part before, then losing weight would be much faster. There's, I came across a link to a book on weightlifting. Unfortunately I do not remember the author, remember that the book was written during the Soviet era. The book is good and I learned from it how to engage with weights and what to do not to earn injury. On it I became engaged. Get out the right course and I started to work on it. In parallel, I started bringing her food in order. Instead of disposable food I switched to six meals a day. I learned what RSK. Learned calorie proteins, fats and carbohydrates. There's also learned what the glycemic index, learned the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats. And of course about sports and sports pita chemistry. I'll explain later. For easy calculation DGC I have set myself the utility - a calorie counter on the phone. It allows a convenient way to keep your diary consumption and training diary. Leads recalculate your RAC and BMI (body mass index), depending on your performance. The main thing is not to forget to do the measurements and record everything they ate and how well trained. Plus it can advise you on what to cook based on your RAC. Pretty handy thing. Names will not write, so as not to advertise. In general, after the start of classes with the weight and bring their diet in order of my weight loss rates increased markedly. But as we know the appetite comes with eating, and after a few months I decided to try fat burners. I chose Thermo Cuts. But I used it only once. And in principle it has helped me lose a couple of pounds more per month than usual. But the result seemed to me insufficient to endure all that pobochki that bring with them a horse dose of caffeine contained in the fat burner. So I no longer take it. In the meantime, I have become quite easily operated with the weight and I decided that I needed more pressure. And get the next paycheck I went and bought myself like these beauties.
A little later, I still bought the bar, bench and an additional curved neck. A balance meanwhile showed that a third of the way has already been passed. Which could not fail to please, and gave more strength. Plus gradually began to grow muscle. Another nice bonus was the effect of muscle joy. When, after each workout dramatically improves mood. And the next training is already going in anticipation.
But after a while terrible happened. In my life almost simultaneously Linux and anime. These two things have tightened my head, though so I threw in for sports and scored on a diet. Again began to eat one or two times a day. And almost a year and a half I stopped. But while drinking beer, I did not stop. True knowing that I would I do not guzzled booze in general and try to eat smaller meals, not to exceed greatly RSK. Weight at this time slowly grew. But after a while they let me go to the head and again began to climb thoughts like "what am I doing with my life." And after a while I went back to the assigned diet and exercise. And to round up recently typed I decided to try L-Carnitine. Carnitine NOT A fat burner. Carnitine is an amino acid vitaminpodobnaya promotes delivery of fatty acids to the mitochondria thereby increasing the level of ATP production and you feel a surge of energy and it increases your stamina. By increasing the stamina you can work longer in training and therefore spend more. If you do not increase the intensity / duration of training, you do not increase the rate of weight loss simply by taking carnitine as a fat burner. And I'll tell you the result from taking carnitine has been very good. So I took it on his arms in such a difficult task as losing weight and used it three more times. In general as time went on, the weight dropped, muscles grew and I was pleased. After a while I stopped drinking beer and even accelerated weight loss. But after a while I stopped. And I stopped on the figure of 110. The weight has stabilized and held for several months at one level. And even increasing the number of training nikchemu not lead only to overtraining. And carnitine has not helped. And then I decided to try chemistry. My choice fell on the rate fell clenbuterol + thyroxine + yohimbine. Find course description can be on Sports Wiki. Pobochka from taking the course was very strong. During the first week of the course my hands were shaking like zapravskogo drunk. All the time I felt a sense of some unfounded anxiety. And do not fear, but if something is eating, but it is impossible to understand that. But the result was worth it for a month I lost 10 pounds and shot stagnation. and a couple of months, I have to put the squeeze on my current result. Now I weigh 90 pounds. And stop I'm not going. Now I think to increase muscle mass to 95-100 pounds. Looking back, I want to say that I have not done this way for nothing. For and I feel much better, and the women began to refuse less often. True to communicate in "empty" theme for me is still difficult. But that's another story. In general summing up I want to emphasize a couple of points for those whom my story will encourage repeat my experience.
First and foremost, this mat-part. The children learn math portion and you do not make the same mistakes that I made. And most importantly, remember that the basic principle in losing weight is "spend more than you consume." And as long as you stick with it you will lose weight. Even if you only have cakes or just fat. Another question that you will lose weight very slowly and at the same time to feel bad. So that it's still on for the glycemic index, the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and saturation consumed zhirov.Vtoroe advice I can give. At first, do not limit yourself by the number of consumption, and limit yourself to better the caloric content. Replace the sunflower oil in the olive in the diet. Eat more vegetables and grains. Replace the pork to chicken or rabbit beef in the diet. Chocolates on candied and so on. So it will be easier. And you will lose weight at the same time. Gradually, however, still reduce the amount of upotreblennogo.Peyte more tea. Better green. It contains caffeine on the basis of which do a lot of fat burners. You can of course and coffee, but tea is still more caffeine than kofe.Zanimaytes sports. But do not over a mock example only and run. Running is good, but if you do not like, you quickly throw. Can go swimming for example. Or any other sport that you like. I chose as endomorph sport suitable for my body constitution. It was bodybuilding. And that's it, I would suggest to all men who want to lose weight. Although anaerobic workout for an hour you will lose less than an hour of aerobic, but then again vtechenie day will burn calories during recovery. But do not forget about the race. This is the fastest way to burn calories. Therefore, I recommend that you run for 20 minutes before each workout. After an easy 20-minute warm-up jog is a good warm-up. Do not be afraid that after losing weight you will hang on the skin spaniel. And do not listen to anyone who says so. As a person 90 pounds thinner responsibly declare, that all pizdezh and provocation. The skin is pulled together. And she just hangs those who very quickly pohudel.Ne expect that it will be easy and fast. It will be very difficult and time consuming. But the result is worth it. And this point is addressed to all the fat men, and not only to those who want to lose weight. Go to the mirror and look at yourself. And look critically. And if you see a problem, do not run away from the mirror trying to immediately forget what he saw as a nightmare. And try to think of a solution. And remember awareness of the problem is half of its solution. I hope my example will encourage someone to action. And finally, a couple of fotochek for comparison. I'm somewhere in the beginning the way.
And this is me now
And the last.
Posted in [mergetime] 1394872817 [/ mergetime]
All. Can kick.

Needless to say that 90% of my attempts to drive up to the girls ended in Fail? Martini then was my best friend in this matter, and the choice was terrible, to increase the chances. And of course, had a lot of nonsense to bear. And it gave me the hardest, because I introvert and communicate with people on the "empty" theme niochem difficult for me.
"Admiring" a little view, I realized that so fucking live. And resolutely told myself that tomorrow I'm on a diet. After that, a little more stood at the mirror and went there. Although the beginning of this story is not even with this, and with the fact that as a child I suffered pneumonia twice in the legs, she gave a complication. And I got to the hospital when he was with one foot in the other world. I will not go into details, because it is a very long story. But in general support for the life of me pricked harmony, which I Rusper by leaps and bounds. But I'm not in any way saying that they say we are not, and life is and that I am not on the wine. My fault was it 100%. For postoperative rehabilitation and weight loss I have registered dietitians and diet and regular exercise. But I did not comply. And when a little more grown up, and began to drink beer among the same govnarey whom I was then. Rock, black leather jackets and booze. Lots of booze. Four liters of booze usasyval constantly. And it all together with a snack is about two and a half size recommended daily caloric (DGC). And with it, and began to appear health problems. Constantly high blood pressure, hypertension, shortness of breath, sweating, and other "charms" of obesity. And so began the story. The next day I started my way to losing weight. Went to his goal I have for a long time along the way, "filling cones". Many of them could have been avoided learn some math first part, but I did not. What I regret. Comrades decided to lose weight, remember first learn math portion, then your path to weight loss will be much shorter. My first mistake was that I almost stopped eating. I ate only once a day, gradually. Never do. It is better to have more, but less. But then I did not know. Therefore, the first couple of weeks I constantly suffered hunger. Then used and one meal is firmly in my schedule. And, lo and behold, I began to lose weight. But it was not enough. And after the next promise, but is no longer just a girl that I wanted to blow, and one in which I fell in love like a fool, I decided to speed up the process of losing weight and still work out. While I consider myself a very strong person, because in fights I beat even the local CCM Bench Press, and I really was strong enough, but the power that was not because of muscle strength, and stupidly because of the weight. So that the force can and has been, but there was no fitness. So I started with a light and even funny workouts. Ran for two minutes a day, found in a closet that's still three-kilogram dumbbells of my great-grandfather did 10 reps on the biceps.

All my training took a day-by force for fifteen minutes at a fast pace. After that I just fell in exhaustion. But even these workouts have accelerated the process of losing weight. Therefore, looking at gradually decreasing numbers, I continued to work regularly. And over time, I felt doing these, I now seem elementary exercise gets easier and easier. Soon I began to do push-ups on the table, do 25 sit-ups, found two desyatilitrovye cans and fill them with water began to use as projectiles.

I ran for 10 minutes before each workout. But still the training was simple. First warm-up, and then I did two sets of push-ups cycle from the table, the variable weight bench cans standing, sit-ups and slopes reaching for the hands to the floor. From the outside it all certainly seemed absurd and ridiculous, but I did not pay attention to it, and continued to work hard, and scales regularly rewarded me for that, untwisted less and less. After a while, I and this was not enough, because I easily perform this exercise. After that I decided to buy himself a 24-pound dumbbell. It was my first serious piece of exercise equipment. And it was she who encouraged me to do math part. Still only vplane techniques for working with this kettlebell. I began to go to sports resources and learn the proper technique work. There-I began to stumble on different articles about nutrition. These resources have become for me a real mine of information. I realized what I was doing before all wrong, and that if I got acquainted with the math part before, then losing weight would be much faster. There's, I came across a link to a book on weightlifting. Unfortunately I do not remember the author, remember that the book was written during the Soviet era. The book is good and I learned from it how to engage with weights and what to do not to earn injury. On it I became engaged. Get out the right course and I started to work on it. In parallel, I started bringing her food in order. Instead of disposable food I switched to six meals a day. I learned what RSK. Learned calorie proteins, fats and carbohydrates. There's also learned what the glycemic index, learned the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats. And of course about sports and sports pita chemistry. I'll explain later. For easy calculation DGC I have set myself the utility - a calorie counter on the phone. It allows a convenient way to keep your diary consumption and training diary. Leads recalculate your RAC and BMI (body mass index), depending on your performance. The main thing is not to forget to do the measurements and record everything they ate and how well trained. Plus it can advise you on what to cook based on your RAC. Pretty handy thing. Names will not write, so as not to advertise. In general, after the start of classes with the weight and bring their diet in order of my weight loss rates increased markedly. But as we know the appetite comes with eating, and after a few months I decided to try fat burners. I chose Thermo Cuts. But I used it only once. And in principle it has helped me lose a couple of pounds more per month than usual. But the result seemed to me insufficient to endure all that pobochki that bring with them a horse dose of caffeine contained in the fat burner. So I no longer take it. In the meantime, I have become quite easily operated with the weight and I decided that I needed more pressure. And get the next paycheck I went and bought myself like these beauties.
A little later, I still bought the bar, bench and an additional curved neck. A balance meanwhile showed that a third of the way has already been passed. Which could not fail to please, and gave more strength. Plus gradually began to grow muscle. Another nice bonus was the effect of muscle joy. When, after each workout dramatically improves mood. And the next training is already going in anticipation.

But after a while terrible happened. In my life almost simultaneously Linux and anime. These two things have tightened my head, though so I threw in for sports and scored on a diet. Again began to eat one or two times a day. And almost a year and a half I stopped. But while drinking beer, I did not stop. True knowing that I would I do not guzzled booze in general and try to eat smaller meals, not to exceed greatly RSK. Weight at this time slowly grew. But after a while they let me go to the head and again began to climb thoughts like "what am I doing with my life." And after a while I went back to the assigned diet and exercise. And to round up recently typed I decided to try L-Carnitine. Carnitine NOT A fat burner. Carnitine is an amino acid vitaminpodobnaya promotes delivery of fatty acids to the mitochondria thereby increasing the level of ATP production and you feel a surge of energy and it increases your stamina. By increasing the stamina you can work longer in training and therefore spend more. If you do not increase the intensity / duration of training, you do not increase the rate of weight loss simply by taking carnitine as a fat burner. And I'll tell you the result from taking carnitine has been very good. So I took it on his arms in such a difficult task as losing weight and used it three more times. In general as time went on, the weight dropped, muscles grew and I was pleased. After a while I stopped drinking beer and even accelerated weight loss. But after a while I stopped. And I stopped on the figure of 110. The weight has stabilized and held for several months at one level. And even increasing the number of training nikchemu not lead only to overtraining. And carnitine has not helped. And then I decided to try chemistry. My choice fell on the rate fell clenbuterol + thyroxine + yohimbine. Find course description can be on Sports Wiki. Pobochka from taking the course was very strong. During the first week of the course my hands were shaking like zapravskogo drunk. All the time I felt a sense of some unfounded anxiety. And do not fear, but if something is eating, but it is impossible to understand that. But the result was worth it for a month I lost 10 pounds and shot stagnation. and a couple of months, I have to put the squeeze on my current result. Now I weigh 90 pounds. And stop I'm not going. Now I think to increase muscle mass to 95-100 pounds. Looking back, I want to say that I have not done this way for nothing. For and I feel much better, and the women began to refuse less often. True to communicate in "empty" theme for me is still difficult. But that's another story. In general summing up I want to emphasize a couple of points for those whom my story will encourage repeat my experience.
First and foremost, this mat-part. The children learn math portion and you do not make the same mistakes that I made. And most importantly, remember that the basic principle in losing weight is "spend more than you consume." And as long as you stick with it you will lose weight. Even if you only have cakes or just fat. Another question that you will lose weight very slowly and at the same time to feel bad. So that it's still on for the glycemic index, the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and saturation consumed zhirov.Vtoroe advice I can give. At first, do not limit yourself by the number of consumption, and limit yourself to better the caloric content. Replace the sunflower oil in the olive in the diet. Eat more vegetables and grains. Replace the pork to chicken or rabbit beef in the diet. Chocolates on candied and so on. So it will be easier. And you will lose weight at the same time. Gradually, however, still reduce the amount of upotreblennogo.Peyte more tea. Better green. It contains caffeine on the basis of which do a lot of fat burners. You can of course and coffee, but tea is still more caffeine than kofe.Zanimaytes sports. But do not over a mock example only and run. Running is good, but if you do not like, you quickly throw. Can go swimming for example. Or any other sport that you like. I chose as endomorph sport suitable for my body constitution. It was bodybuilding. And that's it, I would suggest to all men who want to lose weight. Although anaerobic workout for an hour you will lose less than an hour of aerobic, but then again vtechenie day will burn calories during recovery. But do not forget about the race. This is the fastest way to burn calories. Therefore, I recommend that you run for 20 minutes before each workout. After an easy 20-minute warm-up jog is a good warm-up. Do not be afraid that after losing weight you will hang on the skin spaniel. And do not listen to anyone who says so. As a person 90 pounds thinner responsibly declare, that all pizdezh and provocation. The skin is pulled together. And she just hangs those who very quickly pohudel.Ne expect that it will be easy and fast. It will be very difficult and time consuming. But the result is worth it. And this point is addressed to all the fat men, and not only to those who want to lose weight. Go to the mirror and look at yourself. And look critically. And if you see a problem, do not run away from the mirror trying to immediately forget what he saw as a nightmare. And try to think of a solution. And remember awareness of the problem is half of its solution. I hope my example will encourage someone to action. And finally, a couple of fotochek for comparison. I'm somewhere in the beginning the way.

And this is me now


And the last.
Posted in [mergetime] 1394872817 [/ mergetime]
All. Can kick.
