Search second half
Search of its second half — is not the search for men/women is search for yourself!
Are you looking for mate? To be together until the end of time, enjoy life and love each other. To create a family and be happy.
Do you believe that if you find your soulmate, then come the infinite eternal happiness will be dancing at the ball like a Princess from the disney cartoon.
So be it! But a little differently. You will dance but within themselves. And not with a Prince or a Princess, and a... After a big hug, which found his soulmate and to give her a promise never to leave.
We are looking for a partner on two principles — very similar to yourself or the opposite. We make the ideal image of “good”, “intelligent”, “caring” or “gentle”, “loving”, “faithful”. We look for what we lack. What was not filled in childhood. We may not have enough attention and love, maybe support, or maybe just bodily affection. We go after our under-. Nedolyubili, nedoocenili, nezahualpilli.
Not aware of these wounds that turned into black holes, we're trying to find someone who can give us love, affection, attention, touch.
We're so eager to quench the old thirst that loved one ready to shove in my black hole. Just stopped hurting.
We are looking for what you want to complement yourself.From this and say that looking for soulmate.
But no one can become for us our other half and nobody can fill our black holes forever. Only at moments and very short.
The secret is what You are looking for a soul mate yourself, because strive for integrity!
You is the person You're looking for.
This can not be? And may still. You ask “where to look for the half of myself?” Answer — inside. Around each black hole nedolyublennosti, netochnosti is a small child that never grew up, remained small and independent. This child is calling and calling for you. And you are confusing this call with the desire to find a partner for life — man or woman. Calling you a little baby that wants to take care of him and wants to grow. He is still waiting for dad or mom, but they weren't coming. Him come you can only choose.
Remember how it was in childhood. You might have a long time to look at the sky, to draw, to throw pebbles into the water. You could do it alone. And this does not feel lonely or half-hearted. Because you were consistent.
No one's fault that we lost ourselves in pieces. Neither the parents nor the society nor God. It's perception and response to events. It is a way of understanding the world and ourselves in it. We so easily lose ourselves to consciously come to wholeness and self-discovery. We are so well executed rules of the first game, but forget about the rules of the second part — to collect himself again and go to the third part — the realization of his destiny.
Remember how it was in childhood, as you sat and just stared at the clouds. Remember this is the state that all is well and everything is in order. So that's it, and you need to return. Returning parts of ourselves, collecting them together, you heal yourself. You will come to wholeness. You'll find a soul mate and become whole.
Holistic woman will look for a holistic man and Vice versa.
And that would be an entirely different story. published
© Satori Om
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.facebook.com/womanpredestinationru/posts/629456380525378:0
Are you looking for mate? To be together until the end of time, enjoy life and love each other. To create a family and be happy.
Do you believe that if you find your soulmate, then come the infinite eternal happiness will be dancing at the ball like a Princess from the disney cartoon.
So be it! But a little differently. You will dance but within themselves. And not with a Prince or a Princess, and a... After a big hug, which found his soulmate and to give her a promise never to leave.

We are looking for a partner on two principles — very similar to yourself or the opposite. We make the ideal image of “good”, “intelligent”, “caring” or “gentle”, “loving”, “faithful”. We look for what we lack. What was not filled in childhood. We may not have enough attention and love, maybe support, or maybe just bodily affection. We go after our under-. Nedolyubili, nedoocenili, nezahualpilli.
Not aware of these wounds that turned into black holes, we're trying to find someone who can give us love, affection, attention, touch.
We're so eager to quench the old thirst that loved one ready to shove in my black hole. Just stopped hurting.
We are looking for what you want to complement yourself.From this and say that looking for soulmate.
But no one can become for us our other half and nobody can fill our black holes forever. Only at moments and very short.
The secret is what You are looking for a soul mate yourself, because strive for integrity!
You is the person You're looking for.
This can not be? And may still. You ask “where to look for the half of myself?” Answer — inside. Around each black hole nedolyublennosti, netochnosti is a small child that never grew up, remained small and independent. This child is calling and calling for you. And you are confusing this call with the desire to find a partner for life — man or woman. Calling you a little baby that wants to take care of him and wants to grow. He is still waiting for dad or mom, but they weren't coming. Him come you can only choose.
Remember how it was in childhood. You might have a long time to look at the sky, to draw, to throw pebbles into the water. You could do it alone. And this does not feel lonely or half-hearted. Because you were consistent.
No one's fault that we lost ourselves in pieces. Neither the parents nor the society nor God. It's perception and response to events. It is a way of understanding the world and ourselves in it. We so easily lose ourselves to consciously come to wholeness and self-discovery. We are so well executed rules of the first game, but forget about the rules of the second part — to collect himself again and go to the third part — the realization of his destiny.
Remember how it was in childhood, as you sat and just stared at the clouds. Remember this is the state that all is well and everything is in order. So that's it, and you need to return. Returning parts of ourselves, collecting them together, you heal yourself. You will come to wholeness. You'll find a soul mate and become whole.
Holistic woman will look for a holistic man and Vice versa.
And that would be an entirely different story. published
© Satori Om
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.facebook.com/womanpredestinationru/posts/629456380525378:0