Slogans that will change your business for the better

1. Break the rules and not fate
If for the sake of someone you break the rules, then you show the flexibility needed at the moment. Thus you show that your company every client deserves to be an exception.
And you show that you are willing to sacrifice something because of the commitment to long-term relationships. This incident happened with me last time I was in New York City hotel. Although I do wrong to make reservations on-line, they still found room for me. Despite the fact that they had other conditions for settlement. And the last time you broke the rules?
2. Be creative symphony, rather than deal
One weekend we wandered into a wonderful art gallery. My girlfriend bought at a good price beaded necklace, which has long wanted to buy. Later, when she went to the mirror and salon hostess quietly asked me her address to send Brittany personal, handwritten card with gratitude. I gave her the address. By the time we got home, the card is already taken. This is not just a service - a kind of music. And your customers after the transaction committed, reverently remember you?
3. Create with inspiration rather than a template
At the wedding of my cousin was a traditional blessing for wine. But he and his fiancee have also demonstrated a new ritual: Spilling a drop of wine. Colleen explained it, that this action is intended for couples in which there is no equality. For couples who are not as lucky as he and Robin. And in this case - is not just a drop of wine, and a drop of hope.
And all who were fortunate enough to be present at this differently now than before looking at the issue of equality in the family. Then it occurred to me: Sometimes, all it became clear that, everything should be confused. I doubt that anyone can inspire doing anything without inspiration. And if you at this time filmed on camera?
4. Earn the respect, not money
Last month I designed a collage for my client's product labels - "Chic sale." When I asked the chairman of the company to share their thoughts about respect, he said: "Respect leads to loyalty. It forces employees to remain at work, customers - to make orders, suppliers - to deliver the goods, competitors - admire you ».
Respect - is your primary line of conduct. If you initially practice this line, therefore, over time, will result (money). Every time people have business with you, you help them feel that they are treated with respect?
5. bestow gifts and not problems
If the gift recipient does not change, it is not a gift. If a person has to make a gift in return, then it is not a gift. If people have to work hard to get this gift, this is not a gift. What you give, should change people. It must penetrate into their soul, and not just take up space on your desk. Otherwise, once that you have done, would be in the bin.
Because in the end, the office would be too many unnecessary things. Then do not smarter than I make a gift that just would support, for example, the victory of the recipient? So does my friend Derek. When any of his subordinates, still in what area, wins, he writes about it in his blog. And what gifts to give to you as usual?
6. Use of human resources, not the machine
Clients need to be humanized services. You should always stick to it, even if it's hard. Unfortunately, in this matter, even a company with the right policy, do not always behave correctly: they are trying to invest in the budget, using machines instead of people. Rather than talk to a live operator, offering customers a robot.
Instead of interacting with managers, clients are encouraged to interactive terminals. Instead emails from real people, customers receive avtorassylki. However, all customers want them treated as human beings, are the same people. And where are you in favor of the budget cut human resources?
7.Sohranyayte interest, and not anything in secret
Every year I spend more than 50 presentations worldwide. And when I say on a variety of topics in various industries, in the end I never remember a speech given to the place of interest. Especially "adapted interest" (the technical term I constructed to refer to all visual, tactile and tangible that will show people that you are not going to go away).
Personally, I use a badge with the name. But it is not just a label, it's a tattoo done on my body. That can show great interest! I wonder what you use to show people that you're not going to go away. Still, when you two hands for anything, people just do not pay attention to it, they also pay dividends. What specific action you take each time the past 10 years?
8. Keep an art, not a brochure
Art is worth it to keep it and share it. This is a unique way to spread the influence of your work. This is a souvenir that you leave the people and he will change and inspire them. In my favorite coffee house «The Mud House» mistress makes coffee latte art. When the cup of coffee is ready, carefully Casey creates foam drink portrait, landscape or flower.
It is a mixture of foam, chocolate and cinnamon. She even carries out orders of the visitors, and the foam can be done something special to your taste. This art made by hand and with love. Your task - to figure out how to stop spoiling the paper and start doing something right. Your brochure funny really affect customers' decisions?
9. Please send love letters, not commercial calls
Love - it's not weakness, love - is the bell that rings all the time. The question is: What does your brand enough to dare to be heard? Company Simplifilm it is. This video company under the leadership of my friend Chris Johnson. When he finds the desired clients, it does not throws their endless stream of advertising materials and commercial literature.
Instead, he sends them an email that says: "Guys, we love you all. We wrote you a letter about love. I know it's silly, but there's nothing you can do about it. And although we have a lot to do, we want to be with you. We believe in what you are doing - is vitally important. " The right person by reading a love letter, can not resist. The thing is that your brand is measured by how much you love. Go where you lead the soul. Whether to recognize its customers in love before it will make someone else?
10. Write a book, rather than emails
Many people involved in my training program, engaged in writing activities. The most common complaint is, "I do not have enough time to finish the book." It is interesting that the same people have no problem with the release of two hours a day for cleaning electronic mailbox.
Because they do not have time to sit around waiting for something small, what will have to answer. If they knew that the verification e-mail - it is no more than a digital neurasthenia! If they knew that the verification e-mail - it's a great way to create the illusion of productivity, and it almost never change the world! Did you come up with all sorts of elaborate tricks to evade this work?
11. build bridges, not barriers
If there were just you, it would be difficult to survive. If there were just you, no one else to rely on. If only you were, there would be no one who pushed to you. If you want to build relationships with their competitors, think their partners. Take the example of "Progressive Insurance».
More than twenty years ago, the company dealing with car insurance has become the first company to provide customers compare their prices with those of its competitors. So customers can easily compare and choose, even if they choose not this company. And to date, the company has become a leader in its field. And all because they are willing to share everything. What are the benefits you can get from your competitors? Remember: There is nothing wrong to be radical.
© Scott Ginsberg