9 phrases which should talk to their children every day

We often think about the fact that each of our phrase, every word spoken to a child can leave his impression on me for life, to form his character and attitude to the world.
The website wants happy children as much as possible, so publishes these phrases are very important to hear each child. Among the daily bustle, don't forget to let your children know that you love them. Not only actions but also words.

Illustrator Astkhik Rakimova specifically for the Website
See also
7 phrases that parents should talk to their children
12 phrases that don't tell the children
60 phrases that really need to talk to your child
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-semya/60-fraz-kotorye-ochen-nuzhno-govorit-svoemu-rebenku-1003760/
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