10 books, over which I cried the whole world

A good book makes the reader experience the strong emotions from boundless happiness to the universal longing. Both are equally useful jolt, after which we are particularly aware of life.
Website together with the Mybook have selected for you 10 books that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Erich Maria Remarche companion Piece is considered one of the most poignant novels of the twentieth century. It tells the love story of two very different but equally lost people. Them everywhere haunted by the ghosts of the past and the memories of the war. Death permeates the narrative, but despite this, the book is filled to the brim with love of life.

John Bolmarcich in the striped pyjamas 9-year-old boy finds a good, but strange friend, who for some reason always hungry, never invites me to visit and even live a strange wire. Children do not understand what is happening in the adult cruel world, they just live in it. This story will touch a nerve and leave a lasting impression.

Annabelle Pitchero sister lives on the mantelpiece In the family Woe, but only Roger is not crying, he was sure someday things will get better. He might be able to become famous all over the country, and even then his sister rose will once again be the happy — one that lives on the mantelpiece.

Jenny Dushanka I live Tessa Scott is only 16, but she knows quite a bit ahead of time, because the girl is seriously ill. Tessa is a list of crazy desires that she needs to fulfill before she dies. It's honest and brave novel, after which I want to enjoy every moment of life as the last.

Stefan Wagneriana heart the Book is about hopeless love beauty paralyzed by narrow-minded officer, is able to respond to her feelings, only pity. However, the strength of her love is so great that not even require reciprocity. Contrary to the circumstances in the girl's heart lives the hope for a miracle that someday she will be able to get up and go.

Mark Levitical shadows the protagonist of the novel, the little boy, endowed with unusual ability to hear the shade and even kidnap them. It can also help the shadows and their owners, changing destiny for the better. Growing up and becoming a doctor, the hero uses his gift to cure the sick, but, unfortunately, he can not help.

Eric-Emmanuel Sitcoske and the Lady in Pink Boy named Oscar with cancer. Now the hospital is his home, and the babysitter the Pink Lady — a second mother. When Oscar learns that he left to live a few days, the Pink Lady offers to play is to count every day for 10 years. So just 12 days, he manages to grow up, fall in love and even grow old.

Ken Kising the cuckoo's nest, Between a prison and a psychiatric clinic, the main character chooses the latter, in vain thinking that it would be better. He declares war on the system and to the end remains true to himself. This story is rough, but honestly it shows all the ugliness of madness and how much blurred the boundaries between sanity and madness.

Marcus Susanny the little thief liesel a hard life — she lives in Nazi Germany, where her father, who is called a strange word "Communist", suddenly disappears, and the mother gives her brother and adoptive parents. On the way, Death takes liesel's brother. And that's when she finds a book. Reading becomes a joy, and the printed words acquire a special force.

Anna Franceaise. Diary in letters Anne Frank died in a concentration camp when she was 15 years old. The girl kept a diary from 1942 to 1944 year. The diary describes the lives and feelings of the teenager and dreams about the future, about the profession, about love, about family life. To read this live and to oppressive the actual book is very hard, but you need to never forget the darkest pages of our history.
Read Photo preview BBC Films
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