How to read 40 books a year
Last year I set myself the task to read 40 books. In general, it is possible, including a book-like mastodon "Atlas Shrugged." At the same time I have a job, a family with 2 kids and a pet-project. In this article, I'll tell you what little life hacking helped me to do all this.
The first and most important question - why. Since I am developing my educational project (here we are at Megamind), the challenge is to work out a lot of educational material. For example, to deal with statistics and probability theory so that it could be explained by any person, that is, on the fingers, I had read a dozen non-fiction books, including "Black Swan", "The Pleasure of the X", "Business Statistics »and« Big data »(in the end it resulted in a webinar," Why in life need a theory of probability »).
Estimate the amount of work and his strength, I have concluded that it is necessary to develop somewhere 3 books per month. As the maximum objective is rounded to 40 books a year
kid said -. Boy did
The first thing I did - a commitment (not sure that the Russian has the right word - is "a commitment to himself," so as not to jump and then do not say to yourself, "If I really wanted to, I would have a hundred books mastered." Been there, done know.)
Technically, it's simple. The site goodreads.com can celebrate Read a book, and you put them to the assessment and review (the site looks like something from the 90's, but good for our purposes). Recently, they have added You «Reading challenge», where you can specify how many books are going to read for a year - in the end it will monitor, how many books do you plan or ahead of otstaёsh from him. Conveniently.
Eaters time
When the goal is ambitious, start a new way to assess the time. In other words, it is possible to structure a new New Year and May Day "holiday." It so happened that we met the New Year in peace and sobriety, so for the first 3 days, I swallowed five small books on 150 pages. The mood was serious.
So you can always find unexpected hour or two for the assimilation of new material.
Big uh
Next time restructuring idea came after the evaluation of the way to work. Since I now live abroad and get to work on the bike, then half an hour a day is spent on the rotation of the pedal in the same direction. It would be foolish not to use this time.
So I came to the idea of audio books. Sites Sea - at the same YouTube has plenty of well-read novels
. So uncomplicated way you can absorb huge books to read that letter by letter lacked spirit, the two-volume "Atlas Shrugged" thousand-and "Shantaram»
. It turned out to audiobooks - is a novel for me cultural stratum. Actors recite books in the people, sound engineers add sounds to the entourage - you end up with a radio show. As a result, because of this creative approach to sound, listening to "For a million years before the end of the world" Strugatsky, sometimes I was really creepy. I recommend.
Another advantage of this kind of listening to audiobooks, which is to me a little difficult to explain, is the development of auditory thinking. If before I thought the pictures, like in the movies, but now the picture as it was supplemented by another "degree of freedom". I do not know whether I have explained clearly.
facebook We all know the situation, when there is nothing, so dostaёsh phone and lazily flipping facebook (or other site). In transport, pot, or before bedtime. I have noticed that Facebook accounts for 53% of all energy consumed my phone (there is such a report in the iPhone).
Arbitrarily Facebook was tucked away in some distant location, and its location on the main screen took iBooks program. I do not like to read such a small screen, but it's better this way a simple read one book per month than stupidly rewind 1.5 km feysbuchnoy tape (I wonder how much energy Humanity spends on it?).
Especially good in this format to read PDF-preview of new books with kniga.biz.ua or "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber».
Sometimes I see my facebook in the browser when the take off funny links. Hundred unwatched alerts - Digital power indicator will
What could improve
First, the books have been many, many, and I focused on the "40" digits, so sometimes purely for statistical read something for the soul, not for knowledge. So the next time it will be important to specify which particular book you need to read necessarily, and not just "40 pieces". In addition, it is convenient to do at the same site Goodreads.com - tag your books as the «Want to read»
. Secondly, at the end of the year the fuse began to fade. We must promise ourselves some tasty bonus at the end of the year.
Results The task I managed 92% - read 37 books from achivku 40. As it can be noted in his resume of LinkedIn - why not? It shows the mood at obtaining new knowledge, perseverance and will. It's always nice to put yourself Ladder. How many books do you read a year? 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 more than 20 do not read at all Voted 565 people. Abstain 102 people. Only registered users can participate in the survey. Come in, please.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/271606/

The first and most important question - why. Since I am developing my educational project (here we are at Megamind), the challenge is to work out a lot of educational material. For example, to deal with statistics and probability theory so that it could be explained by any person, that is, on the fingers, I had read a dozen non-fiction books, including "Black Swan", "The Pleasure of the X", "Business Statistics »and« Big data »(in the end it resulted in a webinar," Why in life need a theory of probability »).
Estimate the amount of work and his strength, I have concluded that it is necessary to develop somewhere 3 books per month. As the maximum objective is rounded to 40 books a year
kid said -. Boy did
The first thing I did - a commitment (not sure that the Russian has the right word - is "a commitment to himself," so as not to jump and then do not say to yourself, "If I really wanted to, I would have a hundred books mastered." Been there, done know.)
Technically, it's simple. The site goodreads.com can celebrate Read a book, and you put them to the assessment and review (the site looks like something from the 90's, but good for our purposes). Recently, they have added You «Reading challenge», where you can specify how many books are going to read for a year - in the end it will monitor, how many books do you plan or ahead of otstaёsh from him. Conveniently.

Eaters time
When the goal is ambitious, start a new way to assess the time. In other words, it is possible to structure a new New Year and May Day "holiday." It so happened that we met the New Year in peace and sobriety, so for the first 3 days, I swallowed five small books on 150 pages. The mood was serious.
So you can always find unexpected hour or two for the assimilation of new material.
Big uh
Next time restructuring idea came after the evaluation of the way to work. Since I now live abroad and get to work on the bike, then half an hour a day is spent on the rotation of the pedal in the same direction. It would be foolish not to use this time.
So I came to the idea of audio books. Sites Sea - at the same YouTube has plenty of well-read novels
. So uncomplicated way you can absorb huge books to read that letter by letter lacked spirit, the two-volume "Atlas Shrugged" thousand-and "Shantaram»
. It turned out to audiobooks - is a novel for me cultural stratum. Actors recite books in the people, sound engineers add sounds to the entourage - you end up with a radio show. As a result, because of this creative approach to sound, listening to "For a million years before the end of the world" Strugatsky, sometimes I was really creepy. I recommend.
Another advantage of this kind of listening to audiobooks, which is to me a little difficult to explain, is the development of auditory thinking. If before I thought the pictures, like in the movies, but now the picture as it was supplemented by another "degree of freedom". I do not know whether I have explained clearly.
facebook We all know the situation, when there is nothing, so dostaёsh phone and lazily flipping facebook (or other site). In transport, pot, or before bedtime. I have noticed that Facebook accounts for 53% of all energy consumed my phone (there is such a report in the iPhone).
Arbitrarily Facebook was tucked away in some distant location, and its location on the main screen took iBooks program. I do not like to read such a small screen, but it's better this way a simple read one book per month than stupidly rewind 1.5 km feysbuchnoy tape (I wonder how much energy Humanity spends on it?).
Especially good in this format to read PDF-preview of new books with kniga.biz.ua or "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber».
Sometimes I see my facebook in the browser when the take off funny links. Hundred unwatched alerts - Digital power indicator will

What could improve
First, the books have been many, many, and I focused on the "40" digits, so sometimes purely for statistical read something for the soul, not for knowledge. So the next time it will be important to specify which particular book you need to read necessarily, and not just "40 pieces". In addition, it is convenient to do at the same site Goodreads.com - tag your books as the «Want to read»
. Secondly, at the end of the year the fuse began to fade. We must promise ourselves some tasty bonus at the end of the year.
Results The task I managed 92% - read 37 books from achivku 40. As it can be noted in his resume of LinkedIn - why not? It shows the mood at obtaining new knowledge, perseverance and will. It's always nice to put yourself Ladder. How many books do you read a year? 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 more than 20 do not read at all Voted 565 people. Abstain 102 people. Only registered users can participate in the survey. Come in, please.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/271606/
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