23 evidence that the books make us better
All we often hear that reading is useful. But what exactly is this good? < Website I have found several studies that tell what specific skills are improving as we read. Now, spend time with a book will be even nicer.
1. Reading reduces stress.
You prefer to walk or listen to music to get rid of stress? Scientists from the University of Sussex believe that instead of this you should read a book. Reading is considered the most effective way to reduce stress. Only 6 minutes of reading more than two-thirds of reducing stress levels.
2. Reading will help get rid of bessonnitsy.
Reading - one of the most effective ways to relax and tune in to sleep. The bright light from the TV or the phone sends a signal to the brain that it's time to wake up. Reading books with subdued lighting has the opposite effect - the brain realizes that it's time to relax.
3. Reading makes you more chutkimi.
While reading you will surely empathize with the heroes of the book. Studies show that, getting artwork, man learns compassion and emotional understanding of another person in real life.
4. Reading improves the functioning mozga.
Scientists at Emory University have shown that after reading the book a person for a few days slightly increases intelligence. The study's authors argue that reading increases the number of neural connections in the brain at a physiological level.
5. Books, Tutorials help fight
with depressiey.
According to a Scottish study, teach-yourself books Reading is an effective way of treating depression. Patients who have been offered such books, one year later showed lower levels of depression compared with patients who received usual care from their general practitioner.
6. Reading makes you more privlekatelnymi.
A high intellectual level makes you more attractive to people. The ability to maintain a conversation on any topic and show off your erudition when meeting gives a greater chance that people will prefer for you.
7. Reading helps to determine life goals and cope with trudnostyami.
Scientists at Ohio State University have found that the more a person reads, the more he identifies with the characters of the book, bringing their model of behavior in your own life. So the book can help to meet the love of life, overcome obstacles, or simply follow the good example.
8. read by people more socially aktivny.
A study conducted by the National Endowment for the Arts, has proven that reading people take a more active part in the activities of cultural and social organizations and communities.
9. Reading improves memory and mental sposobnosti.
Whenever you read, you train your brain. Each time he creates a new connection to save the obtained information. Studies have found that the constant reading or writing people's mental decline in activity is much slower than those who rarely gives such stress on the brain.
10. Reading expands vocabulary.
When you read, you are faced with words that are not commonly used in everyday speech. If a word is unfamiliar, do not necessarily look for it in the dictionary. Sometimes it is possible to understand the value of the total content. Reading not only helps to increase vocabulary, but also increases the overall literacy.
11. Reading develops your writers sposobnosti.
While reading you accidentally adopt the style and manner of writing the author. As well as listening to music can affect the style of a musician and a writer affect the ability of the letter of the one who reads his work.
12. Readers people are often more developed fizicheski.
Research shows that reading people often prefer to engage in physical activity than those who rarely read. At the same time they spend in the gym longer and better working on exercises.
13. Reading helps to be more otkrytym.
This view supports published in the journal «Creativity Research Journal» Study: Literature opens the mind to new ideas. Moreover, people just read the short story, less need for privacy.
14. Reading facilitates learning foreign yazykov.
Regular reading helps to better understand and remember new material, especially when learning a new language.
15. Reading develops the ability slushat.
Ironically, reading improves listening skills, making it easier for the understanding of vocabulary and grammar. This is especially true when you read aloud.
16. Reading develops creative sposobnosti.
When the teachers of the University of Obafemi Avolau included themed comic books in the curriculum of elementary grades, they noticed that the mix of images and words enhances the creativity of children. Just book operate on adults.
17. Reading can prevent disease Altsgeymera.
Various studies have shown that reading makes people less susceptible to Alzheimer's disease. The brain, like any other organ in need of support and strengthen with exercise. And reading - the perfect way.
18. A joint reading improves the relationship between parents and their detey.
Psychologists believe that during a joint reading between parents and children is established a special bond that would never have occurred when a joint TV viewing or other such entertainment.
19. Reading helps to cope with the financial trudnostyami.
According to statistics, 43% of adults with low reading skills live in poverty. Among the readers with high literacy rates of only 4%.
20. Children who read books, much better at ucheboy.
Studies have confirmed that children who read a lot and enjoy it much better at school. At the same time they are making progress not only in grammar and mathematics.
21. Reading helps rehabilitate prestupnikov.
One study found that prisoners who have passed the literacy courses in prison, 30% less likely to commit crimes after their release.
22. Reading makes you a good rasskazchikom.
The more you read other people's stories, the better will tell their. You will learn to filter out unnecessary information and better serve the right. The fun will be your story, the more fun you'll appear to others, the more convincing for them to be your words.
23. Reading encourages making the world luchshe.
Active readers are three times more often engaged in charitable and volunteer activities. Reading urges us to empathize with those who are poor, and extend a helping hand to these people.
According to the materials: distractify
Translation and adaptation: Website
via news.distractify.com/mark-pygas/reasons-we-absolutely-have-to-keep-books-alive/